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January 09, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-09

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gram Offers Chance To Live Abroad

trip will end with a short stay in
some large city.
Tour Countries
Languagerequirements are ne-
cessary for those traveling to Aus-
tria, France, Germany, Italy, Mex-
ico, Spain and Switzerland.
In Great Britain, France, Ger-
many, Holland, Italy, Mexico and
Sweden a special program is of-
fered which combines the basic
elements of the experiment pro-
gram and provides an opportunity
for independent field work on a
topic of interest to the individual
The plan involves a slightly
shortened homestay and trip, sup-
plemented by a ten-day period
when each group member under-
takes field study utilizing the cul-
tural institutions of the country
Financial aid is available in the
form of scholarships and commu-
nity ambassadorships.i

Applicants for the experiment
are considered on 1) ability to{
get along well with others, 2) rec-
ord of extra-curricular or civic ac-
tivities, 3) experience in outdoor
living, 4) emotional stability and3
physical health and 5) satisfac-
tory academic standing. Country
choices are filled on a first-come,
first-sewed basis.
The experiment works through
the Council on Student Travel of-
fice in -New York and all travel ar-
rangements are made through this
Representatives of the experi-
ment on campus are Don Jacob-
usse, Grad., Robert Hoffman, and
Prof. Ben Wheeler of the history
dept., chairman of the Junior
Year Abroad program.
Further information about the
program may be obtained from
the Experiment in International
Living Office in Putney, Vermont.

'U' Participant Relates Tales
Of Experiences in Sweden

League Cats
To Become
Ex-Offic ios
After a semester of learning
about the functions and purposes
of the League, members of the
Buro-Cats will have an opportu-
nity to learn details about League
Buro-Cats will become ex-officio
members of League administrative
committees of their choice at the
start of next semester.
Approximately one hundred wo-
men are members of Buro-Cats,
Jackee Mervis, '60, secretary of
the League and chairman of the
Buro-Cat advisory board said.
The nine League committees
which Buro-Cats may join are
community service, house, inter-
national, public relations, social,
special projects, tutorial and Uni-
versity services.
Buro-Cat members are mostly
freshmen, Miss Mervis explained,
with some transfer students and
other girls who decided to become
active in the League during their
sophomore year.
During the first semester the
Buro-Cats have been working as,
members of five committees: These
are special events, receptionist,
secretariat, art and activities.
Buro-Cats will remain on these
committees but most of their work
will concern their own special
committee instead of doing work
for all the League committees,
Miss Mervis said.
Chairmen of the five commit-
tees are sophomores who peti-
tioned for their positions.
In April, she added, Buro-Cats
will be eligible to petition for
sophomore positions in the
Students Required
To Return Prints
Students who have borrowed art
prints from the Student Art Print
Loan Collection must return them
today or tomorrow.
Violators will be fined and will
receive no credit for this semester,
it was announced yesterday.

Special skills in ballroom danc-
ing, jitterbugandbcha-cha,ddis-
played from 11 to 11:30 p.m. to-
morrow in dance contests at the
League Snackbar, will provide win-
ners with free tickets to J-Hop,
according to Carol Hay, '60, spe-;
cial events chairman of the
This year's J-Hop, to be held
from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Feb. 7 in
the Intra-Mural Sports Building,
will feature the Tommy Dorsey

Orchestra, under the direction of
Warren Covington.
Covington's trombone work has
been featured in such American
bands as Horace Heidt, Gene Kru-
pa, Les Brown and Ray Bloch,
Miss Hay explained.
Plays Dorsey Music
*Music that Dorsey has made fa-
mous is continued in the same
style by Covington, she said. New-
est hit record by the orchestra,

'i4/a do o Cnaoeent
4oOo 40F

she added, is "Tea for Two Ch
The Mark Harvey Combo w
entertain during intermission.'T
group, which has been on camp
for three years, is composed
Mark Owen, '60, piano; Har
Yates, '60, drums, Art Bartn
62, trumpet; David Meyers,
trumpet and bass: and Sheld
Markley, '60, and Richard Kn
'61, saxophone.
To See Stars
Blue lights and wall decoratio
Including celestial objects such
soft clouds, stars and planets w
provide a "heavenly" atmosph
for the 82nd junior class dance.
A concert will be held Feb. 6
Hill Auditorium as part of J-H
Weekend. Performers will soon
Tickets for the J-Hop Dance a
on sale from 1. to 4:30 p.m. in t
lobby of the Administration Bul
ing. They will be available tod
and Monday through Friday
next week.
A few booths are still availa
for rent at the dance, according
William Rude, '60.
Union Plans
Finals Dance
"Finals Frolic" is the theme
the dance sponsored by the Uni
from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight, 1
morrow in the Union Ballroom
The dance will have a "Big Cl
atmosphere" and Johnny Hi
berd's band will be featured, Sa
ford Holo, '60, Union execut
councilman in charge of social a
fairs, said,
Dublin to Iron Curtain: AfricaV
Sweden. You're accompanied-nt
herded. College age only. Also short
255 Sequoia (Box 4)-Pasadena, Ca

J-Hop To Hold Dance Contest Tomorrc
Winners Receive Free Tickets to Event

-Daily-David Arnold
SWEDISH SOUVENIR-A hand-carved wooden bird is one of
the few items purchased by Judith Morrison while living in
Sweden last summer on the Experiment in International Living.
She spent little time in curiosity shops, she said, preferring to
absorb Swedish culture.
* U
* U
* U
On A4ny0ld
z ,
Regardless of Age, Brand or Condition
aWhen Ydau"Purchase A
* U
a U
' s 4
I once you own a world-famous a
Beseler,you'll be through with trad
ing because Beseler is an enlarger a
I you'll never outgrow.
"Purchase from Purchase" c
, t
.I. "
I nEbr5#
* U
=========================4n===Ar=bo ==s=Only

