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December 12, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-12

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"Nah, You Aint Got Enough Edjiccaslun To Vote"

&1 £irhigat DailI
Sixty-Ninth Year

'Wb Opinns Are Fre
?'rutb Wil Preval"

'Matchmaker' Opens,
A Night Well Spent
HERE WE HAVE "The Matchmaker," written, plagarized, and adapted
by the grand master of such shenanigans, Thornton Wilder, who
put out a stage version of "Finnegan's Wake" iThe Skin of Our Teeth)
when most of the unwashed set were still struggling with riverun past
eve and adam's.
"Matchmaker" is an often funny piece, with layers of sophistica-
tion piled five deep, all based on an earlier version based on a German
comedy based on an English comedy based on a couple of Egyptian
hieroglyphics out of Cairo on camel back.
The story is as preposterous and far-fetched as ever: a stingy old
storekeeper is out after a wife which he does eventually get but not

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

.Y, DECEMBER 12, 1958


Faculty Senate Resolution
Valuable to University

CRITICS HAVE often claimed that any time
the faculty takes action on a problem it is
"always too little and too late."
The Faculty Senate recommendation Mon-
day urging the Regents to uphold Student
Government Council's Sigma Kappa decision
violated this tendency - it came through awith
the timing and the tonnage (we hope) of a
crack express train. If it does not do anything
else it show those interested that the com-
plaints of Student Government Council are
more than just the complaints of a group of
petulant undergraduates, that there is a legi-
timate issue at stake. This, coupled with the
weight that any faculty action has, should go
far toward placing SGC in a better position.
BUT EVEN MORE important than this is
that the faculty expressed concern about
an issue which involves a large segment of the
campus community and which does not direct-
ly involve the faculty. The faculty, we believe,
does have a responsibility to the campus com-
munity at large, and perhaps this action is a
sign that the faculty is beginning to re-assert
Taken as a group, the faculty is the most
essential segment on campus. It is the quality

of the faculty which determines the quality
of the University. But frequently we get the
feeling that individual faculty members are
busily burrowing further and further away
from each other and from the University com-
Yet, these are the people who do the teach-
ing and research at the University, who carry
out the functions the University is here to
provide. These are the people who are respon-
sible for setting the tone of the community.
They are also the people, who by their very
positions, are most able to do so.
IF THE UNIVERSITY is to be truly vital,
the faculty members must not only be leaders
in the classroom, but, in fact, all over campus.
Their stake in many ways is the largest - and
their understanding of the goals and values
in the community is greatest.
The faculty resolution passed Monday was
of real value to the University for two reasons.
First, it gave SGC much needed support. Sec-
ond and most important the faculty demon-
strated an active interest in community af-

-#4 F=IZZ:EeLo+C.V-

West Builds New Maginot Line?

Sen. Mansfield Gains Stature

S NATO ANOTHER Maginot Line? It is just
that, Nikita Khrushchev told Sen. Hubert
Humphrey over a glass of Armenian brandy
the other day.
And the West is kidding itself by relying on
defensive pacts just as surely as the French
did in that faroff day when they tried to pro-
tect their frontier with concrete gun emplace-
ments, Khrushchev indicated. The totalitar-
ian from the Ukraine filled the liberal from
Minnesota in on a number of things we hadn't
known before, such as performance figures for
the latest Soviet ICBM.
While the United States Air Force has been
patting itself on the back over a 6,235 mile
filght by an Atlas last month, a Soviet missile
without any mythological name that we know
of has traveled 8,700 miles, according to
E SOVIET dictator went on to describe
"substantial" nuclear blasts which have
been detonated in his country's substantial
Largely on the strength of these revelations,
the marathon conversation has made many
But the American press has missed the sig-
nificance of what Khrushchev had to say, just
There Sure Is
"THE UNITED STATES government is es-
timated to have given away more than 60
billion dollars in foreign aid since World War
Now then, Virginia, what was your question?
The Wall Street Journal

