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July 18, 1963 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-18

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Wil Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, JULY 18, 1963


MRA Makes Noise
But Goals Are Elusive

MORAL RE-ARMAMENT has struck again.
It took a full page of advertising space in
newspapers all over the nation Tuesday for
a "Quiz for All." There were 250 possible
points, and MRA evaluated the scoring thus:
"If your score is 180 or above you are,
whether you know it or not, part of the
Moral Re-Armament of America and the
"If your score is between 100 and 180 you
are, whether you know it or not, a security
risk and liable to be used by the type of
mnen who subvert and pervert the nation.
"If your score is below 100 you are part of
the decadence in this nation or America's
conscious enemy."
My score was minus 35.
UPON READING this quiz one has many
things to say about MRA. Questions such
as "Which do you feel is more important to
defend, a free press or free love?" indicate
an incredible naivite.
"Which will help America's economy most?"
asks the quiz. Choices are: a) less work for
higher wages; b) abolish profit and increase
wages; c) abolish wages and increase profit;
d) ban strike; e) encourage unofficial stop-
pages; f) more welfare and less work; g) a
fair day's work for a fair -day's pay." This
kind of oversimplification is typical of MRA.
But there's more than that behind MRA.
It is an organization dedicated to removing
Communists, atheists, socialists and those who
fail the '"Quiz for All" from government. All
those who are not for MRA are against it
and thus are agents in the world-wide jungle
rot of Communism.
It is for apple pie, motherhood, country and
against sin, bad men and immorality.
W HO SUPPORTS MRA? Somebody very
wealthy. Its headquarters are on posh
Mackinac Island where the land costs plenty,

It maintains new luxurious quarters for all
members and all those who care to become
members. These may come to MRA any time
and stay at the hotel free of charge. But
there are no locks on the rooms, because
everyone there believes in the absolute love,
absolute purity and absolute honesty that is
the byword of MRA.
Anyone who has seen the MRA plays, per-
forned on television about five years ago and
many times privately, also has something to
say about the esthetic taste of MRA. They are
little lessons in morality, where one character
who is a member of MRA shows the others the
method of sitting down with a blank piece of
paper till a thought comes to you and then
writing it down. If everyone solved his prob-
lems this way, the world would become bright,
shining and brotherly loving before all the
pencils were lifted from the pages.
Once in a while MRA used to run into the
problem of conflicting thoughts of the mem-
bers. In that case, Frank Buckman, the found-
er of MRA, generally could be counted on to
produce the best thought and settle the dispute.
But he died about a year ago and I don't
know who has the best ouija board on.Mack-
inac now.
MRA NEVER TELLS US Just exactly how a
better world will come about, nor does it
tell us at all what it plans to do. It only says
it wants to "see America governed by men
governed by God."
We do know that "MRA is not, was not and
will not be pacifist." We are told it is "the
greatest battle of all time where men have
sweated in peace and bled in war, and are
ready to do the same again if necessary,, to
see God restored to leadership in this and
every country." One wonders if MRA is recom-
mending a kind of world-wide Crusade. One
wonders, too, if any 20th century man can
believe that is the key to bettering the world.
But one can't accuse MRA of anything specific
since it is very careful to avoid any specific
What, then, is MRA? With no stated goals,
ideals or plans of action but the vague "ab-
solutes" it is either an incredibly complicated
political intrigue or a mindless paranoia. It
not only demands membership, it informs us
that we are already members. It is pseudo-
religious, calling opposition "atheistic" and
equating atheism with evil and Communism.
It would be just one more witch-hunting
group except for the strange atmosphere, not
of hysterical rantings, but calm and childlike
nonsense which pervades it.
I don't think anybody quite knows yet what
MRA is after but I'm inclined to hope it
doesn't get it, for it bodes no good.

"Oh, Sorry -- We Thought It Was A
Goldwater Rally"
Two Sies of truggl
Ba eLRuhIltra e
) IX

Police Scrutinize City Activity


HE WORK of the United States Supreme
Court is quite streiuous. Justices put in
long hours preparing, researching and writing
decisions. Along with all this work usually
comes some acclaim and loads of criticism.
For a long time various ultra groups have
been calling for, the impeachment of the pres-
ent "nine old men." Out of the recent school
prayer cases came another such call for im-
However, because of Justice Potter Stewart's
dissent, he was omitted from the petition call-
ing for impeachment.
Justice Stewart's life must have surely been
lightened by these glad tidings.
-A. 0.

