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July 13, 1963 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-13

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setings Seek Accord

Communist Membership
Approaches 40 Million

South Viet Nam Faces Crisis

Whest Polic
LONDON (-- - T h e United
SStates and Britain yesterday com-
pleted elaborate-but still secret-
plans for a nuclear test ban agree-
ment with the Soviet Union.
Three power nuclear talks open
in Moscow Monday and both
Western governments made it
clear they place great hopes on
the negotiatoins.
The United States embassy
issued a highly unusual statement
saying President John F. Ken-
nedy's representative, W. Averell
Harriman, is engaged on "poten-
tially one of the most significant
diplomatic moves of all times."
It said his mission to Moscow,
where ha was wartime ambassa-
dor, is "a sensitive and important
diplomatic reconnaissance."
The British used similar terms
in describing the task of their
negotiator, Lord Hailsham.
Prime Minister Harold Mac-
millan, in discussing the prospects
of a test ban with a newspaper
interviewer, said: "I can't think
of anything more important at
this time, either in itself or for
East-West relations generally."
A few days ago in a statement
to the House of Commons he pic-
tured a complete test ban as "the
great prize" which lay before the
big powers.
Yet it seems from all indications
that the best the Harriman-Hail-
sham mission can accomplish is a
partial test ban prohibiting nuc-
lear explosions in all environ-
ments except underground.
International i n s pe c t io nar-
rangements are necessary in the
We tern view to prevent cheat-
ing , on underground tests. The
Russians have balked at any pol-
icing provisions. They claim these
would open the Soviet Union to
Harriman and Hailsham are
only empowered to negotiate a
nuclear test ban. They are free
to discuss-but not \to bargain-
on other subjects the Russians
may bring up such as non-aggres-
sion treaty between the NATO and
Warsaw Pact powers, or a com-
mitment against the spread of
nuclear weapons.
Harriman arrived in London
'Thursday night. His talks with
Hailsham continued through the
At midday the American envoy
talked 'with Foreign Secretary
Liord Home and was Macmillan's
guest at a Working luncheon also
attended by Halsham, Defense
Minister Peter.torneycroft and
tUited States Ambassador David
There they heard Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev's lat-
est views as reported to Macmillan
by Soviet Ambassador Alexander
In Western eyes, there are two
objections to making a nuclear
E test. ban conditional on agreement
on some other East-West issue, as
Khrushchev has implied he wants.
First, such a technique compli-
cates the whole effort in Moscow
to salvage something from the
five-year-old deadlock on the test
an issue.
Second, such things as non-
aggression pacts involve delicate
tactors relating to the exhisting
power balance in Europe and can-
not be rushed into.

Western test ban discussions
Hits Bill
On Rights

By The Associated Press

Barnett of Mississippi accused
President John F. Kennedy and
his. Attorney General, brother yes-
terday of encouraging civil rights
demonstrations which he said are
"largely Communist-inspired."
Barnett told a Senate hearing
that enactment of the civil rights
bills proposed by the Kennedy ad-
ministration not only would mean
the end of constitutional govern-
ment in this country but would
"result in racial violence of un-
imaginable scope."
In another Congressional hear-
ing, Rep. Joe D. Waggoner Jr.
(D-La) said the President has
issued "an open invitation to mass
violence" by saying that Negroes
will seek a remedy in the streets
if Congress does not pass the civil
rights bill.
Martial Law

