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August 10, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-10

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Little change
in temperature

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom




The Phoenix Project has doubled the power of its reactor, "more
than doubling the capacity of the machine," Prof. William N. Kerr,
acting director of the project announced yesterday.
Following a year-delayed approval by the Atomic Energy Com-
mission, the project effected slight modifications in the reactor al-
ready running and increased its output from one to two million watts.
This means, Prof. Kerr explained, that the number of neutrons
the reactor produces has doubled, permitting most experiments to

Ask Lab For
Theatre Arts
The architecture department has
submitted a proposal for a per-
forming arts research laboratory
to University officials.
A decision on the project is ex-
pected soon, according to Prof. Jo-
seph J. Wehrer of the department.
This laboratory would serve to
investigate the role of environmen-
tal factors in music, the theatre,
ballet and similar arts. This would
not be done for the sake of novel-
ty, but under the conviction that
the performance arts will in the
future need completely changed
stages and audience halls.
The, project has four phases.
The first phase consisted of sur-
veying the need- for such a re-
V search center, forming an advisory
committee and drafting the pro-
posal. This stage is completed. If
the proposal is approved by Uni-
versity authorities, the following
phases would be initiated.
First, a creative committee, con-
sisting of artists in music, drama
and dance would be commissioned
to compose work which could be
performed in the research lab.
They would do this work without-
respect to the conventional pre-
suppositions of stage and audience
space. The architectural college
plans to cooperate with authors in
experimenting with the best possi-
ble theatre environment for a par-
ticular play.
The laboratory would experiment
on a smaller scale than the ulti-
See ARTS, Page 3
'U Keeps E ye
On Legislation
In Con gess .
The University is keeping a close
eye on congressional legislation
affecting education.
This particular session Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher has
sent letters to Michigan congress-
men seeking their support for the
~$1.2 billion three-year school aid
bill. The bill would match state
grants and loans with federal
funds for the construction of class-
rooms and laboratories.
Interest has also been high on
the part of the University in the
Health, Education and Welfare
bill. The HEW legislation contains
all the operating appropriations of
the National Institute of Health
and the Office of Education, both
of which .are vitally important to
the University.
The National Institute of Health
gives the University approximately

Abe completed in half the pre-
viously required time.
New Experiments
As neutrons are expelled at a
faster rate, experiments previously
impossible on the reactor, are now
Other than consuming twice as
much uranium, few aspects of the
reactor were changed by doubling
its power, Prof. Kerr said. As the:
water in the reactor's pool is more
radioactive, more filters are needed
to purify it.
Some modifications were made
in the reactor's heat exchange sys-
tem to handle the hotter water
caused by the reactor's increased
capacity, he said.
More Increases
The project is now thinking of
future increases in the reactor's
power, Prof. Kerr commented,
which would take extensive re-
modeling of the reactor.
Raising the reactor's. power to
four or five million watts from
two requires more extensive
changes than the current. doubling,
perhaps building a new reactor, be
It is studying potential indus-
trial and other university demand
for reactor service which would
pay the higher cost of a bigger
Other Customers
"It is not too well known that
the Phoenix Project provides ser-
vices to other universities," Prof.
Kerr said. Members of Wayne
State and Michigan State Uni-
versities physics departments have
used the reactor for experiments.
The project is now contacting
physics and chemistry depart-
ments around the state to see if
any would be interested in using
the reactor, he added.
However, it is not looking be-
yond the state for possible cus-
tomers at this time. Several years
ago a proposal for a program of+
the Council for Institutional Co-
operation, the association of Big
Ten universities and the University
of Chicago, using the reactor was
advanced, but most members were'
not interested, Prof. Kerr said.
However, some efforts are being
made to revive a joint nuclear
program, but at the University
of Minnesota.

