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December 12, 1958 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-12

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'U' Living Units Help Needy
To Enjoy Christmas Holiday

Alice Lloyd
To Present
Dinner Dance
In conjunction with its annual
"Winter Lace Ball," Alice Lloyd
hall will hold its first Christmas
dinner dance tonight at 7:30 p.m.
"Twas the Night Before Christ-
mas" is the theme to be carried
out in the two dining rooms which
will be used for the candlelight
The dance will be held in the
lounges from 9-12 p.m. with music
provided by the Continentals.
Guests of honor at the dinner
include University Regents Irene
C. Murphy and Donald M. D.
Thurber, University President
Harlan Hatcher, Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis and Mrs. Lewis, and Dean
of Women Deborah Bacon.
General chairmen of the even-
ing are Sandra McAdam, '62, and
Eleanor Nielson, '62.
Students Plan
Capital Trip
The Foreign Student Service
Council has extendedean invita-
tion to all international students
to visit Washington D.C. during
the Christmas vacation.
The tour will begin Dec. 22 and
will continue through Jan. 1. In-
cluded in the program will be trips
to Capitol Hill, National Gallery,
Smithsonian Institution and
Mount Vernon to see the home of
George Washington. There will be
Christmas Day hospitality with
American families.

Dedication Slated for Tomorrow

-Daily-Harold Gassenheimer
HELPING OUT-Manning one of the Salvation Army collection
buckets located on North State Street, a member of Trigon
fraternity aids the Christmas fund drive. Aid from other campus
living units has helped the Salvation Army provide homes for Ann
Arbor's needy families.

MARKLEY LOUNGE-Women of Mary Markley Hall knit, chat and read in one of the floor
lounges found throughout the new residence hall. Formal dedication of the building will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow with University President Harlan Hatcher giving the dedicatory address.
Patricia Marthenke, president of Assembly Dormitory Council, and Jane Murphy, president of the
Markley Hall Council, will respond on behalf of all independent women and the women of Markley.
Markley Hall choir and the Jordan Hall-Adams House chorus will sing. Attendance tomorrow is
limited to approximately 600. Visitors are invited to inspect the facilities of Markley from 2 until
5 p.m. Sunday. Music and refreshments will be provided in the main lounges.

Five University living units have
been helping to improve the
Christmas celebration for Ann
Arbor's needy families.
Serving as attendants at the
Salvation Army buckets located in
the city's downtown areas, groups
from Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha
Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Tri-
gon and Gomberg House have
collected $3,523.11 for the fund
The money will be used to pro-
vide Christmas food baskets and
toys for families who have applied
for Salvation Army aid. "We have
received 380 applications for help,"
Lt. Vernon Hostetler of the Sal-
vation Army staff commented.'
He also noted that this year the
number of people requesting aid
has gone up from 290 to 380." The
five groups that collected funds
have been very valuable in helping
us obtain enough money to help
the applicants."
But he mentioned the Salvation
Army would appreciate receiving
help from any other interested
group on the campus. To partici-
pate in the collection drive or
organize any other fund raising
Dunnto ron Curtain; Africa
herde% College age only. Also short
255 Sequoia (Box 4)-Pasadena, Cal.

activity, they can contact him at
the Army office.
The yearly collection is one part
of the air that campus do give
to charity. "Trigon and Alpha
Epsilon Phi have made the fundj
drive work an annual affair," he
said. Other groups have varied
their participation in the fund

New Co-ed Badminton Club
To Hold Meeting at Gyms

ThA Women's Athletic Associa-
tion Badminton Club will hold its,
first meeting at 7:30 pm. Tuesday
in Barbour and Waterman Gym-
In the past, the club has been
organized for women only, but
this year it will be co-recreational
and men as well as women are
invited to attend the meetings.
Members will be given instruc-
tion on badminton strokes. No
equipment is needed since the club;
will provide rackets, birdies and,
To Host University
In January the Eastern Michi-
gan College Badminton Club will 1
host the University group at a'
"play. night." Mixed doubles will
be played and it is hoped, said
Carol Weinstock, that the trip will'
promote further interest and good
relationship between both clubs.
Next semester, the club will also
take part in a mixed doubles tour-
nament. Grads, as well as under-
grads, are welcome to join the club.
In other WAA news, the basket-
ball tourney results for the week
of December 1 were as follows:
Alpha Omicron Pi scored a win
over Victor Vaughan, 10-9, Alpha
Phi I team won, 15 to 6, over Deltaa
'U' Nursing Choir
To Sing Sunday
In Carol Vesper 1
The nursing school choir, under
the direction of Rosella Duerksen,j
will be heard in a Christmas Carol1
Candlelight Vesper at 7 p.m. Sun-a
day in the chapel of the University
Composed of a selected group of
thirty-two nursing students, the
choir will sing a program of carols
from many lands, including tunes
from the medieval period to the
Polish, German, Bohemian,
French, Old English, and Ukrain-
ian carols will be among those
represented on the program.
Assisting the School of Nursing
Choir will be Jane Trackler, '59N,
accompanist, and Nancy Pilot,
'61N, flutist. As a prelude to the
program, Janet Ruffner, Grad.,
oboist, accompanied by Martha
Rearick, '60SM, will play Cimar-
osa's "Concerto for Oboe and
University Hospital chaplain
Malcolm Ballinger will preside.
The public is invited to attend.