as it has missed most relevant points in the
cold war recently.
BECAUSE after accusing the West of having
"the Maginot Line mentality," the Soviet
dictator went on to explain that "We shall
fight you with economic weapons. We are al-
ready beating you in the Middle East and
Southeast Asia. We have made tremendous.
strides at home while You are on the down-
grade. Ultimately we mustuoverwhelm you..."
Then in this context Khrushchev went on
first. to describe the military advantage he
attributes to his nation, then to present again
his ultimatum on the future of Berlin.
That the United States should have to be
told by the Soviet Union on what grounds the
new cold war Is being fought seems incredible.
It's been something less than a secret all along
-Allan Dulles of Central Intelligence, declared
last spring that he considered information on
the Russian ten-year plan for economic dom-
ination of the uncommitted nations of the
world more critical than military data. One
ease Dulles cited was pressure on Finland, and
It now looks as though the Communists will
exercise considerable power in Finnish politics
after the latest governmental crisis there.
SO THE QUESTION is indeed, what are we
waiting for? Only with a solid footing of
economic warfare of our own can this country
take advantage of Communist weaknesses such
as what appears to be a rift between the USSR
and Red China, or the current defection of the
Soviet intellectuals.
Only then can this country afford to bar-
gain with Khrushchev, the man who knows
what he is talking about,

has a new leader in the Senate
and in the highest foreign policy
councils of the United States, Sen-
ator Mike Mansfield of Montana.
Curiously, he has not sought out
the honor; actually, it has come
and tugged insistently at his
Indeed, upon the life and times
of Mike Mansfield there hangs a
tale that might be called paradox
triumphant. Nothing about him
follows the familiar scripts. For
he has come to great power al-
most against his will.
He has been returned to the
Senate with the greatest victory
at the polls scored by any Senator
in a two-party state in the coun-
try - 76.3 per cent of the total
vote. This was a more decisive re-
election score even than those of
two much more publicized Sena-
tors - John F. Kennedy of Mas-
sachusetts, 73.5 per cent, and
Stuart Symington of Missouri.
66.1 per cent.
* * *
ANY ONE of these figures may
speak loudest of all.
Nevertheless, he has none of
the characteristics commonly re-
garded as standard to politicians.
He is very quiet and shy, rather
than cheerfully aggressive. He is
studious and even a little bookish,,
rather than hearty and backslap-
ping. He speaks briefly and infre-
quently, rather than long and oft-
Sometimes he is unsure about
what ought to be done about ma-
jor issues - and candidly says as

much - instead of being abso-
lutely and automatically positive
with the answers.
In fact, he is a master politi-
cian, although, given all his back-
ground, he never should have been
anything of the kind.
He does not really wish to run
anything or anybody; to hold a
seat in the Senate is enough for
his ambitions. In the last Congress
he lightly bore and rather apolo-
getically used his influence as as-
sistant Democratic leader, a post
that was pressed upon him in the
first place. This time, however, he
will have no choice but to use it
more often and more openly.
For the West is the emerging
force in the Senate and Mansfield
is inevitably its spokesman. More-
over, the greatly enlarged Demo-
cratic majorities will provide more
work and more problems for all
the party hierarchy. Thus an add-
ed part of this general load must
now fall upon Mansfield. So, too,
will an increasing foreign policy
responsibility on a man who is.
a "strong" member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.
AND THE Mansfield who is a
reluctant powerhouse has a par-
allel in the Mansfield who is an
untypical Westerner. To conform
to the stereotypes he ought to be
exactly what he is not. He fits the
pattern only in the physical sense.
He is appropriately tall and
But he has no big hat, no West-
ern drawl - and no interests that
are exclusively Western. In no

