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January 08, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-08

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Harvard Professor
To Deliver Lectures

-Daily-Ivan Welch
'KAK POZHEVAYETYEH?' - "How are you?" inquires Archie
Allen, '62. Allen is one of about 150 beginning Russian students,
compared to last fall's enrollment of 50. Enrollment in the
department has doubled since last year.
Professor Noes Boom
In Russian Enrtolment

"Govoreetyeh po-rooskee?"
"Do you speak Russian?" asks
the teacher. And about 150 ele-
mentary Russian language stu-
dents reply, "Da, da."
Campus enrollment in the be-
ginning Russian classes is triple
last fall's figures. Of these stu-
dents, 36 freshmen and sopho-]
mores -are majoring in the langu-
Enrollrment Increases
A total of 107 students are
matriculated in five Russian liter-
ature courses. Enrollment in the
40 courses, both undergraduate
and graduate, offered by the De-
partment of Slavic Languages and
Literature has reached 439, com-
pared to the 207 of last year.
"Interest in these courses at
the University has increased so'
sharply because Sputnik, shot into
the skies just a year ago, and the
more recent Lunik dramatize the
need for studying Russian. They
were catalysts," Prof. Deming B.
Brown, chairman of the depart-
ment, said.
Five persons were added to Prof.
Brown's teaching staff to handle
the increased demand for Russian
courses this fall. However, due to
budget restrictions along with this
demand for Russian, a first-year
course in Polish and a course in
Serbo-Croatian, the Yugoslav lan-
guagp, were eliminated.
Furthers Understanding
Some students believe that a
study of the language is a step
on the road toward international
understanding. Others think Rus-
Sian is good mental exercise which
will keep the mind alert.
"In junior college, I was given
a good background in the history

and literature of Russia. This
aroused my interest in the langu-
age," Elizabeth Diaz, '60, begin-
ning Russian student, commented.
Dave Baker, '62, is taking Rus-
sian because after a more inten-
sive course in the Royal Canadian
Air Force, he. hopes to make use
of his knowledge of the language
during his eight year service. This
will be followed by Work in the
diplomatic field, preferably in
Russia, he explained.}
Prepares Us for Future
Professor- Brown foresees in-
creased travel between the Soviet
Union and the U.S., as evidenced
by the fact that every member of
his staff has either lived in or
visited Russia. He believes that
people who are able to speak
Russian will gain a great deal
more from a visit there than those
who cannot converse in the langu-
Forty-five ,students, most of
whom are majoring in the natural
sciences and mathematics, have
enrolled for a special course which
prepares them to read Russian
scientific journals.
Survey Course Enjoyed
In addition, interest in an in-
terdepartmental survey course on
Russia has also run high, with
175 enrolled, Prof. Brown added.
It is a course which is offered by
the College of Literature, Science
and Arts and covers Russian cul-
ture, history, geography, econom-
ics and political science.
This year the department began
* Ph.D. program, one of the few
offered in the United States. "It
comes in response to the great
demand for teachers of Russian
languages and literature in high
schools and colleges," Prof. Brown
A program for training high
school teachers of Russian has
been planned by the Russian de-
partnient in conjunction with the
School of Education. There is a
great demand for well-qualified
teachers of Russian, Prof. Brown

