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January 19, 1969 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-19

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Page Twelve


Sunday, January 19, 1969

Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 19, 1969


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so by the National Interfraternity Conference Dec.5, 1968)


1. Michigan fraternity men's grade point average is higher than
that of non-fraternity men at Michigan.
2. Michigan fraternity system has the highest scholastic rating of
all American and Canadian colleges..
3. The Michigan fraternity system has initiated an educational
trust to strengthen their scholarship programs and study
4. Michigan fraternities offer courses within their houses to sup-
plement University curriculum.
5. Michigan fraternities have aided the Ann Arbor Free School
in offering non-credit courses not offered by the University.
6. Michigan fraternities offer speakers from the university com-
munity within their houses for members and other interested
7. The Michigan fraternity system also offers national speakers
on contemporary subjects for the entire University community
-Fall 1968-Leroi Jones and the Black Arts Theatre, Muham-
med Ali, Timothy Leary, and Bill Baird.
8. Michigan fraternities offer open dances for the student body
as well as concerts-Bob Hope and The Sandpipers (Sept.
9. Michigan fraternities present an all campus Dad's Day in the
fall and an all campus Mother's Weekend in the winter.
10. Michigan fraternities maintain a half million dollar student
buying cooperative.
11. Michigan fraternities have sought to increase services of this
cooperative (Fraternity Buyers Association) by hiring a full-
time manager.
12. Michigan fraternities have envolved themselves in the Ann
Arbor Community Center teaching and entertaining the city's
underprivileged youth.
13. Michigan fraternities sponsor a charity drive in the fall for the
United Fund.
14. Michigan fraternities sponsor the bucket drive for the American
Cancer Society every winter.
15. Michigan fraternities run the Student Blood Bank which sup-
plies blood to graduates and undergraduates in emergencies.
16. Michigan fraternities. sponsor parties for orphans, retarded
children, and crippled children.
17. Michigan fraternities aid international charities (Korean Or-
phans Clothes Drive).

18. Michigan fraternities are working to initiate a program to
bring high school graduates from the inner city to this Univer-
19. Michigan fraternities house and feed foreign students and
other visitors to the University.
20. Michigan fraternities publish a quarterly magazine (THE MICH-
IGAN FRATERNITY COMMENTARY) containing campus news,
features by university and national celebrities.
21. Michigan fraternities publish a bi-monthly newsletter (THE
MICHIGAN REPORTER), containing campus news, art and
poetry features, and varying editorial opinion.
22. Michigan fraternities present radio programming for the Uni-
versity students.
23. Michigan fraternities aid university orientation by contacting
incoming students and their parents during the summer.
24. Michigan fraternities present programs to high school seniors
explaining the University.
25. Michigan fraternities sponsor tours and trips.
26. Michigan fraternity men indivdiually and collectively partici-
pate and support all campus programs and institutions (Home-
coming, Labor Day Weekend, Creative Arts Festival, Michi-
gras, University Activities Center, Course Evaluation Booklet,
Student Government Council, and THE MICHIGAN DAILY).
27. Michigan fraternities helped fight the tuition increase.
28. Michigan fraternities have worked for better relations with
Ann Arbor officials.
29. Michigan fraternities present the IFC Sing, a program of popu-
lar song every year.
30. Michigan fraternities are continuing to improve and expand
their houses, experimenting with new living conditions (apart-
ment living and coed structures).
31. Michigan fraternities pay attention and continue to inform
the alumni of this University of current events. These efforts
help the University maintain their high level of alumni con-
32. The Michigan fraternity system has initiated the National Con-
gress of Interfraternity Organizations which gives undergradu-
ates across the country a greater voice in national fraternity
33. The Michigan fraternity system is growing. One fraternity was
chartered this year. Another fraternity has become a fraternity
colony, and other fraternities are expressing great interest in
establishing themselves in Ann Arbor.


There are 47 fraternities on The Michigan Campus. Most of these frateri
ties take more time, effort, and money to maintain than Student Gover


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