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August 07, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-07

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Partly cloudy today
with chance of showers


Years of Editorial Freedom

io. 31-S




Government Sets
New Bias Orders
To Extend Anti-Discrimination
From FHA to FDIC Banks'
WASHINGTON--The Kennedy Administration is preparing to
force desegregation by a program of threatened cutoff of financial
aid to states or other recipients who refuse to cooperate, the Wall
Street Journal reported recently.
The administration seems to feel it already has this power
under the Constitution and existing legislation though it is now
requesting power to withhold aid from Congress. The

Hearings on Treaty
To Begin in Senate
WASHINGTON (P)-President John F. Kennedy will send the
new nuclear test ban treaty to the Senate tomorrow, the 'White
House said yesterday. Hearings lasting an expected two to three weeks
will begin Monday with Secretary of State Dean Rusk in the chair.
When completed the historic agreement "will be assigned the
highest priority" on the Senate floor, ahead of civil rights and




To Set MSU Medical Unit


,UtL A1ain

l to be a series of
federally supported
the Journal said.
11 States


. - Meredith Issue

At Election
Approximately 500 Negroes en-
gaged in a "vote in" yesterday,
the first of its kind, in the guber-
natorial race in Mississippi, Stu-
dent Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee Field Secretary Martha
Prescod, '65, said.
Miss Prescod, working in Green-
wood, said the Negroes appeared at
the voting place where they pre-
sented the election officials with
affidavits and ballots already
The vote-in procedure called
for unregistered citizens to cast
ballots under a state law permit-
ting those wrongly omitted from
the poll lists to votebytaffidavit,
and was planned by CORE.
The four candidates: former
Governor J. P. Coleman, 49, Lt.
Gov. Paul Johnson, 47, Robert
Mason, 65, a Magee welder, and
Charles Sullivan, 38, a Clarksdale
If one man cannot draw a ma-
jority, the two top men compete in
a runoff election August 27. Bal-
loting was reported heavy.
At 12 p.m. with 542 of 1,882 pre-
cincts reporting, results showed
Johnson ahead with 22,708, Cole-
man next with 19",082, Sullivan
with 15,705 and Mason with 458
Although whites stood by with
guns, no incidents took place, Miss
Prescod said.
The demonstration was protest-
ing state procedures of registra-
tion. One Negro woman passed the
literacy test but was not allowed to
vote because she was not permitted
to pay the poll tax, Miss Prescod
said. Another couldn't vote be-
cause members of the FBI had held
a Negro's poll tax receipts for in-
vestigation, she added.
Atty. Gen. Joe Patterson said
Saturday that in his opinion the,
law did not provide for "vote-ins"
and said such action was illegal.
In Montgomery, Alabama, bills
which could be used to segregate'
white and Negro students by class-
rooms were given unanimous ap-
proval today by the Alabama
They went to the Senate for ac-
tion there.
The two measures whose spon-
sor, Rep. Alton Turner of Cren-,
shaw County, said he introduced
them at the request of Gov. Georgej
Wallace, would give broad powersI
to local school boards in placing
and grouping students. They pass-
ed 95-0, 92-0.
Turner said the legislation was
designed to "give school boards a
little more power to handle such
things as disciplinary problems."
Another bill pending in the
House would give school officials
the authority to split the school
day into two sessions and classing
students accordingly.

