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December 17, 1958 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-17

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

Da3 iti,



Few Attend


Educational Activities

* *





* *

SGC MEETING-At a meeting held October 1 in the Union
Ballroom, Student Government Council found Sigma Kappa
sorority still in violation of a University anti-discrimination ruling.
The Board in Review reversed the decision and the issue will be-
brought before the Regents next month.
M keN1958 NewS
The University year of 1958 is about to fade into history .. .
and as It exits it leaves several issues resolved and equally as many
still uncertain.
From the Administration's viewpoint, It has been a year of
gradual expansion on an austerity budget. For the students the year
has been one of defining the place of the student on campus.
Tradition was departed from on Jan. 7 when Gov. G. Mennen
Williams appointed a Harvard graduate instead of a University alum-
nus to a Board of Regents position.
Donald D. M. Thurber, Grosse Pointe publisher, was selected by
the governor to fill the seat vacated by Paul L. Adams, who resigned
to become the State's Attorney General.
* * *
Administration of the University's Dearborn Center was estab-
lished by a Regent's bylaw on Jan. 11. The plan called for division
of the Center into three areas - business administration, liberal arts
and engineering - with both graduate and undergraduate work in
The executive functions of the Center will be carried out by
a dean of the school and an executive committee.
The Center is scheduled to open next fall providing the legisla-
ture grants funds for operations.
Physical expansion of the University was signified by the open-
ing of the Undergraduate Library on Jan. 16 and the completion of
Mary Markley Dormitory for occupancy in September.
The $3,105,000 library structure, which opened the day before
final exams began, includes both the education and engineering
libraries. Open stacks and midnight closing hours were additional
unique features.
Construction of Markley Hall, designed to house 1,200 women,
began in 1957. Formal opening of the dormitory, which is in the
shape of a modified 'H', was held Dec. 13. There are nine individual
'Dousing units in four wings. In
the center of the building are the
D ormdining rooms, music rooms, coed
Dom Food lounges and snack bar.

Ashton Wants Hatcher"
To Define Principles
With an attendance sometimes
a quorum and sometimes not, Stu-
dent Government Council members
emphasized the need for more TO COMMITTEE:
activity in the educational area
last night. L n t e
At the special meeting on the
philosophy of student government
councilmembers vaciliated between a
the extreme abstractnand the con-
crete in their discussion of stu- 11,enhow (
dents, administration and higher
education. WASHINGTON ()-Pre
If students have the obligation advocated adding one or two
to be concerned with their educa- systems now ending with a fo
tion, Bob Ashton, '59, H presi- The President came up wi
dent, said, they have the right to bers of a Presidential com
influence their educational en- Conference on Children and Y
Reach Quorum meeting, but a transcript of h
The Council achieved a quorum "I think that we have to
when Mary Tower, '59, Panhellenic educational system before we
president,-arrived and lost it again school, or at least from his
when she left after about an hour. free system," President E
David Carpenter, '61, had also hower said.
left, reducing the number present Such expansion is needed,
to 10. President went on, because
In the last few minutes of the has become too complicated
meeting, David Kessel, Grad., children to be satisfied wi
commented that "as I look at the kind of education which1
membership here, I wish we had them only local understandi
a quorum so that we could dis- local responsibilities.
solve IFC." "I think that our youngster
At that time Tower, Carpenter, so much more sophisticated
Executive Vice - President Mort we were, so much more reac
Wise, '59, IFC President John meet complicated small prob
Gerber, '59, Scott Chrysler, '59 that I really believe we coul
BAd and League President Bar- well by including what we
bara Maier, '59, were absent, junior college, or certainly s
Cites Key Function thing near it," the President
Al Haber, '60, said one of the Such additional training,
important functions of the Coun- added, would stand childre
cil to be "continually asking ques- adodewd "vs tan hydr.
i n n inolv thefacutin good stead "even if they
tions and involving the faculty have the urge or opportuni
asking questions. go to college."
"It is frightening that such a
place of higher education (the
University) should be run by pro-
fessional administrators," he con- T ointrik
Kessel maintained that student CHICAGO (P)-The Air L
government was not necessary but Pilots Association last night
could be valuable to provide feed- nounced that 1,500 Ameri
back to the administration and Airlines pilots will strike,
perform its most valuable service giant carrier at 11:59 p
as a source of ideas. (local time) Friday.
Suggests Letter In New York, the airline s
Ashton called the council's pro- it will continue to accept re
jects "reflections of its philos- vations despite the pilots' st
ophy." At the same time he threat.
suggested sending a letter to the The pilots seek wage incre
University president asking for an and improvements 'in rulesa
assertion of Unversity principles. American Airlines operates
Asked for an opinion by one of 26 states, Canada and Mex
the five students participating in
constituents time on the best tling
SGC could do in academic areas, Mayor Choici
Carpenter commented that stu-
dent government should be more
firmly established on campusbe O i
fore any further attempts.
Ashton said he was considering The Ann Arbor Democ
putting out a motion requiring Party has not yet chosen its
students participating in activities didate for mayor, city chair
to maintain a 2.2 average and Peter Darrow said yesterday.
possibly prohibiting freshmen par- "Within the next few day
ticipating in activities. hope to have one selected tha
In the regular council meeting think is qualified," Darrow a
at 7:30 p.m. today, the Council Petitions for mayor mus
will discuss a motion by Chrysler filed by Dec. 29.
to reestablish a bi-lateral exchange Present mayor, Prof. Samu
program with the Free University Eldersveld of the political sci
of Berlin. The program was department, said yesterday
dropped last spring, knew of no candidate yet.








