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January 06, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-06

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~Ij49£411 wn Dil
Sixty-Ninth Year

"They Decided To Come Here For Vacations - Now
Move On And Stop Asking Questions"

'hen Opinions Are Free
Truth W W Prevai"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the indiv'idual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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DAY, JANUARY 6, 1959


Temptations of Power
Confront Castro, Cuba


)ICTATOR Fulgencio Batista's regime finally
crumbled under the presure of rebel leader
idel Castro's bearded insurgents.
Batista's downfall spells an end to years of
>vernmental graft and corruption. The plush
avana casinos suddenly became silent New
ear's day after milking thousands of Ameri-
an tourists for Batista and his American
amblers. The equally plush presidential pal-
ce found weary rebels behind the desks once
:cupied by Batista's right hand men.
But Batista's hasty exit from the Caribbean
land didn't leave his pockets empty. Florida
anks hold over 200 million dollars in his name
nd unconfirmed reports say he pilfered some
ye million before his sudden departure. The
c-dictator's methods of draining the Cuban
>vernment's treasury were always on a big
:ale. As one high-ranking Cuban citizan said
,st spring, "A million dollar bridge would be
uilt- for five million - one million to con-
ruct the bridge, two million for Batista's
nstruction business friends and two million
ir himself."
rHE MAN responsible for Batista's topple
from power is 4 quiet spoken son of a
ealthy sugar planter. His name has become a
aswordr n Cuba and his ragged band of
ldiers or "Fidelistas" hold him in deep re-
His plans for the new Cuba have been
hrouded in vagueness throughout his guerilla
impaign. His promises ranged from immediate
ationalization of all foreign interests on the
land to only a closing of the American run
imbling houses of Havana. One thing he has
een emphatic about is the role of the rela-
vely weak Cuban Communist Party. The rebel
hief recently said in a copyrighted interview
hat his revolutionary movement had no as-
>ciation with the Communists

Castro's attitude toward the nearby United
States is a "wait and see" policy. "If the
United Stataes treats Cuba in a friendly and
respectful manner, our relations with the
United Stataes will be respectful," he said
several days ago.
The rebel's words for respect will probably
raise some eyebrows on Capital Hill. Castro's
brother Raul and his kidnapping of American
sailors near the Guantanamo naval base
brought angry comments on the revolutionary
movement last summer.
Castro's victory was inevitable. Batista's
army could have held out longer than they did,
but both Castro and Batista realized the gov-
ernment army could be swayed and the rebels'
overwhelming popularity with the people was
a wedge between the soldiers and Batista.
TODAY CASTRO stands as the savior of the
Cuban masses. As one Cuban studeit said
here last spring, "Fidel Castro is Cuba's
Christ." Tomorrow is the question. Castro has
said he only wants the rank of major in the
new Cuban army. His installation of Manuel
Urrutia as provisional president and his recall
of all weapons from his civilian supporters
calmed many fears of the Cuban public for
Cuba has been constantly subjected to dic-
tators. An ex-dictator, president Carlos Prio
Socarras, has returned to Cuba but has prom-
ised he would take a back seat in politics. He
had been a heavy contributor to the rebel
cause and many believed he would seek office.
If Castro does relinquish his presently tempt-
ing opportunity to control the government,
Cuba may have an opportunity to finally live
under a democratic government. The road is
open to the bearded Castro. Only the, future
of his provisional government will tell.

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Milstein Exhibits
V10iin Virtuosity
NATHAN MILSTEIN exhibited some of his technical excellence last
night in a curiously mixed program of music for violin and piano.
For the first half. Mr. Milstein chose to begin with one of Handel's
Op. 1 sonatas (D major): a rather enjoyable affair with lyric slow
movements alternating with fast jolly ones. Quickly following this
came a Bach Chaconne for solo violin (from the Partita).
Milstein was technically in rare form for both of these works, es-
pecially the Chaconne which can present problems to an unskilled vio-
linist who has not had his bow curved.
Brahms' D minor Sonata is generally described as "impassioned,"
and so was the performance. Unfortunately, I can never get into the

