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January 09, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-09

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Sixty-Ninth Year

"Don't Go Getting Any Ideas, Son"

Then Opinions Ae Free
Trutb Will PrevaU"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y 9, 1959


Merger Too Vital for Quick Look

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'Caesar' ExCiting
But Inconsistent
INCONSISTENCY was perhaps the most outstanding characteristic
of last night's Civic Theatre production of "Julius Caesar." Full cr
color and a surprising amount of talent, this third presentation of the
current season nevertheless lacked balance, unity, and the consequent
power to evoke from the audience an emotional response.
Some scenes in the play were done well and some were done
poorly; some were full of intensity and some were merely tedious.
Yet because of the difficulty in speaking blank verse lines effectively,
unevenness was only to be expected; when present, it is probably
The failure to attain coherence however, is less expected and when
apparent, less forgivable. It is more dependent upon the director's




['HE UNIVERSITY of Michigan at Detroit?
Wayne State University President Clarence
Ilberry's suggestion that the school be placed
cder control of the University's Regents marks
logical extension of the encouraging trend
wards cooperation and coordination between
ie two universities.
But it may be carrying things too far.
LTHOUGH numerous practical and, unfor-
tunately, political reasons support joining
he two schools, potential long-range difficul-
es demand that the proposal be given a close
ard look. While approaching one problem, in
rather round-about way, the proposal may
-eate a series of new ones which would only
efeat attempts to improve higher education
f the state as a whole.
At least the Wayne situation might initially
nprove through merger. Since 1956 the school
as been undergoing transfer from the Detroit
oard of Educationto the Michigan Legisla-
are. On July 1, Wayne will become a state sup-
arted university, created and completely con-
olled by the Legislature and thus subject to
Bing disbanded and changed Ifit any manner
gislators see fit. The Legislature will have
ne by line control of the school's budget, as
pposed to the University and Michigan State
niversity, The latter schools have a certain
nount of operating flexibility because they
ijoy separate constitutional authority under
cards elected directly by the voters.
However, in a Legislature still needing re-
pportionment, voters in outstate areas carry
tore political weight; Republicans still control
he Senate and hold a 55-55 tie in the House.
rith the strong likelihood that the Democrats
ill sweep this spring's elections, the six mem-
ers elected to the Wayne Board of Governors
ill probably be Democrats.
This would undoubtedly increase Wayne's
lentiication es a "Detroit" school and prob-
ply do little to aid the institiuton's fund-
athering efforts in a Republican controlled
Other benefits of a merger are more general.
rutual use of research facilities might provide
otential savings to taxpayers. Already in the
mat several years, the two schools have been
orking together in an increasing number of
rjects, including adult education and a
,bor relations institute. This is part of a
atewide pattern where the Council of College
residents is tightening cooperation between
le various state supported schools, even to
CHESE ACTIONS are important, for they
show that the state's schools can and do
operate even though under separate boards.
k!, the institutions also retain the advantage
Doing It T
[HE UNIVERSITY has ducked charges of
paternalism in more than one issue, but
ion It may make a significant, though slight,
The counselling committee is considering the
assibility of letting Juniors and seniors in the
terary college sign their own election cards,
proposal which may go into effect next year.
hough only a small step in removing the
therly hand (which in this case is neither
itherly nor guiding to many), the change may
e a giant step toward better counselling.
Cries of paternalism are perhaps basically
jections to nuisance, and the counselling
'ush in the half day before registration is
Urtainly that. Most advisors and students, for
ficiency's sake, would hail escape from con-.
;tations marked by more rush than regula-
on, more aggravation than advising.
But, putting aside visions of decreased pater-
Alism and a more pleasant registration, the
ost important consideration is whether or not
e change would bring better counselling. Only
en would it be really worthwhile.
'HE COUNSELLING committee fears chaos
* might result-the student body has not
iown much interest in discovering informa-
o On requirements from the catalogue. Sup-
sedly, the advisors check students on dis-
Ibution and concentration necessities. But,
ider the present counselling system, approxi

ately one-third of the beginning second se-
Liberal Too0 Few
'ENATE LIBERALS, their ranks bolstered by
the recent elections, are still not numerous
tough to compete successfully with the "poli-
cians" who have controlled the body in the
Democratic Majority Leader Lyndon John-
n of Texas, skilled in keeping the reaction-
ries and radicals of his party on speaking
rms, has proposed a "compromise" curb on
libusters, promptly endorsed by conservative
Johnson's plan would require a two-thirds
te of members present to limit debate, i.e.

