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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
raTVA %. i41NAa
VOL. LXMX No 56_______________
Council Elects New Officers,
Debates Proposal To Dissolve 4
East Germans To Contro
Adams Sees Religious Course Need
May Chance
New Conflict
-Daily-Peter Anderson
NEW OFFICERS-Student Government Council held its election of officers last night. Those chosen
were Mort Wise (left), executive vice-president, Maynard Goldman, president, Jo Hardee, adminis-
trative vice-president, and Ron Gregg, treasurer. Wise, Goldman and Miss Hardee were officers of
SGC last year.
student Government CouncilE
elected officers for the comingi
semester last night, then heard af
motion the Council be dissolved.e
Maynard Goldman, 59, was re-
elected president over Scott Chrys-
ler, '59BAd. Other members of the
new executive committee are Exec-
utive Vice-President Mort Wise,
'59, Administrative Vice-President
Jo Hardee, '60, and Treasurer Ron
Gregg, '60.,
His motion to dissolve SGC was
"not a gag," Daily Editor Richard
Taub, '59, explained afterward inI
members' time, but an attempt tol
get someone to say what he
thought the value of student gov-
ernment was.
Should Happen Regularly.
A special meeting on this sub-
ject should be held at the begin-
ning of each Council term, he said.
Plan Offers
Latter Hours
For Women
A plan for the revision of wo-
men's hours was presented to the
League Senate at yesterday's
The plan, devised by the Wo-
men's Judiciary Council and ap-
proved by the Dean of Women's
office, has only four actual
changes, Sarah Drasin, '59, chair-
man of Women's Judiciary Coun-
cil, said. These include a mid-
night closing for upperclassmen
and an 11 pam. closing for fresh-
den .Sunday through Thursday,
eight automatic late permissions
per semester for freshmen and a
10:5epim. closing for the housing
Houses to Form Own Policies
A clause was added at the sug-
gestion of Christine Wells, '9Ed.,
Assembly vice-president, stating
that "individual housing units,
with the concurrence of Women's
Judiciary Council, would formu-
late policies concerning house
This would enable the inde-
pendent houses to enforce an
early closing hour for house meet-
ing whenever they wished.
At first, Miss Drasin said, a
midnight closing for all women
had been planned, but pressure
fa theeDean of Women's office,
the house directors and the girls
themselves brought about the ear-
Der closing for freshmen.
Elintes 'Patchwork
The housing units would close
to, visitors and callers at 10:55
p.m. but women could enter:and
leave until midnight.
The revised hours would elim-
Inate the present "patchwork" of
women'p hours, Miss Drasin said.
They" would abolish irregular
hours during the two days preced-
ing vacations. ALP's for upper-
classmen, the 45 minute extension
for University-sponsored events,
special "senior hours," Irregular
hours for orientation and regis-
ration week, summer session
hours and special holiday and va-
cation hours.
Technic' Sale
The immediate reaction of the
Council, which Taub characterizedi
as. "shocked disbelief," disip-4
pointed him because they either
assumed he wasn't serious or that
such talks would concern specific
problems such as the jurisdictional
dispute with the administration,,
he said.
"It makes me a little sick to my,
s omach," Assembly Association
Zresident Pat Marthenke, '59, had
declared, "that we are taking this
motion seriously."
Agrees with idea,
Miss Marthenke said in Mem-
bers' Time that this statement
had been "an emotional outburst,"
and that she agreed whole-heart-
edly that a thorough discussion of
the value and aims of student
government was in order.
Union President Barry Shapiro,
'59, said, "Instead of preaching,
as in The Daily, let's try to be
constructive. This is nothing but a"
waste of time."
Goldman said he felt the "sen-
sationalism completely unneces-
sary" since a motion to devote
time to discussing the point to
student government would be in
order at any time.
Says Value Low
Moreover, Goldman continued,
he does not see how anyone could
.chair such a meeting nor how any
conclusions could be reached
which would be of any value when
the cards were down.
Two diametrically opposite con-
cepts of student government have
been presented, Taub said during
Members Time. He was referring
to the view expressed by Goldman
and Chrysler in speeches preceding
the election.
"Student government has one
purpose only," Chrysler said. "This
is to benefit the Council, the stu-
dent body and the University in
h nrCooperation Lacking
Pointing to the Sigma Kappa
issue as an example, Chrysler said
that cooperation among the mem-
bers of SGC and between the
Council, students and administra-
tion has been noticeably lacking.
