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July 18, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1963-07-18

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ST Readies Move to North Campus Site~ ~
P -,AnII v -rmcr-ilI i i :1e

3enter who will beo
n the dates Indic
angements are bei
'lifford R. Miller,;
Cnal ci fn 4..

-Daily-James Keson
NEW HOME--The offices and several of the laboratories of the Institute of Science and Technology
will move into IST's new building by September. The administrative offices, library and industrial
liaison office will ftake up most of the lower floors while several research laboratories will be located in
the wings surrounding that segment.

Clapp Cites Public Schools Policy

department since 1937 and has
served under four superintendents
of public instruction, including
the present superintendent, Lynn
No Politics
Adressing school administration
students here yesterday Clapp
said: "We are fortunate in Michi-,
gan to have a department staff
not subject to politics." r
He was referring to the fact
that the majority of Michigan's
public instruction staff is under
civil service, whereas in other
states appointments are made on
a political basis. When a state
superintendent of another party
is elected, the department staff
usually resigns.
Clapp noted that it is a national
trend to have state school super-
intendents appointed instead of
Services Division
As an assistant superintendent,
Clapp has charge of the adminis-
trative services division, one of
seven in the state department.
This division is concerned with
the administrative work of all
schools in the state, public and
private, and of all colleges exclud-
ug Receives
Large Grant
For Research
The American Cancer Society
(Michigan Division) has awarded
a $39,500 postdoctoral research
scholarship: to Carl C. Hug; of
the University Medical Center.
Hug is the first person at the
Medical Center to receive this
Hug, who just got his doctorate
from the University, has been a
predoctoral research assistant in
the department of pharmacology
for four years, studying the dis-
tribution of narcotic analgesic
drugs, such as opium and mor-
phine, in the body. The scholar-
ship will permit him to attend the
University Medical School and
continue his research while work-
ing toward a medical degree.
The only change he will make
under the scholarship is one of
emphasis. "I will now be more
concerned with the transport of
the drugs in the body," he said.
The scholarship, which will pro-
vide stipends and tuition fees, is
designed to give recipients, who
must have already earned a Ph.D.
or an M.D. degree, the opportunity
to pursue projects in basic re-

ing the big, state supported uni-
Our principal job is to help
school districts plan the type of
buildings they should have," Clapp
said. "W7e do not try to control the-
educational design of these build-
ings, but we try to stimulate bet-
ter design." Clapp opined that
Michigan "has been one of the
leaders in advanced public school
School district organization is
another of his concerns. In the
past six years, the number of
school districts in Michigan has
been reduced from 3200 to 1579.
They are decreasing at the rate of
200 a year through the annexa-
tion of small rural districts by
larger districts.
Most Without High Schools
Out of the 1579 districts, 550
operate 12 grades or more, Clapp
said. The rest are strictly elemen-
tary school districts.
"Studies arenbeing conducted in
many placesd on the possibilities of
merging small high schools,"
Clapp said. "There are some 60
high schools in the state with less
than 100 students," he said.
"We are moving, but we have a
lot to do to bring school organiza-
tion in line with the twentieth


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