of being controlled by a group free to con-
centrate on their own individual problems.
Although the educational philosophies of the
University and Wayne may have much in com-
mon the nature and problems of the schools
are in many ways quite different, for example
the students themselves, who are in residence
at one school and commute at the other.
True, when the University's Dearborn branch
begins operating next September, the percent-
age of commuters will rise. Then, the Regents
will be in charge of three campuses, including
Flint College. With the increasing problems of
higher education, it seems doubtful that adding
the concerns of a fourth campus would help
the Regents devote the necessary attention to
individual problems.
IF THE OBJECT of the merger is to help
coordinate the activities of the schools, a
whole series of practical questions are raised.
The Regents operate primarily as a policy
making board leaving the details of adminis-
tration to administrators responsible to them.
How will the coordination be administrated in
practice? If the state needed additional facili-
ties in a particular field, would a given depart-
ment be built up at one campus at the expense
of the other, thus perhaps hindering the oppor-
tunities for quality education for students who
don't want to go to school in Detroit or who
can't afford Ann Arbor?
Both schools are attempting to educate over
20,000 students and preparing for 30,000. How
will they properly be handled? Already the
Universities in many ways are too large and
bureaucratic. If anything, a merger might
accelerate the trend and lend even more justi-
fication to the suspicion that Michigan's fac-
tories are not confined to the automotive field.
UNIVERSITY officials have long prclaimed
that this institution's best contribution to
the state is quality education. If the contribu-
tion is to continue, the long range effects of
the merger should be carefully examined from
all viewpoints-the question of maintaining
quality education are even more important than
that of expediency.
Problems of constitutional revision giving
Wayne its own Board similar to the Regents
may be difficult, but not impossible. Putting
the school under the University's Regents may
or may not help strengthen Wayne's, or the
state's educational position. But the proposal
and the questions it raises are too important
for quick examination and a push through the
Legislature before the state's political parties
nominate candidates to the board next month.
Establishing a University of Michigan at
Detroi as suggested by Wayne officials is a
leap requiring a careful look.
Editorial Director
mester seniors still are left with overlooked
distribution requirements. These are only
straightened out after a check by the Office
of Records.
That this percentage might increase is the
counselling committee's main worry; that it
might decrease, and actually ease confusion a
little, is also a possibility. With upperclassmen
more responsible for their elections, less reli-
ance on advisers' omniscience might bring
greater student farsightedness. The Office of
Records would continue to check requirements
anyway, and it has even been suggested that
the check be made on beginning first semester
seniors. And juniors and seniors would not have
much greater freedom in choosing courses-
their concentration programs would be sketched
out at compulsory conferences early in the
junior year.
Counselling could undoubtedly be Im-
proved, and letting upperclassmen sign their
own election cards might not even make it
worse. It does away with one routine in a job
which has degenerated into little more than a
routine. It allows for exceptions to the ma-
chinery of counselling, and better counselling
can only come if the job is not mechanical.
In a more amiable atmosphere, advisors have
the opportunity to give more valuable and more
personal advice. And counselling obtained by a
student on his own incentive is of more use, if
only because of his interest in getting it.

