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August 14, 1963 - Image 1

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Years of Editorial Freedom

31I, No. 36-S





cNamara Lauds U.S. Power



The Associated Press

.._ _ _ _ _

t Sessions

[INGTON - Secretary of
Hobert S. McNamara
yesterday that one rea-
sia agreed to a limited
test ban is that America's
superiority has increased
ast four years.
is testifying under oath
he Senate Foreign Rela-
-med Services and Atomic
nara said the United
nuclear striking force,
ins of thousands" of war-
> substantially larger than
ets. He assured the sen-
t nothing in the pact will
power balance.

"I know of no one of my senior
scientific advisers, and no one on
the Joint Chiefs of Staff wno
recommend against support or
ratification of the treaty with
safeguards," McNamara testified.
The defense chief lifted the
secrecy lid in an unusual degree
in stating his case for ratifica-
tion before a packed audience in
the big Senate caucus room.
He told them that "by limiting
Soviet testing to the underground
environment, where testing is
more difficult and more expensive
and where the United States has
substantially more experience, we
can at least retard Soviet pro-

residential Panel Suggests
ay Increase for Officials
By The Associated Press
NASHINGTON-A presidential advisory panel recommended yes-
y that the $25,000 annual salaries of cabinet members be doubled
that pay of members of Congress be raised from $22,500 to $35,000.
The group, headed by Clarence B. Randall, former. Inland Steel
pany board chairman, also suggested Congress raise from $35,000
'to $60,000 salaries for Supreme
J Court justices, the Vice-President
and speaker of the House.

s ; tea' .,,

. Soviet writers

(orld News
By The Associated Press


In a report to President John F.
Kennedy, the 12-man panel fol-
lowed many of the recommenda-
tions made by the National Civil
Service League last April. The re-
port stemmed from a request by
Kennedy to the Budget Bureau and
the Civil Service Commission.
Above Careerists
It said the salaries of top gov-
ernment appointees should be well
above that of the highest paid iov-
ernment career employes. How-
ever, the group said, salaries of
top appointees "need not, and can-
not, be fixed meaningfully at rates
comparable with the higher ranges
of executive compensation;in busi-
ness and industry."
The report stated it is virtually
impossible to find private positions
comparable to high government of-
The panel suggested that legis-
lation on the proposed pay rates
be made effective next January.
The added expense to the gov-
ernment would not exceed $20 mil-
lion a year.
More Fringes
In addition to the pay raises,
the group recommended increas-
ed fringe benefits. The allowances
of the speaker and the vice-presi-
dent would be increased from $10,-
000 to $15,000.
A congressman or senator would
be permitted to deduct $5000 of
his salary from his income tax.
The panel said this would offset
living expenses.
There also was a recommenda-
tion that Congress increase "very
substantially" the number of gov-
ernment-paid trips allowed Con-
gress members each year.
Presidential appointees would be
reimbursed for the cost of moving
to Washington, and back to their
homes after their term of service
ended. After they left government
service, apponitees would receive
"separation pay" at the rate of
one month's pay for each year of 1
service but with a ceiling of three1
The panel report recommend-
ed salaries of $40,000 and $35,0001
for undersecretaries and assistant1
secretaries. However the deputy
secretary of defense and undersec-
retary of state would be placed at
the $45,000 level.
A salary of $33,000 was set for'
administrative assistant secretar-
ies, chief of major bureaus and
high level staff members.