Eleven Southern states last year
received nearly $3.2 billion in fed-
eral aid.
The administration is continuing
its efforts to get the fund-with-
holding provision passed as part of
the civil rights package to elimi-
nate any possible disputes over its
The withholding proposal has
not received wide support, and
chances for congressional approval
are slim, reported the Journal.
Begin To Act
The administration has already
begun to act on the problem,
which, in the words of one admin-
istrative official, "won't pass, and
neither will the pressures on the
government to act.",
President Kennedy has barred
discrimination by executive order
in hiring by government contrac-
tors, in employment on federally-
financed construction projects and
in the sale of housing financed
directly by the government or
through government-guaranteed
Servicemen's Children
Schools educating the children
of servicemen living on a nearby
base must also be non-discrimina-
But the administration has been
slow in actually withholding
funds, the Journal reported. This
fall the first cash cutoff will come,
to eight Southern schools who re-
fused to admit children of Negro
But six Southern colleges have
dropped out of the National De-
fense Education Act's summer pro-
gram and many others have with-
drawn from National Science
Foundation institutes. Mississippi
and Louisiana withdrew from the
civil defense adult education pro-
gram when it required desegre-
gation beginning July 1.
Desegregated Operation
"In each of these programs,
though the law does not require
desegregated operation, adminis-
tration officials overruled earlier
interpretations and declared they
had legal authority to act. The
housing order Kennedy issued last
November rested on three legs-
on Supreme Court decisions that
restrictive covenants could not be
enforced in housing sales, on a
post-Civil War law that all United
States citizens have equal rights
to hold and convey personal pro-
perty, and on a statement in the
1939 Housing Act that the 'general
welfare' requires a decent home
for every American family," the
Journal said.
A new law banning discrimina-
tion in the sale of housing financ-
ed by banks and savings and loan
associations whose deposits are in-
sured by the Federal Deposit In-
surance Corp. or Federal Savings
and Loan Insurance Co. is under
consideration. Lenders would lose
their insurance if they failed to

.. .test ban
Attack Local
Income Tax
DETROIT ()-Democratic leg-
islators convened with Govefnor
Romney and his advisors for a
two-day meeting to discuss tax
At the meeting they made clear
their opposition to a local option
provision for income tax. At an
informal caucus they adopted a
statement asking "sufficient re-
lief for local government to allow
repeal of the Detroit city income
tax," and repeal of sales tax on
food and drugs, business activities
tax and homestead property tax
Romney refused to reveal his
own tax plans. Sources indicated
they thought hewould unveil them
by television broadcast about Sep-
tember 11 when he plans to con-
vene the Legislature for a special
tax session.
Income Tax Prediction
Democratic- Lt. Gov. T. John
Lesinski predicted that Romney's
tax propram will be based on an
income tax.
Romney met with Democratic
lawmakers Monday and Tuesday,
asking them what they thought a
tax plan should include.
He received proposals for aboli-
tion of tax exemptions for agri-
cultural and manufacturing equip-
ment and for services, and one for
a state lottery. Romney said aft-
erward he had received one good
idea for income and one for cut-
ting spending but refused to name
Needs Support
Romney's move to woo Demo-
cratic legislators is based on his
need for votes at the special ses-
sion next month. Some Republi-
can legislators have stated they
will not vote for an income tax
and Romney will need Democratic
support for almost any program.
The Democratic statement of
position included support of leg-
islation containing these ele-
-"Sufficient yields to finance
present and future needs;
-"Elimination of features which
cause individuals and businesses to
pay taxes beyond their ability."