"If the original concept of stu-
dent government were kept in
mind, the Council would have both
student trust and the confidence
of the administration," he de-
- clared.
"Power in the Council has grown
more concentrated," Chrysler
maintained. "I would like to see
the power restored to the 18 SGC
World News
Goldman countered Chrysler's
statements, saying, "Student gov-
ernment is a government by and
for the students. It is not a gov-
ernment in cooperation with the
administration and faculty.
"We have tried to cooperate and.
compromise in past months in;
dealing with Sigma Kappa," he
continued. "But there comes a'
time when you can cooperate a
body right out of existence."
Goldman said that he has stood
for "strong, effective student gov-
ernment." It should be strong in
that it should stand up for its
ideas and it must be effective by
working in areas of responsibility,
he explained.
Defeat Calendaring Move
Immediately preceding Taub's
motion to dissolve the Council,
SGC defeated a motion to assign
all scheduling of events to the
Calendaring Committee barring
serious conflicts.
Because the Council now pays so
little attention to event calendar.
ing, perhaps the power should be
delegated to the committee, Fred
Merrill, '59, said. But ideally, he
continued, this should not happen.
David Kessel, Grad., revealed in
Members' Time that he "had come
prepared to resign his seat on the
"The Council is not dealing with
important problems in the right
way," he maintained.
Kessel indicated he had recon-
sidered this decision upon learning
that SGC was going to consider
the aims of student government.
Sudan Vows
To Keep Pacts
Of Republic
CAIRQ (2P)-Sudan's new revo-
lutionary government said yester-
day it would adhere to all inter-
national commitments made by
the old republic before the coup
Monday. ,
A Khartoum broadcast men-
tioned especially its dealings with
the United Nations and the Arab
League and reaffirmed that the
Sudan laws would remain intact.
Both Egypt and Britain, the
former joint rulers of Sudan, now
have recognized the Khartoum
Britain's recognition came one
day after the Egyptian notice of
recognition to strongman Gen.
Ibrihim Abboud.
The Middle East news agency
reported President Gamal Abdel
Nasser and Abboud exchanged
messages of good will during the
. new Russel Lecturer '
Wilder Wins
Russel Prize
For 1959
The highest honor the Univer-
sity can give a faculty member,
the Henry Russel Lecturer Award,
has been given to Raymond L.,
Wilder,nresearch professor of
Recommendation of the annual
Russel lecturer is made to the
Regents by the Faculty Research
Club Council in consultation with
former Russel lecturers. The an-
nouncement of the 1959 recipient
was made by Prof, Robert C. An-
gell, president of the Research
Prof. Wilder's main research has
been in topology, a comparatively
modern field of mathematics which
modern field of mathematics
which has had a great influence
on modern mathematics.
A graduate of Brown University,
he received Bachelor of Philosophy
and Master of Science degrees, and
five years later, in 1923, received a
Doctor of Philosophy degree from
the University of Texas.
During 1940-1941, he held a
Guggenheim Memorial Founda-
tion Fellowship, and received an
honorary Doctor of Science degree
from Bucknell University in 1955.
In 1958, he received a Doctor of
Science degree from Brown Uni-
Prof. Wilder became part of the
University faculty in 1926. At that
time he was an assistant professor
of mathematics, and has since
progressed from anassociate pro-
fessor, in 1929, to professorR of
mathematics in 1948, presently
occupying the position of research
professor of mathematics.
He will deliver the Russel Lec-
ture next spring. In 1958, the lec-
turer was Prof. Verner W. Crane,
of the history department.
The Russel Lectureship is~
awarded each year to the faculty
member who is adjudged to have
achieved the highest distinction
in his chosen field of scholarship,
and whose work as a teacher or
researcher is outstanding and
holds great promise for the future.
See ger, Terry
To Perform
At 7:45 p.m. today, folksingers
Pete Seeger and Sonny Terry will
appear in Hill Auditorium, one of
the several events scheduled as
part of International Week.
Seeger and Terry will present a
program of both American and in-
ternational folk songs, accom-
panying themselves on banjo,
harmonica and other instruments.
Tickets for the concert are on
sale at the Union.
