"Gosh, I Think We're Outnumbered"
. .
Six y-Ninth Year
hen Oplnlons Are Free
Trut~b Witt Prevall
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inditidual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
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Trade Agreement Ease
Tensions in Germany
Y, NOVEMBER 22, 1958
Proposed Hours Revision
Challenges University Women
'HIS WEEK a much-needed plan for the re-
vision of women's hours was brought before
e League Senate.
The plan, devised by Women's Judic;iary
mncil, is not a spur-of-the-moment bid for
iblicity. It has been under discussion since
st spring, and assistance has been sought
id received from the Dean of Women's Of-
ce and the house directors.
The need for a revision became obvious with
ie opening of the Undergraduate Library
hich has a 12 midnight closing. It is mani-
stly unfair to deprive women at the Univer-
ty of the use of these study facilities for the
nal hour and a half by making it necessary
r them to be in their housing units by 10:30
k7HILE THE library hours may be a begin-
ning, they are hardly the only reason for
change in the women's hours. Things simply
on later at night than they did back before
rorld War II when the' present hours were
t up. There are concerts, lectures, class proj-
:ts, varsity athletic events, departmental
ojects, rehearsals, a wide variety of events
ling on in the evening for which either Dean's
ermissions or Automatic Late Permissions
ust be obtained. The latest example of such
1 event would be the Pete Seeger Concert,
bich, as it was not a University-sponsored
ent, did not qualify for a 45-minute exten-
on. However, as it did not end until 10:25 p.m.
was impossible for women to get back to
ieir dormitories or sorority houses before a
):30 p.m. closing.
The present system of women's hours really
resents a remarkable patchwork, as Sarah
rasin, chairman of Womens' Judiciary Coun-
1 pointed out. Regular closing is 10:30 p.m.
Kcept for seniors, who have an 11 p.m. closing,
here is the 45-minute extension plan for Uni-
ersity-sponsored events, with the approval of
Vomen's Judiciary Council. Each girl is al-
wed six Automatic Late Permissions, allow.
ing her to stay out until 12 midnight, each
semester. There are special hours for Orienta-
tion and Registration week, for Thanksgiving
and intersession vacations and for summer
session. If nothing else, the changes would
eliminate considerable bookkeeping and paper-I
The proposed plan would make only four
changes. There would be a 12 midnight clos-
ing for upperclassmen and an 11 p.m. closing
for freshmen Sunday through Thursday; fresh-
men would be granted eight ALPs per semester
and housing units would be closed to callers
and visitors at 10:55 p.m. There would be no
changes in opening hours, calling hours or
weekend hours.
Some changes in details would be necessi-
tated by the change in hours. The major one
of these is the problem of house meetings in
the independent housing units. It would hard-
ly be practical to hold these meetings at mid-
night, so a clause has been inserted into the
plan allowing housing units to enforce early
closing for house meetings, when desired, with
the concurrence of Women's Judic.
If the plan is passed by the Senate at its
next meeting on Dec. 3, an administrative com-
mittee, made up of representatives from Sen-
ate, Assembly Association, Panhellenic Associa- .
tion, Women's Judiciary Council, the house di-
rectors and possibly others, would be set up to
decide the details.
The new plan at last allows women at the
University to exercise their judgement as adults
in deciding, to some extent at least, when they
will be in the dormitories. It is not a require-
ment to stay out until midnight, but permis-
sion to stay out until 12 midnight.
The University, through the approval of the
plan by the Dean of Women's Office, has al-
ready acknowledged its trust of their good
judgement. All that remains now is for the
women to show that they also have faith in
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Associated Press News Analyst
THE NEW trade agreement be-
tween East and West Germany
seems to relieve the Allies of the
possibility that they would have
to feed West Berlin's people as
well as themselves in event of a
new blockade.
Nobody can tell how any agree-
ment with Com'munists will turn
out. But to this extent, at least,
tension has been eased.
The ability of the West Germans
to force a free acoess clause into
the trade agreement also reveals
the East German need of com-
merce with the West as a possible
lever in all future relations. It may
make West Germany a far more
important force in future dealings
with the Reds on what are pri-
marily Allied occupation matters.
