w~rmidligan Ba~l
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
"You Know That Dirty Imperialist Warmonger,
Harriman? Well, He's A Dirty
Imperialist Peacemonger"
Beethoven's Quartet
Can Be Played Right
)AY, AUGUST 2, 1963
Catholic Equivocaion Leads
To Birth Control Hypocrisy'
THE CONTROVERSY of Catholicism versus
contraception was renewed a few weeks ago
at Newman Club with the program "Moral and
Medical Implications of Birth Control Pills."
A talk regarding the function of oral con-
traceptives and a general lesson in the human
reproductive process was given by a physician.
The floor was then opened to questions..Some
of these proved to be genuinely interrogative,
from Catholic students; others seemed to be
asked by non-Catholic students and were
baldly argumentative. Both raised valid points.
Unless there exists a better justification for
the Catholic stand on oral contraception than
the one which was presented at Newman Club,
It seems clear that all thinking people, Cath-
olic and non-Catholic, must reject that stand
as illogical and irrelevant to the problem at
F THE PILLS are used to increase fertility
or to correct pathological disorders, they
are "licit." But they may not be used to prevent
conception or to cause sterility.
But when someone in the audience asked
what was the difference between causing tem-
porary sterility with a pill and using the
rhythm method to prevent conception, the
"moral justification" argument in the rhythm
method was brought up,
Many of the .students in the audience,
Catholic and non-Catholic, had been under
the impression that the rhythm method was the
only officially-sanctioned method of birth con-
trol. They were surprised to hear that if a;
couple uses the rhythm method because their
minds are definitely and completely closed to
the possibility of having more, or any, children,
they may not use the rhythm method. If,
however, their minds are such that they would
rather not have children for a while, but are
not definitely opposed to it, then they are
mnorally justified in using rhythm.
people with the choice of being either hypo-
critical or nonsensical. Its content is this:
rhythm and total abstinence are the only
church-approved methods of birth control. You
may use rhythm if you want children; yoi.
may not use it if you don't want them.
This would reduce the church approval on
the rhythm method to that which is precisely
its greatest fault: unreliability. Since the
couple using it could not be positive that con-
ception would not take place, they would not
use it if their minds were "completely closed"
to having children.
A very weak spot in the fabric of the
Catholic stand is the opinion of "competent
theologians" quoted at Newman Club that the
contraceptive pills may be used by a woman
to correct irregularities so that she could use
the rhythm method with effectiveness.
It is very difficult for a reasonable person to
see the difference between using the pills to
regulation ovulation and then using the rhythm
method; and using them to prevent ovulation
altogether. Both are equally "artificial."
emotion only. It breaks down under any
kind of an objective questioning. The only re-
source left to the Church in logical argument
it has torn down itself. If Church leaders be-
lieve that prevention of conception were sin-
ful, consistency demands that they forbid all
methods of contraception. They should not
recommend rhythm, or using pills to regulate
ovulation, or even total abstinence.
If it. is a sin to prevent conception becausei
one is killing a potential human being, then
the Catholic church should stick to its guns
and demand that no contraceptive >methods
whatever be used. By trying to steer a middle
course to satisfy those who do not want to
become pregnant every year, it has retreated
into an untenable position. And it's not going
to be a very effective one as long as there
are Catholics like some of those present at
Newman Club, who honestly and with a good
intent question its validity.
Measure Makes Little. Progress
To the Editor:
Slobin's report of the Stanley
Quartet's second summer concert
which appeared in last week's
Daily, I particularly noted Slobin's
observation that he had not yet
heard a performance of Beet-
hoven's C-sharp minor quartet
"which is altogether convincing."
I should like to take this op-
portunity to direct, Slobin's at-
tetion to the efforts of the Buda-
pest String Quartet (and in so
doing it is not my intention to
detract from the Stanley). For
those, such as Slobin, who have
never had the exciting experience
of hearing the Budapest perform
the Late Quartets I would suggest
that an acquaintance with the
Columbia recording of the com-
plete Quartets would be very
-Peter L. Wolff, '59
"Irma.. .
To the Editor:
CRITICISM of a critic may be
as dangerous as kicking sleep-
ing dogs. However, I would like to
take axception to the review of
"Irma" as well as the apparent
role of your reviewers.
I do not attempt to know the
background of the theme, how
good the play was or even the
motivation of the original author.