'is the Season
High School,
er Advocates

sident Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
more years of education to public school
ur-year high school course.
ith this idea in an informal talk to mem-
mittee planning the 1960 White House
Youth. He spoke at a closed White House
his remarks were made public.
put at least one or two more years in our

can s;
, the
ith a
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s are
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s in
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at we
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man has graduated from high

Woirld News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-The Atlantic Pact For-
eign Ministers last night rejected
Soviet proposals for West Berlin
but said they were ready to discuss
all East-West issues with the Rus-
* * *
WASHINGTON - The Supreme
Court yesterday agreed to pass on
the validity of a North Carolina
literacy test for voters.
The test was challenged by a
Negro voter who contended it re-
sulted in discrimination.
LANSING - The Civil Service
Commission ordered a 7 per cent
across-the-board pay increase for
some 32,250 state employes.
The increase, effective July 1,
1959, will cost about $11,200,000
* * *
NEW YORK -- Union delivery
men agreed yesterday to vote anew
on the identical $7 wage package
they spurned when they struck
New York's nine daily newspapers
a' week ago. The balloting is
scheduled for Thursday.
S * * *
WASHINGTON-Two big indus-
trial firms pulled out of a proposed
108 million dollar atomic power
project yesterday.
Sen. Clinton P. Anderson (D-
NM) said the action-by Pennsyl-
vania Power & Light and Westing-
house Electric--proves what he has
contended all along, that the gov-
ernment and not private industry
should have charge of pioneering
nuclear power.
*~ * *
TUCUMCARI, N.M. - A super-
sonic, four-engined B58 jet, the
nation's newest bomber, crashed
yesterday near here.
The three crewmen parachuted.
An unidentified lieutenant colonel
taken into Cannon Air Force Base,
Clovis, was injured.