To Control Senate
bership (50) to close debate, which would ex-
pedite business considerably.
But the compromise boys appear to have
fixed that for now. By mustering a solid front
of Republicans and Democrats in favor of his
plan, Sen. Johnson has averted the Democratic
schism which could have occurred as so many
times in recent years. For the extreme right
could be driven out, but the left has nothing
to do but go along with Sen. Johnson.
AND THE Conservative Republicans, who
ketcontrol of their party by electing Ever-

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Committees Cause Council Problems

Daily Staff Writer
THE PERENNIAL problem of
Student Government Council
is in committees. There seems to
be no limit to the confusion which
develops from even relatively
simple problems.
In particular, the relationship
between the Council and the Ad-
ministrative Wing at times seems
to be Brownian movement. Only
at irregular intervals do they
bump into each other and talk
things over.
Wednesday night, Carol Holland,
in the name of the National and
International Committee, turned
in a list of schools where the
Council could possibly start ex-
change programs if they so de-
sired. She was then criticized for
not including more information
on these universities. She was told
to bring back some specific recom-
mendations on exchange programs
with specific schools.
Then all at once the question of
the Junior Year Abroad cropped
up. The previous sentiment of the
Council had been that an exchange
program was entirely different
than the Junior Year Abroad and
need not figure into SGC discus-
Then Roger Seasonwein, '61,
dropped the hush-hush bit of in-
formation that a committee com-
posed of three members of the

Literary School Steering Com-
mittee, two members of SGC, and
one member of the Student Steer-
ing Committee of the Honors
Council is about to be named. This
committee would delve deeply into
the field of Junior Year programs
and make specific suggestions to
the University.
BUT FOR ALL of this the Coun-
cil did not give the committee any
specific instructions other than
stating that they want specific
recommendations. If the com-
mittee comes up with something
the Council likes, the committee
chairman will probably be told,
"Why didn't you do this in the first
place?" and if their program is
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Mike Todd's brother
said yesterday he is planning
to mark the flamboyant showman's
grave with a giant-size reproduc-
tion of filmdom's "Oscar."
The Vermont marble statue
would stand nine feet in height,
weigh two tons and cost $8,000,
David Goldbogen, 48 years old, the
br~other, said.
The grave marker will bear no
epitaph. "We would want to keep
the memorial simple," Goldbogen

unacceptable, all the NIA will
know is that they can scratch one
exchange from the huge field they
have under consideration.
In either case the only thing the
committee gets is an unspoken
sigh, "thank heavens that's fin-
The problem is not one of lead-
ership-the committee already has
it. It is the attitude of the Coun-
cil, "Why don't you go out and
do something?" No one knows
what they are to do and, seeming-
ly, no one cares.
* *
THE SGC advisor to the NIA
committee, Roger Seasonwein, is
fond of saying, "How should I
know what's going on in the com-
mittee?" Though jokingly spoken,
it voices the attitude of the Coun-
cil towards the Ad Wing setup.
Either the committees are given
such broad objectives that their
chances of reaching a conclusion
the Council will accept are almost
nil, or they are so confined in what
they allowed to do that nothing at
all results.
In short, the council is either
willing to saddle the responsibility
for distasteful tasks on the shoul-
ders of the Ad Wing or give the
committeessufficient responsibility
to carry out actions without the
constant "Big Brother" sort of
review that makes initiative a
negative quality.

clarity of vision than upon the
performer's precision of speech.
Although Shakespeare is flexible,
he is never pointless, and Director
Ted Heusel's production unfor-
tunately seemed to be just that:
confused, heroless, lacking in fo-
cus and aim.
THE FAULT was certainly not
in the acting, although even here
confusion occasionally reigned.
Each character seemed to have
a definite conception of his role
in the play, but few of them
seemed to have adequately defined
the nature of the play itself. They
were out of touch with each oth-
er, and seldom exhibited any
knowledge of the relationship
which existed between their par-
ticular parts and the idea of the
play as a whole.
Consequently, acting ability be-
came more important last night
than the more subtle balances
which usually determine the final
effect and emphasis of a play.
Don Catalina, in the role of Cas-
sius, gave the most effective per-
formance of the mevening, and his
beautifully controlled interpreta-
tion made this comparatively
minor character seem more im-
portant and more noble than any
of his contemporaries.
Tom Leith, who should have
overshadowed Catalina in the role
of Brutus, failed to create any
real character until late in the
second act. His voice was rich and
resonant, but it lacked flexibility
and variety.nSpeaking for the
most part only words, he over-
came blank verse only in the
ghost scene - when, for the first
time - he truly seemed the "nob-
lest Roman of them all."
Vocal quality was amazingly
important in this production, es-
pecially in the case of Michael
Eisman, who played Caesar. Al-
though he brought authority to
the role, Eisman's rather high
tones destroyed any of the re-
gality his Caesar might have had,
and made the man seem merely a
petulant and trivial fool.
The minor characters per-
formed with widely varying skill,
and Heusel's Mark Antony was
workmanlike, if not exactly in-
spired. The crowd scenes were less
powerful than might be desired,
and reflecting the production's
general dissociation, the costum-
ing was imaginataive, but a bit
confusing in its mixture, of
The Civic Theatre group ought
to be commended for tackling
Shakespeare. Despite its faults,
their play is exciting and worth
-Jean Willoughby

