March Of Dimes Grants
Award to Defects Study
Chemical Destroys Parasitic Lamprey
The National Foundation of the
March of Dimes has awarded a re-
newal grant, Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske,
director of the University Hospi-
tal, announced recently.
The grant, for $55,701, is for the
support of the University's Birth
Defects Clinical Study Center. The
Center was launched last year
with March of Dimes support. The
director is Prof. Donita B. Sulli-
van of the pediatrics department.
Prof. Sullivan and Prof. David
Dickinson, head of the pediatric
rehabilitation program, are cur-
rently working on an integrated
program of research, teaching and
care in the area of birth defects.
Among the studies is one on hy-
drocephalus, or water on the brain.
The concern is with surgical meth-
ods of draining away the excess
fluids, a program developed in co-
operation with the department of
The researchers are concerned
with psychological studies of treat-
ed cases which occur in babies
old enough to be tested for intelli-
gence. This permits study of the
degree of prevention of mental re-
tardation by the treatment.
Research is also being done on
spine development. Coordinated
with the research effort on these
and similar conditions is a pro-
gram of professional training for
nurses, medical students, interns
and residents as well as postgrad-
uate meetings for practicing physi-
cians. The entire program is cen-
tered in the department of pedi-
The treatment and care furnish-
ed patients under the Birth De-
fects Center program serves as a
model for other institutions which
must treat the one out of 16 ba-
bies who are born with defects.
'U' Wins Award
For Alumni Gifts
The University won an honor-
able mention award of $125 re.
cently from the American Alumni
Council for sustained performance
among public institutions in an
alumni giving competition. The
money will be used for scholar-
ships and students loans, as well
as research and faculty awards.
... renewed grant
Maser Finds
One Answer
Group problem-solving can be
improved by requiring the group
to search for two or more solu-
tions, Prof. Norman R. F. Maier
of the psychology department re-
Higher quality solutions result
when groups are asked to seek ad-
ditional answers to problems, Prof.
Maier decided in a study on the
improvement of group decisions.
Group leaders are able to broad-
en the horizons of their groups by
seeking multiple solutions.
The multiple solution method
converts a problem situation into
a choice situation.
However, when there are two or
three obvious Alternatives, the
group can be asked to seek out
less obvious alternatives and turn
a choice situation back into a
Lake trout fishing may be a
reviving industry in the Great
A multi-million dollar industry
before the war, lake trout fishing;
has suffered great losses from the
sea lamprey.
At the annual meeting of the
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
(GLFC) at the' University, opti-
mistic reports were given on the
revival of the lake trout.
Catch Drops
Two years ago at this time ap-
proximately 60,000 lamprey had
Cowan Cites
Steel Viewvs
Three "general lessois" can be
learned from the growth problems
of the steel industry, Prof. Donald
R. G. Cowan of the business school
said recently.
Speaking before the Chicago
chapter of the American Statisti-
cal Association, Prof. Cowan said
that the government has need for
better understanding of "the im-
portance of profit and capital in
major capital-using industries such
as steel."
Capital Starvation
He pointed to the dangers to the
"insidious" effects of what he
termed "capital starvation" re-
tarding growth. He indicated that
such things as inflation, heavy
taxation, and price regulation
tended to slow capital expansion.
A lesson labor can learn from
steel is the danger of "over pric-
ing" hourly wages. Prof. Cowan
indicated that such "over pricing"
reduces total employment, impairs
a company's competitive position
and encourages automation.
The last lesson was directed to-
wards management. Prof. Cowan
advised corporate executives "not'
to allow themselves to become so
inbred and satisfied that tradition
rules their decisions."
He n o t e d that "relentless
change" is characteristic of our
economy and cited the need for
been netted in Lake Superior's
waters. This year, only a total of
9000 have been reported in the
spawning streams.
The difference in the number
of lamprey is a result of chemical
treatments in spawning streams.
A. L. Pritchard, chairman of the
GLFC, recalled that when the
United States and Canada signed
the treaty agreement establish-
ing the commission eight years
ago, "there was considerable
doubt that this parasite could be
reduced, let along maintained at
a level which would permit re-
covery of the fishery.
"Recent events have, I believe,
shown that our governments were
not unreasonably optimistic in
assigning us the task of eliminat-
ing lamprey."
Reduction of lamprey catches at
Lake Superior spawning streams
is due to the resourcefulness of
the men directly engaged in the
Further reduction in this
is expected. Treatment for I
Michigan streams has been sI
ed, Pritchard reported.
Trout Survival
Both United States and Ca
dian fishing samples indicated
proved survival of trout, espec
of older and larger trout. 1M
over, the average size and a
ability of trout has incre
The most striking improveni
were reported in WisconsinF
ers. There the abundance of l
sized trout (over 17 inches)
the year increased 68 per
over earlier figures. The ave
weight rose to three pounds.
Trout raised in hatcheries
more likely to be caught t
lake raised fish. Plans for ir
sive stocking of Lake Sup
call for a total planting of ni
1.9 million yearling fish in :
Robert W. Saalfeld, chairma
the Lake Trout Rehabiliti
Committee announced.
Colleges Feel Restrictions
Of Federal Aid Condition
(Continued from Page 1)
assed" by government auditors and
of having to match certain grants
given them.
On the matching-grant problem,
Harvard University said that about
$5 billion must be raised to pro-
vide for the nation in research
during the next five years. This
would mean, on the matching-
grant plan, that the universities
would have to. provide $5 million,
the Times reported.
Challenge Questioned
"It is questionable whether this
challenge will be met," said Har-
vard, suggesting a plan where the
burden on non-federal sources
would be less.
