Goblins Help Sweden
Observe Christma
Christmas is the happiest time
of the whole year in Sweden and
most Swedes will argue that no
other country celebrates the yule
season with more joy and enthusi-
As in most big cities all over the
the world, many Swedish urbanites
do not hold to the Christmas tra-
ditions, some of which actually
started before Christianity came
to Sweden.
But people in the small towns
and the countryside, as well as
Swedes and their descendants in
this country, celebrate Christmas
in much the same manner as their
ancestors did centuries ago.
Season Lasts Month
The yule season begins on St.
Lucia's feast day, December 13,
and does not end until January
13, St. Hilary's Feast day.
Saint Lucia is called the "Queen
of Light." The original Lucia was
a young Silician girl who gave food
and gifts to the poor. How this
saint became a special patron in'
Sweden is not known, but it is
thought that celebrating "the feast
ofli ht" d i the neriod of the
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-Daily-Genny Leland
STRAW GOAT-Straw figures were common in old days and had
comical connections. The most common was a he-goat of straw,
which is the only one to survive until the present. These straw
figures of many different sizes are seen In shops everywhere and
are usually placed on the Christmas table or under the Christmas
tree. The goats are made of plaited straw, have long horns and are
generally bound with red ribbons.
ever gets the almond will marry
during the coming year, or so the
belief goes.
Following dinner, the tree is
lighted and presents are given out.
Frequently the father of the fam-
ily will read the story of the first
Christmas and everyone will sing
Santa Claus, or "Father Christ-
mas" also plays an important part
in families with children.
'Julotta' Begins Day
Christmas Day begins at five or
six in the morning with church
services called "Julotta."
After church everyone is hungry
and in the middle of the morning
there is a smorgasbord that is un-
equalled in size or scope at any
other time of the year. Tales have
been told of having over 40 differ-
ent kinds of food, including 15
varieties of cookies.
A month or more may be spent
preparing all the food that is tra-
ditionally Christmas.
Pig's Head Important
Most of the special foods are
meats. A cured pig's head is fre-
quently the center of attention.
,_._,_ i
orf i15UI" uurmg i 'e V, LAMtinctive feature of Swedish Christ- te" represent the goblins which Sylta is a pressed meat made from
longest nights of the year captured mas. The brightly-colored strips originated in the pagan era and pork and a little veal. Ham is an
the fancy of the Swedish people. usually portray traditional Christ- also represent the dead who are absolute necessity, and rare is the
Each village, each house, and mas scenes. supposed to walk about on Christ- home that does not have Christ-
generally each office has its own Retain Ancient Customs mas Eve. mas pork sausages.
Lucia on Dec. 13. A young girl is Modern Swedes try to keep an- By afternoon of the 24th, the Herring salad and pickled herr-
chosen to be Lucia and she wears cient Christmas customs as the house is completely decorated. ing are essential foods for the
a crown with candles and carries many traditional decorations show. Dinner consists of traditional lut- Christmas table.
a tray with coffee or cookies on Cocks made of wood with elabor- fish, which is sundried cod that Wide varieties of bread are
it ate ornamentation date far back is first soaked in brine made from found. The most famous of
Lucia Brings Food in Swedish history. a hardwood-like birch. Swedish breads is rye bread, but
In homes Lucia sometimes makes "Tumte" are small wooden fig- Dessert is rice pudding which is there are many others too. One
her visit at four in the morning ures which generally have long eaten with sugar and cinnamon. kind is saffron bread which gets
and brings breakfast in bed to the silky strands for hair. These "tum- An almond is slipped in and who- its name from its bright yellow
rest of the family. The village
Lucia usually gives out coffee and
food in the evening, while ofice USE PINEAPPLE, POINSETTIA:
Lucias perform their roles at
coffee time in the afternoon.
Traditionally, all the work of Hawaiian Pageantry Mixes Custom
harvesting, baking, brewing and
washing was supposed to be done
by the date of Lucia's feast. Ands UfdPaes
even today, woe on the household Os
where almost all of the Christmas
cookies are not baked before this Christmas pageantry in the Ha-
time. waiian Islands combines the cus- green trees that grow on the is- age family Is an elaborate meal
Christmas Eve 'Bustle' toms of many Pacific Islands along lands are used. The ornaments often consisting of turkey, chicken,
On the night before Christmas with those of America. adorning the evergreens are the ham and lau lau as the main
there is a general hustle and The entire chain of islands is same as those which are found on dishes. The lau lau is made of
bustle all through the Swedish transformed into a festive Christ- trees in the States, bits of pork and salted salmon
home. The yulelog is put into the mas mood through the decorations Greeting cards are also ex- wrapped In taro or elephant-ear
fireplace, the tree and the whole which are international in flavor. changed between friends and fani- leaves which are in turn enclosed
house are decorated, and a sheaf Red hibiscus and poinsettia along ilies as is our custom. In addition in tea leaves and steamed for
of wheat is put on a pole outside. with gilded pineapple tops and to regular mal, a postal system is hours.
This grain is kept from the sprayed palms adorn many tables set up within the schools and stu- Because of the wide variety of
threshing and the birds come to and rooms of Hawaiian families. dents can send cards to their nationalities such as Filipino,
feed on it and fill the air with In many towns and cities con- friends in this way. Chinese, Korean, Samoan, Puerto
their chirping. Even apartment tests are held for the best look- Santa Claus is a symbol of Rican and Japanese living on the
dwellers put this sheaf for birds ing outdoor display. The schools Christmas to all of the children Islands, the ways in which the
outside the window. are also decorated by students for on the Islands with only one minor holiday is observed varies directly
Swedish people do not put many the holiday, alteration from ours. Due to the with the individual family and its
decorations on their trees. Tradi- Many of the larger hotels hold warm year-round climate in Ha- heritage.
tional ornaments include brightly gala celebrations for their holiday waii, ,there are no fireplaces or The predominant religion of
painted wooden birds, gilded pine guests. The Royal Hawaiian Hotel chimneys in the houses; as a re- Hawaii is Christianity; and, as a
cones, apples, candy wrapped in has a large tree on the front sult the children often wonder how result, Christmas is celebrated by
paper and paper flags. grounds facing the ocean. Kaiser's St. Nick brings their gifts, most inhabitants throughout the
Candlesticks Traditional Hawaiian Village decorates a Christmas dinner for the aver- American territory.
Christmas colors in Sweden are shocking pink tree with pink bulbs - .m------ -,.
bright reds, blues and yellows, to- to match the hotel's color scheme.
gether with white for decoration. Import Trees
Prominent among the Christmas Christmas trees are as much
decorations of the Swedish house a part of the festivities on the
are bright wooden candlesticks Islands as they are in the United
holding special Christmas candles. States. Some of the trees are im-
Paper wall-runners are a dis- ported while many times the ever-
Christmas gift
I from
P0 ular gift afi uh
S Saf fell & Bush
L0J-th t is doubly
Any package
IWIN T HFROP purchased
GIFT CERTIFICATE shall be wrapped
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