Gamma, Newberry beat Stockwell
I, 16 to 15, and Martha Cook top-
ped Sigma Kappa, 21-19.
Barbour Loses
Betsy Barbour lost to Tri Delta
by a 7 to 5 count, Kappa Alpha
Theta whipped Sigma Delta Tau,
15 to 13, Fisher won, 2 to 0, over
Thronson, Mosher I blanked Hunt
I, 2 to 0, and Jordan I was vic-
torious over Blagdon, 16 to 6.
This week in tourney play, Jor-
dan II faced Newberry, Klein-
steuck played Angell, Geddes met
Gamma Phi Beta and Chi Omega
played Kappa Delta.
In other contests, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi vied with Martha Cook,
Little played Fisher, Cheever met
Thronson and Alpha Epsilon Phi
battled Alpha Chi Omega.
More action took place as Zeta
Tau Alpha faced Betsy Barbour,
Couzens met Henderson and Stock-
well II played Collegiate Sorosis.
Professor To Talk
At H il lel Tonight
A discussion of academic schol-
arship will be given by Prof. Mar-
vin Felheim of the English depart-
ment at 7 p.m. today at the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation.
Prof. Felheim will discuss aca-
demic learning for the pleasure
of scholarship compared with aca-
demic achievement for material
and social benefit.
He will base his talk, in part, on
the work by Matthew Arnold,,
"Hellenism and Hebraism."
Prof. Felheim will speak directly
after the evening services. The lec-
ture is sponsored by the Hillel

Plan Annual
On Saturday evening, the men's
residence halls will hold their
Christmas dances.
In keeping with the theme of
"Christmas in a Castle," those
who attend West Quad's Holly
Hop will find themselves trans-
ported back to medieval days.
The entrance to the two dining
rooms will feature a drawbridge, t
moat and knights in their shining
armor. The walls will be of con-
crete blocks with candles as the
only sources of light.
Couples to Dance
From 9:30 p.m. until 12:30 a.m.
the couples will dance to the mu-
sic of Dick Collins and Bob Elliot.
At that time the heralding of
trumpets will be heard as the tra-
ditional Yule Log ceremony be-
The couples will bring a decor-
ated log into the main lounge
where it will be burned as Christ-
mas carols are sung.
The Snowflake Ball of East
Quad will bring an expected 250
couples to dance to the music of
Nate Ribbron and Fred Benz. The
decorations are planned to create
an atmosphere of the cold out-
To Represent Forest
One room will represent a snow-
covered forest and the other a
frozen brook with a small hand-
bridge at its entrance. Two large
snowmen, one rotating and the
other tipping his hat will occupy
prominent positions.
South Quad, working with a
budget of $1,600, has planned its
dance to the theme "Noel Mad-
erne." Throughout the four rooms
will be a display of color from x
lighted fountains, and flourescent
paint which will be used.
To Use Soda Bar
The basement soda bar will be
used, at the end of the evening,
for caroling to the accompani-
ment of an organ. Music for the
South Quad dance will be pro-
vided by an eight-piece band and
a combo, in addition to the organ.



Hello Dear .*.*,
I've just returned from the post
office where I mailed all the things
you asked for. Whatever do you
want with your bicycle tire pump
-and where will you put it?
You'll notice that I've tucked in
a little surprise for you-your favor-
ite Woodh~ue Cologne in a perfectly
marvelous new aerosol spray (pink,
to match your room-isn't that
nice?). I bought one in my beloved
Aphrodisia, and it's such fun to use
-and so convenient ! I thought
you'd like to have one to take with
you on your big weekend with Bill's
folks ... it's such a handy thing
for travel.
Incidentally, Faberg6 puts it up
in a De Luxe version too-a gor-
geous golden gift case that's refill-
able - and only $5.00. You might
atop in next time you're in town
and get one for Aunt Martha-her
birthday is a week from Monday
and I'm sure she'd be thrilled to
pieces (and surprised that you re-
membered on time for once)..,
you know how she just drools over
Dad just came in and sends you
a kiss. We're due at the Johnsons'
for dinner, so I'll write more to-
morrow, and close now with much
love from us all


Everybody Welcome-
Saturday Morning- Dec. 13
9:30 -11:30 A.M.



New Shipment of Fine Merchandise
from fromf

Come in and see
complete selection
of Faberge Perfumes


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