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January 17, 1959 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-17
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VS 4





(Continued from Preceding Page)
sities and a large segment of the
watching public act as if he were.
He is not a young businessman,
building a good record, getting
what are called "contacts" starting
his business career in his. sopho-
more year. He is not a unit of man-,
power, to be classified according
to skills and talent, and put
through "hard subjects" which
will be useful for the country's
military and economic security.
A student is a person who is
learning to fulfill his powers and
to find ways of using ther in the
service of mankind.
The student at his best has a
purity of motive which is the markI
of his true function. He wants to
know the truth, to know what is
good, not merely for his own orI
for other people's advantage, but
in order to achieve his maturity asv
a student. He is granted the price-
less advantage of looking openlyl
at the world to discover its secrets.
He is given the rare privilege of
withholding his assent to the
claims that the world makes for!
its own particular brand of truth,
and he can decide what he thinks
on the basis of the evidence, not
on the basis of pressure, because<
this is in fact what it means to be
a student, and what the world asks'
the student to be.
For a little time before he beginsf
a life which will gradually involve.

him in more and more commit- How can the flexibility and the the community leaders, the present
ment to tasks and duties which tolerance, the humanity, of the .teachers have a role to play-they
are not central to the concern with liberal philosophy be sustained by are the ones whose encouragement
truth and ideals, the student lives firm conviction as to what can and support for the student and
in a world of discovery and of pos- and should be done in the modern his interest in ideas will do more
sibility where nothing is yet com- world. than anything else to make the
pletely settled, where everything. I suggest therefore that the re- life of the mind a fascinating
including the achievement of forms we must make in American prospect and a goal worth aiming
greatness, is still actively possible. education are not primarily those for.
A student must make the most i of requiring more subject matter,
of this time, for it may never come although of course there are sub- WE IN THE COLLEGES must
again. If his life as a student does I jects ranging from mathematics concern ourselves with the life
not possess the excitement, the in- to foreign languages and world of the intellect and the imagina-
nocence and the hope of the true history which must be included in tion again, and remind ourselves
enquirer. he may nevera inx any good high school curriculum. and the public, that the purpose



i 1%L1G , e 1 1y11V igai CA-
perience a time for thoughtful and
sensitive attention to the big issues
of human life. If he does possess
that quality in his life as a stu-
dent, you can be sure it will re-
main with him as a way of think-
ing and acting for the rest of his
country is not from the propa-
ganda battle with the Soviets, nor
from the science and missiles race,
nor from anywhere outside the
United States.
The real challenge lies deep
within American culture. It is
simply, How can we give to our
students-those who will becomej
scientists, artists, writers, teach-I
ers, workers, businessmen, doctors,
and all future citizens--the educa-
tional support they need to carry
.out their mission as Americans?

T1HE PROBLEM is much more
complicated than requiring
more subjects of more students.
The true scientist, for example,
depends for his achievement on
the quality of his total education.
The quality of his total education
depends not only on the particular
training he has had in science or
any other field, but on the infu-
sion of a passion for learning into
his intellectual bloodstream.
The student who has been in-
spired with the desire to learn and
who is given encouragement to ful-
fill his desire can and will learn
anything which lies within his
capacity. If we are to have first-
rate education, we must look first
to first-rate teachers, and we will
not get first-rate teachers until
we bring into the teaching profes-
sion the very best among our
present students. Here the parents,