gress and prolong the duration
of our technicological superiority."
McNamara repeated s e v e r a
points stressed by Secretary of
State Dean Rusk yesterday, in-
cluding emphasis that the treaty
involves risks. But he said "the
advantages outweigh the risks,"
adding that the risks "are either
small or under our control."
Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper
(R-Iowa) raised the question of
whether Russia now is nearer par-
ity with the United States in
nuclear strength than it was in
1959 when the Soviet leaders re-
jected a similar test ban agree-
"No, I believe the difference lies
in favor of the United States,"
McNamara replied, giving this as
a reason the Russians now are
willing to enter into an agree-
'High Yield' Advantage
McNamara had said earlier in
an opening statement that the
Russians appear to have some
advantage o v e r this country
technologically in very high yield
nuclear weapons because; of "a
considered decision by the United
States not to concentrate effort
in this field."
In response to questions, Mc-
Namara told Sen. Richard B. Rus-
sell (D-Ga) that the views of
military experts had not been
suppressed during negotiation of
the test ban treaty.
Russell said he was concerned
that no military officer was
assigned to the negotiating team
at Moscow, and was "more con-
cerned over what might follow" if
the military views were suppressed
in negotiations ahead.
If Red China Tests?
Russell asked what the United
States would do if the Red Chi-
nese started testing nuclear weap-
ons and Russia insisted it tried'
to prevent them from doing so.
"How far would you let the Red
Chinese go before we resumed
testing?" the senator asked.
"Clearly we certainly would1
have the right to test under those
circumstances," McNamara re-
Put Store in Split
Russell said the administration
appeared to put "great store" in;
the differences between Russia
and the Red Chinese.
He asked McNamara if he had
any doubt that in event of hos-
tilities between the United States
and Russia, or between the United:
States and Red China the two
Communist countries would "get
together very rapidly?"
"We must assume that to be the
case," McNamara replied, "and be
prepared for it."
Crowd Storms
Berlin 'Wall
By The Associated Press ]
BERLIN - A crowd of young
West Berliners chanting "The wall
must go . . . the wall must go,"
clashed with police tonight in a
demonstration on the second an-
niversary of the Berlin Wall.
Police used clubs to hold back a
pressing crowd of about 500 youths
gathered near Checkpoint Charlie,
the crossing point for foreigners
between East and West Berlin.
Four carloads of police were
rushed to the scene to reinforce
police posted there.
The demonstration started when
200 Berlin youths gathered ati
Heinrich Heine Street, the cross-<
over point for West Germans.
They paraded along the wall be-
hind a black banner with yellow
letters reading "When does theE
wall go?"

NSC Meeting
To Convene
Two and one half weeks of the
National Student Congress and its
preliminary conferences will begin
today in Bloomington, Ind. as the
United States Student Press As-
sociation holds its second annual
The press session is one of three
pre-congress conferences that pre-
cede the National Student Con-
gress, the legislative arm of the
United States National Student
Association. The congress itself
will begin Sunday on the Indiana
University campus.
The Student Body Presidents
and USNSA Co-ordinators Con-
ference also begins today and will
last until Sunday.
Consider College Press
The meetings of USSPA, of
which The Daily is a member, will
consider improvements in its col-
lege press service and structure as
well as establishment. of a com-
mittee to identify, publicize and
correct freedom of the student
press violations.
The student body presidents
meet annually to discuss mutual
problems in leading student gov-
ernment, while the USNSA co-
ordinators consider improving as-
sociation contacts on their respec-
tive campuses.
The student congress is expected
to draw approximately 1500 dele-
gates, alternates and observers
from nearly 400 colleges and uni-
versities that make up the asso-
Quiet Controversy
Meetings of the congress is ex-
pected to be quiet although the
delegates will consider stands on
controversial international issues
and association reorganization.
A non-beligerent stand taken
last year toward Cuba by the as-
sociation comes up for review and
sharp debate is expected over the
tone of this year's pronouncement.
Another knotty international
question is what the association
should do to strengthen the In-
ternational Student Conference.
Internal Revision
Revisions, reducing the National
Executive Board's powers and lim-
iting the number of issues to be
considered at any one congress,
will also be discussed.
On the national scene, the con-
gress will consider civil rights,
especially as related to education,
and federal aid to education.

Chicago Protest Erupts
Into Fight, Four Hurt
By The Associated Press
Chicago police and civil rights pickets clashed yesterday at a
classroom construction site in a Negro neighborhood and at least
four persons were hurt, including three policemen.
The policemen were hit by bricks and chunks of cement. The
volley came as police struggled to put Negro and white demon-
strators into paddy wagons. Picketers said temporary mobile class-
rooms under construction at the south side site promote de facto
- segregation. They demanded that