The West has assessed Russian
plans to withdraw from Berlin as
being directed primarily at forcing
the Allies into negotiations which
will represent at least partial ree-
ognition of the satellite govern-
ment as an entity.
The international Communists
have been .promoting the two-
Germanys idea ever since their
cynical agreement at Geneva that
Germany should be united..
EVEN MORE important to the
Russians, however, may be the
hope that by withdrawal from
West Berlin they can encourage
all-German agitation for ultimate
withdrawal of all foreign forces
from the country.
This would not only foster the
Red political campaign against the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion. It also promotes their agita-
tion for a neutralized Germany.
This springs from very real fears
which are shared by all of Eastern
Europe entirely apart from Com-
munist politics.
*A fi=t.
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The Inoming Tide
World Enter
WASHINGTON-The Eisenhower weapons capable of tra
Administration is again re- miles or more and l
ducing the armed forces in the speakable destruction;
face of what is responsibly admit- of the line-will be in"
ted here to be a hardening line by numbers." That is, he
the Russian and Chinese Coin- many of them. Alrea
munists all across the world. tested a number-mo
The Pentagon, under orders from handful; less than,20.
President Eisenhower, iscutting All the same, even no
military nanpower by 70,000 to a sians are putting on t
total force, for all services con- across many seas-an
bined, of 2,525,000 or less. Does Soviet Union as well
this inevitably mean less actual Their probing challen
firepower? On this point there is west around Berlin
endless and insoluble argument. Worrying us-though
Some experts contend we are "get- the Russians will not
ting more Pang for a buck by thing to a point whe
streamlining the forces." And there is dang
Other experts retort that this wrld interests from
slogan is as nonsensical as it is in Middle East to Venezi
poor taste. It is like arguing, says
this group, that a thing-defense- Argentine fro a
tomention ifrom tki
can become bigger on the inside China to Indonesia to
while it becomes smaller on the the Far East. Commu
outside. sion is, quite frankly,d
well in many places, a
WHAT IS CLEAR beyond any it.
dispute, however-indeed what is The Russians, at the
freely conceded-is all the follow- are seen as having al
ing: doned their long clam
Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet us into a so-called n
dictator, is moving his policies armament" that wou
back toward the sullen menace of essential power balanc
the old Stalin days. We know it to their side. Why they h
be a fact that "toughness" is suc- is another in a long li
ceeding a comparatively long enigmas.
period of. relative relaxation in the * *
Kremlin. Chillingly, we don't know IT IS BECAUSE the
why; we don't even have a good will adopt proposalss
educated guess. of Senator Albert Gor
The consensus still is that to stop all our bomb
Khrushchev does not want war- immediate upper air
not, at any rate, for two or three with vital undergrounr
years. After that period, his inter- space experiments?{
continental ballistics missiles - draw most of the teeth
s 'Era of Anger'
OR THE NEXT two years the president must
live with a Congress which has a strong
enocratic majority, and in this majority the
arthern Democrats will have more power than
ey had before. In the shrunken Republican
nority, the "moderns" will have more to say
an they had before the elections shattered
e Old Guard. Much will depend upon how
'esident Dwight D. Eisenhower decides to deal
th the new political line-up and how hp
terprets the changes which it reflects.
For it would be a mistake to suppose that
>thing important is changed, and that some-
w Sen. Lyndon Johnson is a worker of mir-
les who can, or will wish, to make the new
ongress act as if it were the old one. To be
re, Sen. Johnson is a moderate and coopera-
ve man, but he is also a professional politician
ad he has already made it plain that he
cows that there is a new tide running in our
No doubt, it would be wrong to regard as
finite and conclusive President Eisenhower's
st reaction on the morning after election
3y. Yet there was truth-though it was not
e wholetorethe main truth-in his saying
Lat the electorate "obviously voted for people
iat I would class among the spenders." It is
"ue that the main political generation are
repared for a lot more public spending on
ublic services and publicfacilities and on
ational defense. This can be said not only of
ost of the Democrats. It is conspicuously true
Nelson Rockefeller.
the new Governor of New York is a "spender"
i that he stands for a much enlarged effort to
leet public needs which, if they are to be met
t all, must be financed publicly. Tlaere can be
ttle question, it seems to me, that Rockefeller
id not win the election only because he is an
ttractive man with a celebrated and greatly
espected name. He won it because he is identi-
ed in the public mind with a long, persistent,
aried, and expert concern with the public
eeds of this growing and expanding nation.