Professor John P. Dawson, for-
mer University faculty member
and presently a Harvard Univer-
sity law professor, will deliver the
11th annual Cooley lecture series
at the Law School.
His lecture, "Judges: Oracles of
the Law," will be presented at 4:15
p.m. March 12-17 in Hutchins
Hall. He will discuss the topics:
"The Growth of Precedent in
Common Law," "The Heritage of
Roman Law," "The Rench Devia-
tion," "Germany's Commitment to
Legal Science," and "The Modern
New Lecture Materials
The lecture is based in part on
the research in some English ma-
terials which Prof. Dawson studied
at the University of Chicago. The
materials had not been previously
examined by modern scholars.
The Cooley lecture post was cre-
ated toencourage scholarly legal '
research and was established in
honor of former law professor
S lawson Tells
Of Conditions
in Africa
English and Belgium diamond
miners in Africa live in homes'
superior to those of middle class
Americans, Prof. Chester B. Slaw-
son of the mineralogy department
said yesterday,
Prof. Slawson was guest speaker
for the Ann Arbor Rotary Club. He'
supplemented his speech with
slides of living conditions in Afri-
can diamond mining areas.
On- his fourth trip to Africa, in
the spring of 1957, Prof. Slawson
toured many mining sites.
"I was on sabbatical leave and
as a mineralogist, was looking over
the mines," he recalled.a
An authority on the gem stone,
Prof. Slawson pointed out that
highly comfortable surroundings
mark the nearby vicinity of Afri-
can mining areas. He also pointed
out that even the smaller homes of
the native miners have modern
Although native accommodations
do not equal the luxurious homes
built for the European mine man-
agers, they tend to belie the aver-
age person's concept of all native
life on the African continent, Prof.
Slawson remarked,
Co-educational schools, well-
equipped hospitals and even clubs
are available at Yengema and
Bakwanga, two of the sites he
visited. Bakwanga is one of the
richest diamond mines on the
continent, he disclosed.
ROTC Student
Given Award
Capt. James Bolger, Grad., of
the University Air Force ROTC,
was awarded a silver cigarette box
as a distinguished son of a United
States Military Academy gradu-
The award is given by the West
Point Class of 1928 to each of its
sons who have also attended the
academy. Capt. Bolger graduated
in 1952 and Is now attending the
University graduate school.
Likert To Head
Statistical Group
Rensis Likert, director of the
University Institute for Social
Research, has been elected presi-
dent of the American Statistical
Association for 1959.
The association has over 5,000'
members in statistical and allied

. delivers Cooley lectures
Thomas Cooley by the Law School
Prof. Dawson will examine the
historical development of the role
of judges in shaping laws through
their administration of justice
both 'in the United States and
Associated with the University
from 1927 to 1957, Prof. Dawson
worked in the field of legal re-
search. He is the author of case-
books in restitution and contracts,
and has written extensively on le-
gal history and the development
of equitable remedies.
He received his Bachelor of Arts
and Juris Doctor degrees from the
University in 1922 and 1924, re-
spectively. After receiving a Doc-
tor of Philosophy at Oxford Uni-
versity in 1930 he returned to the
University where he had been an
assistant professor in 1027 and
was promoted to associate pro-
Prof. Dawson served as a full
professor from 1936 to 1957 when
he joined the Harvard University
faculty. He was s e c r e t a r y-
treasurer of the Association of
American Law Schools in 1947.
The Cooley series was estab-
lished by the Lav School faculty
with the approval of the Regents
and the trustees of the William W.
Cook endowment fund. Its pur-
pose is to encourage scholarly. le-
gal research.
To Print Book
On Juven les
The University Press will pub-
lish "Youthful Offenders at High-
lands," a book on juvenile delin-
quency, this week.
The volume is an evaluation of
the effectiveness of an experiment
in rehabilitataing delinquents. H.
Ashley Weeks, the author, serves
as research associate under a U.S.
Public Health Service grant in the
University business administration
The book has been described as
the first major effort in its field.
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Jsn. 8, 3-5
p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Christian Science Organization, Reg-
ular Testimony Meeting, Jan. 8, 7:30
p.m., Mich. League: Check bulletin
board in main lobby for rm, no.
Int'l Students Assoc., "European
Night" Social, Jan. 9, 9-12 p.m., Lane
* * *
Sigma Alpha Eta, meeting, work on
project, Jan. 8, 7:30 p.m., Speech Clinic.
SGC Campus Affairs Comm., meeting,
Jan. 8, 5 p.m., 3532 SAB,
Chess Club, weekly meeting, Jan. 8,
7:30 p.m., Mich. Union, Rm. 3K.

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