The Single Crises

GRADUATES of the class of '63 have lived-
from cradle to commencement-through a
nearly unbroken string of crises.
At the same time they have seen a world,
a nation and a'University go through changes
so profound that the future will never be quite
able to recapture the ways of the past.
Little wonder that the graduates will 'be
looking out on life this summer with the feel-
ing they may not be able to survive or serve
in a world of chaos. And little wonder that so-
ciety places such high hopes with them.
THE CLASS OF '63 was born in a year of in-
ternational conflict, and before its members
were a year old the United States was fighting
in World War Two. Since then, the news has
been a litany of crisis: Greece, Turkey, Indo-
nesia, Korea, Berlin, Hungary, Viet Nam, Al-
geria, Cuba ...
Yet the tension of these places, and the
depth of the American involvement in them,
sometimes seemed overshadowed by a period
of incredible material prosperity. This class may
perhaps remember wartime rationing, and Ko-
rean War price ceilings . . . but it has never
known want.
The mood of the nation, the mood which
has shaped this class more than all it has
learned and seen, is a mood of complacency
and contentment. As the class of '63 grew to
political maturity, there was no sharp outcry
to disturb the prosperity of the Eisenhower
years, and still there is no sense of national
challenge and purpose..
Editorial Staff
RONALI i WILTON ........................ Co-Editor
PHILIP SUTIN ............................Co-Editor
DAVE GOOD ........................ Co-Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ................. Co-Spnrts Editor
RUTH HETMANSI....................Night Editor
JEAN TENANDER..................... Night Editor

THE GRADUATES who left this institution
Saturday, and all the thousands of mem-
bers of the class of '63 who graduated in hun-
dreds of ceremonies, and heard hundreds of
admonishing commencement addresses, will be
accepted without much of a ripple by our so-
That is because this class is so similar to the
other classes, and so similar to its society .. .
born in a period of distant crisis and surround-
ed by complacency and comfort, this class
cannot help but hope that the crisis will al-
ways be faraway, and the home will always be
There is only one question. Do we, in our
contentment, fail to see the single crisis which
could destroy us? The crisis of a society which
may have gone too far already in its happy
drift away from the relevant challenge and
task of our day?
Good Thingf
THE ACTION came fast, ending in military
triumph. Ecuador's president, Carlos Arose-
mena, was removed and exiled at'the whim of
the Army. Replaced by a four-man junta, the
"hard-drinking" former president went the
way of many South American heads of state
who cease to please those persons who actually
control their countries-the men in uniform.
Neither Mr. Arosemena's personal vices nor
his leadership abilities are important now.
What is significant is that this case provides
more proof for the axiom of South American
factional politics-military power is supreme.
A clear comparison can be made between
this form of government and the "veritable rep-
resentative" system which we enjoy in the
United States.
cision-makers, there are methods, short of
impeachment, of influencing their policies. The

