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December 06, 1958 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-06

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Peach Mountain Telescope
Nears January Completion

An 85-foot wide radio telescope
second largest in the world-is
fast nearing completion on Peach
Mountain, 15 miles northwest of
Ann Arbor.
The telescope, when completed,7
will receive radio waves from the:
sun, moon, planets, and, a variety
of nebulae and galaxies, Prof.
Fred Haddock of the astronomy /
and electrical engineering depart,-
ments said.,
The giant "dish" has been com-
pleted, but the system for feeding
radio waves into the amplifier
isn't ready yet.
The telescope is scheduled for
completion by next month.Y
Prof. Haddock, director of the
project, said from a study of the
intensity of the waves and their
frequency, theories will be de-,
veloped on the generation of the
waves in nature.
Study Basic Physics NEAR COMPLETION -- Clist
"The mediums are usually hot NERCMLTO -Gst
gaseshand magnetic fields. Studies Mountain near Ann Arbor is an
of the basic physics of these me- for use sometime next month.
diums will be done through the England - is any larger.
waves, Prof. Haddock said.
theories resulting from the studies panels have been put on. The pan-
Practical applications of the els, shaped in the form of a para-
theories resulting from the studies bolic reflector, will catch the ra-
will be used in the manufacture dio waves as they come to the

Army Plans
To Launch
Space Probe
By The Associated Press
The Army missile team, hoping
to shoot a space probe past the
moon and toward the sun, is try-
ing something net in the area of
launching vehicles.
The launching rocket will be a
four-stage vehicle using the pow-
erful Jupiter intermediate range
ballistic missile as the booster.
After the 17,00-mile Jupiter gives
the payload its big push, three
high speed stages composed of
solid fuel sergeant rockets will
blaze into action in sequence.
Breaks From Gravity
That should give the 15-pound
probe enough acceleration to pull
away from the main drag of the
earth's gravity, according to ex-
perts. As it passes the moon's
course, two tiny photoelectric cells
will be activated by the light, re-
laying a signal back to earth, ac-
cording to Dr. Wehrner Von
Braun and Brig. Gen. John B.
Medaris, two of the Army's top
The conical-shaped probe will
also carry a tiny radio transmitter
and two geiger-mueller counters
to measure the intense radiation
that hovers above the earth.
Sees Good Chance
Von Braun said recently that if
the rockets do their job the
chances for success are very good.
He added that there is only a bare
chance of actually hitting the
moon. Against that chance, how-
ever, the probe will be sterilized
so that no earth germs may con-
taminate the lunar surface.
There is an extremely slight
chance also that the probe may
get caught in the moon's weak
gravitational field and for a short
period become a lunar satellite.

ening on the summit of Peach
85-foot radio telescope scheduled
Only one similar telescope - in


of thermonuclear generators, space
vehicles and the problem of com-
munication in space.
"There has been talk of relay
stations for television and radio
and the problem now is the trans-
mission of signals on higher fre-
quencies than the waves in order
to prevent interference," Prof.
Haddock said.
Applies to Radar
Another item which relies on in-
formation of this nature is radar.
Radar may mistake noise effects
of the radio waves coming from
the sun to be noise effects from
an enemy missile. Through study
of the frequency and intensity,
radar can be made to overcome
this fault.
To date, the telescope frame has
been erected and the aluminum
Car Production
Car production this week soared
to its highest level in more than
a year.
Ward's Automotive Reports an-
nounced yesterday the past week's
)utput at 147,490 cars, more than
any other week since the one end-
ing Nov. 23, 1957, when produc-
tion figures were listed at 151,846.
The production rises - 20 per'
cent above last week -were at-
tributed partly to the fact that;
the Thanksgiving holiday reduced
output last week.

