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November 25, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-25

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom


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Eastern Air Lines
Workers Strike
Walkouts Ground Two Carriers
Before Thanksgiving Holiday Rush
By The Associated Press
A strike by flight engineers and machinists against Eastern Air
iLnes yesterday left the air transport industry with two of its major
carriers grounded just before the Thanksgiving holiday rush.
Six hundred members of the Flight Engineers International As-
sociation left their jobs at Eastern in a protest against taking pilot
training courses, and 7,500 members of the International Association
of Machinists joined them in a sympathy walkout.
Trans World Airlines was immobilized in the fourth day of a
strike by IAM employes after a breakdown of contract negotiations.
American Threatened
A third major carrier, American Airlines, was threatened with
a strike by 1,491 pilots, members of the Air Line Pilots Association in a

'Western Experts Study Plans


Force Armed Transports

Through Blockade of Berlin

Lfl .

S es Slow
Travel Plans
"Keep your fingers crossed or
take a train.'
This is the way that an official
of one local travel bureau summed
up the situation for holders of
reservations on six airlines. The
lines which she referred to were
Trans-World Airlines and East-
ern Airlines which are now on
strike and North Central, Lake
Central, American and North-
western Airlines which she said
may go on strike "momentarily."
Officials of Northwestern and
North Central said that they have
no strike and that there is no like-
lihood of a strike at their lines.
American Airlines officials said
that there "was no way of telling
what will happen at American,"
therefore they cannot advise tick-
etholders on what course they
should pursue. However, one
American pilot expressed the
opinion that "there will be no
strike at American,"
Eastern officials stated that
they were "definitely planning to
resume flights on Wednesday
morning." ,Lake Central officials
stated that only their stewardesses
were on strike and that their
planes were still running on full
Officials of airlines concerned
and several local travel bureaus
expressed the hope that the situ-
ation would be under control by
Sunday, but these people were un-
willing to definitely predict that
this will ha'ppen.
Junior Year
Abroad Plan
Report Given
"A junior year abroad program
of our own would benefit the 'Uni-
versity," Benjamin W. Wheeler,
faculty counselor for special pro-
grans said yesterday at the liter-
ary college steering committee
Wheeler, who has returned from
the Conference on Student Travel,
held at New York in October, re-
ported his findings of programs
at other colleges to the committee.
"The programs are broad, em-
phasizing foreign language study
and study in other related areas,"
Wheeler said. These include hu-
manities, courses In the cultures
of the different countries and so-
cial sciences. Many students study
the natural sciences in universi-
ties such as Munich and Vienna.
One Major Difficulty
The schools which have sent
students to study abroad have
found one major area of difficul-
ty, he said; relations with the citi-
iens of diferent communities. The
groups of students are sometimes
looked upon as alienated foreign-
ers. ,
"To remedy this situation, a
preparatory program was suggest-
ed," Wheeler continued. In this
program the students would have
an orientation program on the
culture and customs of the coun-
try they are to visit. "Many stu-
dents know little about our own
culture," he added, This knowl-
edge by an orientation program
and special training would be a
prerequisite for learning about the
culture of other countries.
Problem of Finance

ispute involving pay, rules and
working conditions.
The airlines labor picture also
included a new strike yesterday by
33 members of the Airline Stew-
ards and Stewardesses Association
against Lake Central Airlines, an
employe-owned m i d w e s t firm
whichecontinued flight operations
with executives and administra-
tive personnel replacing the strik-
Capital Airlines, a major op-
erator, was busy re-establishing
service after settling a strike by
IAM machinists Friday with a
three-year agreement which would
bring pay up 41 cents an hour in
the third year, to $2.95 an hour.
West Coast Strike
A strike by 86 mechanics at
West Coast Airlines, serving 411
cities in Washington, Oregon and
Idaho was ended yesterday by a
new contract agreement.
The strikes at Trans World and
Eastern brought into play a re-
cent mutual aid agreement among
six major airlines - American,
Capital, Eastern, Trans World,
Pan American and United Air
Some equipment of the struck
lines was taken over by other
members of the compact to meet'
increased passenger, mail and
cargo loads.
Union Blas,-ts
Study Policy
WASHINGTON (AI)-A striking
union accused Eastern Air Lines
yesterday of trying to force un-
needed pilot training on flight
engineers in order to push them
out of jet age jobs.
George R. Petty Jr., president of
the Flight Engineers' International
Assn., said both the company and
the pilots are trying to make job
vacancies for pilots at the expense
of aircraft and engine mechanics.
Petty said in a statement: "In
addition to wages and working
conditions the principal issue is
whether the mechanical specialist
flight engineer on Eastern Air
Lines should be forced to learn to
fly a Piper Cub in order to keep
his place on 600 m.p.l. jet air-
The "third seat" behind the
controls of an airliner now is held
by a flight engineer who some-
times is, but need not be, a li-
censed flier.

