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December 14, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-14

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barge Ohio State Students Council Sponsors Christmas
7ith Gambling Infractions Party for Crippled Children

'' ';,I

Two Ohio State University stu George, of the State Highway Pa-
dents faced Columbus Municipal trol. George who was a witness
Court Judge Henry L. Holden on for the state ended his testimony
Thursday on charges of partici- by saying that he didn't think
pating In a lottery for personal that the students had realized the
gain. seriousness of what they did.
Jay F. Noyes and Racey A. Mor- Senator Robert R. Shaw, at-
ris were arrested on Oct. 31, after torney for the defendants asked
admitting that they were involved that the charges against Noyes be
in the spot card lottery, dismissed because of lack of evi-
Noyes purchased a card from dence, and that the Court take
Morris, and some other boys in Morris' case into consideration.
his unit at Baker Hall Dormitory Judge Holden dismissed the
asked him to get cards for them. charges against Noyes. "From the
He got the money for the cards evidence presented, it appears
from the other boys and gave it to that Noyes was just acting as a
Morris. Morris made about $5 a good boy to the fellows in his
week according to Corp. W. C. unit," he said.
Congregational and Disciples Guild, Speaker: Prof. James O'Neil, "Contem-
Dec. 14, 9:30 a.m., Guild House. Semin- porary French Lit."
ar: Rev. Edwards, "History of ChristianG* lC m-
Togt."I SGC Public Relations Comm., cor-
mittee meeting, Dec. 16, 4 p.m., 1548
Congregational and Disciples Guild, SAB. Newcomers welcome.
Christmas Vesper Service and open* * * 0
House at the Guild House afterwards, Unitarian Student Group, Sunday
Dec. 14, 7 p.m., Douglas Chapel (Congr1 meeting, Dec. 14, 7 p.m., Unitarian
Church). Church. Speakers on "Re-Segregation at
* * * I"Willow Village." Rides available from
,Congregational and Disciples Guild, usual points.'* ,w
graduate meeting: Prof! Robt. Crane Gamma Delta - Lutheran Student
(Bistory Dept.), Dec. 15, 8 p.m., Guild Club, supper and program - Christmas
House. , * , candlelight song service by chapel choir,
De. 14, 6 p.m., 111 Washtenaw
Graduate Outing Club, winter sports, D
Dec, 14, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rack- Lutheran Student Assoc., Christmas
ham (N.W. entrance.) program - Instrumental and choral
*, , music, Dec. 14, 7 p.m., Lutheran Stu-
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Dec. 14, dent Chapel, Forest and Hill. Medita-
4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Eric Fife, tion by Mr. Ted Uyeno.
"Way of Life, Or Life Itself." Russian Club, annual Christmas par-
* ** ty - Russian dancers and 2 plays. Dec.
Newman Club. Communion breakfast, 15, 7:30 pm., Baptist Church Bsmt.
De. 14, after9:30 Mas, 331 Thompson. 512 E. Huron.
WILKINSONMonday 'til 8:30
Tues.-Sat. to 5:30
HIS and H ERS Bill folds
Stitchiess styles in top grain cowhide. HIS:
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"Well, anyway, what you do is
you unscrew the first barrel, then
there's one inside it that's smaller,
so you unscrew that and there's'
a smaller one, and you keep doing
it until you get down to the last
Little David, as he called him-
self, bit his lower lip and fidget-
ed almost imperceptibly in his
metallic wheel chair before con-
"And inside the last barrel there
is a funny little man who can
jump up and down on his legs
like I can't."
Just Santas
Around the room numerous
funny big men jumped up and
rinn7 nn 'hai lam anr naria


Law Scholars
Group Studies
Atom Issuies
(Continued'from Page 1)
relevant to the new field, They
have also gained some insight into
the various problems posed by the
atomic energy by working with
officials of the Detroit Edison Pow-
er Reactor Development Corpora-
tion atomic reactor project.
Dean Stason explained that or-
iginally the law school had plan-
ned to hire a director for the pro-
ject. But they were unable to find
a qualified director, so the group
decided to run the project them-
selves. At times the group has
included and had the assistance of
various law professors and outside
specialists, but the core 'of the
group has been Dean Stason. Prof.
Estep and Prof. William J. Pierce.
Dean Stason pointed out that
there were two advantages to this.
First that it allowed permanent
members of the law school faculty
to become familiar with this de-
veloping field. Second, It saved a
considerable amount of money.
Two years ago Prof. Eric Stein,
who has had experience with the
State Department. was added to
the law school faculty. Prof. Stein
has taken in the Legal Problems
of Atomic Energy Project. He has
contributed to the project in the
area of the international aspects
of the problem. Among his con-
tributions has been an article he
co-authored with Bernhard G.
Bechoefer of the State Depart-
ment called "Atoms for Peace: A
New International Atomic Energy
Dean Stason stated that the law
school is attempting to make itself
"a world center of knowledge of
those aspects of atomic energy in-
those aspects of atomic energy.

dow.n on their legs and carrleda
howling children like David on
their backs. Sometimes they are
referred to as members of Psi Up-
silon fraternity, but to David and
his friends from the Washtenaw
County Crippled Children's and
Adult's Society, they were just
For David it was the second an-
nual Christmas party sponsored
by Interfraternity Council. Five
houses - Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi
Kappa Sigma, Alpha Sigma Phi,
Zeta Beta Tau, and the Psi U's-
are participating in the program,
which previous to 1957, h:.d beenI
staged for Ann Arbor's school

-Daily-Gary Mclvain
GLAD TO SEE SANTA-Two young people from the Washtenaw
County Crippled Children's and Adult's Society look happy as they
talk with Santa Claus. They met with him yesterday at a.
Christmas party sponsored by IFC.