_ _ _

J-HOP , .Class of 1960


in the new and exclusive



of education is to develop people
who can think and act for them-
We have become so engrossed
in the practical problems of edu-
cation and the culture that we
find our teachers talking only of
"problems;" we have become
lobbyists for the intellect, full of
promotional devices for advertis-
ing and virtues of the humanities,
the sciences, or foreign languages.
Even in our teaching we have been
pressing for attention to cultural
and aesthetic values rather than
allowing the values to be seen, en-
joyed and savored by ourselves and
our students.
We must let the poem speak for
itself, in its own purity and en-
chantment, without our eternal
explanations and analysis. Let the
music be played and listened to,
without explanation, with no set
of instructions on how to listen,
what to look for. Let the idea
generate its own response in the
minds of our listeners, let them
see for themselves that the idea
itself is passionately held by the
man who proposes it.
There is too much concern just
now for classifying, and thus de-
feating, the new. This is intel-
lectual promotional work, not
creative thought, nor does it re-
present progress of the liberal
H. AUDEN spoke in his poetry
lecture last year at Oxford of
a teacher of Anglo-Saxon who had
lectured to him.
"I do not remember a single
word he said, but at a certain point
he recited, and magnificently, a
long passage of Boewulf. I was
- I think we need to have more
people spellbound, entranced, joy-
ful, enchanted. They need not stay
that way permanently, but they
need to know from direct experi-
ence what it means to be captured
by a feeling or an idea.
If we are over-impressed by
money and material values, if our
culture is lacking in spiritual con-
tent, then is it not the task of the
artist, the architect, the dancer,
the playwright, the philosopher,
the composer, the social thinker
to show us what he can do and to
have enough confidence in what
he is doing to work in his own way
without regard to the number of
people he influences or ever
With the present resources of
the mass media, the present de-
mand for more ideas and more
talent this will leave few who have
such talent alone in obscurity.
means by which the student
achieves his selfhood.
To achieve the flavor of in-
dividuality, for a person or an in-
stitution, it is necessary to be one-
self and not to be simply a cluster
of approved characteristics. It is
necessary to give up wanting al-
ways to be liked, and wanting to
have everything smooth and easy.
It is necessary to discover what
truths are really true and really
valuable, and to discover this by
No one can make these dis-
(Concluded on Next Page)
To please you!!
It Costs No More to have the best!
The Dascola Barbrs
Near Michigan Theatre

(Continued from Preceding Page)
NCAA, and would not be able to
schedule others that are in the
The secret, of course, would be
cooperation. This would not work
unless the majority of the colleges
and universities in the country'
were ready to make it work.
But they should be ready to
make it work. Coaches, athletic
directors, alumni, and athletes
themselves should be aware that
the present set-up is leading in
the wrong direction, and that it
has to stop somewhere.
Athletics based solely on mer-
cenary aims is not part of the
American tradition. But it soon
will be if reform is not insisted
upon by those most concerned.
,19 CUT DOWN on the "big
time" aspects, the "new"
NCAA would need to effect cer-
tain rules.
Scholarships would never be
more than cost, or full-ride (tui-
tion, books, room and board, but
NO expenses). And no extra aid,
whether by the university, alumni,
or anyone else would be allowed.
Under this set - up recruiting
would become a different story.
Instead of trying to sell the pro-
spective athlete a better "deal"
as far as money, it would be up to
the representatives of the institu-
tion to try to sell him a better
deal in education, coaching, and
the other aspects of the college
that should be emphasized.
Certainly recruiting would be-
come a trickier business, and
would be more difficult from the
standpoint of the coaches, but it
is at this point that a truly alert
and loyal alumni would find their
They, if anyone, can convince a
boy that their school is the best-
and without the problem of money
involved, the job would be easier
than it is now.
W HETHER this would solve all
of the BIG problems one can-

not tell now; but it certainly would
come closer than the present
In equalizing all of the recruit-
ing, scholarship and alumni diffi-
culties, the schools would presum-
ably come closer to being equal in
athletic power.
It would certainly be a healthier
situation than any other alterna-
tive, since to attract athletes, the
things that would have to be
stressed are the advantages of an
education at the school concerned.
The only way that things could

be made any more equal would be
to make the entrance require-
ments, and the resultant academic
level of difficulty the same. And
this is obviously impossible if the
schools of the country are to at-
tempt to meet the necessities of
all potential students.
So, leaving this one difference
as the telling point, the NCAA
would be taking a much needed
step toward the curtailment of
the present college athletic "cir-
cus" if it were to adopt an equali-
zation program.
Doctor Shortage
(Continued from Page 4)
graduating each year - approxi-
mate output of three schools since
1950-the state would, by 1975,
still not be up to the 1955 national
physician-population ratio. How-
ever, the 126 per 100,000 ratio that
would be achieved would be a con-
siderable improvement over the 109
per 100,000 ratio that now exists.
The medical education commit-
tee's answer seems to be closer to
making corrections on a basis of
needs; Dr. Sanger's estimate is
probably closer to what will be
But as the medical education
committee has said, "Lack of funds
may be a reason for postponing
action, but lack of funds does not
altei the acute need for expanding
medical training facilities in Mich-
igan." Only timehwill tell how well
the state meets the need.


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_. v



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