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Chinese Stalinism

OT LONG AGO a leading Polish j
was invited to give a lecture in ti
ion. His subject was the develop
nmunism in Poland, and after dea
socialization in the industrial
an to describe what had been done
ture. There, he explained, the land
-most part owned and worked by
then he had finished, there weret
m his audience, and he was prom
ked on the ground that PolishI
iculture is reactionary and anti-Cox
was ,it soon appeared, a quick-witte
his answer was that the Polish agr
;em is indeed reactionary from the
v of Communism. But the Polish gov
no choice about it. The peasants
rate anything but private property
1 land. They will not stand for a s
ectivism which deprives them of th
hen, when the audience was diges
nk statement he added: "You see, o
sants would resist the setting up
em of collectivism just as your
ld resist the introduction of t
nese system of the communes." Th
cher, and there were no more denur
rn the floor of Poland's reactionary
VAS TOLD this story by a Pole wh4
n the councils of his government, an
the story directly from the jourr
significant story, I think, because
es a great truth about the Commur
e. It is that however uniform and st
may be the theoretical generalities
the application of Communism vari
cally, from one country to another
country from one time to another,
bus in the Soviet Union, it is the
ion to invoke the name of Lenini
al order which has developed in
rears had been foreseen by Lenin
king principles prophetically reve
in. This is, of course, mere mythol
ke the claims of primitive kings ti
descendants of the gods.

ournalist The existing Soviet social order is the product
he Soviet of trial and error. The process of trial and error
)ment of is continuing, and there is no such thing as a
ling with finished blueprint of a Communist society which
areas he can be used in Poland and in China, in Albania
in agri- and in Czechoslovakia, much less in Western
l was for Europe and North America.
WHAT IS common to all the countries which
questions fail, which are pushed or are pulled, into
aptly at-the Communist orbit is this. They have very
policy in powerful governments which rest not on elec-
mmunist. tions and the consent of the government but
d fellow. on their proclamation of their own right and
ricultural their own capacity to shape the future. On
point of this implied contract-which is the implied
ernment contract in all revolutionary movements-on
will not this contract to raise the standard of life and
in their to make a powerful society, the totalitarian
ystem of state demands and obtains not only the passive
eir prop- acceptance but the active collaboration of
large masses of the people. I was very much
ting this impressed with a Soviet woman who told me
ur Polish that while the fiat she now lives in is over-
of your crowded and uncomfortable, her family are
farmers going to have a very good flat in 1963.
he new It is plain enough, I think, that once a revo-
is was a. lutionary movement has passed the phase of
nciations liquidating the old regime, what it can do after
that will be determined by the kind of country
ways, it is dealing with. Russia was a backward coun-
o is high try forty years ago, but it was backward only
d he had as compared with Germany or England, not
nalist. It as compared with China or Indonesia or Iraq.
it illus- For the old Russia contained the essential ele-
nist do- ments of modern technological development
tandard- and the skeleton of an administrative system
, in real to operate a large and complex society. China
, In alis far poorer in these essential elements, and
, often far poorer, of course, in the fundamental capi-
tal structure of its economy,
current WHEN WE THINK of the terrible price paid
as if the by the Soviet people in order to overcome
the past their own backwardness and the devastation
and its of war, it is horrifying to think of the price
aled by the Chinese people may now have to pay. In
ogy, not Russia, at least among the minority who know
hat they what is going on elsewhere, there is, so it seems
to me, great awe, compounded of fascination
and fear, as to what the Chinese equivalent of
Stalinism-of forced development and capital
formation-is going to be.

C vC;
WASHINGTON-- The fact that
Governor Nelson Rockefeller
of New York has now let the other
shoe drop and all but openly an-
nounced his candidacy for the 1960
Republican Presidential nomina-
tion is only the surface of this
political story.
The joke in both parties here
Is that the new Governor's inaug-
ural address at Albany has almost
ruined the one he intends to make
in Washington as President in
1961. It is too bad, the irreverent
politicians say, that he used up so
many of his good lines.ahead of
But the cream of the jest -
though it has a certain sour taste
to a good many people here, in-
cluding Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon-is quite beyond all this. It
Is not simply that Rockefeller has
confronted the regular and Old
Guard Republicans with a very
early challenge. Worse yet, there
is every indication that he will be
harder even than Dwight D. Eisen-
hower to bring down from the
high, amiable stratosphere in
which he floats with such amazing
grace and skill.
*S *
AT ALBANY the problems of
New York Mate-which must at
least for a -time strongly engage
the new Governor-were well and
truly subordinated by Rockefeller
to a message not merely to this
nation but to all the world.
President Eisenhower, from his
very first campaign onward, until
lately had been frustrating the