My competence does not extend to
problems of transforming play ma-
terial to screen material. However,
from the reviewer's statements one
may question his basis for com-
ments about the portrayal of the
characters. I, frankly, have never
met a prudish Parisian policeman
nor a Parisian prostitute, but it
is quite possible that they would
perform as given. Whether the en-
actment is "convincing" is in part
dependent on the viewer. As for
Lemmon's role-anguish, my dear
sir, may be that wonderfully dumb,
slightly pained expression. As for
Maclaine, how many shining pros-
titutes are there? As for slapstick,
jokes, and disjointedness-that is
possibly the essence of life and
its enjoyment.
I question the wisdom and in
this case the basis of such reviews.
It is problematic as to what areas
andto what extent one should be
critical in his orientation to life.
That one wishes to be intellectual
is understandable. But narrow in-
tellectualism is provincialism and
this latter may be worse than un-
thinking hedonism. Further, I
hypothsize that an overcritical at-
titude may be symptomatic of a
serious sickness in our society
keeping us from enjoyment of life
That I enjoyed the movie should
be obvious. Whether it wins
awards or represents "ideals"
couldn't be of less concern. At any
rate we may not be commenting
on the same movie-I saw mine at
the Michigan.
-Donald L. Halsted
To the Editor:
IN THE DAILY editorial on Moral
Re-Armament of July 18th
Ruth Hetmanski expressed herself
on one of the most important is-
sues in the world today.
Why do 17 African nations in-
vite Moral Re-Armament to their
countries and request the films, at
a time when many Africans want
all white men to leave? Why does
Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan
say, "MRA is working to create
new men, new nations and a new
world. May its philosophy take
root and spread. I am determined
to help in whatever way I can to
further this purpose."?
I believe The Daily editorial
shows naivete on a vital issue. No
one, for instance, who understands
MRA would say, "Its aims are
elusive" and then say, "It is an
organiztion dedicated to remov-
ing Communists, atheists, socialists
and all who fail 'The Quiz for All'
from government." It doesn't make
sense. Also, the financial support
does not come from "somebody
very wealthy." I wish it did. Most
of the money comes from ordinary
people like my family, who give
out of sacrifice, and do not stay
"free of charge" at Mpckinac Is-
land. Nor is there any "member-
ship in MRA." It is a uniting
ideology above class, color, or
creed, open to all and barring
none, that stands for change in all
men-Communist, non-Communist
and nuetralist.
The issue is not "to remove"
people or to be "against" them,
but to learn the secret of chang-
ing the motives and purposes men
live by. The man or nation that
learns to add this to the so-called
realistic political and economic
plans, holds the key to the future.
How do we create the new type
of man who can fashion the new
society that works? The underl: ing
moral issue of how a man lives,
whether we like it or not, is be-'
coming more and more the clue to
the survival of the human race.
What makes a person change?
Only a direction and purpose that
is big enough to give everything
I suggest that the students who
are sincerely concerned about
world and national issues study
the evidence in the many films,
plays and books done by Moral Re-
Armament and decide for your-
-Esther Sherry, Grd
IN A CHARMING evening of Ren-
aissance and Baroque music,
the University's Colegium Mus-
cum added sparkle to Ann Arbor's
summer concert fare last night.
Music for brass choir by Bux-
tehude and Matthew Locke started
the evening. The Locke, with its
somber tones, sounded like a fore-
shadowing of Purcell's funeral mu-
sic for Queen Mary, and harked
back to the early Baroque style of
Two Italian sixteenth-century
villanellas (anonymous) followed,
complete with crumhorn (that
quasi-kazoo of the Renaissance),
tambourine, viols, a recorder, and
the fine tenor voice of Gary Glaze.
Quite different was the next offer-
ing, by none other than King Hen-
ry VIII (would it be blasphemy
to suggest the presence of a ghost-
writer?), a flute fantasy with
viols, played by Prof. Hauenstein
on the baroque flute.
* * *
later in the program, combines
the flexibility of the metal flute
and the resonance sound of a mel-
low recorder, and was handled
skillfully by Prof. Hauenstein.
After intermission two lovely
Dowland sonks (Gary Glaze again)
and a Veracini sonata (with Prof.
Hauenstein) rounded out the eve-
ning's entertainment.
-Mark Slobin
.De Gaulle's Europe Vision
ALTHOUGH, as expected, French President
Charles de Gaulle will not himself sign the
test ban, in his press conference Monday he
gave it his blessing: "The Moscow agreement
. - . which has been concluded, between the
Anglo-Saxons and the Russians . . . appears
satisfactory to us, and we even share in the
Joy so eloquently expressed by President John
F. Kennedy . . . concerning this event." The
rest of the press conference was an explana-
tion of why he can rejoice in an event in
which he will not participate.