Before the President adopts a stubborn and
erile opposition to what the younger genera-
on is up to, he should make a careful study of
[r. Rockefeller's victory. For there, most clearly
erhaps than in any of the other elections, he
an see what is happening. There is a "tide."
ut it is not primarily a Democratic tide. It is
)emocratic only when the Republicans act like
lot of complaining old codgers, like the old
ronies of Colonel Blimp, fighting in the present
he battles of their youth.
rHE TIDE is largely Democratic because the
Democrats, at least outside the South, are
n the whole younger and more modern and less
todgy than are most of the Republicans who
un for office.
What is this tide which has brought in both
Rockefeller and a great Democratic majority?
It is propelled, I believe, by the growing con-
viction, based on personal experience of living
in countless American communities, that our
public needs are not being adequately met. The
face of America has changed since Dwight
Eisenhower was a boy in Kansas. We have be-
come in large part a mass society living in
congested urban agglonlerations. One half of
our people live in metropolitan areas; in the
six Northeastern states four-fifths of the people
live close together in such metropolitan areas.
This is not the only reason, but it is an
important and a sufficient reason, why the
country today is compelled to spend on civilian
projects more public money than it used to
spend. Out in the country or even in small
villages, the individual can do many things for
himself which in the city must be done by
public enterprise. There is no need to labor the
obvious. When a community grows from, let
us say, 10,000 inhabitants to 100,000, the cost
of the public services required is bound to go
up more than ten times. For the larger com-
munity requires extensive facilities-as, for
example, wider roads and underpasses-which
the small town does not have to have at all.
BECAUSE OF THE great cost of the second
World War and the very large cost of the
cold war, this cotntry, which is a very different
country from what it was twenty years ago, is
in a predicament. It is rich in the things that
money can buy, and it is, speaking compara-
tively, poor in the services and the facilities
that private enterprise cannot supply.
From now on, barring a great war, our in-
ternal politics will be dominated, we may be
reasonably certain, by this predicament.
In it lies the real problem of "spending." The
problem is whether the productivity of our
economy can be increased so that public spend-
ing can be increased without forcing a decrease
in private spending, perhaps even while per-
mitting an increase in private spending. This
will be the subject of a great debate in the
years ahead of us.
THERE ARE, no doubt, many different con-
clusions to be drawn from all this. But the
first conclusion I would draw is that the
President should look not only at his $80,000,-
000,000 budget and its $12.000,000,000 deficit.
He should look also at the problem of the
economy which is still running below capacity.
And last but not least, he should look squarely
at the vast complex of difficulties which are
being caused by the lag in our public services,
and at the human strain to which this lag sub-
jects our people.
For the future, which he must face for an-
other two years, will be greatly concerned with
this lag. It will be concerned with the lag in the
provision of schools and colleges, with the lag
in hospitals and medical services, with the
deficiency of highways and the backwardness
veling 5,000
eaving un-
at the end
e will have
dy, he has
re than a
ow the Rus-
;he pressure
d inside the
as outside.
nges to the
are much
we believe
yet push the
re we must
er to free-
Iraq in -the
uela and the
tan to Indo-
}Formosa in
nist subver-
doing all too
and we know
e same time,
l but aban,-
mor to force
uclear "dis-
ild leave the
ce tipped on
have done so
st of sinister
y suspect we
such as that
e (D-Tenn.)
tests in the
but go on
ad and outer
(This would
from Soviet
The Allies can only await de-
velopments as they plan to meet
the new Russian maneuver.
FIRST AND foremost, they will
not surrender the people of West
Berlin to the Communists. That
would be a catastrophe making the
possible loss of such a place as
Quemoy look like a pimple on an
elephant's rump.
Secondly, they will not recognize
East Germany, which would doom
Thirdly, they learned some "les-
sons from the 1948 blockade when
they had to resort to aerial supply
of both the occupation forces and
the Wet Berlin population. They
may not lies down and play doggo
at the first roadblock.
