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September 15, 1958 - Image 95

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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NEWS CENTER-The Daily night desk is the hub of activity from early afterno
general news copy, whether locally written or transmitted over the wires, passes t
of the night editor who decide which stories wll run in the morning's paper and
reporters and rewrites for headlines. Editorial staff members generally work onex
Business Staff Finances,

Daily Works Lat
To Present New
Features, Sports, Local, World
News Adds up to Full Coverage
With its late 2 a.m. deadline, the Michigan Daily is
to provide the University community with the most re
world and local news each morning.
One of the few college newspapers to have a full tele
service, The Daily brings important international and
tional developments to the attention of the students.
Associated Press teletype machines aid The Daily, in t
areas of reporting.
In addition to this source of information, there aret
versity professors who can be contacted for comment on
jor events in their field of study.
Reports from Lansing
For most stories, The Daily's reporters go out to gel
on until 2 a.m. All news themselves. While the State Legislature was deba
through the hands cuts in the appropriations"for'
'gives them to the .
night a week. the University last spring, a
reporter went to Lansing for
all the budget heairings, hn ..
po-P a " ing the information back to
.he Daily in time for the next~
day's edition.
Nearly all events occurring on
the campus are closely covered by
Daily reporters.
This past year saw, in the all-
campus Student G o v e r n m e n t
Council elections, both the small-
est turnout of voters, in the fall,
and the largest turnout, in the
Covered Little Rock
The Daily also sends its report-
ers far, afield to cover stories. Last
fall, during the integration crisis,
a reporter went to Little Rock, .
sending back his stories, and was
the only reporter to get inside the
high school and take photographs. DAILY MAGAZINE
During spring vacation, two re- .: discussion in depth
porters went to Cuba to try to get
an interview with rebel ledear Fi- through the efforts of the
del Castro. student staff, composed of
Arrested by Cuban police In a tween 70 and 80 reporters.
crackdown on newspapermen, they In addition to publishing
spent Easter Sunday in a Cuban news, The Daily presents
Business Staff ad. jail, but were released to return Daily Official. Bulletin each
sell subscriptions, and bring back the story. Prepared by the University, it
ther details needed Complete coverage of campus plies the student with an o:
events and news is made possible list of University lectures,
i certs and academic notices a:


The financial support necessary
for the maintenance of The Daily
operations is supplied by The
Daily Business Staff.
The Daily's revenue comes, like
that of a professional paper, from
advertising and circulation.
The Daily is traditionally a self-
supporting newspaper and strives
to remain in this position, one
which justifies its editorial free-
dom. The Daily, however, is a non-
profit organization.
Sells Advertising
The biggest jobs facing the busi-
ness staff revolves around selling
subscriptions - mainly to stu-
dents - and soliciting advertising
and keeping account of finances.
The business staff is composed
of several departments. Directed
by junior managers they include
local display advertising, circu-
lation, national display advertis-
ing, classified advertising, layout,
promotions, and classified and
display accounts..
All of these departments are
under -the supervision of the busi-
ness manager. Foui senior manag-
ers, responsible to the business
manager, supervise all advertis-
ing, finances, and personnel.
Can Gain Experience
Students joining the busines's
staff learn advertising layout and
design and advertising writing,
and, at the same time, gain ex-
perience in general newspaper
business practice.
Tryouts for positions on the
business staff are eligible to begin
work at any time during their
freshman or sophomore/year. Fol-
lowing a brief training period, try-
outs are assigned contract ac-
counts to handle for the balance
of the semestei.
Department Work .
' They are also assigned to work
in the various departments and
at the close of their first year
qualified applicants are appointed
to assistant manager positions. At
the close of the sophomore year
the department, managers are
Business staff members make
up all advertising found on Daily
pages. The Daily has a gross year-
ly income in excess of $130,000.
Past revenues have gone to pay
for the Daily's physical plant in,
the Student Publications Building.
The Daily is equipped with four
linotype machines, a Fairchild en-
graver for pictures, a $120,000 ro-
tary press, typewriters for the
offices and all other equipment
necessary to publish a newspaper.
The Daily is considered to have
one of the best plants - for its
size - of any newspaper in the
United States.
No Censorship
The Board in Control of Student
Publications is the agency under
whose authority The Daily is pub-
lished. It in turn operates under
authority'of the University Board
of Regents.
The Board does not censor or
approve Daily articles or editorials,
but serves as an intermediary be-
tween the University and the Daily

BUSINESS STAFF-Members.of The Daily's]
dress newspapers for mailing, as shown above
advertising, layout ads or take care of the otl
to keep a paper self-supporting.

SETTING THE TYPE-A battery of four linotypes located on the ground floor shop of the Student
Publications Building convert editorial or advertising copy into type ... only the first mechanical
stage in publishing The Daily.


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