:foreign aid bills, said Senate Dem-
ocratic leader Mike Mansfield of
"I feel our prospects are good
for its ratification by the neces-
sary two-thirds majority," he told
a reporter.
Predicts Passage
Undersecretary of State W.
Averel Harriman, who negotiated
the pact in Moscow, also predicted
The treaty, framed by Britain,
the Soviet Union and the United
States, bans nuclear tests in the
air, space and under the sea but
not under ground.
Mansfield commented on Sen-
ate ratification plans after the
weekly meeting of Democratic
Congressional leaders with Presi-
dent Kennedy at the White House,
and again later when questioned
by a reporter.
Committee Consideration
The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, headed by Sen. J. W.
Fulbright (D-Ark), will give it
"expeditious consideration," Mans-
field said. He predicted the hear-
ings would last at least two weeks.
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illi-
nois, the Senate Republican lead-
er, told reporters they "certainly
wouldn't take more than three
weeks." Mansfield said he pre-
sumed they would be open to the
Members of the Senate Armed
Services and joint Atomic Energy
Committee have been invited to
sit in on the sessions, although
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga),
the Armed Services chairman, said
his group may hold some closed
independent hearings to pursue
military security aspects.
Besides Rusk, tentative plans
call for Harriman to testify Mon-
day, Secretary of Defense Robert
S. McNamara, accompanied by
Gen. Maxwell D. Ta lor, chair-
man of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission and other AEC officials,
Rails, Unions
Officials Meet
In Job Dispute
WASHINGTON (P) - Railroad
and union officials discussed their
job-reducing work rules dispute
across the bargaining table yester-
day for the first time in weeks.
A member of the House Com-
merce Committee also said he
thought the unions and carriers
had entered "an area of agree-
ment" in seeking a settlement that
would avoid a nationwide rail
strike threatened for Aug. 29.
The joint meetings are to re-
sume at 9:30 a.m. today.
Representatives of both sides
have been meeting separately with
Labor Department officials for
several weeks exploring possibili-
ties for a negotiated agreement
rather than have Congress refer
the dispute to the Interstate Com-
merce Commission for settlement
-the Administration's plan.
Yesterday the railroads met in
the morning with the engineers
and firemen's unions. Afterward
Asst. Secretary of Labor James J.
Reynolds called it "useful."

'Blue Ribbon'
Staff Names
Reveals Members
Of Interim Subgroup
Acting Chairman Edward Cush-
man of Gov. George Romney's
Citizens' Committee on Higher
Education announced the names
of both the staff director and the
members on the interim committee
which will prepare a short term
report on education to be present-
ed to the legislature this fall.
Director of the Upjohn Founda-
tion Harold C. Taylor was named
staff director for the committee.
Harold Smith also of the Upjohn
Foundation was named as Tay-
lor's assistant.
Alvin Bentley, former congress-
man from Michigan and head of
the education committee at Con-
Con wil chair the interim com-
Present Reports
The committee hopes to present
a report to "blue ribbon" chairman
Dan Karn by September, Bentley
said. They will be holding an or-
ganizational meeting this Satur-
day at the Kellogg Center in Lan-
Eleven other persons were ap-
pointed to the subcommittee:
Richard Austin is a Detroit Cer-
tified Public Accountant who also
was a delegate to Con-Con.
Charles Boyer is a former Re-
publican representative from Man-
istee He chaired the special joint
legislative committee which pro-
duced the Russell Report.
Joseph Brady is an insurance
executive from Howell.
Frank Couzens, Jr. is a banking
executive from Grosse Pointe.
Woodrow Ginsberg heads re-
search for the UAW.
Max Heavenrich is a department
store executive from Saginaw.
Robert Herrick of Muskegon is
editor of the Muskegon Chronicle.
Mrs. Mildred Jeffrey of Detroit
directs community relations for
the UAW and is a Democratic Na-
tional Committeewoman.
William Pine of Dearborn is
Director of the Ford Motor Co.
Joseph Ross is a Detroit depart-
ment store executive.
Louis Weil, Jr. is the editor and
publisher of the Lansing State
Chairman Dan Karn and co-
chairman Edward Cushman and
Irving Bluestone will sit as ex-
officios on the subcommittee.
Chairman Dan Karn is presently
out of the country and is expected
to return in the middle of Septem-
The appointment of a staff di-
rector follows a long hunt for both
funds and a capable person to fill
the position. Last month the Kel-
logg Foundation of Battle Creek
gave the "blue ribbon" committee
a $50,000 grant to carry on its