Red Chinese
Fail in Talks
With Russia
MOSCOW ()-The Communist
Chinese acknowledged "with heavy
hearts" today that their talks
with the Soviet Union have failed
but held the door open for new
attempts to heal the widening
breach in the Communist world.
"We want unity, not a split,"
the official Peking People's Daily
said in breaking the silence that
had shrouded the Chinese Soviet
negotiations under way in Moscow
since July '5. But it said "the
present situation is very grave."
Communist sources said the
meetings are expected to end in
the next two or three days.
This would wind up the con-
frontation before the opening of
United States, British and Soviet
nuclear test ban talks in Moscow.
The test ban talks are due to
begin Monday.
The Russians have doggedly
pushed ahead with their talks
with the West over the objections
of the Chinese, who scoff at ne-
gotiations and demand militant
action to bring down the house of
The negotiations sought to rec-
oncile Soviet Premier Khrush-
chev's policy of peaceful coexist-
ence with the West and Chinese
leader Mao Tze-Tung's advocacy
of a tough line. Neither of the
top Communist chieftains took
part in the discussions; they were
conducted by lower-level negotia-
tors. Communist sources said the
meetings are expected to wind up
in two or three days.
The Peking editorial, broadcast
by the official New China News
Agency, said it had hoped rela-
tions with. Moscow would be eased
by the talks "but we 'now have
to point out with heavy hearts
that events have gone contrary
to our hopes."
Western circles: here showed
guarded optimism about, the pros-
pects for an agreement on the
long deadlocked issue. The Rus-
sians have doggedly pushed ahead
for the talks despite the objec-
tions of the Chinese.
The Peking paper expressed
hope that new Soviet-Chinese
talks can be held.
"If the differences cannot be
resolved today, they cannwait un
til tomorrow," the editorial said.
"If they cannot be resolved this
year, they can wait until next
But the editorial also launched
into a defense of China's position
and renewed the attack on Moscow
for the expulsion of three Chinese
diplomats and two students. The
five were ousted for distributing
copies of a Chinese blast against
the Russians which had been ban-
ned in Moscow.
As Red China and Russia thus
remain unreconciled, satellite
countries issued denunciations
testifying to the widening cracks
in the Communist apparatus.
Hungarian Premier Janos Ka-
dar, visiting a Moscow aircraft
factory, accused the Chinese of
"trying to impose an arbitrary+
viewpoint on the international+
workers movement."
Communist North Viet Nam fir-
ed a blast at President Tito of
Yugoslavia-and at the Soviet Un-
ion by implication-for advocating
peaceful coexistence.

WASHINGTON ()- The total
Communist party membership in
the world is approximately 40 mil-
lion, a government analysis show-
ed recently.
The Communist state parties,
of which the Chinese with 17 mil-
lion members is the largest, ac-
count for 36 million of the total,
the report said.
The largest parties outside the
Soviet orbit remain the Indone-
sian and Italian with an estimated
1,750,000 .in Indonesia and be-
tween 1,200,000 and 1,500,000 in
Italy, the report added.
Discussing t h e Communist
party's effort to expand, the re-
port said that "in Africa, the main
Soviet thrust continued to be di-
rected toward the encouragement
of leftwing nationalist movements
on the assumption that they will
prove susceptible to Communist
penetration and capture. '
"Communist movements of some
significance exist' in Morocco,
Tunisia, Sudan, Madagascar and
the Union of South Africa," the
report said, "but the emergency
Rail Group
To Discuss
ControverS s
dential fact-finding panel in the
railroad work - rules stalemate
finished getting organized today
and scheduled meetings on Mon-
day and Tunesday with both sides.
Then it set a target date of
next Friday to give a report to
President Kennedy so he can fash-
ion legislative proposals for sub-
mission to Congress by July 22.
July 29 is the railroads' tentative
date for putting into effect work-
rule changes which the unions say
will bring an immediate strike.
Secretary of Labor W. Willard
Wirtz, chairman of the six-man
board named by Kennedy to take
a new look at the four-year-old
controversy, said spokesmen for
the railroads and five on-train un-
ions will be asked to give precise;
views on various issues.
More Issues
Wirtz had said earlier that many
people are not aware that there
is much more to the dispute than
the issues of knocking out 40,000
jobs of firemen- on diesel loco-
The committee, at. its opening
90-minute meeting yesterday, ask-
ed the railroads and the unions to
begin assembling material for the,
panel, which defined its major job
as fact-finding. Mediation was not
ruled out if the accosion arises,
but so far there was no sign of
such an opportunity opening up.
Today's session, without either
of the sides present, was devoted
to getting operational procedures
ironed out and lining up a staff of
about half a dozen specialists from
the labor and commerce depart-