The study found that it is the
research conducted within the de-
partments of the institutions, not
in government provided facilities,
which have the most impact on the
institutions, the study noted.
The study reported that many
government officials and educa-
tors believe the government must
move now to strengthen higher
education as a whole.
Taking part in the study were
the University, Harvard, Notre
Dame, Stanford, Chicago, Texas,
Cornell, Princeton, Pennsylvania,
State University of New York, In-
diana, Syracuse, Tulane, Iowa
State, Union, Wyoming and Louis-
ville Universities;-' the University
of California at Berkeley, San Die-
go and Davis; California and
Massachusetts Institutes of Tech-
nology, Newark College of Engi-
neering, Arkansas State Teachers
College and Lawrence and Cataw-
ba Colleges.
problem situation, Prof. Maier corporate management to adapt
to and anticipate these changes.
Thursday, July 11 at 7:30 p.m.
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The Sociedad Hispanica will present
the Spanish film "La Casa del Angel"
(End of Innocence) in the Multipur-
pose Room of the Uundergrad Lib. at
8 p.m., Tues., July 9.
GeneVl Notices
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored ac-
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be withheld
until the approval has become effective.
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Meeting
& Speaker, July 10, 17, & 24.
Flexonics, Bartlett, Ill. - Methods
Engrg. Supervisoh-ME or Ind. Eng.a
pjref. 5-10 yrs. metal fabricating job'
shop exper. building customed designed
products. At least 3 yrs. of supv. exper.
for the Methods function. Age 33-45.
American Standard, Controls Div. -
Manager, Advanced Engrg. - BSEE
(pref.) }with minimum 10 yrs. exper. in
basic & applied research in industrial
& commercial controls (eltetro-mech.
devices). will be leader of a small engrg.
group-working manager, not strictly
U.S. Coast Guard-Qualified Ocean-
ographers may apply for a commission
as Ensign in the Coast Guard Reserve
through the Officer Candidate School
program. After serving 2 yrs. on active
duty, they may request commissions
in the regular Coast Guard & become
career officers. Next Officer Candidate
School class convenes on Sept. 15 &
applications for this class should be
started in the near future to assure
consideration for this class.
City of Muskegon, Mich.-Administra-
tive Ass't. to the City Manager-Degree
with specialization in Public Admin.
Poli. Sci. or Bus. Ad. This position is
non-competitive, no examination re-
quired. Arrangements are to be made
for interviews with the City Manager.
International Atomic Energy Agency
-Seeking an expert in Reactor Safety
for duty in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A
Health Physicist with extensive exper.
of reactor operations & hazard evalua-
tions. Duration: 2 months. Need some-
one as soon as possible.
Management Consultants in Chicago
-Client firm is seeking Assistant Direc-
tor of Research. Will be the number 2
man in charge of all R&D activities
& will take over number 1 post in 1 to
2 yrs. Age 33-45, PhD in some facet of
Chem.-ChE, Bio-Chem., Organic, etc.
Work exper. should include a strong
dose of consumer products-dev. &
working with consumer marketing peo-
ple. High degree of communication
1 Lloyd Brothers, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio
-Openings in field sales force for quali-
fied sales representatives (pharmaceuti-
cal sales). Military completed. Age 24-33.
married or engaged. Degree with courses
in marketing, salesmanship, business,
arts and/or sciences, pref. Other majors
considered. Selling, teaching or public-
contact exper. required. Sales exper.
Hollywood Builders, Chicago, ii. -
Firm owns & operates an apartment
bldg. complex consisting of 5 bldgs. with
total of 216 apts. Need Operating Rep.
who will have the responsibility for
purchasing, supv. of engrg. & main-
tenance people, leasing, & all other du-
ties attendant to the efficient opera-
tion of this complex. Major in either
Real Estate, Bus. Mgmt., Econ. or re-
lated subjs.
Rapistan of Detroit, Inc., Southfield,
Mich.-Company is in the material han-
dling- business. Seeking salesmen. Pre-
fer man between ages of 25 & 35 who is.
interested in industrial sales as a pro-
fessional career. Salesmen usually have.
a technical bkgd. in Indust. or Mech.
Engrg., but need not be a graduate of
Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwau-
kee, Wis.-Seeking a Museum Educator
II for this museum of human & natural
history. Will perform work with classes
of school children (chiefly elementary)
in connection with curricular school
visitation programs & leads other group
activities. Writes articles for publica-
tion on educ. museum subjs. for chil-
dren & adults, etc. Degree with major
in biological, physical, or general science
& minor in educ. at least 4 yrs. exper.
as a Museum Educator, or ttaching ex
per., etc. OR may have a PhD.
For further information, please con-
tact General Div., Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg. during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
U. of M. Friends of SNCC, Meeting &
Talk by Rev. Alzert Cleage, July 9, 8
p.m., Union, Rm. 3G.
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Student with transportation to work
15 to 20 hours per week in exchange
for an apartment.
-Several Psychological subjects need-
1-Ambulance attendant to work for
room plus $10.00 per week.
1-Meat-cutter. Must have experience.
20 hours per week, including. Sat.
evenings and Sundays. Pay rate is
between $1.15 and 1.50 per hour.
-Several Psychological subjects need-
1-Lab. Dishwasher to work 20 hours
per week. Must have two years of
Chemistry background. Must, also,
be able to continue working through
the fall and spring semesters.
1-To take care of a 16 month old child
in your own home. Must live on or
near campus. Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.,
Tues. thru Fri.
Friday, July 12, 1963
9 to 12 p.m. Stag or Drag
Dr. Al bert J.McQueern
Study Director at the University's
Survey Research Center, discusses:
Face to}Face"
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Graduate Student Council
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