See Pale 4
Ci r
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
Goldman o Apeal oar s Decision to
rrrgents i i~r
* *
To Ask Support
Of SGC for Plan,
Reversal of Sigma Kappa Decision
To Come Before Regents Board
The reversal of Student Government Council's Sigma Kappa
decision will be appealed to the University Regents, SGC President
Maynard Goldman, '59, said last night.
The Board in Review of SGC over-ruled the Council's with-
drawal of recognition from Sigma Kappa sorority Saturday by a four-
three vote. Goldman said he had decided as a Board in Review member
to appeal the decision, and would call on SOC tomorrow for support
with an appeal drafted.
No Historical Precedent
Appeal to the Regents has no precedent in SGC's four year
history. The Board in Review had never before reversed the Council.
SGC first found the sorority in
Group Set
To Study
Joint Plan
The State Council of College
Presidents set up a. "task force"
to work on the projected joint
legislative request for capital out-
lay yesterday, University.President
Harlan Hatcher said following the{*
day's meetings. R ussia
The creation of the committeeI
U.S. Warns
Reds To Quit
States has warned Russia to quit
harassing American planes in in-
ternational airspace or face the
r What might happen was not
spelled out.
A stern U.S. note, delivered to
the Kremlin Nov. 13 and made
public today, cited two incidents
occurring on Nov. 7:
Fire on Plane
1. A U.S. plane flying over the
Baltic Sea, about 66 miles from
the nearest Soviet territory, was
fired on twice without warning by
Soviet fighter planes.
2. A few hours later, another
U.S. plane was intercepted three
times by Soviet fighters in the Sea
of Japan 64 miles from the Siber-
Ian Coast and about 300 miles
north of Vladivostok. No shots
were fired but the Soviets "made
simulated attacks" as close as
100 feet.
Defensive Action Ordered
The U.S. protest said in neither
case did the American aircraft
open fire. But it added:
"If such dangerous tactics are
in the future repeated by Soviet
aircraft in close proximity to
American aircraft in international
airspace, the Soviet government
should be aware that commanders
of American aircraft will be under
instructions to take any defensive
action which they consider neces-
sary and appropriate.
"The United States government
expects the Soviet government to
take measures without delay to
stop this interference with Ameri-
can aircraft.
World News
By The Associated Press
bishops of Boston and Philadel-
phia were chosen to be Cardinals
yesterday, along with 21 prelates
of other nationalities.
The 23 new Cardinals will bring
the College of Cardinals to 75,
largest membership in Roman
Catholic history.
Pope John XXIII called a con-
sistory for Dec. 15-18 to give the,
new cardinals their red hats.
The new American Cardinals
are the Most Rev. Richard J.
Cushing, 63, of Boston and the
Most Rev. John F. O'Hara, 70, of
Philadelphia, who was born in
Ann Arbor.
* * *
violation of University rules in
1956. Sigma Kappa came on cam-_
pus since passage in 1949 of a rule
prohibiting organizations which
restrict membership on the basis
of race or religion.#
The national sorority had sus-
pended chapters at Tufts and Cor-
nell Universities in 1956 after they7
had pledged Negroes.7
Call Board in 1956
The SGC Board in Review was
called on the 1956 decision finding
Sigma Kappa in violation, and the,
decision was sustained.
No meeting was called following
a February, 1957 SOC decision
giving the sorority until this Fall7
to demonstrate it no longer vio-
lated University rules and should,
retain recognition.
Prior to the meeting at which
SGC considered Sigma Kappa's
status this fall, Vice-President fori
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
wrote a letter to the Council, say-
ing Sigma Kappa no longer was
in violation.
Subsequently, the administra-
tion has labeled the letter a "man-
daje" to SGC to find the sorority
no in violation, then said it was
not a mandate but a "crucial
fact" SGC overlooked in finding
the sorority in violation.
Parties Back
3te majority leader Lyndon John-
son told the United Nations yes-
terday both the Democratic and
Republican parties solidly support
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
proposal for international cooper-
ation in control of outer space.
The Texas Democrat gave the
UN that assurance in an unprece-
dented appearance before the 81-
nation political committee.
He came here at the invitation
of Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles to underline U. S. solidar-
ity on a top foreign policy issue.