leon," King Henri Christophe.
The Haitian government radio
in Port au Prince declared the
northeast section of the country a
war zone and warned Americans
there to evacuate. But there were
no reports of actual fighting.
Cap Haitien, the second largest
city in the island republic, was re-
ported cut off by the rebel troops
commanded by the invading ex-
iles' Gen. Leon Cantave, whose aim
is to oust Haiti's dictator Presi-
dent Francois (Papa Doc) Duval-
Contrary to earlier reports, there
was no indication that Duvalier
had sent forces north from the
capital, Port au Prince, in an ef-
fort to stop the invaders. Instead,
he was believed to be concentrat-
ing his forces in Port au Prince
for a last stand if the rebels
breach the rugged mountains or
make a new landing.
There were rumors here that the
rebels had made another landing
on Haiti's northern coast, but these
were not confirmed by the rebel
The Haitian government radio
also claimed that the invaders
used the town of Ouanaminthe on
the Dominican border in their at-
tack Monday and received help
from the Dominican government.
The claim drew no immediate
comment from Dominican Presi-
dent Juan Bosch. Reports from
travelers said that Ouanaminthe
was in Haitian government hands
and had not been touched by the
Bosch was scheduled to meet last
night with Maj. Gen. Victor Vinas
Roman, who had toured the border
Exiled groups of Haitians here
complained bitterly that Bosch had
refused to allow rebel forces to
organize or train in the Dominican
Republic. The rebels were reported
to have staged their invasion from
an island-unidentified.
Paul Verna, the Haitian rebel
spokesman, said the ranks of the
invading force he placed at 500
had been swelled by regular army
deserters since the invasion Mon-
day near Fort Liberte.
The rebels' hope for success ap-
peared to lie in the support they
receive from dissident peasants
and the army defectors.
U.S. Asks EEC
To Recall Boost
In Poultry Tax
pean Common Market was put on
notice yesterday that if it doesn't
call off sharp boosts of United
States poultry products the Unit-
ed States will retaliate.
United States concessions on
Common Market exports will be
withdrawn in equal measure, said
Christian A. Herter, chief United
States trade negotiator.
He announced in a statement
that public hearings will be held
next month to help the govern-
ment select from a list of 19 com-
modities those on which higher
tariffs might be imposed. The ma-
jor import item listed is wine.
Concessions Balance
But a spokesman for Herter's
office said if the European Com-
mon Market changes its position,
the United States would be happy
to halt its proceeding and look
toward what he called restoration
of a balance of concessions.
Herter said a gradual increase
in tariffs on United States poultry
products from 4.9 cents a pound to
the present 13.43 cents has "se-
verely curtailed" overseas sales,
mainly in West Germany.
mh lne. 4-n.Am, pr an ,nnl fin

Rebels Move To Isolate
North Haitian Coast
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (A)-A Haitian rebel in-
vasion force, with help from defecting Haitian army soldiers, last night
was reported moving southwest from the Cap Haitien area in two
The apparent aim was to isolate the north coast and the northwest
area across the windward passage from Cuba-the early 19th cen-
tury realm of "the black Napo-..

... invasion attack
Hits Rights
"Dearborn is the worst city in the
Detroit area as far as civil rights
go," Roger Selwa, '63, said recent-
ly to the weekly meeting of the
University Friends of the Student
Non-violent Coordinating Com-
The civil rights demonstration
held in Dearborn recently, one of
six such demonstrations in the De-
troit area, received the "worst re-
action by spectators of any of the
demonstrations," commented Sel-
wa. About 100 Negroes and 100
whites who took part in the free-
dom march were heckled and curs-
ed vigorously by some Dearborn-
ites, Selwa reported.
The main reason for Dearborn's
being nearly totally segregated is
the racism of the people about
housing, Selwa said. Dearborn's
mayor, Orville Hubbard, is very
popular with these people. Having
served as Dearborn's mayor for 23
years, and being elected by as
much as 4-1 margins over his op-
ponents, Hubbard is held up in
the minds of libertarians as the
main force against integration of
Hubbard wields a great deal of
influence in Dearborn, Selwa said.
George Mills, one-time editor of
the Dearborn Independent, lost his
paper through economic sanctions
resulting from his opposition to
Mayor Hubbard.
Dearborn is a city of limited
boundaries, since it is surrounded
by other Detroit communities, Sel-
wa noted. Its citizenry is compos-
ed to a great extent of middle-
aged and elderly people. There is
little opportunity for the younger,
more liberal Dearbornites who
have gone through the Dearborn
school system to settle in Dearborn,
so most move away, Selwa com-