The explanation began with an acknowledge-
ment, more explicit than any previous one,
that at the present time and for some years
to come the peace of the world rests on the
balance of nuclear power between the Soviet
Union and the United States. That is why
the Moscow agreement to stabilize the existing
balance, of forces is an event in which every
country, including France, is bound to rejoice.
It is within the shelter of the USSR-United
States nuclear truce that the general is con-
ducting French policy. Given the nuclear truce,
the critical question for him is how subsequent
relations within the Western alliance and re-
lations with the East are to be conducted. The
burden of the general's remarks was that
while the specific nuclear agreement could be
made, indeed had to be made, by the "Anglo-
Saxons" and the Russians, nothing else per-
taining to the fu ure of Europe should be left
to the British and the Americans to negotiate.
The general, therefore, is opposed to a non-
aggression pact and to anything else relating
to accommodation or settlement in central
pIS REJECTION of British and American
leadership in European affairs arises from
the general's experience with that leadership
since the early days of World War II. The
principal disqualification of the "Anglo-
3' i a faiIl
Editorial Staff
RONALD WILTON..................o-Editor
PHILIP SUTIN ....... ...Co-Editor
DAVE GOOD.................... Co-Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE..................Co-Sports Editor
RUTH HETMANSKI...................Night Editor
ANDREW ORLIN ......... ..... Night Editor
JEAN TENANDER ..................... Night Editor
Valter Lippmnann
Saxons" as leaders of Europe is-that, since they
are not European, they do not understand
Europe and cannot be relied upon to defend
and promote European interests.
The general, who has the memory of an
elephant, has not forgiven or gorgotten the un-
happy story of our relations with France dur-
ing and after World War II. Although he ac-
knowledges that the United States has pro-
tected Western Europe since the end of the.
war, and is, still for some years to come an
indispensible protector of Western Europe, he
is convinced that the time is approaching when
the United States cannot be relied upon to
provide adequate protection to Western Eur-.
On this crucial point, the convictions of de
Gaulle and the assurances of Kennedy conflict.'
When the President announced in Germany
that the United States would risk its cities to
defend European cities, the response of de
Gaulle was that no American president can
make a promise of that kind which will bind
his successor.
WE MUST REMEMBER that the general is
not talking about 1963 or even about 1967.
He is thinking about the 1970s and after, and
surely he is justified in saying that Kennedy
today can make no effective promise for that
far in the future. Nevertheless, it is that some-
what distant future which must concern a
French statesman who is only doing his duty,
by looking ahead.
De Gaulle is not worrying about the Ken-
nedy administration even if it goes into a
second term. He is looking beyond Kennedy
for several reasons. For one reason, at least
10 years will be needed to develop a respect-
able French nuclear force, but that force must
be worked on now. For another reason, France
cannot blindly trust its future to the Ameri-
can statesmen of the 1970s, because no French-
man can possibly know what United States
relations with Europe will be 10 years hence.
FOR MY OWN PART, I can find no fault in
the logic of the argument. There is, how-
ever, a serious blank space in the olicy which
goes with the argument.
Supposing that it will take France 10 years
to become an important nuclear power, what
is, to happen to East-West relations during
the 10-year interval? Does the West have to
stand still, does t have to remain diplomatically
immobilized, until France and the Europe she
Lna s - ---n .. -.. armtI ay fa "Anan
BUFFETED by cross-pressures
from all sides, the proposed fair
housing ordinance has taken a
wayward course this summer and
has come to a point slightly be
hind where it had started.
There are encouraging notes-
a tentative date has been set for
a necessarysecond reading; real
estate brokers have been included
in the draft provisions, discrimina-
tory advertising is banned.
But, the enforcement provisions
have been seriously weakened and
Mayor Cecil O. Creal, basically
opposed to the measure, is about to
embark on more delaying tactics.
The best draft ordinance was
submitted June 24 as an amend-
ment to the one passed on first
reading March 11. The first one
was wiped off the books at the last
council meeting and a third, weak-
er ordinance has passed first read-
GENERALLY, the third marks a
retreat from the second, but a
slight gain over the first version:
from a play by Clifford Odets,
will be at the Cinema Guild to-
night and tomorrow. This is the
1954 movie for which Grace Kelly
won her Oscar and the New York
Film Critics' Award as the best
actress of that year. She probably
deserved the awards; surely she
delivers a better performance in
this film than do Bing Crosby or
William Holden.
