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November 25, 1958 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-25

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Burney Gives Public Health Lecture
The shortage of physicians is different agencies that are in this
:nitiative in public health was acute. For the past 30 years, there field.
essed by Dr. Leroy E. Burney, have been 130 physicians per 100,- t
-geon general of the United 000 people, he explained. If noth-
ates Public Service, at the public ing is done there will be even ing of personnel to handle the
11th assembly yesterday-. fewer than this. problems of the aged and the
When health services lack ini- Medical Schools Needed diagnosing of their ills, he con-
tive. the federal or state gov- We need from 10 to 18 more tinued.
iment forms a new agency. This medical schools to meet the need, In
3ults in too much fragmentationmeiascoltom tthned In another important problem,
health services, Dr. Burney said Dr. Burney declared. The present air pollution, Dr. Burney said that
.medical schools can be expanded-,
Jnless there is. initiative, the but not much. both this and the problem of water
lic health services will be The shortage of physicians is pollution needed more research in
ced by the needs of the people related to problems of care for many scientific disciplines, "We
undertake programs which the aging, Dr. Burney continued. still don't k th on-r
ght be neither economical nor This shows that financing is not!nowtelong-range
icient, he continued, the only problem in this field. effects of air pollution," Dr. Bur-
Need Original Ideas There is also the difficulty of ney explained.
rr. Burney, speaking on the finding physicians and other staff Discusses Radiation
Firsn sadthr arePub Htwoth mpersonnel for the predicted 22 Concerning radiation, he said
fairs," said there are two im- million aged in 1965. htcnieal oesuyws
rtant things to consider. Public mlinae n ~5 that considerable more study was
tant officials shoulde en- Care for Aged required. The present standards
lraged to have original ideas In care for the aged, Dr. Burney of safe radiation have little or no
d should be in a position to try asserted that there are inade- foundation, Dr. Burney declared.
m, he declared. quacies in many areas. Among "We can't tell what the per-
.We should also consider the these are inadequacies in part- missable level is or what to do
phasis in training well qualified time nursing, care for the aged about radioactive fallout. But we
ple," he said. at home and quality of nursing should, of course, make every
home care. There are gaps in the effort to minimise radiation."
coordination between the many Dr. Burney also mentioned the
possibility that high radiation may
'Clarkbe linked with the cause of cancer.,
To 'dlii An alert physician of the public
health service noted that certain
* l v i homes in a community had higher
cancer outbreak. Upon examina-
~ l °tion of these homes, it was found
In R o d si that they were in an area of high-
er radiation. More study is being
Prof. J. Desmond Clark will carried on in this area, Dr. Bur-
S P.111 Q i llecture on "Environment and ney said.

Wheeler Discusses Benefits
Of Junior Year Abroad
( Continued from Page 1)
"Approximately 15 students will
college is convinced that the pro- actually attend schools in other
collge s covined hat he ro-countries," Wheeler said. The rea-
gram would be educationally an son for 'this is that some are not
asset to th e U n iv ersity . it could foreted sb isth e tp o g r es, t
make provision to finance the accepted by the programs, the
program in the budget. Another schools themselves and finally,
possibility is that of individual some do not submit applications.
scholarships. It is also hoped that It is now up to the steering
the program could obtain that committee to see whether it would
type of financial assistance also. be necessary for the University
Government Not Taro Interested to institute a program of its own.
Most of the students who "really
"The government generally is are interested in the program" at-
not interested in undergraduate tend a foreign university under
studies abroad~" Wheeler said, but the auspices of a program of an-
it is interested in programs deal- other American university.
ing with Latin America. "It is
hoped that the government might=I
h1l, fin nc the nrras n in the; ( .T TqET


1e1P a11~~ e pe g1UP1t11 1 1C
future," he added.
"The cost per student to study
abroad would be relatively cheap."
Wheeler said. The cost of the pro-
gram is comparable with the
money that out-of-state students
pay to attend the University. The
programs of other colleges have
"package costs" amounting to not
more than $2,300.
'U' Students Study Abroad
"About 12 to 15 University stu-
dents attend foreign schools each
year," Wheeler said. For the first
time he has entered the names of
students who have come to him
for advice and who intend to
spend their junior year abroad. He
has a list of about 67 students who
have spoken to him this year.

Given Post
Prudence Brown of the speech
department was recently installed
as national treasurer of Sigma Al-
pha Eta, the national honorary
for students in the field of speech
and hearing rehabilitation.
Miss Brown is the advisor of the
Alpha Beta chapter of the honor-
ary at the University.
The installation was held at the
National Assembly held in con-
junction with the annual conven-
tion of the American Speech and
Hearing Association in New York.





I Organization


Ballet Club, ballet and jazz lessons
given, Nov. 25, 7:14-9:30 p.m., Barbour
Chess Club, regular weekly meeting,
Nov. 25, 7:30 p.m., 3D Mich. Union.
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
coffee break and special guest: Geral-
dine Stern, artist, author and world
traveler, Nov. 25, 4:30-6 p.m., Guild
Graduate Student Coffee Hour, Nov.
26, 4-5:30 p.m., Rackham Bldg., 2nd
floor, W. Lounge. All graduate students
Italian Club, weekly coffee hour, Nov.
25, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. All students in-
terested in things Italian are invited
to attend.
Korean Students Club, Korean Night,
Nov. 25, 8-10 p.m., Lane Hall, 2nd Floor
Aud. Korean movies, stage show, slides
and refreshments. All friends of Korea
are welcome.
La Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, Nov.
25. 8 p.m., 3050 FB. Speaker: Prof.
Charles N. Stauback, "Espana, 1958."
SGC Public Relations Comm., com-
mittee meeting, Nov. 25, 4 p.m., 1548
SAB. Interested students welcome.

. I

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