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700 min iiiterates
are concntrated in Asia,
Afrca and Latfin America,
AP Newsfeutures
i terae Remains ro eum
Moscow Talks Indicate
New East-West Fluidity
WASHINGTON-East-West re-
lations are approaching a new per-
iod of fluidity, the Washington
Post reported recently.
There have been, several periods
since World War II when both
sides were attempting to deter-
mine their relationship with the
opposition. Now is such a time.
The diplomatic indicators show
Washington and Moscow are sim-
ilar to two blind men groping
for each other, uncertain whether
they will reach each other's hand
-or neck.
Khrushchev Sticks Neck Out
All the outward signs point to
a change in East-West relations.
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev deliberately made it appear
that he was turning westward by
attending the opening session of
the nuclear test ban talks with the
United States and Britain. At the
same time, his subordinates were
rebuffing tthe Chinese Communists
in another Moscow meeting.
While the current East-West
talks concern a nuclear test ban,
Kennedy administration strate-
gists are attempting to look be-
yond the single issue.
One of the greatest hazards to
United States strategists is the
Tells Ways
To End Bias
Prof. Albert Wheeler of the Med-
ical School said in a lecture Wed-
nesday night that the greatest
problem facing the Negro in his
fight for equality are "apathy, in-
difference and the unconcern of
white citizens."
Speaking before the Newman
Club, Prof. Wheeler, head of the
Ann Arbor chapter of the Nation-
al Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People, comment-
ed that the "issue of human rights
is a moral issue."
The manner in which a commu-
nity treats the problem reflects
upon that area's morals.
One of the fundamental ways
to achieve these human rights is
through church organizations,
Prof. Wheeler said. National
church organizations have become
quite active in the fight for Negro
rights, although clergymen in lo-
cal sections, such as the South,
tend to retard progress.
Another method is through fed-
eral legislation and law. In this
field, the Supreme Court of the
United States has had the most
far reaching affect, he claimed.
Non-violent, direct action and
biracial negotiations are two other
methods Prof. Wheeler considered
important as measures to gain
To Consider Ills
Of Urban Slums
"From the Bottom Up-A Mes-
sage for 'The Other America," is
the title of a discussion to be led
tonight by Robert Butman and
Henry Alting, Grad. The discus-
sion will concern urban slums and
minority group problems. It is at
8 p.m. at the International Center.
"black or
tradition of seeking
white" foreign policy
An agreement on a nuclear test
ban will only bring policy difficul-
ties, the Post claimed. It may
throw open to question the whole
Western "containment" policy
erected against the Communists
since World War II.
There have been several major
periods of fluidity since World
War II. The first was right after
the war when the United States
was pre-occupied with a desire to
return to some sort of "normalcy."
The Soviets were then given the
opportunity to use their military
power in converting Eastern Eu-
rope into a Communist empire.
Another uncertain period fol-
lowed Stalin's death, culminating
in the 1956 Polish and Hungarian
uprisings. The fluid situation al-
lowed the Soviet Union to deal
with the uprisings in its own way
while United States policy remain-
ed immobile.
U-2 Breaks Mood
A third period of "fluidity"
came in 1959-early 1960. The U-2
plane was shot down in Russia a
week before the Paris meeting of
former President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and Khrushchev. This in-
cident took the goodwill out of
that summit meeting and ended
the "spirit of Camp David" which
had prevailed for preceding
The 1959 meeting of Khrush-
chev and Eisenhower at the Mary-
land retreat had raised hopes of
an easing of East-West tension.
After this time, the Red Chinese
greeted Khrushchev with nothing
but scorn proceeding the 1960 fail-
ure of his overtures to the West.
Now that this friction and riv-
alry has become intense, East-
West relations have again become
This was one of the earliest
indications that Communist China
was taking a hard line compared
to the Soviets. It has since be-
come amplified to be one of the
major bones of contention between
the two Communist powers.
