ld a dil
ague, T
aribel H:
as Read
The Uni
eech, w
e fall s
dg., Th
30 p.m.J
11 be a
s carrie
ew of ac
ntinued from Page 4) National Music Camp, Interlo
nt-n rMich., has 500 camp staff positions
ties range from food staff to+
of the University Faculty will counselors, from radio engineer
,ner meeting at the Michigan secretaries, from stage crews toa
hurs., Dec. 11, 5:45 p.m. Mrs. tered nurses
alstead will present "Christ- Would you like to work for the
lngs." of Detroit? Positions for Student
neers, Play Leaders, Public Servic
iversity of Michigan Student tendants, Camp Counselors, and S
sponsored by the Dept. of ming Leaders are open for next sun
ill hold their last meeting of For further information on thet
emester in Rm. 2040. Frieze summer positions, come to the Su:
urs., Dec. 11, 4:00 p.m. and Placement Bureau in Rm. D-528,
At these two meetings there Open on Tues. and Thurs., from 1
review of the debate activi- 5:00 and on Fri. from 8:30 to 12.'
d on this semester and a pre- D. Peterson, Director of Summer F
tivities for next semester. All ment, has his office at 3528 Admin.
students are welcome.
Personnel Interviews:
uutin seniors plan- The following companies will b
All (arty
ing to attend graduation exercises, Jan.
24, 1959, go to Moe's Sport Shop, 711
North University, immediately to be
fitted for a cap and gown.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due In the Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
Dec. 11: Theta Xi.
Dec. 12: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Ep-
silon Pi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha
Cmicron pi, Bacteriology Club, Chi
Omega, Collegiate Sorosis, Delta Gam-
ma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha
Psi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Martha
Conk, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Epsilon Pi,
Phi Kappa Tau, Phi MU, Phil.-Mch.
Club, P Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Zeta Beta Tau.
Dec. 13: (one o'clock closing hour)
Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Epsilon P, Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Psi, Delta
Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma
Theta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon,
East Quadrangle, Henderson House,
Mary Markley Hall, Phi Delta Chi, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi Epsilon P, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Rho Sigma,
Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Omega, Psi Up-
silon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,
South Quadrangle, Tau Kappa Epsilon,
Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle,
Trigon, W. Quad., Zeta Psi, Evans
Scholars. Lambda Chi Alpha.
Dec. 14: Adelia Cheever, Canada Rse.,
Couzens Hall, Geddes House, Kappa
Alpha Theta, Martha Cook, Mary Mark-
ley Hall, Couzens House-Michigan
House, Mosher Hall, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi
Delta Phi, Victor C. Vaughan.
The University of Michigan Choir,
Maynard Klein, conductor will present
its annual Christmas Concert in Hill
AUd. on Thurs., Dec. 11, 8:30 p.m. In-
cluded on the program are motets by
J. S. Bach and Healey Willan, and the
Cantata "Hodie" by Ralph Vaughan
Williams. The Choir will be accom-
panied by Nelita True at the piano, and
by -William Osborne, organist; and solo-
ists will be Miriam Barndt, Charles
Walton, and Jerry Lawrence. Open to
the general public without charge.
Political Science Roundtable, Thurs.,
Dec. 11, 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. The speaker will be Prof.
Samuel Huntington, Columbia Uni-
versity. His topic, "Changing Congres-
sional and Executive Roles in the Form-
ulation of Military Policy.
programt Tri., Dec. 12, 8:00 p.m. A
program of customs and carols of
Christmas presented by students from
many lands. Lane Hall, second floor.
Lecture under the auspices of the
Committee on the Program on Russian
Studies. Fri., Dec. 12, Angell Hall, Aud.
A, 4:15 p.m. The speaker will be Dr.
Ralph T. Fisher, Univ. of 111, His topic
will be "Soviet Youth: An Historical
Analysis of the Komsomol."
Academic Notices
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr.
David S. Greenstein will conclude his
tas, "Application of Orthonormal Sys-
"ai* to the Solution of Conformal.
Mapping and Extremal Problems,"
Thurs., Dec. 11, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 248 W.
E g. Bldg. Refreshments will be served
at 3:30 p.m., Rm. 274 W.,Eng. Bldg.
Aeronautical and Astronautical En-
gineering Dept. Seminar: Fri., Dec. 12,
at 4 p.m., Rm. 1504 E. Eng. Bldg. Har-
old C. Early and William N. Lawrence,
UM.R.I., will speak on "Problems Con-
nected with Arc Heating of Air for
Hypersonic Wind Tunnels."
Doctoral Examination for Saul Pen-
ster, Mech. Eng thesis: "The Transient
Thermal Response of a Step Pressurized
Boiling Liquid Nitrogen System "
Thurs., De. 11, 220 W. Rng. Bldg., 2:00
pm. Chairman, G. J. VanWylen.