-Daily-Allan Winder
"AURA" APPEARS-The bronze and silver modernistic sculpture
given to the University by the Class of 1958 and designed by Prof.
McClure has finally been erected in the Undergraduate Library's
exhibition room. The only addition yet to be made is the name-
Library Erects Sculpture'
Designed by Prof. McClure'
"Aura," the $1,500 bronze and silver gift of the Class of 1958, is
up in the Undergraduate Library.
The modernistic sculpture designed by Prof. Thomas McClure
of the architecture and design school. was put up in the exhibition
room on the first floor of the library at 10 a.m. Sunday.
"It. only took a couple of hours," Prof. McClure said, explaining
that he had no particular trouble in erecting the art object. "We

Exp los ions
Ruin Plants
RANDOLPH, Mass. W)-Three
explosions, each followed by huge
sheets of flame, yesterday de-
stroyed the main plants of two
adjacent fireworks companies,
killing one man and injuring seven
other persons.
The victim, John Vizziello, 64
years old, of Boston, was so badly
burned that the body was un-
identified for more than three
Authorities at first believed the
body was that of a woman. Iden-
tification was made, largely,
through a large belt buckle which
Vizziello was known to have been
The deafening blasts turned the
production centers of the Rock-
land Fireworks Co. and the Bay
State Fireworks Co. into piles of
Damage was estimated at more
than $100,000.
Vizziello and about three others
were at work in the Rockland
Plant at the time. No one was in
the Bay State Plant.
Two of the injured were in
serious condition. They are Lewis
Massere, 32 years old, one of nine
brothers who own Rockland, and
a woman identified as Emily Mag-
nussen, about 22 years old, of

fastened it on a wooden frame
and carried it over from my stu-
At the library the statue was
fastened to the back panel de-
signed especially to support it.
Prof. McClure also had to add a
few sections to the eight-foot
structure that were removed to
enable it to fit in his studio where
it has been stored.
"The only thing left to be done
is the name plate which is at the
foundry now. It will probably be
ready in a week or so," Prof. Mc-.
Clure said.
The modernistic sculpture is'
fastened above a special 1,700-lb.
slate slab that was shipped to the
Unviersity from Vermont.
Chief Backs
In a statement issued yesterday,
Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ernest Hel-
ler criticized "those well-inten-
tioned but misinformed persons
who are attempting to defend the
Fire Department" in its handling
of the Nov. 10 fire fatal to Dr.
Aaron R. Edwards of the Univer-'
sity Hospital staff and his two
Following the fire at the Ed-
wards home at 916 .Church St.,
charges and counter-charges have
appeared, both verbally and in
letters to The Daily and The Ann
Arbor News, about action taken by
firemen and city police officers at
the scene.
Chief Heller said it wis his be-
ilef that the fire was fought "with
the best equipment available" and
that "no time was lost in receiv-
ing the request for help."
"Every effort was made to en-
ter the house and rescue the oc-
cupants," he said. "How the blaze
gained such a terrific headway
before it was discovered may never
be known. I feel that further let-
ter-writing or charges against any
department or individual can be
of little help."

Ann Arbor,
State Papers
Striking members of the Inter-
national Typographical Union are
expected to force The Ann Arbor
News to suspend publication of
today's edition.
The News will follow the Grand
Rapids Herald as the second of
the nine members of Booth News-
papers, Inc., to be hit by the walk-
out. Other papers in the chainaare
in Bay City, Jackson, Saginaw,
Flint, Kalamazoo and Muskegon.
In a prepared statement, News
manager George P. McCallum
said, "Union printers employed by
the News have indicated they will
not report for work this morning.
First Closure
"For the first time since this
newspaper and its predecessors
were established 124 years ago,"
the statement read, "we are
forced to miss publication because
of a strike."
The statement continued, "Our
relations with ITU, extending over
a period of nearly 40 years in Ann
Arbor, heretofore have been
friendly and cooperative." It ex-
pressed "deep regret" over the
strike, "which now interrupts the
service of news and advertising in
The Ann Arbor News.
"We have offered the union
wages which are in excess of the
national average for comparable
newspapers," the statement said.
"Our welfare policies have been
models for the trade.
Fail to Talk
"The present break," it de-
clared, "follows a period in which
the Union has failed to negotiate
in accordance with honored cus-
tom. They have persisted in de-
mands which are far in excess of
any settlement in the newspaper
The statement concluded, "We
hope that publication may be re-
sumed in the near future."
News editor Arthur Gallagher
said that, although there are "no
plans to publish," the editorial
staff will report as usual.
Negotiations between the Booth
chain and the union had been
continuing in Lansing, although
the ITU contract had expired
Oct. 1.
Ask Wage Hike
The dispute reportedly has the
union asking either a 13 cents an
hour increase on a new one-year
contract, or 13 and 10 cents on
another two-year pact. The ITU
has said the present journeyman
salary is $3.12 an hour.
There was no immediate state-
ment from the ITU.
TP men at the Grand Rapids
Press, afternoon paper, also
walked out, stopping publication
of the Press' "Bulldog" edition.
Pickets appeared at both the Her-
ald and the Press and also the
Jackson Citizen-Patriot.
Other daily newspapers in the
Booth group, all of which are
afternoon publications, are in Bay
City, Ann Arbor, Jackson, Sagi-
naw, Flint, Kalamazoo and Mus-
Booth newspapers issued its
statement at Detroit.

