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June 26, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-06-26

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Continued warm today
possible showers tonight

See Editorial Page


Years of Editorial Freedom






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Bs Resolution Not Binding 'U'

Kennedy Calls for

Allied Unity,

he resolution passed by the
Senate last month seeking to
enrollment at state supported
ersities to 35,000 is not bind-
on the University Vice-Presi-
* Marvin L. Niehuss said last'

Even if a similar resolution is
passed by the House next fall the
resolution would still be, no more
than an indication of the Legis-
lature's attitude Niehuss comment-
ed. He pointed out, however, that
the Legislature could exercise its
influence through its appropria-

udit Commission Adopts
niform Out-of-State Rule


'he concurrent resolution urg-
adoption of a uniform defini-
i of nonresident students at
e colleges and universities has
ni passed in almost exactly the
ie form as the present Univer-

. : suggests resolution



October Action
On Pollution
The exact role the University
will play in the Midwest Water
Pollution Research Facility to be
established at the University has
not yet been determined.
Prof. David C. Chandler of the
zoology department and director
of the- Great Lakes Institute term-
ed the meeting of representatives
from the Big Ten universities and
the University of Chicago in Ann
Arbor on May 29 an organization-
al one at which no definite deci-
sions about the extent or manner
of interaction among the schools
were determined.
He said various subcommittees
were established to study the sit-
uation and to choose what the
most efficient method of utilizing
the cooperative efforts of the uni-
versities would be. The subcommit-
tees will hold a joint meeting in
October. Until then Prof. Chand-
ler indicated no concrete action on
the project will be taken.
A special committee selected by
the Committee on Institutional
Cooperation served as an advisory
group to the May meeting. Admin-
istrative Dean Robert L. Williams
said the facility probably would
have been located elsewhere if the
11 CIC institutions had not band-
ed together and indicated that
they would support and cooperate
with any of the institutions at
which the facility might be as-
A 10-acre site on North Cam-
pus has been made available by
the Regents for the construction of
a building which will offer, rough-
ly 50,000 square feet of space at
an estimated cost of $2.5 million.
The Water Pollution Facility
will serve Great Lakes and Mid-
west areas by seeking answers to
pollution and water-use problems.
It is one of seven federal regional
research centers authorized by
Congress for the United States
Public Health Service.
Each of the regional centers will
accommodate anaverage staff of
150 persons, about half of them
scientists and engineers. They will
be equipped with the latest in sci-
entific instruments and equipment
for pollution research on a com-
prehensive basis.
Goldwater YRs
Attend Meeting

The legislation introduced by
the Legislative Audit Commission
drops only the last of the Regents
regulations on individuals quali-
fied to call themselves residents
of Michigan.
This regulation makes "full-time
members of the teaching staff,
teaching fellows whose appoint-
ments require at least three con-
tact hours of teaching each week,
and their dependents eligible to
register as residents."
With the exception of this
clause the definition is word for
word that of the University's.
Decided Differences
Sen: Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field) said the commission found
"decided differences in the detini-
tion of a nonresident student at
state supported colleges arid uni-
versities. He claimed the net in-
come of the schools would be in-
creased $200,000 to $259,000 a year
if the most rigid definitions now
in use were applied throughout
the state.
The resolution would take effect
next fall for all new students but
would not apply to those now en-
rolled. It is not a law but a sug-
gestion to each individual college's
board of regents Rep. Carroll C.
Newton (R-Delton) said. Newton
is vice-chairman of th:, Audit
Discuss Resolutio~n
He also said the Council of
College Presidents had- discussed
the resolution at some length ar: d
the presidents seemed willing to
lend it their support.
Newton beheves the $20G,000
figure is a conservative one and in
reality feels the net income would
be increased by twice that amount.
Sen. Garland Lane (i-Flint)
stated he oe Jeved $ b00 0'0 had
been lost l o universities and teach-
er's colleges through their failure
to use a strict definition of non-
resident ,tudents. "The people of
the state cf Michigan are sub-
sidising beyond reason," he said.
Members of the Audit Commis-
sion have long been concerned
students attending state univer-
with the number of out-of-state
sities and have several conferences
with University officials on the
Wrote Own
Lane explained that previously
small colleges and teacher's col-
leges had been controlled by the
state Board of Education and bad
consequently not written their own
rules regarding nonresident stu-
dents. The change in the status
of these colleges as a result of the
new constitution now places the
responsibility on the colleges
According to a survey issued;
with the resolution, 18,392 non-:
resident students were enrolled in
Michigan's state-supported insti-
tutions last fall.

