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September 15, 1958 - Image 96

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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ily Presents Complete News Coverage


In Permanent500-PageBc


(Continued from Page 1)


Daily staff members contribute
to the Magazine; but anyone not,
on the staff is also encouraged to
write for it.
With, the extensive and varied
news coverage offered by The
Daily, a large and well co-ordinat-
ed staff is needed to publish it.
Directing The Daily's work of
bringing the, news to the campus
is a staff of 10 senior editors. They
are responsible for seeing to. it
that the paper is efficiently man-
aged and that 'the individual de-
partments work together smooth-
The editorial staff, which Is in
charge, of general news coverage,
is supplemented by a sports staff
responsible for Daily sports cov-
erage and a photography staff,
supplying the pictures used in The
Junior Night Editors
Each group has a representative
member on the senior editorial
staff and provides training pro-
grams for its members.
Each day's edition of The Daily
is prepared for publication by a
junior staff of night editors and
assistant night editors. They have
the responsibility of deciding what
articles will appear, on what page
of the paper they will be placed,
and how much space they will be
Page makeup and getting re-
porters to cover local and campus
news events are parts of the junior,
staff's job. They a'lso handle the
more impdrtant news beats for
The Daily.
The junior staff is assisted by
a crew' of rewrites, reporters and
trainees. The duties of this group
include reading and correcting
proof, writing .headlines, rewrit-
experience in the various phases of
publishing a newspaper..
Large Training Program.
The Daily editorial staff main-
tains a continuous training pro-
gram for its members. Under the
direction of personnel directors,
its members gradually become'
acquainted with the intricacies of.
newspaper work as they approach
'positions on the senior editorial
The sports department has a
separate staff which takes care of
the page makeup and stories that
appear on the sports pages.
Its night editors supervise the
work of the sports staff. The Daily
coverage of sports is broad, cover-
ing activities of the University's.
teamsin competition and in train-
National sporting events, with

Within the pages of the Uni-
versity yearbook, the Michigan-
ensian, is contained a complete
permanent record of the -chool
Within its covers are scenes of
crowded corridors between classes
the thrills accompanying an invi-
tation to pledge and the excite-
ment of a winning touchdown.
However, the Ensian consists
of a great deal more than photo-
graphs. Its copy ranges from,
frank criticism to nostalgia.
Full Year Job
Editors will vouch for the fact
that the editing of the Ensian is
a full year proposition..
Its senior editors are .appoint-
ed each spring by the Board in
Control of Student Publications
for the production of the follow-
ing year's book.
Preliminary planning occurs
during the spring and summer.
However, the greatest amount of
work is done during the school
Shortly after classes begin, the
Ensian issues its call for tryouts.
The tryout program is designed
for anyone, regardless of experi-
ence, who is interested In learn-
ing and has a willingness to work.
If a student begins as a fresh-
man or sophomore he can gradu-
ally work up to a junior or senior
editorial position.

During the year the editorial
staff is busy in the preparation of
the, Ensian for publication. Copy
and photographs must be as-
sembled, typing must be done and
designing and layout completed.
Meanwhile, the business staff
is busy with the financial side of
the yearbook. In the fall, sales-
men stationed. strategic aly
around campus. and dormitory
representatives solicit for sub-
The business- staff is also re-
sponsible for keeping the books
up to date, making contracts and
soliciting for advertising.
Issued In May
Finally, just in time to distract
students busily studying for final
examinations, the Ensian arrives
from the publishing company.
Students crowd the Publications
building waiting to pick up their
copies and members of the Ensian
staff relax and experience a sense
of satisfaction and relief that
comes from seeing a finished job
well done.
The name Michiganensian is
derived from a mispronunciation
of Michiganensis'meaning, "Sport
of Michigan." It was first pub-

lished in 1897 when
collegiate magazines
Since that time it
from a small picture
of the most distingu
books in the nation.
The Ensian has
awards of excellence


Call Tryouts
All student publications d
on obtaining new staff me
at the beginning of each ne
Trainees, tryouts- - wh
they may be called - are
tial to the life of thp public
both in replacing the positio
those who have left and in c
buting fresh ideas and nev
looks to the publication.
The Daily editorial, busine
sports staffs, along with I
and Generation will anr
times and places for new
meetings early in the semesti

SPORTS DESK-An important part of The Daily is the Sports .
Department, center for coverage of local and "away" athletic
emphasis on football and base- receive. It has also received the
ball are reported in. the sports highest awards given by Sigma
pages of The Daily, taken from Delta Chi, professional journalism
the Associated Press wire service, fraternity.
Features on Wolverine athletes,
interviews with coaches and oth-
er sports personalities are an im-
portant part of the sports staff's
Senior sports staff editors pro-
vide the sports fans with columns
of commentary on various aspects
of sports at the University.
Photography Staff
The p i c t u r e s accompanying
stories written by the editorial and
spo'rts staffs are supplied by the
photography staff. A Daily pho-
tographer is always on duty to I
serve' the needs of the reporters
The photography staff has its
own darkroom in the Student Ac-
tivities Building.
The staff is also equipped with
all he cameras and darkroom ap-
paratus necessary for taking and
developing news pictures.
Whenever a picture is needed to
accompany a local article, the re-
porter contacts one of the mem-
bers of the photography staff.
Photographers are often called
upon to take a series of pictures
on one subject to be composed into
a picture page.
The Daily 1has. for years been
ranked All-American by the As- CHECKING AN AD-Advertisen
sociated Collegiate Press, the high- often arrive in the form of per
est honor a college newspaper can by the Business Staff.

tES-Coverage of national and international events-'
to The Daily through Associated Press teletypes.

ments from national concerns
rmanent plates an are handled

WOMEN AT WORK-Ensian Staff members find yearbook prep
ration a continuing, year long job, with a series .of dedalines

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NG THE CALL--Daily reporters cover their beats through
views and on fast breaking news, through calls to their con-
for information or faculty experts for commentary on politi-
ad economic events.

CHECKING A NEGATIVE-Complete dirkrooni facilities await
the Daily photographers who cover everything from athletic
events to zoo exhibits,








per student

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