Propose Discussion Points
The shape of East-West rela-
tions may be indicated by the
"shopping list" of international
questions to be resolved. The
Kremlin recently submitted such
a list to the United Nations. It
consisted of Soviet suggestions for
the celebration of the 20th anni-
versary of the United Nations in
The subjects ranged from a Ger-
man peace settlement and the so-
lution to the Berlin problem to an
East-West non-aggression pact, li-
quidation of all foreign bases, cre-
ation of world-wide non-nuclear
zones and the banning of foreign
sites for launching nuclear weap-
ons. Also included were withdraw-
al of all foreign troops from South
Viet Nam and South Korea, re-
moval of all trade barriers between
nations and the "prohibition of
war propaganda."
Discussion on these controversial
topics will demonstrate in which
direction East-West relations will
go. If the nuclear testing talks
yield a limited agreement, the
opportunity will bring some new
and challenging questions to the
fore, the Post concluded.
By FRANCIS STILLEY in backward areas reach mature
Associated Press Newsfeatures writer few years.
In an age when stunning new In three places, Ghana, the
scientific achievements are occur- Sudan and Haiti, adult illiteracy
ring almost daily, it seems hard to is estimated at 90' per cent or
believe that approximately one- more.
half the world's adults-more than High Percentage
700 million people-cannot read In Afghanistan and Pakistan
or write. the percentage is around 85 per
And not only that, but the num- cent, in Iran 80 per cent and in
ber promises to increase by many India 73 per cent.
more millions, as illiterate children An estimated 495 million of the
world's illiterates are concentrat-
ed in Asia, Africa and Latin
4 America.
These figures on one of the
er etLOa mr modern Coolin world's great problems are cited
DIAL 5-6290 in a report just issued by a United
Qp 0Nations agency.
UN Report
bags. The agency, the United Nations
that Educational, Scientific and Cul-
am tural Organization (UNESCO),
@l1 Vpresented the report to Secretary
k t' General U. Thant for consideration
of all by the U.N. General Assembly and
the Economic and Social Council.
A Cl.. The report urged that a fund of
c nearly $2 billion be expended in a
Ekb.rg 1 10-year program for teaching
two-thirds of the illiterate adults
In Asia, Africa and Latin America
- to read and write. This would
total about 330 million persons.
The report asserted that "mass
illiteracy acts as a brake upon the
advance both of individual coun-
,tries and of human society as a
whole along the path of economic
and social progress."
PARRY SALTZMAN a ALBERT R. BROCCOU It also said that "universal lit-
eracy will make a vital contribu-
tion to peace and understanding
between, peoples and nations."t
No Schooliplg
HOPe EKbO8 As an example of how world
illiter acy will continue to mount
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the market-it's the
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in a staggering fashion unless
something is done, the report
pointed to the vast numbers of
children n o t n o w attending
school in Africa, the Arab States,
Asia and Latin America.
The estimated school-age pop-
uilation was given as a total of 206
million, and the estimated pupil
enrollment as 110 million.
Taking into- consideration the
fact that many now in school will
drop out before becoming func-
tionally literate, it was estimated
that 150 million more illiterates
will be added to the adult popula-
tion within the next few years.
Other Problems
The UN agency acknowledged
that there are many problems,
other than adequate funds, to be
overcome in carrying out a world-
wide literacy campaign.
It said that during its survey
"reports from all areas showed
that although adults may often
express the desire to learn to read
and write, and although - espe-
cially when literacy campaigns
are in progress-there is initially
an enthusiastic response, attend-
ance at literacy classes often
"One factor affecting the will
to learn was expressed in the re-
port from Viet Nam, as follows:
'Very poor people with large fam-
ilies who have to work so pain-
fully hard all day for the daily
bowl of rice are not much inter-
ested in literacy."
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.-School of Music
15th Annual National Band Conductors
Conference-Registration: Lobby, Sec-
ond Floor, Mich. Union.
2:00 p.m.-Audio-Visual Education
Center Film Preview-"Back-Breaking
Leaf" and "Cattle Ranch": Multipur-
pose Room, Undergrad Lib.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild -
Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck, and Ed-
die Albert in William Wyler's "Roman
Holiday": Architecture Aud.