A cademi
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
letter reprinted from the Wolf Maga-
zine of Letters was reportedly writ-
ten by Prof. William Staffir, forxserly
of san Jose state College.)
Dear Coach Musselmen:
REMBEME. our discussions of
your football men who are hav-
ing trouble in English. Well, I
have decided to ask you, in turn,
for some help.
We feel that Paul Spindles, one
of our most promising scholars,
has a chance for a Rhodes Schol-
arship, which would be a great
thing for our college. Paul has the
academic record for the award,
but we find the aspirant is also
required to have other excellences,
and ideally should have a good.
rebord in athletics. Paul is weal.
He tries hard, but has trouble in
athletics. Yet he does try Bard.
We propose that you give some
consideration to Paul as a varsty'
player, putting him if possible in
the backfield of the football team.
In this way we can show a better
college record to the committee
deciding on the Rhodes Shclar-
We realize that Paul will be a
problem on the field, but - as
you have often reminded us - co-
operation between our department
and yours is highly desirable, and
we do expect Paul to try hard, of
course. During intervals of study,
we shall coach him as much as
possible. His work in the English
Club and on the Debate Team will
force him to miss many practices,
but we intend to see that he car-
ries an old football around to
bounce (or whatever one does
with a football) during intervals
in his work.
We expect Paul to show entire
good will in his work for you, and
though he will not be able to e-
gin football practice till late in
the season, he will finish the sea-
son with good attendance,
Respectfully yours,
--Benjamin Plotinus,
Cncer Report
Do cigarettes cause lung can-
cer? The United States tobacco
industry has, five research groups
looking for the answer. Progress
report: Two years of tests with
animals so far have "Not result-
ed in any malignant tumors."
U. S. News and World Report
propaganda picturing us as insist-
ing on poisoning the atmosphere
while it would permit us to go
ahead with our weapons work in
areas where there could be no
harmful fall-out.)
Or is it simply that the Russians
are taking up a brutal candor and
implicitly admitting that they are
now turning on the heat valve and
shutting off the charm valve?
None of this do we know. We
know only that on the most hope-
ful possible estimate we are enter-
ing a period of vast anger for the
next two or three years. And if
all goes in the best possible way
beyond this time we shall confront
many years-and perhaps decades
-of exhausting and perilous cold
ALL THESE circumstances will
suggest whybthe truly adult poli-
ticians in both parties in this
country will not be irresponsible
enough to try to tear the Eisen-
hower Administration to shreds in
its coming last two years. They all
know how scary is the score. And
they all know that nobody alive-
no Congress, no party-can direct
the President's operation of the
Pentagon. There is only one com-
mander-in-chief; and it is he.
They all desperately hope he is
right about military manpower;
many desperately fear he may be
wrong. But there is nothing what-
ever they can usefully do about it.
All can only earnestly wish for
the President, in this matter, the
best possible success in this au-
tumn of his public life.
(Copyright 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Extended Hours: Women students
who attended Gilbert and Sullivan
Thurs., Nov. 20, had extended hours
until 11:10 p.m.
Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering
presents Prof. Hideo Itokawa, Institute
of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo,
on Mon., Nov. 24, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 1504
E. Eng. Bldg. His topic will be "The
Japanese Sounding Rocket Program."
Public Health Assembly: "Present'
Status of Public Health Affairs" Dr.
Leroy E. Burney, Surgeon General, U.S.
Public Health Service, Mon., Nov. 24,
4:00 p.m., School of Public Health Aud.
Jerome Hines, Metropolitan Opera
basso, will be heard in recitaljn the
fifth concert in the Choral'Union
Series, Mon., Nov. 24, 8:30 pm., Hill
Aud. Mr. Hines, with Alexander Alexay
at the piano, will present an interest-
ing program which includes arias from
Mozart's "Cosi fan tutte," "The Magic
Flute," and "Marriage of Figaro;" Ver-
di's "Don Carlos," Rossini's "Barber of
(Continued on Page 5)
Californians Defend Local Politics
Irony . .