AID Seeks
New Unit
For Study
Problems which have long beset
relationships between the Agency
for International Development and
American universities will be the
concern of a newly formed Task
Force on AID-University Relation-
AID makes contracts with uni-
versities to use the institutions'
resources and staff in joint work
in underdeveloped countries.
AID administrator David E. Bell
requested the organization of the
new group, which will study the
problems inhibiting joint work of
AID and universities and make
suggestions to to improve present
procedures a n d arrangements.
John W. Gardner, president of
Carnegie Corporation of New York,
is chairman of the task force,
which is composed of 21 members
from government, education, and
Marvin L. Niehuss, executive
vice-president of the University,
said the task force study "is a de-
sirable thing to do. There have
been many problems over the years
in AID-university relationships."
Some of those problems have
included the amount of freedom
given to professors under contract
for individual research, the re-
luctance of universities to release
faculty members for long-term
AID programs and the loss of ten-
ure and status for professors who
do accept prolonged AID assign-
An AID assignment usually runs
for two years. Niehuss said that
the University "likes it when the
term is shorter, like a semester or
one year, but we have not com-
plained." It is necessary for a per-
son in a program such as AID to
stay in the assigned country for
See AID, Page 3
Tax Cut Bill
WASHINGTON (A) - The House
Ways and Means Committee,
pushing toward its final decision
on President John F. Kennedy'
$10-billion tax cut proposal, ap-
proved yesterday a substantial eas-
ing of the capital gains tax.
With this big decision out of the
way, the signs point to a windup
of the taxwriters' basic work next
week and a House vote in Sep-
tember on the mammoth reduc-
tion and revision bill.
The reduction still is to be spell-
ed out. On balance, the decisions
made so far add up to an estimat-
ed first-year increase of $1 bil-
lion in revenues, to be offset
against the cuts still to be decided
ey Question
The majorquestion-what tax
rates will be' recommended in'
place of the present 20-to-91-per-
cent range-may be reached about
The committee made this deci-
sion yesterday:
Persons who hold capital assets
for more than two years should
have a better tax break than the
law now prescribes for the profits
on sales of assets held a minimum
of six months.
Present Rates
Capital gains on assets held six
months or more now are taxed at
a maximum of 25 per cent. If the
taxpayer is in a less-than-50-per-
cent-bracket, he can include 50
per cent of the capital gains in his

regular income for tax purposes,
thus paying less than 25 per cent.
The committee-approved pro-
vision would apply to gains on as-f
sets held more than two years.
These would carry a maximum tax
of only 21 per cent, or could be in-
cluded in income at only 40 pr'
cent of the net gain.

For I
Chances of
Income Tax
Are Remote
Governor Presents
Economy Program
By The Associated Press
of a statewide income tax dimmed
yesterday as Gov. George Romney
indicated that a local option in-
come tax will be included in his
fiscal reform package as lawmak-
ers cheered his economy budget
announced yesterday.
"A statewide income tax has not
been ruled in, nor has it been ruled
out. Neither has a local option in-
come tax been ruled in or out
yet," the governor said.
However, observers saw that
Romney's announcement that he
will keep the general operating
budget within $580 million of reve-
nue expected and that he will not
seek to increase revenue meant:
No State Income Tax
-There will be no statewide in-
come tax, but a shift in business
taxes from operations to- profits
as suggested by house Speaker Al-
lison Green (R-Kingston) and oth-
-The Legislature may be asked
to set ground rules to allow local
governments and school boards to
levy income taxes;
-The Democrats will not sup-
port Romney's program, especial-
ly since they want more than a $60
million increase in state spending;
-There will be less opposition
to tax revision with controversial
personal and corporate income tax
provisions removed.
Local Options
Romney said that his tax pro-
gram will include local option tax-
es or state aid to local govern-
ment through higher state taxes or
He said that his program would
have given-tax relief to low-income
g r o u p s, stimulating economic
growth and providing more reve-
nue to local units o8 government
as its objectives.
Romney upped his budget limit
to $597 miillion yesterday by de-
ciding to exclude $17 million in
constitutionally - required pension
funds cut from his $610 million
budget estimate.
Burma Troops
Raid Homes;
Cause Crisis
RANGOON tom)-Steel-helmeted
troops arrested 10 front line Bur-
mese politicians and an editor in
dawn raids yesterday.
The arrests plunged Gen. Ne
Win's ruling revolutionary council
into a major crisis.
Political sources said Ne Win
ordered the roundup because of a
campaign launched by members
of the group to discredit the coun-
cil and the way it is running this
neutralist, socialist nation of 20

Ne Win's move came simultan-
eously with the release of three
ministers in the government of
former Premier U Nu, who were
arrested with U Nu when the gen-
eral seized power in a coup March
2, 1962.