THE INN of the Sixth Happi-
ness is the stry of a life
stranger than fiction, that of an
English second maid who went to
China because she felt that God
had called her to be a mssonary.
This seems to be the age' of
organized everything, so when
Gladys Aylward was told by the
China Missionary Society that she
was "unqualified" for the mis-
sions, she bought a ticket on the
installment plan and set out to
cross Europe, Russia, Siberia and
arrived in China alone.
Gradually, she was, accepted byN
the local people and even became
a village elder when she inspected
the district to make certain that
the new law forbidding the bind-
ing of girl's feet was carried out.
Her finest hour occurred when
she led one hundred orphans
across the mountains, fleeing from
the invading Japanese.
* * *
THIS IS a lump-in-the throat
picture, one as sentimental as a
lace and rosebud valentine, filled
withimany Hollywoodian cliches;
but it manages to rise above all.
thig as Gladys Aylward's spirit did
above her many trials and tribula-
tions. The movie's producers, it,
seems, thought that a picture
without love interest would be
like egg fou yong minus eggs so
they fabricated a romance be-
tween the missionary and a bitter
Eurasian colonel.
Although Ingrid Bergman's pri-
vate life may have raised an eye-
brow, all will be compelled to mare
vel at her magnificent perform-
ance as Miss Aylward. Her talents
and artistry have never been giv-
en a better display.
-Patrick Chester
(Continued from Page 3)
flice of Student Affairs within five days
after occurence.
Summary, action taken by Student
Government council at its meeting Ja.
7, 1959,
Approved minutes of previous meet-
Approved Allan T. stillwagon as stu-
dent representative on the University
Calendar Committee.
Approved motion to invite state
Legislators to visit the campus at a
time deemed advisable by the Educa-
tion and Student welfare Committee.
Tabled until next week further con-
sideration of recommendations relating
to student representation on the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletes.
Approved revisions in the Assembly
constitution including a constitutional
change providing that Assembly Dor-
mitory Council shall consist of one
representative from each house.
Approved March 14 Class of 1960, Den-
tistry, Odonto Balil, Union Ballroom,
9-12; May 9, Men's Glee Club, sprin
concert, Hill Auditorium.
Approved motion providing that the
Executive Committee invite students
prominent in organizations not repre-
sented by Student Government Coun-
ci ex-officio members to sit with the
Council without vote. Those invited
would Join thehCouncil for three or
four meetings, then be replace by an-
other invited student.
The following student-sponsored so-
ial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due intthe Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on Tues., prior to the
Jaan. 9: Adams House Interational
Students Association, nMatClub,nPhl
Delta Ph1.
Jan,. 10: Gomberg House, Pershing

Rifles, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Reeves Use., Scott Hse., Tau Kappa
Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xt,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon. Zeta Psi.
Plans for Mid-Year Graduation Exer-
cises: Sat, Jan, 24, 1959, 2:00 pm.(
Time of Assembly -- 1:15 p.m. (ex-.
cept noted)
-Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m.
in Rm. 2082, second floor, Nat. Sc.
Bldg.. where they may robe.
Regents,rEx-Regents, Dean and oth-
er Administrative Officials at 1:15 p.m.,
in the Botany Seminar Rm. 1139, Nat.
Si. 1Bldgr., where they may robe.
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges in Nat. Sc. Bldg. as follows:
Section A: L.S.&A. - front part of
auditorium, west section; Educ.-front
part of auditorium, center section;
Arch, - front part of auditorium, east
section; Law - front part of audi-
Itoriumn, east section (behind Arch.)