kefeller Challenges GOP

regular Republicans beyond belief
by observing periodically that he
was both conservative and liberal.
He was conservative in spending,
he used to say, but he was liberal
in: dealing with the people's needs.,
Those Republicans with old-
fashioned and clear attachments
to conservatism-like the Eisen-
hower rival for the 1952 Presiden-
tial nomination, the late Senator
Robert A. Taft of Ohio-found
this hard to take. They did not
mind the President's being con-
servative or, if he chose, even
liberal. But, they complained, it
was very difficult to make issues
against a man who said he was
both-and all at once.
* * *
BUT IF THEY HAD trouble in
pinning down the President, think
what their task will be with Gov-
ernor Rockefeller! For he went
President Eisenhower one better:
He announced that he would be
conservative and liberal - and
"progressive," too-and all at once.
Nixon is now under formal no-
tice that Rockefeller is a major
contender against him for the top
place in 1960. There is no surprise
in this, perhaps, except for its
timing. What is really sobering is
this: The Vice-President himself
is no amateur at putting the "high
level" tone into political speeches
when he is of a mind; but after
Albany no one here believes that
he can possibly hope to match the
Governor in this regard.
There probably is no national
politician, moreover, who would

seriously deny that the Rockefeller
inaugural was as glowingly de-
livered as it was glowingly written.
Its inspirational quality was such
as to make the ablest of the White
House ghosts feel rather crudely
down to earth in their prose. For
this was a Rockefeller prose that
sings, sings, and sings.
And the intonation reminded
many here-including some Re-
publicans still acutely sensitive to
the memories of two decades ago-
of the rich, cultivated and, quietly
triumphant voice of Franklin D.
* S *
AS THE situation is seen here,
the Governor has, indeed, thrown
a rock into the pond, the fat into
the fire and his hat into the ring.
The repercussions will be wide and
possibly unruly among the reduced
and already quarreling Republican
minority in the new Congress.
For what the new Governor has
said at Albany will give the parti-
s'ns practically no breathing space
before the hard necessity of mak-
ing up their minds as to whether
it should be Nixon or Rockefeller
in 1960.
They are understandably still
rather bruised from what hap-
pened to their party in the Novem-
ber Congressional elections. They
feel it too bad that Rockefeller
could not have given them at least
a little time-say, a couple of
months-to rest and catch their
breath before calling upon themj
to stand up and be counted for

proper spirit to hear these Brahms
chamber works; Brahms scoring
seems more appropriate for larger
forces than a violin and piano.
Yet, within these limits, who can
deny Milstein's effectiveness with
this Sonata.
In terms of absolutes, the
Brahms sonata emerged as the
most musically perfect, for pre-
sumably Milstein plumbed its
depths; but the Handel was most
satisfactory to me, for Handel does
not require of his performers more
than the capacity of their respec-
tive instruments.
** *
THE SECOND half was devoted
to a motley collection of frag-
ments. Most interesting was a
"Russian Maiden's Song" for mut-
ed violin, by Stravinsky. This is
no great shakes as music. but a
pleasing and satisfactory contrast
to the high-powered "Burleska" by
Suk, and Wieniawski's "Scherzo
The first piece after intermis-
sion was something called "From
my Homeland" by Smetana. Sme-
tana wrote only a few bits of
chamber music, but this duet is
charming, if a trifle limpid be-
side the energy of Suk's "Bur-
A "Canto" by Pizzetti was inter-
spersed somewhere, also. Pizzetti
represents the not-so-obscure
school of contemporary Italian
lyricists, just as Wieniawski repre-
sents the far-from-obscure school
of virtuosi-turned-composer. From
each we get exactly what we
might expect.
The opportunity to hear Nathan
Milstein is always a welcome one,
for he is one of the outstanding
musicians of the day. It is always
amusing to speculate on a more
ideal program, but I shall forego
that vice, and instead hope that
he will someday return at May
Festival time.
-David Kessel
IN SAD CONTRAST with the suc-
cessful comedy at the Michigan
is a simple-minded piece of non-
sense that passes for entertain-
ment at the Campus. Entitled "The
Truth About Women," this bit of
trivia is for the most part harm-
less and is admirable only insofar
as it promises to drive students
away from the theaters and back
to their books.
Such encouragement to aspiring
academicians is always welcome,
but one might wish the manage-
ment would advertise its high in-
tentions more clearly. Why tempt
the susceptible student with names
like Julie Harris and Laurence
Harvey? One wonders.
* *
ONE WONDERS also just what
this "Truth About Women" is sup-
posed to be: that they are eternally
pursued? -or perhaps, that they
are eternally elusive and pursu-
able? The film wafts off into such
a cloud of sentimentalism at the
end, that it is hard to put any
faith in the explicit answers to
the questions that are made. The
implicit ones are more difficult to
find. Or possibly they are obvious
enough to be ignored.
Certainly the plot is negligible.
An aging baronet recounts to his
agitated son-in-law the exploits of
his pre - marital life. They are
varied, but hardly very interesting
-although it is amazing that a
lowly member of the British diplo-
matic corps would somehow hap-
pen to have affairs with Eva Ga-
bor, Julie Harris and Mai Zet-
terling in just that order. Boc-
caccio told similar stories with a