The resolution introduced by
Sens. Garland Lane (D-Flint),
Raymond Dzendzel (D-Detroit),
Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield), and
Lloyd Stephens (R-Scottville) sup-
ports "the trend toward increas-
ing enrollments at the smaller
state institutions of higher edu-
cation, including the junior and
community colleges."
Rep. Carroll C. Newton (R-Del
ton) introduced a similar bill re-
questing the enrollment to be lim
ited to 27,000 earlier in the year
but the resolution was never re-
ported out of committee. Newton
said he would like to see Michi-
gan adopt a program similar to
the one in California where there
are limitations on the number of
students allowed to enter each uni-
He used the controversy over
Michigan State University's re-
quest for a heating plant capable
of taking care of 45,000 students
as an example of expansionism
which he said "he was n',t happy
to see."
Newton said the Hous was un-
willing to project that far into
the futu e. There are at present
no collegrs in Michigan with an
enrollment cnywhere nea 45,000
and it seems unwise to try ana
look this far ahead he said. Ex-
plaining that although he thought
the race between MSU and the
University was probaby mere
eagerly pursued on the pare of
MSU than the University he s
dislikcd to see universities be-
coming impersonal complexes
where the student losses all per-
sonal cotact with the teacher.
Sen. Lane said MSU President
John Hannah had made a speech
saying Lnat ne believed 35,000 was
the most stitablenumber at whiLh
to limit enrollment. This there-
fore, Lne said, should be an in-
dication that there is some sup-
port for such a resolution among
the larger universities.
Denies Report
Of Reductions
In U.S. Arms
fense Department said yesterday
the United States intends to main-
tain its combatestrength undim-
inished at home and abroad.
Assistant Secretary of Defense
Arthur Sylvester denied a report
that the United States is prepar-
ing to reduce its overseas military
deployment. and cut the size of
the Army, Navy and Air Force,.
The report said that the De-
fense Department was planning
troop reductions in South Korea,
swifter junking of aging B-47
bombers and a reduction in the
purchase of fissionable materials
for nuclear weapons.
Hoped-for reductions in the
huge annual military budget, Syl-
vester said, will come from im-
proved efficiency, shucking un-
necessary frills in equipment and
arms, and possibly from trimming
the rear echelon forces support-
ing the combat units.
He suggested that the report
of a 60,000 man slash in arms
strength as one of several drastic1
moves in prospect apparently was
confused with developments grow-
ing out of a House committee's ac-
tions last week.

Creal Notes
Housing Vote
Mayor Cecil O. Creal told the
city council last Monday night
that it will have to consider the
possibility of taking the proposed
housing ordinance to the people
for an advisory vote.
Paul H. Johnson, Third Ward,
has recently presented petitions
with approximately 1000 signa-
tures. The petitions call on council
to have an advisory vote before
it takes final action on the ordi-
Creal said at a closed meeting
Monday night that council may
have to increase the number of
units in a multiple dwelling that
the ordinance would cover. The
present ordinance calls for five,
because the rooming house owners
are "petrified" about their income.
Future Development
He went on to say that he
thought the ordinance might bet-
ter apply to only future develop-
ments; f i n a n c i a 1 institutions
should not be included.
The mayor continued saying
that a better solution would be for
the state to take some type of
action that would cover all com-
munities. He also stated that he
would not veto any ordinance
passed by the council, although
he might vote against it.
Close Session
The reaction to the arbitratary
closing of the council's working
session to the public, by Creal.
was a record turnout of over 300
The non -violent, interracial
demonstration, sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Area Fair Housing
Association, an affiliate of the
Congress of R a c i a 1 Equality
(CORE), was the fourth in a
series of weeklydemonstrations.
LeMar Miller, chairman of
AAFHA - CORE, stated, "T h e
council has made it necessary for
demonstrations to continue." He
pointed out that resistance to
equal treatment "is reflected in
the inaction of council" and in
Mayor Creal's statement that
Ann Arbor "should be the last city
in the world where we should have
picketing on civil rights."
Questions Methods
Miller accused the council of
using "under the table" methods
of settling the issue. As evidence
Miller pointed out that Creal was
reported as saying, "The wishes
of the people must be strongly
considered. If there are 300 people
out there you act accordingly."
"The mayor was referring to
problems of zoning. If the mayor
considers the wishes of the people
on zoning issues, why can't the
demands of people on fair housing
be considered," Miller said.
Miller also pointed out, "The
idea of giving token opportunities
to minority groups is no longer