earth in sheet form.
The waves will then be focused
into a small point, reflected up to
a tripod obpect which concentrates
the energy and sends it down a
small pipe to recording devices.
This tripod energy concentrator
also acts as a discriminator, not
picking up signals from other
areas than where the telescope is
tUV Exhillits
Art Works
Of Slusser
An exhibition, "Prints and
Drawings in Honor of Jean Paul
Slusser," is currently being shown
in the main floor display area of
the University Museum of Art in
Alumni Memorial Hall.
The exhibition consists of 74
items, six of which are prints and
the rest drawings. Half the prints
were given to the Museum by Prof.
Slusser, while the others were
purchased by him for the collec-
About 35 prints were chosen by
Prof. Slusser during a trip to
Europe shortly after his retire-
ment as director of the museum.
There he chose examples by con-
temporary printmakers-French,
Italian, British and German.,
An equal number were chosen
for the exhibition from the many
works of modern and historic in-
terest, which Prof. Slusser has
presented to the University over a
period of years.
Almost all the prints are by
contemporaries except for a few
19th century French prints and
several by older masters. The lat-
ter are 16th, 17th, and 18th cen-
tury examples by German, Dutch,
French, Italian, Spanish, Czecho-
slovakian and Swiss printmakers.
The two largest groups are
German and French contemporary
prints. The media include litho-
graphs, woodcuts, aqua-tints, dry-'
points, etchings and linoleum cuts.
Some are in black and white and
some in color,.
"The University's collection re-
flects Prof. Slusser's catholicity of'
interest and his sound judgement"
and taste," Miss Helen Hall, cura-
tor, said.

Since the tripod acts as a shield
against stray waves, a stronger
signal can be sent to the record-
ing devices, Prof. Haddock said.
Work was begun on the tele-
scope on Aug. 1, 1958. Expected
time of completion will be by
spring of 1959, and the director
said a dedication will be sched-
uled at this time.
To Complete Wiring
Work still to be done includes
the $7,000 wiring system, a storage
house, 300 measurements of the
reflector area to insure the pre-
cision curve necessary for the
greatest accuracy, and the align-
ment of the gear teeth which will
move the telescope to various aeas
of the sky.
A main control house has also
been erected in which are control
panels for manually operatiing the
telescope, as well as room for a
three-man office staff.
Call Prof. Haddock
Money for equipment and struc-
tures except the foundations and
the permanent houses was given
by the Office of Naval Research.
The remainder of the outlay was
made by the University. The entire
cost of the project is $300;000,
The telescope is the best in the
country for precision recording of
short wave lengths of around three
centimeters, the professor said.
Other scanning telescopes of
comparable size are the rational
Radio Observatory's 85-foot, and
California Institute of Technolo-
gy's pair of 90-footers.
The University originally re-
ceived the Naval grant because
Prof. Leo Goldberg of the astrono-
my department wanted to do work
in radio astronomy. He went to
Dean Stephen Atwood of the en-
gineering college and together
they went to the Navy in 1954.
Prof. Haddock was called to
the University to direct the pro-
ject in 1956 from the Office of
Naval Research.
Two main problems in the con-
struction of the telescope have
been the making of a perfect
parabola reflecting surface and
precision axis alignments.
One alignment is parallel to the
axis of the earth's rotation to one-
hundredth of a degree, and the
other alignment is perpendicular
to the earth's axis by the same de-
gree of precision, he said.
Put on Automatic
Beside manual control, the tele-
scope can be put on automatic
controls so that it can track a
star or the sun all the way across
the sky. Readings are taken every
few seconds and plotted on an am-
plitude-time curve graph.
All graphs from the telescope
will be interpreted at the Univer-
sity. The main product from the
telescope is the publication of
scientific articles, data and theor-
ies drawn from the data.