"Unfortunately Sweden and the
Swedish people are greatly mis-
understood by a vast majority of
Americans who have never had
the good fortune of living among
them and getting to know their
way of life," Judith Morrison,
59Ed, said.
Miss Morrison was one of 750
American students who sailed
from New York last summer on
;he Experiment in International
Living plan. These students were
sent to various countries in West-
ern Europe where they lived with
a European family for several
Her destination was Sweden
where she was to gain some
knowledge and appreciation of
foreign cultures while at the same
time acting as a. good will am-
bassador for the United States.
"Americans have some idea that
the Swedish people are amoral,
loose-living people,;' she said. "Ac-
tually this is, not altogether true.
They are very warm, wonderful
and sincere.
Hears Impressions
Miss Morrison, who graduated
from Colby Junior College last
ISA To Present
'European Night'
The International Students As-
sociation will hold "European
Night," a dance and floor show,
from 9 p.m. to midnight tonight
at Lane Hall.
The floor show will feature acts
from different European- coun-
tries. "The Ukranians are giving
some beautiful dances," P. Krish-
namurthy, Grad., president of ISA
Music will be provided by the
RV Quartet. The dance is open
to everyone on campus. Member-
ship in I.S.A. is not necessary for
admission, he explained.
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
luncheon discussion, Jan. 9, 12 noon,
Guild House.
* .s
Int'l Students Assoc., "European
Night" Social, Jan. 9, 9-12 p.m., Lane

year, now is continuing her stu-
lies at the University.
She remarked that many of the
people she met had definite im-
pressions of Americans. The
Swedish people, she explained, are
very inquisitive about Americans
and American impressions of
them. "The first two questions they
generally asked me were, 'How
many cars do you have ,and
'What do 'you think of Swedish
"In Sweden," she said, "they
are very much concerned about
the segregation problem in the
South. The Communists, of course
play this up tremendously, but
fortunately the group is very weak
in Sweden. I never tried to excuse
it but simply explained the situ-
ation in its proper context."
"In Sweden I was accepted as
one of them, so I got a much deep-
er insight into their way of life,
which is' quite beautiful."
"I lived with two different fam-
ilies while I was there," she said.
They were very nice and they took
me not only into their homes, but
into their hearts. I learned so
much from them about their
people and culture," Miss Morri-
son added.
Discounts Language
L a n g u a g e differences, Miss
Morrison said, constitute only
minor points which separate
peoples. "In Europe," she said, "I
learned that one can communi-
cate with the heart as well as
with the voice. I discovered that
people can communicate with ges-
tures" to attain a mutual under-
Conversing with taxi cab driv-
ers, she counted as 'one of her
favorite pastimes. "In this way
you really learn to appreciate the
opinions of other people," she
said. "Despite air transportation
the world is still a very large place
containing a lot of different people
and ideas."
"Many Americans create a very
bad impression of our country,"
she continued, explaining that
"they are what I call the unde-
sirable element which is loud and
In spite of the wonderful time
Miss Morrison had in Sweden, she
was very .glad to return home.
"When you see the statue of liber-
ty from the deck of a ship," she
said, "you. really realize what a
wonderful country the United
States is."


Mr. an~d Mrs. Raymond Sorg of
Brighton, Mich., announce the en-
gagement of the former's daugh-
ter, Nancy Jean, to Gary K. Stoll-
steimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keene,
0. Stollsteimer of Howell, Mich.,
Miss Sorg is a sophomore in the
physical education department.
Mr. Stollsteimer is a senior in the,
music school.
The wedding' is planned for
June, 1960.

The engagement of their daugh-
ter, Emily Sydney, to Samuel Jo-
seph Richelew, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Richelew, is announced
by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Cohen
of Lansing.
Miss Cohen is a sophomore in
the literary school, and Mr. Riche-
lew is a senior in the architecture


Follett's Photo Dept.

The Daily Official Bulletin.is as
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Paly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
All graduating seniors planning to at-
tend graduation exercises Jan. 24,
go to Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. Univer-
sity, immediately, to be fitted for caps
and gowns.
Application blanks for Phoenix Pre-
doctoral Fellowships for 1959-60 are
available in the Graduate School Of-
fice. Applicants should be well ad-
vanced in their graduate studies and
should present plans for research or
graduate study leading to research in
some field dealing with the applica-
tions or implications of atomic ener-
gy. Research projects may be in the
fields of nuclear physics and chemis-
try, in the use of radiation or fission
products in the medical and biological
sciences or on the effect that atomic
energy developments will have on gov-
ernment, economics, philosophy and
culture, Competition will close Feb.
1, 1959.

The student.
will be lifted P
o'clock noon Sa
Mon., Feb. 9,.19
All student dr
reminded to rep
of ownership, l
license plate nu

Automobile Regulations
for that period from 12
at., Jan. 17, to 8:00 a.m.
riving permit holders are
port any and all changes
ocal address, insurance,
umbers, etc., to the Of-
aued on Page 4)

I. __ _ _ __ _


B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Prof. Alfred S. Sussman
Department of Botany
"Can the Scientist Believe in God?"


30 P.M.

Kiddush will follow


1429 Hill S

! ~ * *s
Wesleyan Guild, taffy pull, Jan.;
p.m., Wesley Lounge.

9, 8

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mm MR,

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