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August 02, 1963 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-02

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I , AUGUST 2, 196$


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,AUGST 2 1961T11ThK(WI11IT Wb11H1 WW


Dubow Recalls Russian Visit

Communist Split Effects Organizations

Special To The Daily
ETROIT--"The Russian gov-
nent treated me like royalty,"
ilyn Dubow, winner of the spe-
award for the best violinist'sa
ormance of Soviet music at
1962 Tchaikovsky Competition,

"It seems that in Russia musi-
cians are supreme; the elite. Once
you're a musician you're it! All
life's luxuries are yours. Musicians
hold a place in Soviet society few
other professional men can rival."
The Tchaikovsky Competition,
held annually at the Moscow Con-
servatory, consists of a separte di-
vision for piano, violin and cello.
The Soviet government pays all
expenses while the contestants are,
in Russia as well as for their trip
home. All competitors in the same
division are required to perform
their choice of works within cer-
tain categories. The violin require-
ment that year was a first imove-
ment from any Mozart concerto,
Take Part
In Pro granm
A group of seventeen Univer-
sity professors are attending a.
workshop on programmed learn-
ing here this summer.
This workshop is offered by the
Center for Research on Learning
and Teaching to study the tech-
niques of programmed learning.
The participants are taught how
to write these programs in text-
book or teaching machine. form.
The attending professors come
from a wide variety of fields in-
cluding medicine, dentistry, nurs-
ing, radiation biology, education,
engineering and the Institute of
Science and Technology.
"Programs" are textbooks which
can be used by the student for
learning outside of lectures. The
student learns by applying the
right answer to questions about
'texts which he has studied. Later
on he checks the answers with a
printed key.
This system is used by both -
the textbooks and the learning ma-
chines. The machines, however,
make cheating impossible for the'
student. Other machines use taped
lectures with possibilities to re-
cord the student's own voice.
Machines of this type are used
all over the United States. They
can be substituted for regular lec-
ture hours or they can be used as
a help during the normal learn-
ing process. Programs of this
method have been used at this
University successfully in Latin

.. special award
two Paganini etudes, a more dif-
ficult work by Bach, works by
Tchaikovsky, a work 'by any mod-
ern Russian composer, and the
work Soviet composer Dmitri Ka-
balevsky wrote especially for the
1962 competition.
Red Carpet'
The winners were received by
Premiet' Nikita S. Khrushchev and
were provided with a recital tour
for one week following their vic-
"There are 15 judges for each
division and, by and large, each
votes for the competitor represent-
ing his country (if there is one).
"The judges rarely agree on the
first place winner," Miss Dubow
After the competition and her
recital tour Miss Dubow had two
free weeks during which she chose
to acquaint herself with the Rus-
sian people and their way of life.
"They are anxious to meet Ameri-
cans and frequently walk up and
talk to lihem whenever they have
a chance. The Americans are spot-
ted by 'their use of lipstick, which
the Russians do not use. Often 20
or 30 people will crowd around
one American, many eagerly firing'
'More Serious'
"The Russians are more serious
in their professional, home and so-
cial lives than Americans; but
they also know how to laugh. An
example of their attitude may be
evidenced in their, movies, which'
are not sex trash as is often found
in America, but display more eth-
ical and moral values," Miss Du-
bow, who plays a Guadagnin violin
dated 1754, observed.
She continued by explaining that
the people are terribly isolated.
They have access only to Commu-
nist publications. Dostoyevsky is
too psychological to be taught in
the schools and Freud, whose col-
lected writings has been off the li-
brary shelves for ten years with
the excuse that they are being cop-

ied, is known by very few. Tolstoy
is a favorite with his ethnocentri-
city for "Mother Russia."
"The people want to know, but
don't have the opportunity. I re-
member when I got a New York
Times from the American embassy
and, in my hotel room, some Rus-
sians saw it. They tried to give the
impression they could obtain one
anytime they wished and only
wanted to scan it, but they read
it so profusely that I did not have
the heart to take it from them to
read myself.
No Politics
"It is difficult to discuss poli-
tics, though, with them. Their pre-
determined opinions are such that
they tell me things about America
which I know are false but they
religiously believe are true. When
I ask how do they know they
say, 'Oh, we just know.' Then I
ask have they ever been in the
United States to see for themselves
and they are forced to answer,
'No'," Miss Dubow related.
She continued, "With the apart-
ments so sniall, there is no room
for two people to be alone. But
they have a wonderful solution.
There are many public parks in
which poets read their works and
the young lovers can go to express
their emotions. The atmosphere is
very romantic indeed!"
,"After my last recital, in Lvov,
the audience was especially recep-
tive. I knew of a rock and roll
pianist in the audience and, with
his assistance, my accompanist and
I began to twist on stage. The
people who had started to leave
came back and all crowded around.
The twist is not common in Rus-
sia and the curious audience rap-
idly became enthusiastic. The in-
formality of the occasion was mar-
velous," Miss Dubow recalled ex-