It was the first time a leaderof-
the political opposition had ad-
dressed the UN, although the U.S.
delegation includes both Repub-
licans and Dem~ocrats.
Johnson is among those men-
tioned as a possible Democratic
nominee for the Presidency in
of the business officers and deans
from the state's nine tax-sup-
ported institutions of higher edu-
cation followed the approval by
the school's Association of Gov-
erning Boards of the Council's
cooperative request plan.
The committee convened after
the Association's afternoon meet-
ing and attempted to set up the,
ground rules for procedure on the
joint request, University Controller
Gilbert L. Lee, Jr., said. He wasa
one of the University's representa-
tives on the committee in place of
Vice-President in Charge of Busi-
ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont, who was out of town. Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss is also on the
At the newly-created group's
first meeting steps were taken to
collect all of the capital outlay
requests of the nine schools, Nie-
huss said. Discussion of whether
to proportion the request accord-
ing to present enrollment, increas-
es in enrollment or in relation to
each school's individualsrequest
was also held, he added.
The suggested request of $25,-
000,000 which emerged from last
week's Council meeting is a mini-
mum figure which may give each
school a start on its capital outlay
needs, Niehuss commented. The
totaled capital outlay requests for
1959-60 of the individual schools
is between $50,000,000 and $60,-
The new committee hopes to
have a report for the Council's
next meeting in East Lansing in:
December, he said.
There was only informal discus-
sion of a joint operating budget
request, Niehuss said, indicating
that a joint request for this year
is unlikely.
University Regent Roscoe Boni-
steel, chairman of the Associa-
tion of Governing Boards, said,
following the Council's morning
meeting, the Association approved
the "general concept" of the joint
request and the direction which
the Council is now taking in this
Two Pledges
On Atomics
GENEVA (A')-Russia suggested
yesterday the negotiation of two
separate treaties on nuclear test
suspension, despite western argu-
ments that the banning of tests
and the control of such a ban must
go together in a single document.
In a second international con-
ference in Geneva, the Soviet
Union proposed still another treaty
- this one to prohibit planes
carrying nuclear weapons from
flying over the territory of other
countries or the high seas,
Western delegations suspected
propaganda traps in both Soviet
At the end of a day of intense
negotiation, the three-nation con-
ference on nuclear test suspension
and the ten-nation technical talks
on surprise attack problems both
remained deadlocked.
A western source said the Rus-
sians still were ducking on the
control issue in the nuclear talks.
Under the two-treaty proposal ad-
vanced by Soviet delegate Semyon
Tsarapkin the Russians again in-
sisted that the United States and
Britain must first agree to suspend
tests before discussions begin on
control features.
Western sources described this
as an attempt to get the West to
sign a blind contract. In the west-
ern view a promise to suspend tests
unaccompanied by agreement on a
control system would be only a
paper agreement.
But, the West holds, it could
be used by the Russians for pro-
paganda purposes if this confer-
ence failed to reach final agree-
ment. The western powers, in such
a case, would appear to have com-
mitted themselves in a moral sense
to ending tests without obtaining
any guarantees that Russia ever
would accept international control
personnel on her soil.
leaders of the campaign to-amend
the Senate's filibuster rule served
notice last night they will fight
any face-saving compromise.
Sens. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) Hu-
bert Humphrey (D-Minn.), Clif-
ford P. Case (R-N.J.), and Jacob
K. Javits (R-N.Y.) said in sep-
arate sttaements a proposal by
which two-thirds of Senators vot-
ing could limit debate offers no
real solution toward curbing the
filibusters that have blocked most
civil rights legislation.
The issue will come before the
Senate when it convenes in Janu-
ary, on a motion to adopt new
To Introduce
W.orld Week
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt will of-
ficially inaugurate International
Week at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Fourth speaker to visit the Uni-
versity as part of the University
Lecture Series this year, her topic
will be, "Is America Facing World
Leadership?" Mrs. Roosevelt also
spoke last Nov., during the first
International Week held at the
A special convocation of the
National Conference on Religion
and the State University at 11
a.m. tomorrow will feature Arthur
S,. Adams, president of the Amer-
ican Council of Education.
Folk singers Pete 'Seeger and
Sonny Terry, who are scheduled
for Thursday's program, will be
appearing at 7:45 p~m. in Hill
Aud. They are jointly sponsored
by the Union and the Internation-
al Students Association.