Negro and white children share
each Chicago school.
Charge Police Brutality
At Americus, Ga., Negro leaders
said they have filed a complaint
with the Justice Department
charging police brutality during
civil rights demonstrations.
A spokesman, John Barnham,
said a list of alleged brutality in-
cidents-which took place during
demonstrations last weekend-had
been filed with Atty. Gen. Robert
F. Kennedy's office. Barnham said
pickets were beaten with baseball
bats and burned with electric
At Unity House, Pa., the AFL-
CIO Executives Council refused to
endorse the planned massive civil
rights march on Washington Aug.
28. But a statement said the coun-
cil supported "completely the right
of any American peacefully to pro-
test for a redress of grievances."
Reuther Against Stand
Walter Reuther, head of the
United Auto Workers, criticized
the stand. More criticism came
from A. Philip Randolph, president
of the Brotherhood of Sleeping
Car Porters, who will lead the
march. Randolph is the only Ne-
gro vice-president of the AFL-CIO.
At Opelika, Ala., U.S. District
Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr. or-a
dered a desegregation plan filed
by Dec. 12 for Macon County
schools, to go into effect by next
Negro leaders in Washington,I
D.C. found themselves plagued by1
money and transport problems inj
the planned massive Aug. 28j
"march on Washington for free-
dom and jobs."j
Mounting Costs
An estimated 100,000 to 250,0001
Negroes and whites are expected
to come to the capital. They are1
supposed to pay their own fare,
carry lunch and provide their
own water. But Negro leaders are1
faced with mounting costs of pre-]
march literature and sufficienti
sound equipment of climactic ex-
ercises due to take place at the
Lincoln Memorial.
Meanwhile in Washington, 10
white postal workers from Dallas,
Tex., filed suit against the Postt
Office Department, contending:
they were discriminated against1
because of race. The plaintiffs
said the post office promoted threej
Negroes to supervisory positions
although the white workers ranked
higher on a promotion register.
Richard Murphy, assistant post-f
master general in charge 'f per-
sonnel, said the list is not a strict
promotion list: he said the Negroes
were chosen because the Dallast
post office had "consistently dis-
criminated" against Negroes in thet

MOSCOW - Soviet author Ilya
renburg told an international
iference yesterday that Russia's
tive writers - despite official
ssure for conformity-will press
toward greater freedom of ex-
ssion. The 72-year-old foe of
amier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
-rent literary line made his con-
ued defiance known at a Len-
rad conference of European
n a thrust at the party's cen-
ship of Western works, the ag-
writer said: "It is not worth-
ile to reject what is being writ-
in the West because it does
suit .this or that critic. Be-
en the two world wars, Ameri-
literature made a valuable
itribution to the development
the novel."
ULGIERS - Algeria's Assembly
sident Ferhat Abbas resigned
terday in protest against ire-
er Ahmed Ben Bella's govern-'
nt and was preparing to leave
country immediately, informed
irces reported. The resignation
s accepted by the Ruling Coun-
of Ministers over which Ben
Ila presides.
'vices subcommittee approved
terday a bill providing $175
lion to encourage building fall-
shelters, and $15.6 million to
ild them into existing federal
,ep. F. Edward Hebert (D-La),
airman of the subcommittee,
d, "virtually all the subcommit-
members began the hearings
h institutional objections" to
fallout program.
BRAZZAVILLE, Congo, Repub-
-Political prisoners freed yes-
:ay in the bloody storming of
azzaville's city prison by strik-
workers were believed to be
ming a revolutionary regime.
e -eported ain is to oust Presi-
it Fulbert Youlou and take over
government of this former
nch-ruled Congo country.
,ONDON - Six more nations
terday signed the limited nu-

have received a grant from the
U. S. Office of Education for five
more years of study.
'Cultured' Teachers Better
Results of the study revealed:
1) Instructors who are "cultur-
ed" tend to be more effective
teachers. McKeachie said this may
be because "these teachers con-
form more to the image of the
ideal professor, who is a person
who is broadly educated and cul-
He added that this finding may
be a general reflection of the
ability of the teacher to relate
psychological findings to other
2) . One of the most important
things affecting grades is the study
habits of students, as well as
Need Affiliation
3) Students, especially men stu-
dents, who have a high need for
affiliation, do better in a class
where the teacher is friendly and
takes a personal interest in his
students. McKeachie explained
that women seem to be affected
more uniformly by the teacher's
4) Students who tend to be an-
xious think it is important for a
class to have a high degree of
organization in it. This helps them
to study more effectively, Mc-
Keachie noted.
"In order to be effective, a
teacher must be aware of the fact
that individual students respond
to different methods of teaching,",
McKeachie claimed.

DEADLOCK-Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz (left) was
informed by J. E. Wolfe, chief negotiator for the railroads that
talks with rail unions on work rules changes had hit a stalemate.
Unless some agreement is reached, the railroads will impose the
new, job-cutting rules August 29 and the unions will then strike.
McKeachie Study Fnds
No Best Teaching Mode
A study of college teaching methods conducted recently by
Professors Wilbur J. McKeachie, Robert L. Isaacson and John E.
Milholland of the psychology department, resulted in the conclusion
that there is no one best teaching method.
What is best depends upon the individual student; the method
which is best for one student may not be good for another. The
three professors used about 800 students from Psychology 100 and
101 classes in their study. They