-Associated Press
CORPSMEN--These two Peace Corpsmen are among those who
are now being sought after by private industry, labor and civic
groups. These groups are trying to attract former corpsmen to
work for them. Private industry may have the least luck.
Returningr Corps Aides
Get Employment Offers

NEW YORK-A group of young
men and women who have been
working the past two years for as
little as $12 a week are courted
by would-be employers, offering
as much as $9600 a year-15 times
their current wage, the Wall Street
Journal reports.
But, strangely enough few seem
These reluctant job prospects
are first returning Peace Corps
volunteers, now coming home af-
ter two-year tours of duty in un-
derdeveloped countries.
Prefer Teaching
Most, a Peace Corps poll found,
would rather teach, study, or work
for a non-profit organization than
enter private industry.
But, because of their experience
ind background many businessmen
are eying Peace Corpsmen. "They
have demonstrated their ability to
take on tough jobs under ex-
tremely difficult circumstance,"
Thomas J. Watson, Jr., president
of a major electronics corporation
that hopes to hire some engineers;
from the returnees, said.
Thus far, either firm has suc-
ceeded in hiring Peace Corps vet-
erans. Most, instead of flocking
home when their tours are com-
pleted, are still traveling abroad.
However, even when they get
home, there is doubt about their
interest in working for private
enterprise. A Peace Corps poll of
100 veterans shows that about

Fhalf plan to continue their studies,
about 10 want to teach, another
20 hope to ,work for the govern-
ment or some other non-profit
organization. Only about 10 said
they were interested in working
for private industry. The rest were
Stiff Competition
Business faces stiff competition,
especially from, the academic
world. The Ford Foundation alone
is offering 50 graduate fellow-
ships for returning volunteers. In
addition special fellowships and
assistantships are being offered by
the University of Minnesota,
Northern Illinois University, Co-
lumbia, Fordham and New York
Universities and the University of
The Food and Agricultural Or-
ganization of the United Nations
is seeking engineers, agricultural
and forestry experts, economists
and statisticians for their world-
wide operations.
Groups Seek Veterans
The Boy Scouts of America, the
National Council of the Young
Men's Christian Association and
Goodwill Industries of America are
also seeking corps veterans.
The American Federation of
Labor-Congress of Industrial Or-
ganizations is looking for corps-
men to run its union summer
schools, conduct economic research
and write for union publications.
A labor official explains,

The struggle between the Soviet
Union and Communist China for
exclusive control of the world
Communist movement is having
a profound effect on Communist
international front organizations.
Congresses held by such organ-
izations are turning into battle-
grounds between the pro-Soviet
and the pro-Chinese factions with-
in the Communist movement.
The basic dispute between the
factions is whether world com-
munism can best be brought about
by "peaceful" means or by war
and revolution.
Peking's leaders are opposed to
Khrushchev's policy of "peaceful
coexistence" with the non-Com-
munist governments of the West,
and the non-committed nations of
Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Chinese Communist leader Mao
Tze-tung has pushed the conflicts
on all fronts.
Factional Support
West European Communist par-
ties and East European regimes,
with the exception of Albania,
support Moscow. Pekin's allies in-
clude the powerful Indonesian and
Japanese Communist parties.
It is obvious that' this dissen-
sion has impaired the effective-
ness of the Communist-controlled
international organizations. It has
weakened their attempts to pre-
sent themselves as broadly based,
non - partisan movements repre-
senting the universal aspirations of
all members.
Delegations from the non-com-
mitted countries have shown in-
creasing annoyance at the ten-
dency of the conferences to de-
generate into sounding-boards for
controversies which have no. bear-
ing on the advertised purposes of
the conference.
Algerian Seminar
The World Federation of Demo-
cratic Youth (WFDY) held a sem-
Wenrich Lauds
Ability Groups
Employment-bound high school
youths should be trained in ability
groups as are college-oriented stu-
dents, Prof. Ralph C. Wenrich of
the education school said recently.
Studies of former high school
students now on the job indicate
that better results can be obtained
if the teacher gives students at-
tention geared to their ability, he
"It is generally recognized as
good practice to group youth for
instruction in English, mathemat-
ics, science and other academic
subjects according to their moti-'
vations, abilities and purposes."