"Religious interest and practice
shall not be stultified in the uni-
versity," Arthur S. Adams, presi-
dent of the American Council on
Education, said yesterday morn-
ing during the University Convo-
cation on "Religion in Today's
Adams voiced his opinions on
the place religion should assume
in a university environment, in
both the student's study of it as
an academic discipline and hisE
practice of a particular religious4
Cites Growing Student Interest
It is the university's responsi-
bility to provide adequate reli-
gious teaching, he said, to satisfy
the growing student interest in .
religion, "irrespective of the
source of the interest" which he
claimed may stem from a yearn-
ing for "inner security" or an in-
tellectual concern for answers to
"ultimate questions" on human
In any program of credit
courses in religion, it is neces-
sary to treat the subject "objec-
tively," he emphasized, drawing
the often "shadowy" line between
objectivity and "commitment to a
particular creed" by giving each
creed equally intensive study in
an intellectually stimulating com-
parative religions course.
Ministers Should Be Leaders
But he was "quick to add" that
there is nothing "essentially
wrong" in this attitude which he
said is often a result of the mu-
tual religious convictions of the
RELIGIOUS CONFERENCE-Arthur S. Adams (left) spoke at the
University Convocation yesterday morning on the role of the
state-supported university in the teaching of religion. Following
the Convocation, a luncheon was held in honor of President
Harlan Hatcher, who spoke of a reemphasis on spiritual values in
university courses.
Education Must Resolve
Problems To Get Funds
If education solves the problems that are essentially its own re-
sponsibility, financial support will come along, Arthur S. Adams said
in his second speech of the day.
Adams spoke before the 12th annual Conference on Higher Edu-
Education should not give first place in its list of problems to
lack of financial support, he said. Education needs to earn public
, !
Leadership of these religious support by solving its own special,
groups should ideally be by quali- problems, Adams told the meeting. T1
Ped ministers with an academic Although Adams said a com- (
training of "the same order as plete list of educational problems R ptc
that of the faculty members with "would fill a telephone book," he , , ,
which they will work," Adams in- named three problems that he
sisted, considers most important. C riticizes
Adams said faculty members They are the impending short-t
should have "such respect for re- age of top-quality teachers, the la
lig io n " th a t th e y w o u ld w elco m e n eed fo r a "fu n c tio n a l u n ity " in I I alr a o h w hm s u tn dl gIe
a close relationship with campus education and healing of the
ministry to "encourage the stu- schism between public and private By BARTON HUTHWAITE c
dent to develop and profess his schools.
faith" and "cultivate intellectual Active recruiting was suggested Repu blcan House Speaker
interest" in it, regardless of what by Adams as a partial answer to George M. Van Peursem lashed
it is. the need for teachers. He saw back yesterday at Rep. George W.
.some progressbeing made in rais- Sallade's proposal for Democratic
ing the salaries and status of organizational control at the next
tngachesa resa session of the evenly-divided House
H atcher Te reu"Education should be a single of Representatives.
thread for the student," Adams Sallade has not said he would
O said. There is a need for better definitely vote with the Democrats
contact between high schools and on organization, but did say the
colleges, for understanding of the GOP "should not count on my
individual student while he is an vote." w
undergraduate and for a closer Sallade, who has often jumped
Material progress must be sup- relationship between undergrad- party lines to side with the Demo-t
plemented by a search for spir- uate and graduate education, cratic Party, suggested here Tues-
tual values to find the individual's The social picture of the bene- day night it would be "wise, both
relationship to God and to other fits of college is distorted, Adams politically and morally," to allow,
individuals, University President said. Colleges help in getting a the Democrats to break the 55-55
Harlan Hatcher said yesterday. job. He said the help college gives split in the House.-
At a luncheon held in his honor an individual in getting a job or In an "off-the-cuff" statementf
by participants in the religious a husband is often placed ahead to The Daily yesterday, Speaker
conference which ended yester- of the real values of college. Van Peursem called any such ac-
day, he said, the concept of the "I can only marvel that so tion a "surrender of authority tot
nature of God and man's rela- many students do succeed in dis- a party whose philosophy is com-
tion to him has changed through- covering the real values of col- pletely different."
out history. lege," Adams said. The GOP House speaker calledk
President Hatcher described the This morning's session features instead for a "division of responsi-
ultim'ate goal of modern educa- two speakers: Dr. Walter Peter- bility" between the two parties
tion as being material progress, son, of the National Science Foun- "since the vote was divided."
but this, he continued, leaves a dation, and Dean Howard E. Sol- But Sallade brushed aside anyt
great area of human dissatisfac- lenberger, of the School of Lan- such division of the House yester-1
tion and unrest which is now be- guages, Foreign Service Institute, day, saying, "Obviously we areI
ing countered by attempts to Department of State. The session not going to come to some agree-
"bring the eternal truths into our begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Rack- ment for two chairmen and two
educational systems." ham Amphitheatre. speakers," he said.1
"Permitting the Democrats to4
organize the House doesn't give
them anything except some re-I
sponsibility," the Ann Arbor Re-l
no G a bli g D iffer publicanegislator said. "It still
J added,
Speaker Van Peursem differed
guys might work their way through fering sentiments. The Michigan a difference incommenting, on
college." State News (no card sellers were one issue and defecting on or-
At Ohio State, on the other recorded there) called the probe at ganization of the House which
hard at spot card bettors and' the University a "definite setback," affects all issues for the balance
pushersd giving "athletics nationally a bad of the session which lasts two
n iame." Iyears."