Registration Fee

-Warsaw (MP)-Poland's great-
est poet intoned a recessional
today for Boris Pasternak, the
outcast of Soviet Russian lit-
erary circles.
Antoni Slominski, President
of the Polish Union of Writers,
did not publicly mention Pas-
ternak by name -he didn't
have to. More than 300 leading
writers and intellectuals ap-
plauded the unnamed poet, de-
spairing in his Dacha (Rus-
sian country house).
(The Mbscow Soviet Writers
Union recently advised the Sov-
iet government to exile the No-
bel Prize winning author of
"Doctor Zhlvago" but he has
been allowed to remain at his
Dacha in Russia after having
declined the prize).
Slominski compared Paster-
nak to Diogenes, the ancient
Greek philosopher who spent
his life searching for an honest
Slominski was just back from
Paris where he was a Polish
delegate to a United Nations
educational, scientific and cul-
tural organization (UNESCO)
session. He read out his verses
at a long-scheduled meeting on
his return.
Slowly and sorrowfully, Slo-
mnski moved from the Joyous
toines of his opening -verses to
the great climax, braise for Pas-
Painting a picture of free
Paris, he then intoned:
"And, meanwhile, in the far
"In the wet fog,
"On a bench made of birch,
"In front of a Dacha,
"Sits a poet:
"Diogenes in a barrel
"Whose staves are tightening
his heart with despair."

Urban Renewal

URBAN RENEWAL AREA-The letters and numbers of house lots indicate the proposed Urban Renewal reuse plans. The va
indicate either a one- or two-family dwelling to be built and the "C's" stand for future commercial uses.



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1959 Christmas Present Finder .
-. 1
Radios---Michigan Souvenirs
ChristmasCards and Wrappings :
* -
Your Christmas Shop ping ,.1

parcels and structures would be
pacethandrss e~ a aN ational R oundup
acquired by the City as part of
the project, Guy Larcom, Jr., city
administrator, said yesterday.
These include 44 residential struc- Gunaca Returns to Detroit
tures and 24 commercial and in- SHEBOYGAN, Wis. () - John Gunaca, sought by Wisconsin
dustrial structures. authorities for more than four years in an early Kohler Co. strike
Not Reclaimable clash, was on his way back to Detroit yesterday, free on bond 12
They break down to 17 resi- hours after he was returned to Sheboygan.
dences, housing 27 families, which He was arraigned on two counts of assualt with intent to do
cannot be reclaimed in any fash- great bodily harm in the beating of Kohler non-strikers William
ion. Seven buildings will be ac- Bersch Sr. and William Jr. at Sheboygan Falls July 6, 1954.
quired for planning purposes and Municipal Judge Clarence Whiffen rejected District Attorney
20 more structures, housing 28 David Weber's motion for a bond of $50,000, and set bond at $7,500. He
exces ie costs (more than $5,000) ordered a preliminary hearing on the charges Dec. 18.
necessary for their rehabilitation.
Some 11 mixed-use structures Little Rock Election Probed
(those used for both commercial WASHINGTON (AP) - A House Committee yesterday took the
and residential purposes such as first steps toward a possible inquiry into the election of segregation-
a store with an aoartment above ist Dale Alford to Congress over Rep. Brooks Hays of Little Rock, Ark,.
it) will be purchased by the City. The committee, which was set up to check on campaign expen-
These house 17 families. ditures, said it would consider a complaint alleging irregularities in
All of the families displaced the write-in campaign by Alford.
must be given safe, sanitary, ade-.
Squate housing, Mayor Eldersveld The complaint came from John F. Wells, publisher of the weekly
explained. This, he explained, Arkansas Recorder. He said an investigation would disclose various
means the financially able must evils including a conspiracy involving Gov. Orval Faubus to "over-
be given the most liberal mort- turn the will of the majority of Democrats."
gage-financing terms possible to* *
build or purchase new homes, Health, Medical Research Year Seen
either in or outside the area. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. WP) -- The United Nations General
Federal Requirements Assembly recommended unanimously yesterday that 1961 be made
The federal government's re- an international public health and medical research year.
quirements for an acceptable plan It adopted a Ukrainian resolution urging that the UN-affiliated
' requires ethati -n,' rloa tedalay. _

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