inar last spring in Algiers to dis-
cuss "Youth in the fight against
colonialism and neo-colonialism,
for independence and national
construction." The Moroccan dele-
gate called the seminar a waste of
The conference was being held
on African soil, he said, and he
and his colleagues had expected
something pertinent to African
problems to emerge from the dis-
cussions. They felt that no posi-
tive work had been done.
The issue which erupts most
often at Communist-run confer-:
ences is Communist China's armed
assault on India last winter. At
another WFDY sponsored seminar,
Indian and Chinese delegates
clashed over their countries' bor-
der disputes.

Associated Press Science Writer
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy didn't say so, but he
indicated yesterday that while a
limited nuclear test ban doesn't
prevent atomic testing it certain-
ly makes it difficult and expensive.
Mother earth-as any man with
a shovel will tell you-resists be-
ing dug. To test an atomic device
underground-the only arena the
treaty leaves-you must first dig or
drill a hole, or find one already
Asked if the United States would
go ahead with underground test-
ing, the President said, "yes, yes
we will;" Then later he explained
it is both difficult and expensive
to conduct underground tests.
Scientific Group
'Just this week a group of scien-
tists who favor the treaty banning
tests above ground or under water
figured the largest blast pract cal
under ground would be some 100
kilotons-or equal to 10,000 tons,
of TNT.
Military people who want to test
bigger devices may want to dig
deeper and test bigger. But the
deeper you dig, the more it costs.
United States tests underground

have ranged down to at least 835
feet deep. One in 1957 was equal to
1700 tons of TNT and showed no
surface radioactivity when it was
exploded at 790 feet.
But in all cases the contain-
ment seems to be a function of the
power of the blast, the type of soil
and the depth.
To carry the argument to ab-
surdity, atom testers could dig
down to the solid rock mantle of
the earth only 3 to 25 miles away,
to hide a really big blast, but the
cost would be prohibitively expeii.
Deep Hole
Right now United States scien-
tists are having difficulty keeping
up enough enthusiasm to dig that
far-by a short-cut route through
the ocean bottom.
There seems to be little question
that the nuclear test-ban treaty-
by banning the easiest arenas of
testing-will cut down on the num-
ber and the size of tests.
It is, as the President said, a
first step.
Last week one of his science ad-
visers said, "the overriding issue
is that we are able to stop the
arms race, even in a small way."

Copies of an Italian Communist
pamphlet against the Chinese,
bearing the stamp of the Soviet
press agency, were slipped under
the delegates' doors during the
night. The Soviet delegate dis-
claimed all knowledge of the inci-
dent; the Indian delegate de-
nounced both factions.
The World Congress of Women
held early this summer in Moscow
also saw Sino-Indian disagree-
ments, but the main schism was
between the pro-Soviet and the
pro-Chinese factions.
The Italian delegation walked
out twice in protest of the "cold
war polemics " The Congress end-
ed when the Chinese and Albanian
delegations refused to vote for the
final resolution supporting "peace"
and "an end to the arms race."

Kennedy Indicates Test Ban
Makes Violation Expensive

I __________________ I


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... received winners

BAA ULLAH: a book review
Friday, August 2 ... 8 P.M.

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M Emasa FormeurqyRelT edLASTUAN COLOR
Screenplay and dialogue by Formerly Titled

590 E, Williamf Apt. 3


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:30 a.m.-Bureau of School Services
Leadership Training Conference -
Mich. Union.
8:30 a.m.-American Institute of_ CPA
Staff Training Program-Mich. Union.
2:00 pan. - Audio-Visual Education
Center Film Preview-"Legend of John-
ny Appleseed," "The Golden Fish," and
"Overs and Outs": Multipurpose Room,
Undergrad Lib.
4:15 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
cital-Carlyle Manous, French horn:
Lane Hall Aud.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild -
Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, and William
Holden in Clifford Odet's "The Country
Girl": Architecture Aud.
8:00 p.m.-Dept. of Speech Univ. Play-
ers Summer Playbill-Dorothy and Mich-
ael Blankfort's "Monique": Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre,
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
citai-Russell Pizer, oboist: Lane Hall
8:30 p.m.-Dept. of Astronomy Visi-
tors' Night-Dr. William E. Howard, As-
sociate Prof. of Astronomy, "Radio
Sources": 5006 Angell Hall.
DIAL 2-6264
"FLIPPER" Shown at 1:00
3:50-6:40 and19:30
"Tom & Jerry at 2:40-5:30 & #:30