BUDGETING-The administration of Gov. George Romney (left) has requested that the Univer-
sity submit a minimal needs budget figure along with its usual request. Executive Vice-President.
Marvin L. Niehuss (center) put that "bedrock" figure at $41 million and Regent Eugene B. Power
(right) warns that the University is going to need more if it is to grow.
PreZ Bars Naval Personnel



By The Associated Press
NEW ORLEANS -- Leander H.
Perez, a segregation leader and
political chieftain of Plaquemines
Parish (county), says he will bar
Navy personnel from business in
the parish.
The move is an attempt to pre-
vent enforcement of a Defense De-
partment directive telling com-
manders to push non-discrimina-
tion against Negro servicemen and
their families.
Not in Sight
WASHINGTON (')-A state de-
partment spokesman said yester-
day the United States is interested
in developing more normal and
active relations with Communist
East European governments, but
said full-scale relations with Hun-
gary are not being resumed at
this time.
Press Officer Richard I. Phillips
sought to re-emphasize the United
States position in the wake of
press reports that the United
States is about to send a minister
to Budapest and receive a Hun-
garian minister here.
raillips gave newsmen a copy of
a Sept. 13, 1962, policy statement'
by Assistant Secretary William R.
Tyler, who deals with European
affairs, saying in part:
"The United States can most
effectively exert an influence on
developments, and take advantage
of any favorable and liberalizing
trends in Eastern Europe if the
scope of relations with these coun-
tries is broadened."

Perez, friend of the late Huey
Long and undisputed parish czar
over 40 years, said he would "rec-
ommend" to the parish council
that parish businesses be declared
off limits to navymen.
. Barred from Schools
Second, he would suggest that
children of personnel at the naval
air station at Belle Chasse be bar-
red from public schools. Third, that,
civilians stay off the parish's
sprawling base five miles south of
Rear Admiral Charles H. Lyman
III, district commandant, said that
if the reported threats were car-
ried out, he is ready to take the
matter to court.
Children Off Base
"Ninety per cent of the children
to whom Perez refers live, not on
the base, but at various places in
the parish," Lymon said. "And I
do not see that they could be ex-
cluded from the parish schools be-
cause of their fathers' occupations.
At least 125 Negroes were ar-
rested in anti-segregation demon-
strations in two North Carolina
cities last night.
- Seventy-two were jailed at
Goldsboro when they forced their
way past police and entered a
theater and a restaurant. They
were charged with trespassing and
held under $100 bonds each.
Latest Demonstration
Fifty-four were jailed at Wil-
liamston, in the northeastern part
of the state. The demonstration
there, latest in a series that began
more than a month ago, came af-
ter city council adopted a stringent
anti-picketing ordinance.
The ordinance requires a 24-
hour notice before a demonstra-
tion can be held, requires a special
permit for children below 18 to



participate, requires protest lead-I
ers to file advance notice with
police regarding the size of the
demonstration, whether minors
are to participate, the area to be
used, and the length of time of
the demonstrations.
In New York sponsors of the
Aug. 28 civil rights march on
Washington "disclosed yesterday
that some 2,000 Negro policemen
will be used to keep "subversive
elements from infiltrating the
No Indications
A. Philip Randolph, president of.
the Negro American Labor Coun-
cil, said that no definite indica-
tion of subversive action had been
received by the Washington march
committee, but "We are taking the
precautions based on their (sub-
versive) past behaviour."
Randolph said that President
Kennedy had not yet agreed to
receive a delegation of civil rights
leaders on the morning of the
march. He added however, that
the march committee was well
pleased with the attitude the Presi-
dent had taken toward the march.
Arrest Three
In Georgia
Three staff members of the
Student Non - Violent Coordinat-
ing Committee were arrested in
Americus, Ga., and held in $43,000
bail apiece, SNCC Field Secretary
Susan Wender, '65, reported last
The three were charged with
inciting to riot, inciting to insur-
rection and attempting to prevent
lawful arrest.
They were arrested after 300;
persons marched from the weekly
Thursday night mass meeting
down to the center of town. The
marchers were met by the police
who singled out one of the SNCC
members and ordered him to
break up the demonstration.
Macon Indictments
Meanwhile, in Macon, a federal
grand jury returned an indictment
of conspiracy against three Albany
Movement members and charged
six others with perjury..
The Albany Movement is a civil
rights group in this southwest
Georgia city.
Five were released on $2500
bonds, Slater King, acting head
of the Albany Movement was re-
leased on $5000 bond and Joni
Rabinowitz, a SNCC worker from
New York, was released on $3500
Two Absent
Two of those charged were tried
in absentia and not arrested.
The three were charged with
conspiracy for picketing a grocery
store owner. SNCC members claim
the picket and boy-ott of .he gro-
cery store was over the hiring of
Negroes. However, the charges
brought before the grand jury for