way does he suggest the wide open
spaces and the great outdoors. In-
stead, he suggests the library -
the college library at that.
He was born 56 years ago, not
on any range but in New York
City. His parents moved to Mon-
tana when he was three years old.
As a boy he dug in the mines at
Butte. It is a high, curiously cos-
mopolitan city where the great
controlling copper corporations
have long since adopted a philo-
sophical attitude toward the ne-
cessity of having a Democrat -
Mansfield - representing Mon-
tana in Washington.
* * *
MANSFIELD never went to high
school; he simply read and studied
in his own way until he was able
to go directly to Montana State
University. He took a Master's de-
gree there and wound up bearing
what is sometimes a fatal curse
politically - he was a professor,
no less, in Latin-American and
Far Eastern history.
He is the only member of the
Senate who has been a private, or
the equivalent, in three of the
armed forces - Army, Navy,
Marines. As a Marine he served, in
the 'twenties, in the Philippines,
Siberia, Japan and China.
He began his career as an un-
qualified liberal but he has pro-
gressively moved into the center
of the Democratic party. He is, in
a word, one of the "moderators."
And these, by all present signs,
have inherited the balance of
power in the Far West.
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

without complications to delight
a Mozart comic 'opera love. Nu-
merous "asides" to the audience
spice things up, then there is a
moral at the end to the effect that
Adventure is where you find it,
preferably at Lydia Mendelssohn
"MATCHMAKER" has four
scenes,capably managed by Ralph
Duckwall, although the usual Set
Syndrome sometimes apparent:
slam doors hard and the sets shiver
and a-l-m-o-s-t butnotquite go
TILT. But then, so do we all.
Pacing is slow at first, but picks
up soon, culminating in an Act III
riot scene which is finely put on.
Sally Ayn Rosenhelmer (I wasn't
wasn't going to mention names but
there I go) shows herself to have
a marvelous sense of timing and
facial expression in the role of
Mrs. Levi, the matchmaker. Espe-
cially in those "asides" does she
excell where other members of the
cast seem less at ease.
Terry Thure, the Incompetant
Assistant Clerk in Vandergelder's
1880 supermarket, shares this tal-
ent with Miss R. These two play-
ers seem to have come closer to
dipping into the essence of this
play than anyone else, although no
one is really out of the picture.
Except perhaps Mr. Shaye who
plays an erratic Kemper (a poor
artist pursuing Vandergelder's
niece), sliding in and out of char-
acter like a schizoid calligraphist.
Or Mr. Schiller, a strangely youth-
ful Malachi Stack. But this is a
casting problem really, because
Schiller is otherwise quite effec-
tive as Vandergelder's decrepit ap-
Speaking of Vandergelder, Don
ald Ewing is a fairly forceful
Merchant of Yonkers, with a slight
tendency to undignified puffing,
especially when he barks at poor
Cornelius Hackl. Mr. Lovell is a
fine figure of a Hackl; a shy and
embarrassed Hackl,, but eager to
tackl Mrs. Irene Malloy, the ad-
venturous milliner. Incidentally,
Miss Enggass' bold and outspoken
characterization here is much ap-
Aside: (Members of cast just
dropped in to tell that the cham-
pagne cork in Act II never popped
so well as on opening night. Thus:
two snappy openings in three
-David Kessel
The Worst
This Year
A LTHOUGH "The Bridge on The
River Kwai" ranked among the
best of last year's films, and
"Camp on Blood Island" will no
doubt rank among the worst of
this year's crop, there is a simi-
larity between these two entries
that is so striking that one can-
not help but consider this year's
"Camp on Blood Island" nothing
more than a very dismal carbon of
last year's "Bridge on the River
Why last year's Academy Award
winning film achieved greatness
and why this year's entry will
never be considered a film of more
that pedestrian quality can best
be explained by noting that while
"River Kwai" used its excessive
brutality to effectively comment
about the devastation of war,
"Blood Island" uses its brutality
only as a sensational device.
And this brings us to a vital
criticism of the movie industry
today, for far too many of Holly-
wood's products integrate sensa-
tionalism as a substitute for in-
telligent writing and directing.
After being exposed to a film such

as "Camp on Blood Island" one
begins to wonder whether motion
pictures like these are produced
only because of the publicity its
sensational aspects will garner.
Certainly, this film goer has no
objection to using sensationalism
to heighten the effect of a film;
the "Vikings" only a few months
ago, for instance, made fine use
of such effects in unraveling its
story. What is objectionable, how-
ever, is the use of sensationalism
only for its exploitation value in
increasing the drawing power of
the film.
The second picture on the Mich-
igan Theater's bill this week is a
drab little English entry which
calls itself "The Snorkel." In-
deed its title is just about its only
original quality. Being a murder
mystery, the ethics of reviewing
do not allow us to divulge much
o , t +' " ^ - +1-rr " - n i -