West Hints
Behind Move
Minister Emphasizes
Voluntary Retirement
Of Communist Boss
WARSAW (P) -- Mao Tse-Tung,
Communist China's po l i t i c a 1,
economic and governmental boss,
is quitting as chief of state next
Peiping confirmed it yesterday
but emphasized that Mao will re-
main at the helm of Red China as
boss of the Chinese Communist
Party, said diplomatic advices
reaching Warsaw,
Foreign Minister Chen Yi noti-
fied foreign diplomats in Peiping
that the 65-year-old father of
the Red Chinese revolution -
though keeping his big job as
party chairman - will retire from
the presidency upon the expira-
tion of his term in January "to
conserve himself to still more im-
portant tasks."
Hint Kremlin Move
Though the retirement was pic-
tured by the Chinese as strictly
voluntary, Western envoys in this
Polish Communist capital ex-
pressed belief that Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev might have
had a hand in it.
They said that if Khrushchev
did not precipitate Mao's step-
down, they were certain he was
pleased with it. They believed the
retirement was discussed, at yes-
terday's meeting of the Soviet
Communist Party Central Com-
mittee in Moscow.
Two Worries
The Soviet Union, they said,
has been worried about two things
in relations with its biggest Coin-
munist neighbor:
1) The possibility of adverse ef-
fects from Mao's drastic commune
policy, which masses worker and
their families into labor battalions
f or Red China's big leap forward
campaign in agriculture and in-
2) Fear of an adventurist for-
eign policy In the Far East at a
time when Soviet attention cen-
ters on Berlin and the Middle
Chen emphasized the voluntary
aspect of the retirement at a
briefing of ambassadors, ministers
and charge d'affaires.
"This wish of the president is
not sudden," he said. "He took the
decision a long time ago and
Sspoke to me about it as long ago
as 1954."

-Dally-Michael Rontal
"EDIFICE, COMPLEX"-Sign on the sculpture in the Under-
graduate Library, gift of the class of '58, attempts description of
the structure. Christmas decorations also adorn the sculpture,
with tinsel and glittering globes giving it the spirit of the season.
Lovell Discusses Problem
Of Alcohol in U.S. Today
"Alcoholism is probably the third largest public health problem
in the United States today," Dr. Harold W. Lovell of the New York
Medical College noted in a lecture delivered last night.
Dr. Lovell remarked that of the some 70,000,000 persons in the'
country who drink, fully six per cent eventually become alcoholics.
Dr. Lovell remarked that for a long time alcoholism was regarded
not as a true organic disease, but merely as a symptom of more im-
portant underlying psychological problems in the patient. But re-,
%searh, as yet tentative, done by

By Schaadt
The recent protests over food

Prof. Arthur Van Duren, chair-
man of freshman-sophomore aca-
demic counselors in the literary
college, passed away late in Jan-
In memory of the respected pro-
fessor a fund to help freshman
and sophomore students in the lit-

in Stockwell and Mosher Halls and The top 10 state, national and
the composition of residence halls international news events will
in general were discussed by the be analyzed in tomorrow's Daily.
Residence Halls Board of Gover- I-
nors yesterday. I erary college, known as the Arthur
Leonard Schaadt, residence halls J. Van Duren Memorial Student
business manager, listed three Aid Fund, was planned.
main reasons for the fooddemon- Other major faculty changes
strations included the May 23 appointment
1) The loss of three dieticians of Roger Heyns to dean of the
in Stockwell from last year, which literary college.
.gave us a handicav at the outset" *

Health Service
To Give Shots
The Health Service will give
polio shots from 8 to 11:45 a.m.
and 1 to 4:45 p.m. Thursday, Dr.
Morley Beckett, Health Service Di-
rector, said.
The shots, for students and- em-
ployees of the University, cost one