All of the children received pres-
ents from a Greek Santa Claus
who made his rounds from house
to house and to St. Joseph's Hos-
pital where the Sig Eps were en-

SDavid received his presenthat
2:30. By three o'clock, he had
completed the task of opening -
then closing - the contraption
some eight times. He was starting
Opens Present
"And I'll keep on doing it all
day," he said, while the other
children swirled and screamed
about his wheel chair. He set aside
the first barrel and began to open
the second. Then he paused and
looked up at his "Santa" friend.
"Would you like to help me?"
he asked innocently.
"'Yes, David," came the reply.

Committee Calls for Closer
Coordination in Counseling
(Continued from Page 1) 1

--Daily-Gary Mcllvain
EVERYBODY'S HAPPY-The two fraternity men have just given
a gift to one of the girls at yesterday's IFC Christmas party. Mem-
bers of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Sigma Mu.
Zeta Beta Tau and Psi Upsilon participated in the party.

in those areas not requiring pro-
fessionally trained personnel.
"There is a real need for closer
coordination in the administra-
tion of financial assistance to stu-
dents" was one of the complaints
that the report also raised. It elab-
orated by maintaining that a cen-

Expect U.S. Population To iushroom

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
Unless some catastrophe stopsI
It, the United States population
will mushroom in the next two
There are indication that by
1980, America will have a popula-
tion of 272,557,000 -- a gain of
nearly 60 per cent or 100 million
persons in 22 years.
This estimate is admittedly lib-
eral. But even the most conserva-
tive projection yields an increase
of 60 million persons, or a total
population of 230,834,000 by 1980.
Standards Differ
It stems from the different
yardsticks used by the U.S. Census
In all, four projections have

been made using yardsticks based
on arbitrary assumptions. The
yardstick giving the largest figure
assumes the fertility rate will be
10 per cent above the 1955-57
level; the one. producing the low-
est figure assumes the fertility
rate will decline to the 1942-44
level by the late '60s and continue
at that level to 1980.
To date, the Census Bureau has
estimated only the total U.S. pop-
lation with these latest yardsticks.
The only estimates of regional
population growth available are
based on figures related to 1955,
which were published last August.
The most liberal of these, used
on the accompanying map, show
that within 12 years-that Is, by




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1970--the West will have a popu-
lation increase of 52.1 per cent.
The regions used follow the des-
ignations made by the Census
Bureau which divides the nation
into four major geographical- pop-
ulation areas.
West To Gain
While the West may produce
the sharpest gain, the South can
expect the lowest-a rise esti-
mated at 19.6 per cent.
In releasing its new national
projections, the Census Bureau
"The projections are based on
the assumption that there will be
no disastrous war, epidemic, oe
other catastrophe. It is further as-
sumed that there will be no major
economic depression; in fact, the
projections are designed to be con-
sistent with high employment and
high economic activity."
One of the determining factors
for the 1980 population level, the
bureau said, is the changing mor-
tality rate among older age
groops. The life span in the
United States has been progres-
sively growing and is expected to
continue with advancements in
medicine, nutrition and care,
Profile Drawn
In describing the future popula-
tion according to age group, the
bureau drew this profile:
Elementary and high school age
-By 1962, those between the ele-
mentary school ages of -5 to 13
will number 341/2 million, or about
412 million more than in July
1957. What the growth will be
after 1963,' depends primarily on
the unpredictable number of
babies to be born.
Eighteen to 24 years of age--By
1970, this g'roup-which includes
the college-age group of 18 to 21
years-will number about 25 mil-
lion, or about 10 million more
than in 1957. The college-age
group will comprise more than
141, million of the total 25 mil-

tralized employment office for
University and off-campus jobs
was a "must."
Centfal System
An effort to create a central
system for distribution of scholar-
ships, grants-in-aid and loans
should also be considered, the re-
port stated.
Delving into the financial con-
dition of entering students, the
committee felt that pre-admission
counseling should include a re-
view of the individual's ability to
be monetarily solvent, especially
during his first two years of col-
"The recurring cry that aca-
demic counselors don't know the
facts or have given inaccurate
answers to the students which
have harmed them," was another
complaint. For that reason the
committee felt that an effort
should be made to draw more fac-
ulty members into the "in-service
training program" who have the
desire to help students.
"Less Formal"
In this area, the committee felt
it would be wise to create "less
formal surroundings" to lessen
the strain of tight scheduling.
Raising the counselors' position in
salary, status and promotion,
they felt, would improve the tone
of the aid.
Counseling aid should also be
available early in the student's
college career along with special-
ized help for vocational choice
and advice on graduate fields.
It was also the feeling of the
committee that ". . . an opportu-
nity should be presented to exten-
sively explore and evaluate a num-
ber of alternative fields or options
within a given field." Stressing
this need, the committee saw the
need for further facilities to aid
the student in his career choice.
Among the facilities mentioned
were publication files, films along
with compilations of Job oppor-
tunities within a . wide range of
vocations. Specialized orientation
programs might also be conduct-
ed by SGC.


. ..




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