Testing Questions Vex
WASHINGTON-The two major
problems in winning Senate rati- their mi
a unresolv
- fication of a nuclear test ban been arc
treaty are that the Joint Chiefs not been
of Staff would oppose the treaty, U
and there are technical uncer- Their
tainties in detecting outer space caused b
Washing-tecting I
nuclear explosions, the sMean
ton Post reported recently. technica
The Post predicted that any has bee
ban which includes underground under th
testing will provoke the biggest fense de
Senate foreign battle since the search P
League of Nations treaty of 1919. Projec
But Soviet Premier Nikita S. ing sever
Khrushchev has backed away ing, inc
from including such tests in the space exj
agreement and has swung to the date h
position of favoring prohibitions methods
only on underwater, atmospheric from th
and space nuclear experiments. lites.
Exclude Underground, Space X-ra
HUBERT HUMPHREY Further, 34 Senators, lead by tBth
... wants partial ban Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) the nu
and Sen. Thomas Dodd (D-Conn) Ing x-ra
presented a resolution supporting tronsiw
PAKISTAN:_ a test ban treaty that excluded Becau
underground and space explosions. trate th
T o R evive With Khrushchev's acceptance ed detec
of the United States position on ing seco:
underground tests, the opposition's and ra
rm yfire is now drawn to outer space ground-
"The difficulties in the detec- which c
PAKISTAN (I.-President Mo- tion in outer space tests are great- fects.
hammeAKI bT han(hasdmteder than those in the atmosphere Later
defeat in one of the key elements or under water, Humphrey re- will lau
of his effort to remold Pakistan marked this spring. of twin
since he seized control in 1958: Chiefs of Staff View must be
He has failed to banish politicians This is the core of the privately- tector sa
and political parties, whom he expressed, but generally publicly- Ad
blames for the ills of this South known positions of the Joint Recen
Asian nation. indicates
Chiefs of Staff. The view was pre- advanta
With Ayub's strong man form of sented to a closed hearing of Sen- is no lir
presidential government increas-
ingly accused of financial and po- ate preparedness subcommittee device u
litical corruption, there is rising last month by outgoing Chief of it had be
talk of younger officers trying to Naval Operations Adm. George W. On th
take over. Anderson and Air Force Chief of bound e
The president's younger brother, Staff Curtis E. Lemay. and con
Bahadur Khan, brought this talk in thec
into te oen withrucent speech .The chiefs do not like any lim- missile
in the National Assembly here. He itation on nuclear tests, however,nspac
is leader of the Assembly opposi- with strong public opinion ex- mnspaer
tion to Ayub's government. Baha- pected to favor the ratification of osphen
dur said the opposition would re- a test ban treaty, they are likely ou can
sist any effort by younger offi- to os only t o tespace can do
cers to revive dictatorship-or by provisions, the Post predicted. ground
anyone else, apparently meaning The military chiefs have long pensive
Ayub too. contended they need nuclear tests attractiv
There are reports that Ayub may to perfect newly-devised nuclear
impose martial law in order to keep weapons, especially the anti-mis-
power. sile missile whose effectiveness de- It'
Yet as the prestige of the gov- pends on an atmospheric explo'.B
ernment has declined, that, of the sion that would destroy enem
opposition has failed to rise. The missiles. Missiles travel too fast B
opposition is divided into personal and the warning time is Insuffi- SH
cliques, but no party can make a cient to knock them out with di-S
convincing claim to mass support. rect hits.
Most of the 100 million persons in A head count on Senate ratifica- S
this impoverished, und~developed tion at this time, the Post said, THE E
country are ignorant of political would not be very illuminating. ne
developments. Many senators have not made up
IST Perfects
New Crystals Cie.',z i4
A new automated device for
growing crystals of substances with
high melting points has been de- SUMMER 1
yeloped at the Institute of Science
and Technology. The device pro-
duces large single crystals of (All showings Friday and Saturday
greatly improved structural qual- except where otherwise
ity and makes it possible to grow
new or unknown crystals. This
breakthrough is expected to spur
rapid advances in the area of
crystal research-increasingly im-J U LY 19, 20
portant to fundamental scientific
studies and many applications in
electronics, optics, and communi- Wiliam v ye
Audrey Hepburn, Grec
ETI N { %Eddie Albert
Sophisticated comedy of per
iowing schools wiil be at the Bureau Academy Awan
to interview candidates:
MON., JULY 22-
Wyoming, Mich. (Godwin Heights) -
Elem.-vocal, HS Sci./Math, SS/Eng-
lish (Journalism minor), Kdg., 2nd,
Trust Territory, Mariana Islands--Ed- ADMISSION 50 C
ucation Specialists.