Daily Correspondent
WASHINGTON-The opposition
to the administration's civil
rights bill got a chance to testi-
fy last week before the Senate
Commerce Committee and the re-
sult was a not too surprising but
frightening array of charges and
name calling.
Mississippi's, Democratic gover-
nor, Ross' Barnett, took the stand
to tell the committee why he was
opposed to the administration's
controversial title II sction of the
civil rights bill, which seeks to
prohibit discrimination in public
accommodations which "substan-
tially" affect interstate commerce.
Instead of'presenting a logical ar-
gument Barnett charged that the
successful integration of O' Miss
last fall and the present Negro
demonstrations in support of inte-
gration were Communist inspired.
The governor, who is under a
contempt of court charge now for
standing in the way of James
Meredith, the University of Mis-
sissippi's first Negro student, also
saw fit to call the Rev. Martin
Luther King a Communist. Aside
from the fact that King's political
affiliations have nothing to do
with the bill under perusal by the
committee, Barnett had .no evi-
dence to back up his charges oth-
er than a photograph which he
claimed showed King in a train-
ing camp which the state of Ten-
nessee has closed down because of
subversive activities.
* * *
WHEN SENATORS on the com-
mittee questioned Barnett about
his information he reported that
he had gotten the photograph
from the Georgia department of
public' instruction, certainly an
odd place from which to get a
picture taken in Tennessee pre-
sumably for purposes of that state.
Barnett also reported that he did
not check his facts nor ask for in-
formation from FBI chief J. Edgar
Barnett's testimony followed
that of Secretary of State Dean
Rusk. Rusk had taken the stand
to tell the committee of the diplo-
matic considerations of the bill.
He cited repeated incidents where
Negro ambassadors had been re-
fused service in restaurants and
hotels in the South. This, Rusk
said, was in violation of interna-
tional agreements which guaran-
tee the maintenance of dignity of
foreign ambassadors in host coun-
Rusk emphasized that his tes-
timony was for the edification of
the committee members and was
not meant to be a basis for pass-
age of the act; he firmly believes
that the bill should be passed for
Americans, he reiterated, but sec-
ondarily because it will increase
the prestige of the country.
nation proclaims liberty as its
guiding principle, he noted, and
yet refuses to serve some of its
citizens in restaurants.
As Attorney General Robert F.
Kennedy did, Rusk ran into Sen.
Strom Thurmond (D-SC). Thur-
mond noted that Rusk had stat-
ed, in a prepared statement he
read to the committee, that one
of the basic lines of Communist
propaganda is that Congressional
inaction on the civil rights issue is
tacit support of the "racists."
Thurmond demanded to know

"the statement ought to be requir-
ed reading for all Americans."
The standing room only crowd
was also impressed by the secre-
tary of state. At the end of the
hearing, and in defiance of Sen-
ate rules, they gave Rusk a long
Thurmond, as he demanded that
order be restored, charged that "as
usual" the audience was filled with
"civil rightists and left-wingers"
who supported an unconstitution-
al bill.
before the committee indicate
much. That Rusk came before the
committee certainly shows the
Kennedy administration's desire
to seedthe bill passed-and soon.
Rusk does not frequently appear
before a committee which is not
directly involved with foreign pol-
Barnett's testimony, too, is in-
dicative; this time of the South-
ern line which will be -heard again
and again. The Southerners seem
to choose to ignore or dismiss the.
Negro demonstrations as Commu-
nist inspired. They then can at-
tack the civil rights bill on the
ground that it is not needed; as
Thurmond put it, the Negro has
made enormous progress in the
last 100 years and we need only
wait for the rest to come.
What both Thurmond and Bar-
nett seem unable to realize is the
growing militancy in the Negro
movement and the. impatience
with waiting. While the Negroes
cannot hope to change the atti-
tudes of whites like Thurmond
and Barnett, they do aim at get-
ting their rights and then by ac-
tions showing that they are, in-
deed, the equals of fellow citizens.
The actions of Negroes and so-
called liberal whites show that
they will continue to demonstrate
until the Negroes get their rights.
In order to avoid more demonstra-
tions and possible violence the
time has come for a so far do-
nothing Congress to act. Whether
it will act in time or not remains
to be seen.