sis of the Communist
tivities, the report had1
Great Britain -

party membership estimated be-
tween 28,000 and 29,500, although
31,400 claimed. "The Communist
party of Great Britain which has
not been represented in Parlia-
ment since 1945, is considered in-
significant as a national political
party. It does hold a few seats at
the local government level."
France - Communist p a r t y
membership estimated at 250,000
with 429,000 claimed. "The French
Communist party suffered a se-
vere electoral defeat in the 1958
Parliamentary elections. . . . how-
ever, since 1959 workers' discon-
tent with economic conditions and
constant fear of right-wing ex-
tremism have tended to reduce
the party's political isolation.''
Italy-Communist party mem-
bership estimated at 1,200,000 to
1,500,000 with 1,729,000 claimed.
"The Italian Communist party
has supporters in almost every
social class and in every geo-
graphic area of Italy. Most of its
members, however a r e urban
workers-40 per cent, farm lab-
orers-48 per cent and tenant
farmers--12 per cent."
Federal Republic of Germany-
Communist party membership es-
timated at 35,000 to 50,000 with
an estimated 5,000 party members
active in illegal operations. "The
West German Communist party
was outlawed by order of the fed-
eral constitutional court on Aug.
17, 1956. Since 1956 Communist
candidates running in state and
federal elections have obtained
only a negligible fraction of the
Soviet Russia-Communist par-
ty membership 8.8 million and
843,489 candidate members, a to-
tal of 9.7 million. "2.7 million per-
sons were admitted to membership
and candidate membership in the
CPSU between Feb. 1956 and Oct.
1961. 200,000 were expelled during
the same period. The party con-
stitutes about 7 per cent of the
adult population.

of full-fledged Communist move-
ments has not yet paralled the
constitution of new states in the
area south of the Sahara."
In a country-by country analy-

party's ac-
this to say:

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON (-) - Henry
Cabot Lodge is walking into a
mess, one of the most dismal since
the United States tried to help
Chiang Kai-Shek save China from
the Communists':
President Kennedy recently ap-
pointed him ambassador to South
Viet Nam.
From 1946 until 1951 the colon-
ialist French tried to smash the
Reds in Indochina. By 1951 they
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - France has
notified the United States that
she will make an advance pay-
ment next week of $160 million
on her debt to this country. The
prepayment will cover some in-
stallments not due until 1971.
WASHINGTON - A' H o u s e
Armed Services subcommittee ap-
proved yesterday a Kennedy ad-
ministration plan aimed at Pro-
viding fallout shelters for 11 mil-
lion more Americans during the
next year.
. * *


were doing so badly, militarily and
financially, the United States had
to ball them out, or try to.
It put $2.5 billion into the fight,
but the French quit in 1954. The
Communists got half of Indo-
china. Then the United States
moved in and supported President
Ngo Dinh Diem of South Viet
From 1954 until now the United
States has pumped in another
$2.5 billion, plus 12,000 troops to
help Diem and train his troops.
So far 84 Americans have been
killed in action or in non-com-
batant activities. What's the re-
No end to the war is in sight.
Communist guerrillas are not only
still fighting but now Diem is up
to his neck with South Vietnamese
Buddhists, who make up 80 per
cent of the population and are
growing increasingly angry.
Yesterday Malcolm W. Browne,
Associated Press correspondent in
Saigon, reported that United
States officials there believe South
Viet Nam could be plunged into
civil war and chaos if tensions
between the Buddhists and Diem
In the fall of 1961 President
Kennedy's military adviser, Gen.
Maxwell Taylor, went to South
Viet Nam, -looked around, came
back. Then on Dec.16,1961, so-
called. "informed sources" in the
Kennedy Administration said:
The United States and South
Viet Nam had agreed on a dozen
new steps-including the reforms
mentioned above-to make in-
creased American aid more effec-
tive. That's just about the last
ever heard of the reforms.
About seven months after the