-AP Wirephoto
GREETS PRESIDENT-Two young German girls greet President John F. Kennedy (left) during his
tour of West Germany. Western President Heinrich Luebke (center) and Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer look on. The president is also visiting West German cities and delivered a major foreign
policy speech yesterday.
Negroes Reject PeaePlea

By The Associated Press
An angry, militant group of Ne-
gro leaders vowed in Raleigh, N.
C., yesterday to continue mass
demonstrations in defiance of Gov.
Terry Sanford's plea for racial
They expressed bitter disap-
pointment in what they called the
governor's failure to set forth a
firm policy of desegregation and
said they would continue to take
to the streets until racial barriers
Suspect Bound, Over
In Jackson, Miss., City Court
Judge James E. Spencer bound
over to the Hinds County Grand
Jury without bail Byron De La
Beckwith who pleaded innocent
to the slaying of Medgar Evers.
"I don't think that there is any
question that the presumption is
great in this case," Spencer said:
In another Mississippi case, the
FBI joined in the investigation of
a shooting in which five Negroes
were peppered with birdshot Mon-
day night as they walked near a
civil rights rally in Clinton.
Canton City Atty. Robert L.
Goza said the two women and
three men apparently were fired
upon from a passing auto. There
was no evidence to indicate "ra-
cial overtones," he added.
Registration Drive
The Congress of Racial Equality
(CORE) has been conducting an
extensive voter registration cam-
paign in the area.
In Atlanta, about 50 more res-
taurants are being desegregated
voluntarily on a trial basis.
Token desegregation was agreed

to in a private meeting by about In Washington, Ambassadors of
25 restaurant owners who operate six African nations delivered stiff
the 50 eating places, a source said. protests to the state department
Sit-ins and picketing by Negroes over what they called unjustifi-
were to be halted under the agree- able statements made recently by
ment, the source said. Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D-La).
King Warns of Deniise
OfSegregationl in Cities
By THOMAS DRAPER day the former slaves and slave
"No community in the United owners will live together in free-
States can boast of clean hands in dom; that one day, right here in
the area of segregation," Rev. Detroit, Negroes will be able to
Martin Luther King Jr. said Sun buy a house anywhere their money
day. will take them; that the mountain
In a Cobo Hall speech which of despair will dissipate and that
climaxed the mass freedom march thebrotherhood of man will be a
"walk to freedom" down Detroit's reality."
Woodward Avenue, King said that __ __
although segregation doesn't have
legal sanctions in the north that
it does in the south, it occurs in W orlews
hidden forms such as housing and
education opportunities.Roundup
The "clock of destiny is tick- ,
ing," King warned, "and we must
act Morally Wrong By The Associated Press
"Segregation is not only sociol- WASHINGTON - Civil Defense
ogically untenable, not only poli- Chief Steuart L. Pittman in-
tically unsound-it is morally sisted yesterday that radioactive
wrong." fallout-not the threat of vast,
Rev. King described segregation fiercely burning fires-would be
as a cancer upon a democratic the greatest menace to American
society. Society cannot be healthy lives in a nuclear war. Pittman
until that cancer is removed," he spoke in defense of the Kennedy
asserted. administration's $175 million fall-
"Segregation is nothing but a out shelter incentive proposal.
new form of slavery. But we will * * *
no longer sell our birthright of WASHINGTON-State Depart-
freedom," Rev. King declared. ment officials said yesterday the
"We've heard lots of people tell- United States government favors
ing us to 'slow up and cool off.' easing the travel ban against East
Well, we've cooled off all too long Germans to avoid discouraging in-
and there's the danger. People who ternational scientific meetings in
keep cooling of fend up in the the West.
deep freeze.
Advance Gradually? LONDON-Soviet Premier Niki-
"We've heard lots of people tell ta Khrushchev will visit East Ger-
us to advance more gradually. But many on Sunday, Moscow Radio
gradualism is little more than es- announced last night. The trip
capism. And escapism is the same will come just four days after
thing as standstillism. Now is the President John F. Kennedy con-
time to get rid of segregationin ludes his tour of West Germany
this country. We want our rights and Berlin.
here and we want them now." * * *
Noting that over 60 communi- NEW YORK-A rally by rails
ties have experienced civil rights ran into profit taking late yester-
protests since the Birmingham day and the stock market closed
demonstration, King noted "We irregularly lower. The Dow Jones
have come to see the power of non- 30 industrials closed down 2.10;
violence." 20 rails down .23; 15 utilities down
He urged the Negro never to .27; and 65 combined stocks down
accept the denial of rights but .06.
never to stoop to violence.
Militant Stand COPENHAGEN-Danish voters
The Negro stands up militantly, delivered a stinging rebuff to the
but this new militancy must be Socialist - dominated government
kept within the bounds of under- Monday with an outright rejection
standing. "I know the colored race of its demands for more state con-
has been the victims of lynchings trol over the land. The vote in a
and economic injustice. I know national referendum was an up-
your strong feelings but there is setvictory for conservativeswho
danger in not disciplining these called the government program a