Astronomical Colloquium: Today, 4:00
p.m., Room 807, Physics-Astronomy
Bldg. Dr. John Malville, Dept. of As-
tronomy, will, speak on "The College,
Alaska, Meeting of the Atnerican As-
tronomical Society."
Doctoral Examination for Louis Dean
Nuernberger, Music; thesis: "The Five
Voice Madrigals of Cipriano De Rore,!
this morning, 404 Burton Memorial Tow-
er, at 10:30 a.m. Chairman, Hans T.
Doctoral Examination for Herbert
Phillips Rothfeder, History; thesis: "A
Study of Alfred Rosenberg's Organiza-
tion, Beauftragter des Fuhrers fur die
Uberwachung der Gesamten Geistigen
und Weltanschaulichen Schulung und
Erziehung der NSDAP," today, 3609 Hav-
en Hall, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, G. L.
Doctoral Examination for Roger Paul
Magnuson, Education; thesis: "The Con-
cern of Organized Business with Michi-
gan Education, 1910 to 1940," today, 4024
Univ. High School, at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, C. A. Eggertsen.
General Notices
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored ac-
tivitief becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be withheld
until the approval has become effective.
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Aug. 7,
Meeting; Aug. 2, Picnic.

A Breakfast honoring candidates for
the masters degree will be held at the
Mich. Union on Sun., Aug. 4, at 9:00
a.m. Candidates who have not picked
up their tickets may do so before 4:00
p.m. Fri., Aug. 2, at Room 3510 Admin.
Doctoral Examination for Donald Wil-
liam McCready, Jr., Psychology; thesis:
"Visual Acuity under Conditions that
Induce Size Illusions," Mon., 'Aug. 5,
4560 Kregse Medical Research Bldg., at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, Mathew Alpern.
Doctoral Examination for Prakash Pri-
tam Singh, Education; thesis: "An Ana-
lytical Study of the Local Control of
Curriculum in Ten Michigan High,
Schools," Mon., Aug. 5, 3203 Univ. High
School, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, S. E.
Clinton Misco Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich.
--Opening for Histologist. Must be ,able
to make miscroscopic slides of vertebrate
tissues. Permanent career positiQ. BS
or MS in Histology (Zoology bkgd,) or
equivalent exper. without degree. Com-
pany supplies biological materials to
schools & colleges all over the country.
Male or Female. Age-open.
Washington Civil Service-1) Sanitary
Engineer II-MS with major study in
Sanitary or Public Health Engrg. or

closely allied field plus 2 yrs. of engrg.
exper. 2) Civil Engineer 111-Registra-
tion as professional sivil engnr. and/or
land surveyor in state of Wash. (this
registration must be achieved within 1
yr. following appointment). Exper. re-
quired for higher level positions. /
W. R. Grace & Co., Clarksville, Md.-
1) Polymer Physicists & Physical Chem-
ists PhD. 2) Analytical Chemist-BS or
higher, exper. required in gas chroma-
tography. Exper. in industrial \ analysis
pref. 3) Literature Scientist-PhD Chem.
with interest in literature searching &
documentation. No exper. necessary. 4)
Chemist or ChE-BS degree, MBA desir-
able. 3 or more yrs. exper. 5) Chemical
Engnrs. BS or MS plus exper.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext. 3547.
The following school has recorded a
vacancy for the school year 1963-1964:
Ashland, Ohio-Speech and Hear.; Soc.
St. and Gen. Sci.
* * *
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
663-1511, Ext. 3547.

B. . French &- Co.
a Ia Creole
Dine tonight on
Savory Creole Cooking
from old plant ation recipes'
Open till 8 p.m.





215 State St.





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or a funnier picture

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(All showings Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9 P.M.,
except where otherwise noted.)
Aug.2, 3

as professional as the gIrls
tt who wear them
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I IIElK l~l il WII


a story of
and death,
everything, tv
In fact,

Bing Crosby,

Grace Kelly,

William Holden.

11 "of'




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