Henry Steele Commager, his-
torian and author, will speak on
"Nationalism and the Great Com-
munity of Culture," at 4:00 p.m.
Fri., in Rackham Aud. Friday
evening will be the annual Monte
Carlo Ball, to be held at the Mich-
igan Union. Described as a "ca-
sino affairs," the theme of the
dance will be, "Trip on the Rivi-
era "
At both the Monte Carlo Ball
and the World's Fair on Satur-
day, there will be international
floor shows, as well as a talent
and travel show at the Fair.
Senate rules. Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon has said he will hold
this motion in order. His ruling
then is subject to approval or re-
jection by a majority of the Sen-
ate's 98 members.
The election of a substantial
number of new liberal senators is
expected to make it less difficult
for filibuster opponents to upset
the Senate's tradition of carrying
its rules over from one Congress
Free Miroy
East German officials unex-
>ectedly released ex-University
student George S. Milroy, '51BAd.,
late Saturday night after holding
him for four weeks.
The Communists dropped the
spy charges against the young
tourist apparently realizing they
ould not force the United States
to negotiate directly with the East
Uerman government.
Milroy was taken into custody
by the East Germans on charges
of photographing Soviet head-
quarters near Neustrelitz, 70 miles
aorth of Berlin.
"They never manhandled me,"
Milroy said. "They were affable,
almost friendly. But I was under
tremendous psychological pres-
sure to admit spying," he contin-
ued at a press conference on Sun-
"But I persisted with my protest
that I was just an innocent tour-
ist," Milroy added.
Milroy commented the East
Germans suggested he should ap-
ply formally to the East German
government for an interview with
a United States consul.
He said his captors drew up the
request for consular assistance
addressed directly to the Red gov-
PANA, Ill., (A' - A deputy
sheriff picked up three 14-year-
old boys Sunday.
They were running away from
their homes in La Salle.
"Why are you running away?"
deputy Mike Pasto asked.
"We don't like school," they
"And where are you bound
"Little Rock, Arkansas."
to the next. Such a move failed
by a 55-38 vote in 1957.
The rule which has existed for
several years requires the affirm-
ative votes of two-thirds of all
members to bring debate to a
halt. With Alaska's two additions,
this would mean 66 senators must
vote for cloture, a process of lim-
iting debate to force an eventual'
showdown on the business before"
the Senate.
However, as the old rules stand,
there can be no limitatin on de-..
bate about changing the rules
Douglas and Humphrey said in
a letter to all 13 new Democratic
senators that Sen. Richard B.
Russell (D-Ga.) and other south-
erners who oppose broadening the
means by which the Senate can
cut off talk are resigned to a com-
But Douglas and Humphrey
said that while the southerners
are willing to accept a change so
that two-thirds of those voting'
could curb debate, they want to
apply such a provision also to fu-;
ture changes in the rules.
Instead, Douglas and others
have proposed a rule under which
two-thirds of those voting could
limit debate immediately. If this
failed and debate continued, for
another 15 days, 50 affirmative
votes then could end the talk.
Friends Say
Poor Handling
Of Tragedy
Neighbors of the late Dr. Aaron
Edwards, -who died in the fire at
his home last week, yesterday de-
nounced the Ann Arbor Fire De-
partment for their Dandling of
the fire.
In a letter addressed to the City
Council, the fire department was
charged with not doing all they
could to remove the members of
Dr. Edwards' family as soon as
possible. They thought that more
attention was given to the attempt
of extinguishing the fire rather
than saving lives.
Defends Department
Ann Arbor's Fire Chief, Ernest
Heller, who was present at the
meetingi defended the actions of
the Fire Department. He said that
the Fire Department arrived on
the scene of the fire within five
minutes of'the time the call was
received and at once went to work
to put the fire out.
Fire Chief Heller explained that
before it is possible to even begin
to try to get people out of a burn-
ing building it is first necessary to
relieve the pressure in the house
caused by the heat. If this is not
done, he continued, it is possible
that the fire will explode through-
out the rest of the house.
Concur on Other Points
On other points that were
brought up by the neighbors Fire
Chief Heller and the City Council
concurred in part. It was generally
agreed that the fire department
does not have enough men per
truck unit. The reason for this is
that it is hard to get enough money
for the different protection agen-
cies of the city government, in the
face of other demands. The fire
chief said it was also mentioned
that it might be a good idea to
have one policeman responsible
for getting information about per-
sons that still might be trapped
in a burning building.