Lantern Cites 'Laxity' mSallade based his proposal for
Before the investigation got It asked the Big 10 to "fully face a Democratic organized House on,
under way, the police chief had its role in making athletics a clean "the 500,000 Democrat vote mar-
stated there was no gambling on and decent part of the university. gin and the Republican concept of
campus. "Laxity," the Lantern ,_a_ p a balanced Legislature with one;
Experts Believe West
May Have To Yield
To Communist Rule
BERLIN (IP-Russla intends to
give satellite East Germany con-
trol. over allied air, highway and
rail links to isolated West Berlin,
a, responsible Soviet' source said
last night.
Confirming East German hints,
the communist informant said
this was the meaning of Premier
vikita Khrushchev's Nov. 10 speech
n Moscow.
Khrushchev told the United
States, Britain and France to get
out of West Berlin. He promised
Russia would hand over its occu-
pation rights in Berlin to the East
West Ignores East Germany
Khrushchev, however, did not
spell out whether he would risk a
new East-West crisis by also trans-
erring supervision of Allied acces
to West Berlin to the Germa
The United States, Britain and
France do not recognize and re-
fuse to have any dealings with
the German satellite regime.
Refusal of the Allies to yield to
East German controls might lead
o a blockade of their army gari-'
ons in West Berlin.
Nations Might Yield
If left no choice, experts here
believe the three nations would
yield to controls while making it
clear that this does not constitute
recognition of the East German
They would officially regard East
Germans manning the checlc-
points as simply agents of the
The Soviet source, however, con-
tended they would have to settle
any disputes directly with East
Under postwar Big Four ac
cords, Allied military traffic be.
came subject only to Russian
UN Diplomats
Seek Solution
To Space Rift
United Nations diplomats sought
yesterday to bridge the gap be
tween Soviet and United Statei
proposals on launching an inter-
national study on exploration o
cuter space for peaceful purpose,
The makeup of the study group
appeared to be the major obstavli
to the agreement. Most dplom"a!
were hopeful of achieving a com-
promise that would win unani
mous UN approval.
The diplomats consulted pri-
vately on how to reconcile a ner
Soviet resolution with one spon-
sored by the United States, Britain
and 18 other nations.
In the new proposal the Russian
dropped demands for abolitin of
United States bases overseas and
a ban on military space missiles.
The United States awaited word
from Washington on the Soviel
proposal before calling a meeting
of the 20 sponsors.
The Soviet Union proposed an
11-nation study group. It wouU
be made up of the Soviet Union
the United States, Britain a"
France plus India, the United
Arab Republic and Sweden a
neutrals, Argentina from the Lati
American group and Polan, R
mania and Czechoslovakia
the Communist bloc.
By The Associated Press
retary General Dag Hammarskjold
said yesterday he is pulling United
Nations observers out of Lebanon
because they are no longer needed.
No date was set.!
T here are 591 observers to see'
that there was no illegal infiltra-
tion into Lebanon from President
Gamal Abdel Naser's United Arab
* * *
HAVANA - Unidentified war-
planes bombed the Nicaro nickle!
mines operated by the American
government in northeastern Cubaa
twice this week, the United States
.amhnasv rennrted vesterdav.
College Reactions t
Further probing into football
parlay card distribution has turned
up both action and reaction at
schools across the country.
Student newspapers at many
midwestern schools have voiced
widely differing stands-in fact,
several held completely opposing
The crackdown begun here also
man, it called present United$
States gambling laws "the great-
est hypocrisy in our society.
"True, gambling is crooked," the
editorial ran. "But bring it out
into the open, and make it sub-
ject to the same controls which
regulate other businesses, and its
standards will be as high as other
businesses." It cited the casinos in
Las Vegas and Havana, where
Health Serv
To Give Sh(
Health Service will give
shots from 8 to 11:45 a.m.