PARIS-Belgian Foreign Min-
ister Paul-Henri Spaak yesterday
told the NATO permanent coun-
cil he believes Premier Nikita S
Khrushchev sincerely wants a
nuclear test ban agreement, in-
formed sources said. In the
course of a closed session in the
headquarters of NATO, Spaak re-
ported on his talk earlieer this
week with Khrushchev in Kiev.
* * *
NEWARK - Anthony (Tony
Pro) Provenzano,' New Jersey
teamster leader convicted of ex-
tortion, was sentenced yesterday
to seven years in federal prison
and fined $10,000. Provenzano,
who was re-elected president -of
N e w Jersey Teamsters Jdint
Council 73 during his trial, is also
president of Teamsters Local 560
of Union City and a' vice president
of the International Teamsters


"informed sources" painted their
rosy picture in Washington, Homer
Bigart of the New York Times,
having finished a half year in
South Viet Nam, wrote:
"The issue remains in doubt ...
the Vietnamese president seems
incapable of winning the loyalty
of his people . . . Washington de-
cided it was too risky to prod
Diem publicly . . . efforts to ob-
tain major political and social
reforms were quietly dropped."
Another half year later-in Feb-
ruary, 1963-Richard Dudman of
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch re-
ported on South Viet Nam. Taking
aim at President Diem, his "ad-
viser" brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu. and
the brother's wife, the trio which
runs the country, Dudman said:
"They are undemocratic, self-
righteous, unpopular, cunning,
clannish, repressive.
Late last month a dozen prom-
inent Protestant, Jewish and
Buddhist religious leaders in this
country assailed what they called
the persecution of Buddhists in
South Viet Nam. On top of this,
American newsmen were man-
handled by Diem's secret police.
Yesterday Ambassador Frederick
E. Nolting, returning to South
Viet Nam for the last time before
turning his job over to Lodge,
said the United States stands for
freedom of religion and the press.
This was reported from Saigon as
implied criticism of Diem.
If the Kennedy Administration
feels it has to imply criticism of
Diem, instead of saying it plainly,
it is a good illustration of how
much it feels it must handle him
gingerly even though he couldn't
survive without United States

F -

In Cambridge, Md., national
guardsmen operating under a
modified version of martial law
rolled into town yesterday and
put down a Negro demonstration
with a minimum display of force.
Just 40 miles north of Cam-
bridge, a biracial commission in
the town of Chestertown an-
nounced the first '100 per cent
voluntary 'integration in public
accommodations on Maryland's
eastern shore.
In Savannah, Ga., more state
troopers moved into the racially
embattled seaport town after the!
second successive night of violence
that left two youths wounded by
gunfire and mountin property
Postpone Plans
In Danville, Va., the Rev. Mar-
tin Luther King's civil rights task
force postponed its plans for a
weekend demonstration. The rea-
son given was the pressure of
campaigns in other southern
In New Orleans, the school
board of Birmingham, Ala., was
ordered to submit a plan for start-
ing public school desegregation
this fall. It was the second Ala-
bama school system to receive
such an order from the 5th United
States Circuit Court of Appeals
this week.