WED., JULY 31-
Ortonville, Mich.-E. Elem.
* * *
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap- One Show Only
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext.
3547, at 7:20 P.M.
to his fellow man
. ..8:00 P.M. g
Iliam, Apt. 3AR *O
n C~AiI 1 nr%i'%kA .,,f&*00
Inds, partially because th
ed, nebulous issue ha
ound so long that it ha
taken seriously.
ncertainty in Space
indecision is partiall
y the uncertainties of de
nuclear tests in space.
while, research on th
d side of this questio:
n underway since 195
he sponsorship of the de
partment's Advanced Re
rojects Agency.
t Vela has been research
al aspects of nuclear test
luding underground an
periments. The program t
as attempted to devis
of spotting space test
e ground and from satel
ys, Neutrons Detectable
§ystems essentially rely of
clear explosion's produc
ys, gamma rays and neu
,ich can be detected b
se none of these rays pene
e atmosphere, ground bas
tion depends on measur
ndary effects with optics
dio instruments. Bu
based devices have mucl
nited range than satellite
an measure primary ef
this year the United State
nch the first in a serie
satellites to learn wha
done before building de
vantage to Space Test
t. Congressional testimon
the advantages and dis
ges of space testing. Ther
nitation on the size of th
hat could be exploded ani
be difficult to prove tha
en shot off.
e other hand, the earth
ffects on other warhead
mmunications -importar
development of an anti
dystem-cannot be studie
e because it has no at
e expert said, "Anythin
do in outer space, yo
with unrestricted under
tests. Space testing is ex
enough to make it les
s Complete
rber Services !
Try one of our:
hoe Shines Available
ar Michigan Theater
at 7 and 9 P.M.
.C":. . . . . . . . . . ..;.;.};-::fa3:ii: v:i::Y:}Y':;::"{:tali".,v,{.""r ::".i:iai:{."::'"": :Y"y.}" :.; ..w..vv.:"^ .ett., v .v .
gory Peck
ennial appeal.
of C1-38," today, 629 Physics-Astronomy
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. C.
General Notices
French and German Screening Exam-
inations: the screening examinations
in French and German for doctoral
candidates will be administered on
Tues., July 23 from 3 to 5 p.m. in Aud.
C, Angell Hall. Doctoral candidates must
pass the screening examination before
taking the written test in French or
Students, College of Engin.-The final
OUT RECORD will be Friday, July 19.
A course may be dropped only with
the permission of thet classifier after
conference with the instructor.
U.S.I.A. and State Dept. Foreign Serv-
ice Exams-TODAY is the last day to
pick up applications for the exams,
because they are due in Washington
on the 22nd. Applications available at
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB.
Peace Corps Exam is Tomorrow, July,
20 at 8:30 a.m. in the Civil Service
Rm. of the Post Office, downtown sta-
tion. The nextexam will be on Aug. 24.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for inter-
view appointments with the following:
Des Moines Community Playhouse -
Seeking a Technical Director, with
background in Scenic Design. Position
will be equivalent of Assistant Direc-
tor. Would like to interview men or
women with such desire and back-
WED., JULY 24--
Socony Mobil Oil Co.-Seeking men
with any degree in any field of con-
centration for Marketing Training Pro-
gram. Socony Mobil has no formal
Mgmt. trng, prog. as such. Instead,
Management & administrative person-;
nel are selected from among the Mar-
keting & Sales Promotion Trainees.
Several openings in Detroit as well as
world-wide locations.
During the month of July the fol-
Eves. & Sun. .. $1.00,
Children . ..40c
M -0 W- I m = LZ- I
Showsat 1-3-5-7 and 9 P.M
8:00 p.m.-Dept. of Speech Univ. Play-
ers Summer Playbill--George Bernard
Shaw's "Androcles and the Lion": Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Doctoral Examination for Frank Sev-
cik, Physics; thesis: "The C1-3(d,p)Cl-
38 Reaction and the Nuclear Structure
Baha'i Student Group, Discussion,
July 19, 8 p.m., 500 E. William, Apt. No.
Man's relationship
Friday, July 19
500 East Wi