Says Group
To Approve
Area Site
To Establish School
By Expansion
Of Two-Year Program
By The Associated Press
EAST LANSING-A special Co-
ordinating Council for Michigan
Public Higher Education commit-
tee will recommend that a third
medical school in the state be
built at Michigan State University,
an MSU dean predicted yesterday.
Natural science college Dean
Richard Byerrum told a Lansing
civic club that the group, headed
by former President Herman Wells
of Indiana University, will name
MSU as the site following a late
August, early September meeting
in Ann Arbor to finish the report.
He said that the group will sug-
gest that the four-year school be
established between 1970 and 1975,
as an expansion of MSU's two-
year medical program to begin in
Two Medical Schools
The state currently has to
medical schools,uat the University
and at Wayne State University.
Both of these schools and, some
legislators have opposed MSU's
establishing a medical school.
Noting the committee report has
not yet been formally completed
or released, Regent Eugene B.
Power, a member of theco-ordi-
nating council, refused to com-
"I think it is too early to say
anything. This committee is com-
posed of knowledgable people
from both in and out of state and
I assume they will reach a very
considered judgment," he de-
Major Argument
Dean Byrreum attacked the
major argument against MSU's
not getting a medical school, as-
serting that the Lansing area has
the population base to support
such a facility.
"With modern transportation,
we don't need the population base
previously required. Greater Lans-
ing could easily support a four-
year medical program," he said.
A study of Michigan hospital
needs made two years ago by the
Bureau of Hospital Economics
ruled out this area, pointing out
a lack of population or faci ties.
It suggested the Grand Rapids
area as the site, noting the avail-
able population base and hospitals.
Two-Year Program
The co-ordinating c o u n c i
agreedto MSU's getting the two-
year medical program last sum-
mer, setting up the study com-
mittee on a third medical school
at that time.
The MSU unit was designed to
teach the first two basic-course
years of medical school. Students
would then transfer to the Uni-
versity or WSU medical school to
complete their clinical studies.
While transfefs would not be
guaranteed, MSU applicants would
have a good chance of getting
Michigan State and co-ordinat-
ing council officials denied at the
time that the MSU program was
a "medical school in disguise."
Another factor entering the
medical school picture is a deci-
sion last spring of the state's os-
teopaths to build a hospital in the
state, probably in the southwest-
ern corner.

I latt Cites Importance of Opera Libretto

"People who want to hear an opera in a foreign language that
they don't understand, I suspect of snobbery," said Prof. Josef Blatt in
a backstage interview last night during dress rehearsal of Puccini's
"Madame Butterfly."
Prof. Blatt; who has translated a total of 22 operas into English,
expressed his view that the libretto, or dramatic plot, constitutes the
most important feature of an operatic work. The orchestral accompani-
ment serves primarily to highlight the dramatic action of an opera,
said Prof. Blatt.
Prof. Blatt is directing "Madame Butterfly" at the Lydia Mendels-
sohi Theatre this week. He said that Puccini spent three years writ-
ing the libretto and only six months in composing the score.
No Great Break
He noted that, contrary to much popular opinion, "Madame But-
terfly" did not represent a great break with current styles of opera
when it appeared in 1914. The realism of the plot, a feature that has

World News Roundu
By The Associated Press
ROME-The Italian government announced yesterday it would
sign the nuclear test ban treaty. This announcement came close upon
similar declarations by Greece, Sweden and Malaya.
WASHINGTON-The Senate passed by voice vote yesterday a
bill to provide paid counsel for defendants in federal criminal cases
who are financially unable to hire a lawyer. It provides for salaried
part-time or full-time public defenders to be appointed to represent


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