To the Editor:
LAST WEEK our campus news-
paper, The Daily Californian,
printed a resume of an editorial
by Nan Markel of your paper. The
remarks of our Governor-elect
"Pat" Brown were blatantly mis-
construed and ironic because just
above Miss Markel's blast, there
appears the worthy slogan "when
opinions are free, truth will pre-
vail." However, opinions expressed
should at least be based on some
semblance of the facts, in order
that truth should emerge. The
purpose of this letter is to supply
your readers with the accurate
Miss Markel wrote, "It is very
difficult to conceive of any way
for him (Mr. Brown) to imple-
ment his stand." "Withdrawal of
recognition, as those here well
know" she continued, "is a diffi-
cult ,delicate, and perhaps impos-
sible undertaking." The article
concluded, "Understandably, he
(Mr. Brown) was anxious to get
Knowland down on every possible
count. But his stand is unenforce-
able within the realm of possibil-
ity. It can be discounted as the
usual 'campaign myth'." This is
not true.
Mr .rnwn's nronoal is simpnl
these groups may not happen to
discriminate - a point which ad-
mittedly cannot be proven in all
cases - the mere existence of re-
strictive clauses preserves on pa-
per something that we must elim-
inate if we are to ever rid it from
the minds of men.
This is Mr. Brown's stand. The
stand is enforceable through the
courts of our country. Substanti-
ating legal precedent has already
been rendered in Smith vs. Al-
wright and in the "Little Rock de-
cisions." A brief has already been
submitted to the Attorney-Gen-
eral of California requesting him
to issue an opinion on this matter.
Newly-elected Attorney-General
Stanley Mosk will soon deliver
that decision at which time the
Board of Regents of the Univer-
sity may decide to adopt the de-
cision as policy or wait until an
appeal is made to the courts and
an injunction is issued. This stand
is hardly a "campaign myth."
-Allan Solomonow
-Mike Schutz
Hours. . .
To the Editor:
IT IS BEYOND my comprehen-
sion how an individual can vote
against a measure which would
increase his freedom of action.
Do these dissenters prefer im-
posed restrictions to self-disci-
pline? Would they really rather be
told what they can do than have
the opportunity of making their
own decisions? Is this not atime
when all of us (males and fe-
males) must begin to choose and
discipline for himself in his study
habits, sleeping hours, dating cur-
fews, etc.
Perhaps this is a somewhat
broader view than is usually pre-
sented in defense of extended wo-
men's hours. There are more spe-
cific points to be made in the re-
spect that men, since the opening
of the Undergraduate Library, en-
joy better study facilities than do
women. Other considerations in-
clude the impossibility of "really"
studying in the dorms after hours.
Unfortunately, we do not all pos-
sess the powers of concentration
of our dean of women to be able
to learn Latin while riding a sub-
Many women probably don't
want to study in the library until
11:45, most of us leave by 10
o'clock anyway. But the point is
that when we want to, when we
need to, we can.
Why then do women vote
against.extended hours? Is it be-
cause dorm officials are afraid
they will have a hard time holding
corridor meetings, house meet-
ings, committee meetings, choir
rehearsals, etc? Is it because they
prefer the pandemonium of 10:30
to a gradually dying roartbetween
10:80 and 12 o'clock? Do they lik~e
not taking the responsibility of
settingktheir own curfew? After
all, it is easier sometimes to have
the RA standing at the door flash- -
ing the light off and on than to
have to tell your date yourself
that it's time to go in. (And the
10:30 mobs are so dignified!)
It is as reasonable for those
women who want to maintain the
10:30 hours to deny others the
right of 12 o'clocks, as it is for
those of us who want the later
hours to deny others the right of
10:30 hours. Extended hours are
not an impingement of anyone's
freedom - unless they are denied.
-Brenda Brimmer, '59
To the Editor:
WE STUDENTEN von der out-
landisch ironisch - kurtain
Kountries kann nicht understand-
en das Squablen ober S.G.C. We
ist hearen dass die Fuhrers bin
schmacken down dem Studenten.
You say, der Reich ist bin given
you das Power to upmaken and
auskarryen den Laws. In gober--
mentisch Procedur only die Fuhr-
ers haben das Power of down-
S nimor'e Says
-1,11 / IV44