Doctoral Examination for Manchiu
Duke S. Lay, Chem. and Met. Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Kinetics of the Liquid-
Phase Addition Reactions Initiated by
Propylene Oxide and Methanol and
Catalyzed by Sodium Hydroxide," Fri.,
Dec. 12, 3205 E. Eng. Bldg., 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, J. T. Banchero.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies with the Bureau of
Appointments for the second and fall
semesters. They will not be here to
Interview at this time.
Aurora, Ill. - Electricity/Electronics
East Jackson, Mich. - Elementary
Mt. Clemens, Mich (L'Anse Creuse
Schools) - Elementary (Feb.).
Oak Park, Il. - Elementary (Can ar-
range interview for Christmas vacation
for September, 1959 positions).
Pbr any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa.,
Is looking for men to fill the following
positions: Sales - Non-Technical, Ad-
vertising, Promotion and Public Rela-
tions (Creative Writer), Chemist-Doc-
torate, Chemists or Chemical Engineers
-Research and Development, Engi-
neers, and Industrial Engineers.
State of Michigan, Civil Service
Comm., announces examinations for the
following: Psychiatric Social Worker,
Building Maintenance Superintendent,
Research Analyst, Mercantile Inspector,
and Right of Waiy Appraiser. Applica-
tions must be postmarked or filed at1
the State Civil Service Comm. office
no later than Dec. 31, 1958.
For further information on the above'
terviewing students at the Bures
Appointments, 3528 Admin., Ext.
J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich
cation of Work: Detroit area. G
ates: Feb. Men and women with
degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. A
for Executive Training and Dev
ment leading to Assistant Buyer
in the Merchandising Divisions an
sistant Department Head Jobs it
:x y fin..
: irport Heats Car Lots
BULLETIN The Detrit-Willow Run airport.
near Ypslanti is now the only lobby without stepping outside.t
major airport in the country to We feel this will appeal strong-
offer heated, indoor parking facili- ly to the increasing number of
)hen. Per on~ne, and op)eratnsvsons «omen air travelers using Willow
SDu- Training is on-the-Job for 12-18 months. ties for air travelers, w n air trvd.
cabin Trainees may be placed in the Control According to Robert E. Miller, MTe new inside area. an exten-
rs to Division, Merchandise Division, Operat- president of the Airlines National services which are al-
regis- ing Division, or Publicity Division, sOn ofl the
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Terminal Service o., airline pas- ready provided, will be able to
City Washingon, D. C. Location of work: sengers and terminal visitors may accommodate 11G cars. Directional
Engi- Washington, D. C. Graduates: Feb., any park their automobiles out of the s1gns have been put up in front
-degree in Public Adin.. Bus. Admin., elements and walk to the terminal of the terminal, he said.
,wlm- Poll. Scd., or Econ. for Executive __eh _ _____s_
nmer. Trainee. Iniially, by means of readings ----~-~~~ - ~~~ ~~~
above and conferences with agency officials,-
nmer all trainees receive a 60-day orienta- ,s
S.A.B. tion in this histor, mission and or- {
:00 to ganization o this office. Thre rema n-
Ward der of the first year is devoted to rota-
tion assignments in program or admin-
istrative service areas. The appoint- I
ments are made from the Management
Intern Option of the Federal Service
e in- Entrance Examination.
au of For interview appointments, contact C hristm asS tore lours
3371. the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
i. Lo' m., Ext. 3371.
.any U
drmin. Exhibits:0.M . -t o'
velop- The J. L. Hudson Co., will have a
rships display at the Michigan Union across
d As- from the cafeteria on Thurs., and Fri.,
n the Dec. 11 and 12. H~t9~i2|~2 2|3[|:3isdd
- .-. ---
77 shirts styled the way a boy likes them! colorful,
washable cotton knit shirts to please a young man's taste;
left: personalized Bermuda shirt with press-on Initials;
red, white, blue, black. 4-6x, 2.50. 8-20, 3.00 paisley pattern
with fashion knit collar and cuffs, 8 -.20 ,,, at 3.98
S 'c t+i
ths $wbs$h-and-wear tio topsg Santa'
shor sleeve gy shirt an d matching belit;
wosterline rayon slacks; red-grey,
, 3.
ei gerown s i zes 4 to 7; set, 5.98
lAv, vx. Kr [
9 to 3. 2.98 . center: all-over fur.
white, pink, orange, re d, gold, blue.
~j 10 to 3, 2.98 ; 4 to 7, 3.98 bottom:
re d co rd-uroy pixie boot; 9 to 3. 3.00
7r x''A
G, G Ed[CT %2E T TR4 (34(9|91Mr
$ 28
for girls
4-6x and 7-14
\ '4~r
* I,
I fo smar youn yag
belles, wonderful Belle.-
Sharmeer stretch nylon
tights..,full-fashioned, firmly
reinforced at crotch and
! ,
an exceptionally wonderful purchase in warmth, beauty and
value, from a top quality girls' coat firm! special savings for
youl navy or camel wool/cashmere (90% wool, 10% cashmere)
with classic back belt, fluffy orlon pile zip-out lining for