Group Meetings




You are cordially invited to attend
two presentations
Dr. George A. Buttrick
Professor Emeritus,
Harvard University
Tuesday, July 16
Archibald MacLeish's "J.B"
12:00-1:00 p.m.
Anderson Room-Michigan Union
The Revolution in Morallyt"
4:10 p.m.
Angell Hall-Auditorium A

The poker-faced Chinese dele-
gation, headed by Communist
Party Secretary - General Teng
Hsia-Ping, was believed to have
spent a half day Friday meeting
with Soviet Party Presidium mem-
ber Mikail Suslov.
Visiting Hungarian Premier
Janos Kadar,ameanwhile, came
out firmly in favor of the Soviet-
sponsored policy of peaceful co-
existence, denying Chinese charges
that this is a policy of weakness.
"Our steps, taken for the sake
of strengthening peace, our peace-
able policy, does not spell weak-
ness," he told workers at a meeting
in a Moscow aircraft factory. "It
is no retreat in the face of Im-
"We have supported and will
continue to support in the future,
the Soviet Union's proposals for
settling major international is-

The plan is for the group to
consult Monday and Tuesday
mornings with the railroad and
union spokesmen and then hold
afternoon meetings on its own.
With the current truce slated to
expire July 29, Congress will have
only seven days to take any action
to halt a strike if one is still
threatening then.
As today's session began in the
Secretary of Labor's office, Stuart
Saunders, a committee member
and president of the Norfolk &
Western Railway, told reporters
he has no plans at this time to
serve as a mediator in the dispute.
AFL - CIO President George
Meany, another panel member who
yesterdayhad raised the possibility
that panel members might medi-
ate if the chance arose, told re-
porters today he has nothing fur-
ther to say on that angle.
In addition to Wirtz, Saunders
and Meany, the only other panel
member present was Secretary of
Commerce Luther H. Hodges.
Panel member George M. Har-
rison, an AFL-CIO vice-president
and President of the Railway and
Steamship Clerks, was represented
by G. E. Leighty, chairman of the
Railway Labor Executives Associa-
tion. The sixtr panel member, Jo-
seph Block, board chairman for
Inland Steel Co. of Chicago, was
represented by William Caples,
vice-president of the firm.

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Begins Monday, July 15th
Groups of lightweight shoes by:
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at reductions up to 50%
Naturally, limited pa rage in most
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your size and every shoe is a real
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:HRIST (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Ave. 1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Pastor Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
ssociate Pastor James H. Pragman, Vicar
Worship Service. Sunday at 9:30 a.m.-Bible Study.
Church School. Sunday at 10:30 a.m.-Service, with sermon by
ulld Pastor Scheips, "Jeremiah: Clay in the
dild Potter's Hand."
Sunday at 5:30 p.m.-Gamma Delta, Lutheran
)ENT CENTER Student Organization, meets at the chapel
to go to the campus of Concordia Lutheran
Junior College, for a picnic supper at 6:00
Council and a tour of the new campus.
Ave. Wednesday at 9:00 p.m.-Wallace Pretzer re-
istor views Martin Marty's recent book, "Second
4DAY Chance for American Protestants."
. Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.-Midweek Devotion,
conducted by Vicar Pragman.




1432 Washtenaw Ave.
NO 2-4466.
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen.
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
Staff: Jack Borckardt and Patrica Pickett



423 South fourth A
Rev. Ernest Klaudt,
Rev. A. C. Bizer, A
9:30 and 10:45 a.m.
9:30 and 10:45 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Student Gu
National Lutherant
Hill St. at S. Forest
Henry 0. Yoder, Po
9:00 a.m. Bible Study
10:00 a.m. Worship e
7:00 p.m. "Karl Rehr
Discussion led by
Mary's Chapel.




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Sunday, July 14 at 5:30 p.m.
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State and Huron Streets. Tel. 668-6881
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Rev. M. Jean Robe and
Rev. C. J. Stoneburner, Campus Ministers
9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Morning Wor-
ship. "Believe the Best!" Sermon by Dr.
Rupert. This service is broadcast over WOIA
1290 AM, 102.9 FM from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15
10:15 a.m. Seminar: "Our Mission Today"-
discussion, Fine Room.
7:30 p.m. "Inquiry into Theological Issues"
Guild House, 802 Monroe.

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