Frank Elgin (Crosby), a down-
at-the-heels singer, is given the
chance to have the lead role in
a musical to be directed by Bernie
Dodd (William Holden). Dodd puts
in the "plug" for Elgin against the
arguments of the producer, who
doesn't want to risk using an ex-
alcoholic in the play. Afraid, how-
ever, that Dodd will quit if Elgin
isn't hired, the producer gives in.
AND THIS is the corny, super-
dramatic background - which
seems to warn the viewer not to
expect anything more than the
upbeat happy ending: a crescendo
of applause and a halo of rebirth
for Frank Elgin.
'Tain't so. Despite the fancy
word-fencing and the pouting over
hurt pride and the predictable
slap in the face to round it all off
-despite these-there is a mo-
ment when the story comes to life
unexpectedly. At the apex of this
climactic scene, which I won't
reveal here, the use of close-ups
(which had been held in reserve
until now) adds to its effective-
ness. The excitement lasts to the
end, which I cannnot call happy.
* E *p
E'RACE KELLY internrets her
COVERAGE. Federally-assisted
housing has been dropped from the
ordinance-a major loss. The ra-
tionale is that President John F.
Kennedy's order of last Novem-
ber barring federal funds for dis-
criminatory housing purposes
makes this section no longer nec-
However, it is difficult for the
federal government to enforce this
provision, for, traditionally, anti-
bias agencies are underfinanced
and the scope of non-compliance
is so great and so basic that en-
forcement from Washington can
only make a slight dent. Local pro-
visions provide on-the-spot en-
forcement and extend fair housing
coverage to more people and resi-
On the positive side, rooming
units, real estate brokers and sales-
men and a "person" has been add-
ed in the second draft and retain-
ed in the third. While the number
of multiple units still remains at.
five, the contiguity provision, fur-
ther restricting the ordinance's
coverage, has been dropped.
The addition of advertising to
the second draft of the ordinance
was aimed against one of the most
blatant means of discrimination.
EXEMPTIONS. Exemptions to
the ordinance have been more re-
fined through the three drafts.
The March 11 version only barred
coverage from tenants living in the
same house as the owner. The sec-
ond draft put a limit of six apart-
ment units on the buildings to be
exempted. The third draft retain-
ed this provision.
ENFORCEMENT. With an eye to
court tests, enforcement provisions
have been considerably refined in
each draft, but considerably weak-
ened in the third one. In'the first
two, more definitively expressed
in the second, the Human Rela-
tions Commission would investi-
gate the complaint, attempt con-
ciliation, and then turn the case
over to the city attorney for prose-
cution, if necessary. Violation of
the ordinance would be considered
a misdemeanor, punishable by a
$100 fine and/or 90 days in jail.
The city attorney would also have
power to seek an injunction to
prevent any action that would nul-
lify commission work-such as
renting the housing-until the case
is closed.
However, these porvisions have
been weakened in the third draft.
The city attorney has explicit au-
thority not to take legal action if
he feels there is no case, power he
only implicitly had in the previous
drafts. This makes a psychological
More tangibly, the jail sentence
has been removed and injunctions
are limited to repeaters. The en-
forcement provisions are also de-
layed until six months after the
ordinance goes into effect.
ous sorts have been applied to the
ordinance. At least three public
hearings and months of private
sessions with key community
groups have been wiped out as two
more public hearings have been
MEANWHILE, Third Ward Re-
publican Councilman Paul H.
Johnson, an opponent of any fair
housing measure, keeps turning in
petitions seeking a potentially fa-
tal public advisory vote on the or-
dinance. The Human Relations
Commission opposes this proposal
for fear that the animosities en-
gendered by an election campaign
on the ordinance will destroy
existing racial{ harmony in the
On the other side, the Ann Ar-
bor Fair Housing Association-Con-
gress of Racial Equality is stepping
up the intensity of their protest
activities for the ordinance. There
are more picketers appearing Mon-
day nights in front of city hall and
the group is contemplating strong-
er measures.
The churches have spoken out
for the ordinance and so, in a mild
indirect way, has the University.
Unfortunately, the delayers and
the defeaters have the upper hand.
The city's bankers and realtors,
generally opposed to the ordinance,
have found a ready ear in city
council fair housing committee
private sessions. More than any
group affected by the proposed
ordinance, they have had a hand,
in the deliberations.
But, the new civil rights push
and the persereverance of the or-
dinance's supporters is partially
overcoming the anti-ordinance in-
fluence. Their continued pushing
will probably yield an ordinance,
but an almost meaningless one.
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