Niehuss Says
Requests Are
A Minimum
Power Tells of Threat
To Year Round Plans
If Money is Refused
Under a new system instituted
this year, the University has sub-
mitted to the State Comptroller's
office its "initial request" for
funds to continue present services
at the same level during the next
fiscal year-1964-65.
The University has sent in a
request for $41 million based on
an expected additional income of
$13 million from student fees and
nearly $1 million from other
sources. The $41 million figure in-
eludes an estimated price increase
for present services and slight
salary increases, Executive Vice-
President Marvin Niehuss said yes-
Like other state agencies which
were asked to submit ' an "initial
request," the University has been
asked to send another budget
showing the cost of increased ser-
vices by September 20.
Reluctant Request
Niehuss stressed that the Uni-
versity is not asking for the "initial
request." That figure is the bare
minimum needed by the University
to carry on its present program.
The comptroller's office is trying
to obtain "the bedrock cost of
carrying the state forward with no
increase of services," he said.
The $41 million does not in-
clude the cost of . year round
operation that the University is
now trying to institute, for in-
In the budget submitted last
year to the Legislature, the Univer-
sity asked for $44.2 million which
included the cost of increased
services. It received $38.2 million.
Romney's First Plan
Under Gov. George Romney's
original 1964-65 estimate of $610
million for the general fund bud-
get, an increase of $10 million
was allotted for higher education.
This budget was $60 million above
the operating budget for the cur-
rent year. Revised estimates by
the governor cut this figure in
half and added an additional $17
million for "funding" required by
the new state constitution.
Consequently, the $10 million
Increase will most likely be cut
along with other added expendi-
Additional funds are needed by
the University to switch to year
round operation. A cutback in
the budget would seriously jeopar-
dize this action. In fact, Regent
Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor
said "without an increase in the
University's budget we can't oper-
ate year round."
Five Austere Years
Citing Romney's attempts to
make stage agencies run more ef-
ficiently, Power noted that the
University "has been through five
years of austerity. I am certain
that the University has introduced
all possible economies."
Niehuss also said that the Uni-
versity was running as "efficiently
as possible." He added that the
University is constantly on the
lookout for more efficient methods.
Although Romney switched from
a limousine to standard car two
months ago to save money in his
own office, Niehuss said that he
knew of no similar plans on the
part of President Hatcher's office,

Shelter Exiles
can witnesses said yesterday about
200 Haitian exiles involved in the
invasion of this Negro nation
Monday had come from the neigh-
boring Dominican Republic.

WorldNews Roundup
By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS-Secretary General 'U Thant said yesterday
he would sound out the people of North Borneo and Sarawak on
whether they want to joint the Federation of Malaysia-only if
Britain agrees to a survey of opinions.
* *~ * * .

to slow down the race for the

Bush warns of Threat to Individuality

narrowly defeated yesterday a move
moon and accepted a compromise
Splan for the new communications
satellite corporation to pay for
some of its birth pangs. Then the
Senate passed by voice vote a new
$5.5-billion space program, with
most of the money earmarked for
the plan for putting a man on the
moon by 1970. A conference com-
mittee will try to adjust differ-
ences between the bill an a House
* * *
DAMASCUS-Syria and Iraq
urged President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser of the United Arab Republic
yesterday to call a truce in their
political feud and salvage plans

The issue of preservation of in-
dividual man and his human heri-
tage is far more urgent than any
scientific problem facing us today
Douglas Bush, professor of English
at Harvard University and keynote
speaker at a seminar on English
in contemporary education, warn-

"I intend no antagonism toward
science itself," he added. "That,
would be imbecility. I am against
the idea that it is the only an-
swer, the only oracle of wisdom.
There are other truths."
Humanities Pre-eminent
All the common experiences of

Bush said he saw the problem as
sickness of the cultural body with
little liklihood of any rapid return
to health: a sickness caused by
the natural fldw of events and
circumstances, the upshot of which
would be "man as a mindless,
heartless, will-less node relying on
the findings of science to make


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