Associated Press News Analyst
THE FINISH Communist Par-
ty is putting on a show of
reasonableness in te current p0-
litical crisis, but resident Xek-
konen sounds as though he fears
the Russian sickle will cut off the
little country's independence at
any moment.
Because of the rightist com-
plexion of the former Helsinki
government, Russia has stopped
buying Finnish products, produc-
ing serious unemployment in an
effort to convince the Finns which
side their bread is ,buttered on.
Kekkonen has called on the
middle of the road Agrarian Party
to replace the resigned Rightist
Communist Party leaders have
said they will be stisfied, for
the time being, just to get the
Rightists out, although they do
not renounce their intentions of
ultimate control.
This sounds as though the
Finns might be able to work out
a compromise with their big
neighbor, something at which they
have become adept since their war
with Russia in 1939
LONG YEARS of reparations
shipments have tied their econ-
omly closely to Russia, almost to
the exclusion of the Western mar-
kets they formerly enjoyed.
An extremely ominous note has
been injected into the situation,
however, by a hint from Kekkon-
en to the West not to try to in-
It would seem logical, in the
trade difficulty, for the United
States and other Western coun-,
tries to step in and buy Finnish
products now xwhether they need
them or not.
But Kekkonen obviously fears
this would produce a crisis which
could.very well mean the death
of Finland.
The U.S has carefully avoided
any provocation in Finland
However, Mrs. Kuusin, the Com-
munist leader, herself suggests de-
velopmet of outside markets and
mentions the value of ties with
the West,
This may only mean that Rus-
sian designs on the liberty of Fin-
land are already taking shape,
and that the long-range purpose
of her statements fit into Rus-
sian policy favoring expanded
trade with the West, no matter
how conciliatory her words may
sound at the moment.
Finland fought Russia for her
independence after the Russian
revolution and again, bravely but
hopelessly, in 1939.
Since World War II, in the light
of what Russia did in Eastern
Europe, the little country's con-
tinued independence has been al-
most a miracle. If it last very long,
it will be more so.
The Daily Official Bulletin is .
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan Zor which Tne
Michigan Daily assmes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices sould '
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preeding
publication. Notices for ftnday
Daily due at 200 p.m. Farida.

General Notices
Since Christmas and New Year's Day
fall on Thursdays, the University will
arrange its work schedules so that a
skeleton work force will operate on
the Fri. after Christmas with the re-
mainder of the staff off. Those em-
ployees who work on Dec. 26 will have
Jan. 2, 1959 as their day off.
The student automobile regulations
will be lifted for Christmas vacation
from 5 p.m.Fri., Dec. 19, to 8 a.m. Mon.,
Jan, 5, 1959.
Summary, action taken by Student
Government Council at its meeting
held Dec. 10, 1958.
Approved minutes of previous meet-
Moved into Executive Session. Upon
return to regular session the Chairman
announced that in action taken in Ex-
ecutive Session Student Government
Counil a eed to am a oh


ONCE UPON A TIME an editorialist dug up
the word apathy and applied it hither and
yon. He ought to be the next person hung on
the diag .. . and not in effigy.
The wonders of human ingenuity have made
a tremendous target open for application of
this much overused word. People are called
apathetic about school spirit, athletics, aca-
demics, the world situation, and student gov-
ernment. The culmination has now been
reached since people are now apathetic about
Apathy has also become the scapegoat-word
for everything which might require some exer-

tion of effort. Leaders are constantly dismissing
projects as useless since ". .. the people are too
apathetic about things like that."
A few synonyms for apathy might be in
order . . indifference, indolence, laziness, etc.
Webster's unabridged says, among other things,
"... a lack of passion," and certainly no one
wants to be accused of that.
Let's call a summit conference and ban the
use of this word for eternity. Communications
might break down somewhat but the change
would certainly be refreshing.
. . by Michael Kraft