of trouble. The
is Algeria.
From results{
round Assembly

big friction point
of Sunday's first
elections, this ap-

Army Plans '
spy Missile
Space Probe
fense Department is preparing to
announce plans for the first mis-
sile and satellite launchings on
the Pacific coast,
But the Sentry or Pied Piper
Project is not on the list - there
will be no reconnaissance satellite
launching for at least a year, a
defense official said.
At the same time it was con-
firmed that the Army's first space
probe, tentatively set for launch-
ing from Cape Canaveral, Fla.,
next week, will be much lighter
and simpler than the Air Force
Pioneer Lunar probe.
The Army probe will be'
launched with a new rocket com-
bination called Juno. This is a
modified Jupiter Intermediate
Range Ballistic Missile topped by
three solid propellant rocket
stages much like the upper stages
of the Jupiter-C combination that
launched the Explorer satellites.
The Army probe will be set to
pass the moon at a distance of
10,000 to 50,000 miles and travel
on into the gravitational field of
the sun, possibly to become a baby
,Ike Order
Augusta, Ga. (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower today or-
dered a penetrating evaluation of
the United States military aid pro-
gram with the goal of bolstering
free world defenses.
Republican William H. Draper,
Jr., Undersecretary of the Army
in the Truman administration and
a former ambassador to NATO
under President Eisenhower was
named chairman of a nine-mem-
ber committee with wide experi-
ence in key government jobs.
Draper, 64, directed the Berlin
airlift from Washington during the
Communist blockade nearly 10
years ago. He now makes his home
in Mexico City.
The appointment of Draper was
to lead what President Eisenhower
termed "a completely independent,
objective, non-partisan analysis"
of the military assistance program.

PARIS (A-A compact rightist
group called de Gaullists will be
riding high in France's new
National Assembly.
Paradoxically, they may cause
Premier Charles de Gaulle a pack

e urauutists LdCaltlg
In Assembly Elections

pears clear; de Gaulle will be lead-
ing with a hard core of deputies
with less liberal thinking than
himself on that North African
territory. A solid chunk of per-
haps even more conservative dep-
uties is expected to be sent to
Paris from Algeria in Algerian
balloting next weekend.
Last month de Gaulle took the
unprecedented step of proposing
safe passagerfor top rebel leaders
to discuss ac cease-fire in the
four-year-old rebellion. A lively
discussion developed over wheth-
er this might not amount to
quas-official recognition of the
rebel organization.
De Gaulle earlier had proposed
a sweeipng five-year plan for
boosting the economic and xph
tical status of Algeria's depressed
nine million North Africans, a
plan with a high price tag for
While trumpeting allegiance to
de Gaulle, a number of the candi-
dates who scored well Sunday'find
his Algerian thinking hard to
De Gaulle would have preferred
a substantial moderate bloc to
second him on Algeria and act as
a counterweight to the die-hards.
However, the vote all but si-
lenced the serious minded moder-
ate opposition.
India Asks
S pace Peace
India and two other nations pro-
posed yesterday that the United
States and the Soviet Union get
together in order to break the
East-West deadlock on outer
Burma and the United Arab
Republic joined India in putting
a formal resolution before the
United Nations political committee
as it approached a vote on crea-
tion of a study group to lay the
groundwork for a permanent
United Nations outer space body.
The resolution would have the
United Nations call on the United
States and the Soviet Union to
form a two-nation committee to
consider peaceful and constructive
uses of outer space.
It would instruct the two powers
to report to the General Assembly
"on an urgent basis" on an agreed
and practical approach to the
India and other neutral nations
had 'expressed belief that East-
West approval is vital to any
United Nations proposal dealing
with outer space.
liritish Party
Asks Neutral
Peace Policy
LONDON (- - Britain's Labor
Party says it will seek to neutralize
Central Europe, Formosa and the
Middle East if it wins power in
national elections expected to be
held next year.
These foreign policy goals were
a main plank in a 6,000-word elec-
tion platform issued yesterday.
Along with a detailed disarma-
ment program, they were offered
as the basis of a British peace
initiative to end the cold war.
The election manifesto declared
a Labor-ruled Britain could break
through fear and suspicion threat-
ening to destroy the world in nu-
clear war.I
Broadly the Laborites pledged to
slow down on Socialist measures
at home but to adopt a more leftist
line abroad.
The pollsters say Prime Minis-
ter Harold Macmillan's govern-