great deal more charm,.
Demanding comment is a short
on Picasso; what is shown is worth
seeing, but a little imagination
would have improved it one hun-
dred per cent,
-Jean Willoughby

"LIFE is a banquet." says Auntie
Maine, "and most poor suck-
ers are starving."
"Auntie Maine" itself, is more
of a Wild Tea Party than a ban-
quet, with Rosalind Russell as
Mad Hatter Maine. Adolph Green
and Betty Comden have managed
to turn a riotously funny book,
which was a riotously funny play.
into a riotously funny movie; no
mean feat for Hollywood.
Miss Russell has admitted that
this is her favorite role; she
couldn't have chosen one more
suited to her own special exhuber-
ance and vitality, or more pleas-
ing to her audience. She captures
every moment of the generous
sentimentality and s p a r k i n g
buoyancy that is the essnece of
Auntie Maine.
That woman herself, for any-
one who dqes not yet know, is the
High Priestess of a cult of actor,
poets, archbishops, musicians,
sheiks, and general hedonists who
follow Auntie's philosophy of
"Live, live, live." Some follow it
to drunkenness, some to every
quarter of the compass, some even
to pregnancy, but all with a vir-
tue and merit that is far above
the sanctimony and sham of the
common man.
AUNTIE MAKES a riotous
shambles of a second-rate drama
as an actress, destroys the decor
um of a hunt as a horsewoman,.
and manages to lose a husband
on the Matterhorn.
Miss Russell is surrounded by a
brilliant supporting cast gathered
from such divergent locals as TV's
"77 Sunset Strip" 'and the "great
Gildersleeve" and London's Old
Vic. Peggy' Cass as the unfortun-
ately pregnant secretary plays
what is probably the funniest
"small part" in any contemporary
film. Fred Clark as the hypocriti-
cal Dwight, and Willard Water-
man as the marvelously pompous
potential father-in-law, along
with Coral Brown as the usually
inebriated actress all would be able
to steal any show were they not
surrounded with each other and
Rosalind Russell,
From the first wild party to the
last loving blackout, "Auntie
Mame" is filled with wit, charm,
and love. It's rather hard to ask
for much more.
-Allan D. Schreiber
The Daily Offictal Bulletin is a
official publication of The Univer-
ity of Michigan for which Te
Michigan Daily assumes no ed-
torial responsibility. Notices snould
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the dayrpreceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Effective Jan. 1, 1959, the Social
Security tax for both staff members
and the University will be increased
from 24% to 2%. In addition, the
amount of salary subject to social
Security taxes will be increased from
$4,200 to $4,800 a year, The tax Increase
will be imposed on all salaries and
wages paid after Jan, 1, 1959.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Intia-
tion and Reception: Wed., Jan. 7, 1959,
8:00 p.m., Rackham Building, 3rd floor
amphitheater. Dean Roger W. Heyne

will speak on "The Proper Climate for
Scholarship." Members, Initiates and
friends are cordially invited.
Midyear Graduation Exereises: Jan.
24, 1959, to be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill
Auditorium. Exercises will conclude
about 4:00 p.m.
Reception for graduates and their
relatives and friends in Michigan
League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please
enter League at west entrance.
Tickets: Three to each prospective
graduate, to be distributed from Mon.,
Jan, 12, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 24. at
Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of
Admin. Bldg.
Academic Costume:NCan be rented at
Mloe Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave.,
Ann Arbor. Orders should be placed
Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m.
in hat. Sc . Aud. Marshals will direct
graduates to proper stations,
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Stu.
dent Affairs.