A new disciplinary policy in- IThe largest spring enrollment
stituted in the kitchen which was in the history of the University,
resented by some of the student 26.023 students, was recorded last
employees, spring.
31 Lack of communication be- Edward G. Groesbeck. director
twveen students and the kitchen of the Office of Registration and
administration over various prob- Records. predicted a continued in-
lems. . crease in future enrollments
Report Food Better * * *
The usiessmanaer epoted The University Calendar Study
that he has heard comments that Crmitssued en May tentative al-
the food is better but, he said,'ar.ise.nMytttvecl
"menus haven't been changed." endar revisions including a three-
eshavn't ben sh d semester syste:Ii, one week exam-
Schaadt said the Mosher deco- in at n periods and an advance
onstration was, according to infor-r n p gsad d
mation received in talks with the
Mosher Council, planned by the Prospects for expansion were
Council to express sympathy for somewhat dimmed when the legis-
Btockwell. lature considerably cut the Uni-
Laing Raises Question versity's requests for the year
In the discussion of the compo-' 1958-59.'
siton ofdresidence halls, Prof. - The operations appropriation
Lionel Laing of the political sci- was reduced one million dollars'
ence department questioned the below the level of the previousk
establishment of Little House in year on April 20, forcing the Uni-
Mary Markley as an upperclass versity to operate on an austerity
house. budget of $30,000,000. This cut
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon, meant the elimination of 207 per-I
commenting on a statement that sons from the faculty.
the board was not merely to con- Capital outlay virtually ceased
sider men's residence problems., when in May the legislators gave
said that her office "never took the University $1,500,000 of its
decisions on, the men's system as $15,000,000 request. This figure


Dr. Lovell and his associates, sug-
gests that a malfunction of the
endocrine system of the body may
be a cause for alcoholism. Enzy-
matic disturbances have also been
Dr. Lovell- noted that a history
of compulsive drinking to excess,
tremors of the hands and tongue
and sometimes liver damage are
diagnostic clues to alcoholism.
Treatment of alcoholism, Dr.
Lovell noted, is thus now under-
taken by the psychiatrist jointly
with the ordinary doctor.
The alcoholic is usually confined
to a hospital, where he is deprived
of all liquor at once. Dr. Lovell
said that "once a man is an alco-
holic, he can never safely drink

Red Wings Win Out in Annual Contest

Psychiatric treatment, it needea,
By TOM WITECKI is also available at this time.
Detroit's Red Wings beat down a third-period rally by a de- . In addition to certain drugs used
tsthe hospital, Antabuse, a drug
termined Michigan hockey team last night and picked up an 8-3 which causes severe nausea in the
victory in their annual visit to Ann 'Arbor. drinker, is used in long term treat-
Some 2,000 fans in the Michigan Coliseum were treated to an ment.
exciting contest as Michigan climaxed a colorful third period with a
valiant bid for victory.%
vMichigan Erupts Russia Vetoes
Entering the final stanza the visitors from Detroit had a 4-1
lead and appeared ready to break open the contest as they had in Test Ban Plan
last year's 11-4 win, but it was Michigan that erupted, causing the
Wings several trying minutes before their victory was clinched.
The tempo of play picked up quickly at 4:23 when Detroit de- GENEVA -) - The United
fenseman Pete Goegan picked up a penalty for interference. Using its States called on Russia again yes-
extra man to good advantage, Michigan scored when center Bob terday to accept what Western
White banged home a goal mouth pass from linemate Dale MacDonald. teertn considerl neffecto e -
Wings Retaliate licing a nuclear test ban.
The Wings retaliated quickly when their great right winger, Gordie The Russian reaction was again


Storms Bring
Snow, Cold
To Midwest
By The Associated Press
A new storm .eveloped yester-
day at the top of the Midwest.
Blustery winds with gusts of
more than 50 m.p.h. carried snow
from the Dakotas into Minnesota.
But while this new link was
taking shape in December's end-
less chiuin of weather woes, the
cold eased in much of the broad
interior of the nation.
The pre-winter chill set new
r 'curds before the moderating
trend began.
The one above reading in Rich-
mond, Va., was an all-time low
for the date. Frost or freeze warn-
ings were issued for northern
Florida for last night,
Relief found the Miainda al-
ready weary of a winter that has
int vt heroin ffiriolht

> ~ - A

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