(Sixth in a seven part series)
A KANSAS law professor is ar-
rested and handcuffed for a
broken car muffler. Walking .down
the street to speak to people, a
student is hauled off to jail for
No police dogs or electric prod-
ding rods are in evidence in the
city of Albany. Georgia, but police
activity is awe inspiring, if not
brutally frightening.
For the people involved in the
Albany Movement there is no law
and no justice aild the above
events are common occurrences.
Police, brutality is the norm and
being carried by the limbs with-
out being bounced several times
off the sidewalk is the unexpected.
** *
POLICE CHIEF Laurie Prichett
presides over this seemingly calm
Southern city of 56,000 in a seem-
ingly righteous manner. His men
cover the town wearing white
shirts, white crash helmets and
dark blue pants. Prichett, a tall
heavy-set Southern gentlemanly
type occasionally dons his own
personal gold battle helmet, which
hides his curly blond hair.
From hisair conditioned office
in city hall, he sends out his men
to scour the city for crime. In-
variably they turn up a number
of loiterers, trespassers, vagrants
(with I.D. and money) and per-
sons with broken mufflers. With
almost the same invariable con-
sistency, these offenders just hap-
pen to be Negroes or persons
working with the Albany Move-
IN ADDITION to the city police,
the Dougherty County Sheriff's
department' maintains an office
and a county jail in Albany.
The deputies working out of this
office are charged with maintain-
ing peace outside the city limits.
And if ChiefhPrichett's force is
frightening, the men who.work
out of this department are ter-
"Niggah" plus a long string of
obscenities comprise about the
total vocabulary of some of these
men. They are strong-armed men
who interpret their mandate as
letting them use whatever low
methods they desire.
Across the parking lot from the
sheriffs office stands a barbed-wire
fence which surrounds the county
jail. Treatment here, as well as
in the city jail, does not always
meet the requirements established
by the United States Constitution
and the laws of Georgia.
* * *
STUDENT Non-Violent Coor-
dinating Committee field secre-
taries, especially the =white stu-
dents, do not find jail ,amusing.
Outside of the usual reasons, Al-
bany has a few of its own.
Those arrested reported that the
cells were packed to double and
triple their normal capacity.
What is even worse, these per.
sons tell of beatings by fellow
prisoners at the instigation of the
One worker, Robert Cover, a
Princeton student from Brookline,
Mass. was arrested with two other
white "SNCC" workers for il-
legally distributing Albany Move-
ment literature. Cover, plus Ralph
Allen of Melrose, Mass. and Peter
Titleman of New York have been
convicted of "distributing hand-
bills without a permit."
* * *
ALTHOUGH all three are now
out of jail on appeal bonds, they
shared a work gang cell while in
prison, with three soldiers and
three civilians.
Allen was badly beaten and one

C. B. KING, the only Negro
lawyer in Albany, noted that once
jailed, the people are not allowed
to make "their one phone call"
for days on end. He added that
those arrested were not "stopped"
from making calls, but for one
reason or another phones. "weren't
Prichett calls these charges
along with all charges of police
brutality "faceless."
Indeed, there seems to be a
humanitarian streak in this of-
ficial. When SNCC members were
fasting, he urged them to eat and
even went so far as to bring them
portions of lemon pie.
Prichett and his police force are
very polite and gracious to whites,
even northerners, who are not in-
volved in the "Movement."
is calm and peaceful and pedes-
trians walk the sunny downtown'
areas with apparent peace and
Once in the Negro district, how-
ever, the, picture changes. Police
patrol cars roam the street keep-
ing tabs. on leading "movement
families" and SNCC workers.

. Judoed

There is constant fear of being
arrested for "loitering" or "va-
grancy." The police have the
power and, in Albany, there is no
* * *
THE FBI maintains a perman-
ent office in Albany. Both officers
are local residents.
Through these two men Wash-
ington receives most, if not all,
of its information concerning
events occurring in Albany.
For the people working for the
movement there is no law, civil
liberties or personal security. They
claim their phones are tappi d and
people sending letters North num-
ber them to know whether they
get through.
If Nort*ern police do not always
follow the letter of the law, they
in no way compare to the high
standards of the police forces in
Albany, Georgia.
A ndrocles
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer of
this review is a June graduate of
the University and a former re-
viewer for The Daily. He is cur-
rently reviewing for.. the Detroit
Free Press.)
" NDROCLES and the Lion"
may have been intended by
Shaw to be a barbed attack on
religion, but in the sprightly hands
of the University Players (and
without the Shaw Preface) it pro-
vides a merry evening of watching
the innocent difficulties of being
a Christian, in ancient Rome.
T'here are an amazing number
of fine local actors playing small
roles to delightful perfection un-
der the direction of Professor Clar-
ibel Baird. Season ticket holders
will enjoy spotting the leads from
other productions mar ching
around as slaves singing "Onward
Christian Soldiers."
* * *
simpers his way through the title
role with such understandable
meekness that the audience feels

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