More Dscussion on Discrimination

To the Editor:
THIS IS in reply to Mr. Charles
Kent's recent letter concerning
Sigma Kappa and discrimination.
Mr. Kent says that the "Regents
have no moral or legal right to say
who shall or shall not become
members" so long as fraternities
and sororities remain private or-
First, the Regents are not telling
any fraternity or sorority whom to
pledge. The effect of the anti-bias
clause rule is to prevent those who
control the national from telling
the various local chapters that
they cannot pledge a wo thy stu-
dent merely because he or she
belongsto a particular religious,
racial or ethnic group,
Second, the University has every
right to protect itself from being
publicly associated with such
odious things as bigotry and preju-
dice. No student organization can
exist on campus without Univer-
sity approval. When the University
approves an organization with a
bias clause, it places its own stamp
of approval on that bias clause.
Third, the federal courts have
upheld the right of a university
to force fraternities and sororities
to stop discriminating or be barred
from campus. (125 F. Supp 910.)
So the Regents have both a legal
and moral right to ban Sigma

I submit that the only kind of
"education" that can help end dis-
crimination is close association
with members of the discrimi-
nated-against minority groups.
Then it can be clearly seen that
the unfavorable stereotypes are in
fact slanderous and untrue. But
how can this type of "education"
be attained in our universities in
the face of the bias clauses?
Mr. Kent is on firmer ground
when he asks "Why pick on Sigma
Kappa?" (sic) I can give him two
possible answers. First, the Ad-
ministration decided to attack the
discrimination problem a little at
a time, the by-law and the Sigma
Kappa episode being a prelude to
further attacks against institu-
tionalized campus prejudice.
Second (and more likely), the
University Administration, fearful
of losing financial contributions
from alumni who favor bias
clauses and blind to the moral is-
sues involved, initially decided to
throw Sigma Kappa to the wolves
as a sop to anti-discrimination
agitation. Obviously they lacked
the courage to go through with
even that tepid anti-bias step.
Mr. Kent views "all the new
dormitories, hospital buidings, sta-
dium, etc.' and is prouder than
ever that his school had contin-
ued to be one of the areatest on

To the Editor:
FOR THE PAST several years I
have been collecting "toasts,"
in English and other languages,
with the intention of publishing a
comprehensive book of toasts.
While the selection is fairly large,
I feel I don't have enough which
reflect our contempory mores. I
would like to ask the readers of
The Michigan Daily if they have
any toasts of any description
which they would like to share.
For any such toasts which are
included in this collection, I will
be pleased to send a complimen-
tary copy of the book when pub-
lished. Please send to: John
Koken, 3969 Branson Drive, San
Mateo, California.
Thank you very much for your
--John M. Koken

'Ajd - I. -

New Books at the Library

Editorial Staff

Senimore Says.. .

City Editor

Associate Editor

Brooks, Van Wyck-The Dream of Arcadia.
American writers and artists in Italy 1760-1915;
N.Y., E. P. Dutton, 1958.
Fortune Editors-The Exploding Metropolis;
N.Y., Doubleday, 1958,
Jones, James-Some Came Running; N.Y.,
Scribner's, 1958.
Lytle, Andrew-A Novel, A Novella, and Four
Stories; N.Y., McDowell, Obolensky, 1958.
Mencken, H. L.-The bathtub Hoax; N.Y.,

NTOR ........... ... Personnel Director
LLOUGHBY...... Associate Editorial Director
NNE$ Sports Editor
ORGENSON ....,.. Associate City Editor
TH ERSKLINE....Associate Personnel Director
SEMIAN........... ,....Associate Sports Editor
AN ..,,...........Asaociate Sports Editor

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