ment probably would be returned
comfortably if he were to call an

France Cite*..
Lord Mayor Brandt
Terms Submission
Impossible Idea'
BERLIN () - Western experts
last night studied - many with
grave doubts - proposals to ram
armed convoys through any Com- ,
munist blockade of West Berlin,
Talk of tank led convoys and.
armored trains is heard1 from somex
Western officials in the event of
an East German blockade of this
isolated city.
It is on propoed answe if-
Iisoepooeanwras expected shortly-the Russians
transfer to East Germany their
controls over Western lifelines to
West Berlin.
The West Germans are balking
at an alternative plan under study
by the United States, Britain and
France for accepting East Germauz
controls on a nonrecognition basis.
"I think it is an impossible idea.
that the Western powers .. .place
themselves under the control of
the regime in East Germany," said
West Berlin's Lord Mayor Willy
Brandt in a radio interview yes-
In Bonn, West German Foreign
Office sources said the get-tough
idea is gaining ground among the
Western allies.
But the prospect that the Coin-"
munists might start shooting,
makes many shudder.
To understand why, It is only
necessary to look at the practical
military problems of r ~nng a
gauntlet to West Berlin, 110 miles
behind the Iron Curtain. The bulk
of supplies for'Western garrisons
come in on a railroad from West
Germany. The military train -
under four - power accords - are
pulled into West Berlin from th'
West German border by Corn-
munist engines.
Armored trains would not have
much chance of breaking through
if the East Germans decided to
leave strings of freight cars park-
ed on the rail.
Firm Policy
Agaminst Reds
J' .
of State John Foster Dulles as-
serted yesterday the Western
powers will act with "unity ind
firmness" to defend West Beln
against Communist threats.
yHe emphasized this united an4'
to dispel reports that the n
States, Britain, France and West..
Germany were split over how far
t~o go blocking Russia's move to
drive the Western Big Three out
of the divided city.
Sec. Dulles made his comments
at the airport as he returned from
a five-day vacation on Lake Gn-
tario to take personal charge of
the State Department's Berlin
In answering questions, he ruled
out any immediate allied meeting
on Berlin which would dramntls
the allied intention of standing
firm. He left the way open for ;a
future such meeting with these
"The Sovlets could always makez
one necessary, but we don't know
yet what their plans are. There
have been hints and suggestlon#
but no clear indication, of theIr
intentions one way or the other.
"I am confident that whatever
position they manifest will be me
with unity and firmness."

West German Ambassador Wil-
helm Grewe backed up See.
Dulles' contention that there was
no major differences about how
to meet Russia's maneuvers,
Court Rules

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
TOKYO -- Typhoon Nancy hurled 150 m.p.h. winds northward
across the Pacific toward Japan yesterday.
The big storm was located 700 miles south southeast of Okinawa
at 3 a.m, by United States Air Force weather spotters.
* * *
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Greek speaking schoolgirls fought with
British troops in strikebound Nicosia yesterday. The girls paraded

with anti-British posters. The,
tioops were ordered to disperse
them and used tear gas. Several
hand-to-hand skirmishes took
, *S
FLORENCE, Italy - Italy's Re-
bii n P t *aid "nn" -t-


Martha Cook Skit Wins at Fortuite

r .r _ _. ._._. _..

u1can rary l vyes r1
day to an invitation from Premier By JEAN HARTWIG
Amintore Fanfani to enter his
coalition government, Dressed in black leotards, strumming guitars and carrying green
The Republican Party, though book bags, the women of Martha Cook won the Fortnite competition
it has only six parliamentary last night,
seats, could have given Premier The winning skit entitled "My Boh Heaven" depicted the mis-
Fanfani's shaky government the adventures of the littlest bohemian who finally "out boh'd the bohs"
absolute majority it now lacks in to become the most "gung-ho boh" of them all. Betsy Barbour came in
the Chamber of Deputies. second place with "Heavenly Daisy" featuring a vocal chorus and
Fanfani's Christian Democrats L'il Abner and Daisy Mae. "Peanuts in Heaven," which placed Stock-
now have 274 seats in the Cham- well Hall third in the competition, depicted Charlie Brown and his
ber. The Social Democrats, their cohorts as they faced heavenly judgment.
allies in the government, have 22.
* * * Best Support
KHARTOUM, Sudan - Gen. The award for the best supporting skit went to Hinsdale House

- I~ .~ IiW ~

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