Dillon Asks
New, Tax Cut
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The country
can have a tax cut and still bal-
ance its federal budget in about
four years, Secretary of the Treas-
ury Douglas Dillon told House tax
writers today.
Dillon spent the day behind
closed doors with the House Ways
and Means Committee, which is
considering a new treasury pro-
posal of tax rate cuts to average
15.5 per cent for most taxpayers.
A decision on this proposal will
complete the pending tax revision
Committee sources said Dillon
stuck to his earlier predictions
that the tax cut will help rather
than hinder a budget balance by
1967 or 1968.
Republicans repeatedly insisted
that President John F. Kennedy
should demonstrate his intention
of cutting expenditures by pulling
back some of the new programs
before Congress.
Dillon, it was reported, predict-
ed that the budget would increase
by not more than $3 billion to $4
billion a year. In some fiscal
quarters this rate of increase, be-
low that of recent years, is con-
sidered a normal reflection of the
growth of population and econom-
ic activity. I

Note Talks
Reach Stall
On Firemen
Kennedy Aides Meet
With Congressmen
On Possible Action
WASHINGTON (A-Negotiators
for the railroads in the deadlocked
work rules dispute said yesterday
a "positive stalemate" has been
reached on the key fireman's is-
sue and a "negotiated agreement
is hopeless."
J. E. Wolfe, the carrier's chief
negotiator, gave the appraisal at
the conclusion of a two-hour bar-
gaining session with representa-
tives of firemen and engineer un-
ions at the Labor Department.
Wolfe told newsmen that Secre-
tary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz,
Asst,Secretary James J. Reynolds
and Francis O'Neill, Jr. of the Na-
tional Mediation Board, and the
unions shared his "stalemate" view
on the firemen's issue-a position
promptly disputed by the unions.
Unions Optimistic
The unions have been indicating
the talks were going well and that
a nationwide rail strike threaten-
ed for Aug. 29 might be headed off
without legislation asked by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy.
Wolfe said no further confer-
ences have been scheduled with
the unions, but both sides have
been asked to stand by for a possi-
ble call by Secretary Wirtz.
Administration officials prompt-
ly began canvassing chances on
Capitol Hill for settlement through
Doubts Passage of Law
But one highly placed senator
told a newsman it is doubtful now
that President Kennedy's plan for
submitting the strike threatening
dispute to the Interstate Com-
merce Commission can be passed.
After the talks yesterday Wirtz
and Lawrence F. O'Brien, special
assistant to Kennedy, met for 11/
hours in the office of Senate Dem-
ocratic Leader Mike Mansfield of
Montana with Senators Warren G.
Magnuson (D-Wash), chairman of
the Commerce Committee; John
0. Pastore (D-R, second ranking
Democrat on the committee; and
Wayne Morse (D-Ore).
Subsequent to the meeting both
Mansfield and Magnuson said no
decision was reached to proceed at
once with legislation.
Prefer Still To Negotiate
"The best solution," Mansfield
said, "still would be a negotiated
Magnuson said his committee
might meet later this week on the
Kennedy bill if the railroad'union
talks are unproductive..
The present nationwide strike
deadline-in the absence of reme-
dial legislation or a negotiated set-
tlement-is Aug. 29. That is the
day the railroads say they will
impose New York rules eliminat-
ing, among others, some 32,000
firemen's jobs they consider un-
necessary. The five on-train unions
say they will strike immediately if
the railroads act.
Asked for ICC Power
Kennedy proposed July 22 that
the ICC be empowered to pass on
the work rules with their decisions
binding during a two-year interim
period unless supplanted by a ne-
gotiated agreement. The unions
have called this compulsory arbi-
The firemen's issue-involving
thousands of jobs that the rail-
roads regard as unnecessary and
want eliminated-is the key issue
in the dispute.
Another big issue is the make-
up of train crews which was not
discussed yesterday.
The afternoon bargaining ses-

sion, arranged by Wirtz earlier
yesterday began just before a 156-
member committee of general lo-
cal chairmen of the firemen's un-
ion concluded another meeting at a
downtown hotel. Called to Wash-
ington to be on hand to ratify any
possible agreement in the dispute,
the members were placed on a

S End of Summer Brings Visions of Fall's




And so, along with all good
things, the summer approaches its
final days.
In approximately 12 days five
hours 22 minutes and 13 seconds
(EST) students not participating
in Ann Arbor's academic fare dur-
ing the summer will be returning
for another swinging year of in-
tellectual enlightenment.
Following the influx of students'
for registration will come cries that
the University is dogmatic, unfair
and completely stupid from stu-
dents whose pre - registration

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