NATO Policy
Of de Gaulle
Million Germans ear
President Risk Cities
To Protect Continent
FRANKFURT, Germany (R) -
President John F. Kennedy called
yesterday for renewed effort to
expand and preserve the Atlantic
Alliance and pledged the risk of
American cities to nuclear holo-
caust in the defense of Europe.
In a major policy speech in St.
Paul's Church in this Main
River city, the American chief of
state flung a direct challenge to
the policies of French President
Charles de Gaulle.
He urged a massive new effort
to preserve and expand Atlantic
unity and warned that doubt and
decision could tumble the Atlantic
Alliance to ruin. De Gaulle long
has put the Alliance second to the
interests of France.
It was another day of high per-
sonal triumph in Germany for the
American President as a crowd
estimated by a German official at
nearly a. million turned out to see
him on his drive to Frankfurt
after a visit to a military base at
He delivered the main speech
of his tour in the historic church,
where he called on the NATO
allies to fulfill "a great new mis-
sion" leading the world to peace
and freedom.
"The United States will risk its
cities to defend yours because we
need your freedom to protect
ours," he declared.
He did not mention de Gaulle
by name anywhere in his speech
or in remarks elsewhere, but his
meaning was plain to all who
heard his words beamed all over
Western Europe by radio net-
"Those who would doubt our
pledge or deny this indivisibility-
those who would separate Europe
from America or split one ally
from another-would only give aid'
and comfort to the men who make
themselves our adversaries and
welcome any new Western disar-
This amounted to a direct clash
with de Gaulle, who has expressed
doubt that the United States
would risk nuclear destruction for
the sake of European security,
Aside from expressing doubts
about the President's proposed
multi-nation NATO nuclear force,
de Gaulle has recently taken other
military action designed to give
France greater military autonomy.
Last week, he pulled French
ships out of NATO North Atlantic
and Mediterranean commands.
Kennedy laid down his concept
of the goals of the West: peace
and freedom for all men, for all
time, in a world of abundance and
justice. He made plain how he
believes this could best be done.
"The first task of the Atlantic
community is to assure the com-
mon defense," he said. "That de-
fense was and still is indivisible."
There was no immediate re-
sponse from Paris, where de
Gaulle attended a meeting of his
While this was a response to
de Gaulle it also served notice
anew to the Soviet Union that the
United States would retaliate,
swiftly against any attack on its
Listening to Kennedy in St.
Paul's church, a century-old sym-
bol of German democracy and lib-
eralom, was a select audience of
900 German officials, legislators,

dignitaries, business leaders and
"No one can tell in the future,"
he said, "whether there ;s a storm
coming for all of us. But what we
can be sure of is-we believe in
God and we are ready."

Pledges U.S. to Europe D efense



Herbert Describes 'Change of Pace',

"Musical comedy is a pleasant change of' pace for me," com-
mented Prof. Ralph Herbert, Metropolitan Opera baritone, University
operadirector and voice teacher.
Prof. Herbert will sing the role of Emile de Becque in the Uni-
versity of Michigan Players production of "South Pacific" opening
tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendolssohn Theatre.
Born and educated in Vienna, Prof. Herbert has been a member
of the professional opera world for over 25 years. He has long
played lead roles on Broadway and has been a frequent guest at the
Metropolitan Opera in New York, staging Strauss' "Rosenkavalier"
and Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" there last season as well as
singing Beckmesser in "Der Meistersinger" and Faninal in "Der
Tall and distinguished, his black hair greyed for the production,
Prof. Herbert's stage French charm is replaced by genuine Viennese'
charm as his traditional "wienerblut" love of life and energy appears.
"I have traveled to New York frequently this past year to the
Metropolitan Opera," he explained, "and, of course, I have also
been teaching here at the University."
During the past year, he also directed Puccini's "Gianni Schiac-
chi," Pergolesi's "La Serva Padrona," and Lortzing's "Der Wild-


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