Liberal Education for Engineers


Mutual Obligation

To the Editor:
I MUST take issue with Dean
Emmons' statement on liberal
education as reported in Sunday's
Daily by Mr. Junker.
One would agree that the es-
sence of education is in the teach-
ing of theory. Orie must also be
delighted to note that the Engi-
neering College offers courses that'
let the student know the College
is "interested" in impractical es-
sentials-e.g., English.
There may also be something in
the claim that a student "isn't go-
ing to get anything out of" a
course for which he has no desire
-but I don't know what that
something is. If the College re-
quired of the student only those
courses he desired, most engineers
would graduate in less than two
The Engineering College has at-
tempted to provide "well-rounded
personalities," claims Dean Em-
mons. After attending many cam-
pus teas, I can only conclude that
the College has too often failed.
If the personalities are few, the
engendering programs are fewer.
How many integrated engineering-
liberal arts programs are offered
by the College? Two, one each in
civil and chemical engineering. I
must also concur with Dean Em-
mons' statement, ". . . these
I nrn rnr..m eI.1 - + vn .nn aA i.'. i

be a requirement. If the engineer-
ing student interested in obtain-
ing knowledge about "English lit-
erature or psychology" is expected
to be able to gain this by reading
"books on the subject after gradu-
ation," he had best be able to read
rapidly. He will have four years
to make up for.
-Name Withheld by Request,
Frustration . .
To the Editor:
As AN UNWARY sophomore who
has just made extensive use of
the new "open stacks" system 'at
the Main Library, I feel compelled
to write an account of my ad-
ventures, so that other' students
may be warned of what lies in
store for them.
I was in search of three philo-
sophical journals, so I naively
made my way to the card cata-
logue to look up their call num-
bers. Alas! One of them was not
listed in the card catalogue. I
walked confidently up to an at-
tractive blonde, seated at a desk
marked "Information." Upon hear-
ing of my plight, she directed me
to look for "a lady who must be
working in the catalogue," who
could tell me where to find my
hook T never did find the ladv

stopped at the third floor and a
young man pushing a cart full of
books pinioned I and my hapless
companions aboard this infernal
contraption to the wall. Gasping
for breath, I wheezed, "Ninth
Floor, Please."
Finally, I emerged from said
elevator, and began the search for
my books. After getting lost three
or 'four times, I emerged from the
stacks with the desired books
under my arm. Then, into the
elevator again, and again I ex-
perienced the maddening 'sensa-
tion of going up when I wanted
to go down, and down when I
wanted to go up.
Upon arriving at the fifth floor,
I raced madly for the exit, where
I presented my books. However,
the young man at the door in-
formed me that the little white
slips I had filled out to find the
books were not sufficient, and I
would have to retire to a little
table and make out new ones.
Upon doing this, I again presented
my books to this young man, who
now informed me that my precious
journals (publication dates--1908,
1910, and 1942) were overnight
books! He must have been feeling
generous, however, as it was Fri-
day, and he said that I might keep
them until Monday. Then his
stamping pad went dry, and I

COME SAGE once observed that there is no
hope for the satisfied man. Perhaps the
ame could be said about an institution of
7igher education.
This realization of the need for continual
elf-examination and re-evaluation is perhaps
)ne of the more encouraging attitudes among
hose who run the University and perhaps
Ilso the most difficult to maintain as Michi-
an expands in both size and scope of activities.
For in many ways, the process depends upon
:ommunication. Sometimes it breaks down, if
ndeed it ever did exist, as in the residence
ialls where every year or two, officials seem
'surprised" to learn that people don't like the
ood or living conditions.

(nuclear engineering) and new courses, (Asian
Studies, to mention one.) Much of the work
of evaluating the present and preparing for
the future takes place in small groups and
committees, receiving little attention until the
changes are actually instituted.
Sometimes however, the process of evalua-
tion affects large numbers of student and fac-
ulty members, as with the course evaluation
forms passed out to literary college students
this week. The questionnaires provide a po-
tentially valuable vehicle for communicating
student opinions and suggestions. But their
worth depends upon the manner in which
they're filled out and the attitude in which
they're received.
Tndeed if there ares ome 4vtietrnew whn

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