De Gaulle Takes Command of French Regime

Daily Staff Writer
FOR better or for worse, France,
like the United States, now has
its own father-figure in General
de Gaulle.
Installed yesterday as President
of the Fifth Republic, he takes
over a presidency tailor-made for
him, and one which makes him
the most powerful French execu-
tive since the Emperor Napoleon
A series of elections, all of which
were dominated by de Gaulle, led
to his rise. In the first of these, the
political leaders of France elected
to call President de Gaulle to pro-
visional power in response to, the
Algerian crisis. The second elec-
tion approved the new constitu-
tion for the Republic, largely for-
mulated by de Gaulle, which re-
made French governmental struc-
ture with an eye toward his own
eventual selection as president.
The third election sent to Paris
an overwhelmingly Gaullist Cham-
ber of Deputies.
Several elements new to the
French political scene appeared
during the course of the third
election. To begin with, the tradi-
tional spectrum of French political
alignment, from Right to Left,
became increasingly ill-defined.
The old distinctions between the
Right and Left lost much of their
old meaning and power. Their ap-
peals, springing largely from their
position in the political arrange-
ments in France, rather than from
their specific policies, were sub-
merged in the attractiveness of de
Gaulle to the French electorate.
Further, the old stereotypes of the

in the last elections. The Socialists,
in supporting a right-wing policy
in Algeria, confused and disillu-
sioned many of their followers,
who consequently abstained in the
last election.
The two policy issues which
were still meaningful--the Al-
gerian problem and European
union-had grown so complex and
many-sided that the ordinary
Frenchman could no longer even
pretend to understand them.
Into this political power vacuum
stpped de Gaulle. He entered the
campaigns as the one man in
France not tainted by the post-war
decay of France's power and pres-
tige. He was in the main figure
associated clearly and causally
with the glorious days of victory

over the Germans. Like Eisen-
hower, people in the post-war
period identified themselves with
him, and expected him to magi-
cally solve their country's prob-
lems, without knowing anything
about his specific policies. The
chaos of the French political
scene, the proven inability of her
present government to give her
citizens what they wanted, the
decay of her influence internation-
ally, and President de Gaulle's
aura of power, personal capabili-
ties, and the charismatic attrac-
tion of his personality made the
outcome of the campaigns a fore-
gone conclusion.
* * *
FRANCE did not vote on any
specific policy issues. She voted

whether or not to accept Presi-
dent de Gaulle as a person, while
knowing nothing of his specific
policies. A correspondent in France
writes that when "de Gaulle comes
to a rally he is greeted with pas-
sionate affection by those there.
He makes a speech, the content
and meaning of which is lost on
those there, and leaves amid great
applause." Specifically issue-ori-
ented candidates, such as Pierre
Mendes-France, were snowed un-
Such was the prestige of Presi-
dent de Gaulle, and so much was
the outcome of the elections a
foregone conclusion, that the cam-
paign degenerated often into a
contest to see who could identify'
himself the closest with the Gen-l
The parallels between the 1952N
and 1956 American presidential
campaigns and the state of affairs
in France are obvious.
For the future, President de
Gaulle has definite ideas about
the position on France in the
world, and "La France et sa gloire"
will undoubtedly be uppermost in
his mind for the coming years. He
has in his favor not only his own
prestige but the increased stability
he brings to the French govern-
mental structure. Urider his new
constitution, he has the power to
negotiate international treaties,
and we can expect that he wil
interpret this clause widely.
President de Gaulle wants to
join the United States and Eng-
land as the "Big Three" of NATO.
To do this, he might revive
thoughts of the Franco-Russian
alliance as a stick to beat NATO

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