In other business by the Council
a proposal was turned down that
would have stiffend th husig
Fight Filibuster Rule Compromise
Re ports Say
Takes Hold
Internal Matters
Trigger Change
CAIRQ ()--Sudan's pro-West..
ern government fell yesterday un-
der a coup by army officers of
varying political beliefs.
The sprawling East African na-
tion seemed quiet again last night,
The coup, apparently bloodless,
may have been set off over internal
matters rather than foreign af.
Reports from Khartoumj the
capital, indicated a triumvirate of
army officers was in charge.
Gen. Ibrahmin Abboud, f8-year;
old commander in chief, ousted
Premier Abdullah Khalil, his
World War II comrade in arms In
'African campaigning against the
There was speculation here tha
Khalil-who has been under ex-
treme Arab Nationalist pressures
emanating from President Nasser'
United Arab Republic-may have
approved the coup.
There was no word last night on
his whereabouts.
Abboud relieved al cabinet min-
Isters; dissolved the Parliament
elected only last February; cn-
celed the provisional constitution;
declared a state of emergency;
appointed military governo2-s in all
districts; halted the publication of
newspapers, and imposed censor.
The nation's two toP religious
leaders, who wield immense politi-
cal power, broadcast statements
of support, Indicating the new re-
gime would have strong, popular
backing.' /
The three leaders of the coup,,
according to advices reachipg
Cairo through apparently heavy
~ensorship, are Abboud;CGen. gill-
ed ODbdel Wahab, Deputy o*-..
mander in Chief; and Brig. Has
san Beshir, Commander of the
Khartoum Garrison.
Egyptian sources familiar with
the neighboring nation) up the
Nile gave these impreseions onI
their politics:
Abboud, a career officer ident-._
fled with the Khatma religious
sect and the People's Democratio
Party, which is moderately pro.
Egyptian but has cooperated with
pro-Western elements.
Wahab, linked with the pro-
Western Umma Party snd reported
to be a close friend of the ousted
premier. -
Beshir is described # a nation-
alist, indicating the Egyptians
consider him a god element from
their viewpoint.
"The makeup means the sitia.
Vion will be no better and no_..
worse for us thanbefore,"6a2
Egyptian official said.
Chief problems between Sudan
and the UAR have been differences
dver the frontier and negotiations
over the distribution of Nile river
waters, plus the prospective flood-M
ing of some Sudanese trrtory If
Nasser goes through with his plans
to build the Aswan high dam.
Khalil had been, known for his
Western sympathies and resstanct
to Arab nationalist pressures,
VU. Schedules
Events scheduled for the Na-
tional Consultative Conference on
"Religion and the State Univer-
sity" today include a symposium
on "The Role of the' Unliversity
Frozen EggWhites inPie
Cause Quad Food Illness
Bacteria which caused the food illness in South Quadrangle
came from canned frozen egg whites, Dr. Morley Beckett, Health
Service director, said yesterday.
The egg whites were used in making the meringue top for the
zoconut cream pie.
Have Dormant Stage
"After the whites have been separated from the yolks, the whites
are put into cans and frozen. If any bacteria were in the whites,
freezing would not kill them. They
would merely go into a dormant
S24 Bstage," Dr. Beckett said.
in SA B The cream filling of the pie is
rooked to boiling so no bacteria
could have been in this, the direc-
tor added.
After the whites are taken from
the cans, they are mixed with:
atler ingredients to form a mer-
ingue. The meringue is warmed
slightly to give it a brown color
and then it is placed on top of
the cream filling.
Any bacteria present in theI
whites would not be killed with
ily a slight warming. "Instead,
the heat brings the bacteria out
of their dormancy and the bac-
teria multiply, just as if they were
in an incubator," Dr. Beckett said.
Dooley Gets His
LONDON - Pravda declared
yesterday the Soviet Union is
"unshakeable in its decision" to
change the occupation status of1
It said the western governments
are deeply mistaken if they think
any kind of consent on their part
is required for such a move.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev a week ago called for an end
of the four-power occupation of
BUDAPEST r The Communist
authorities yesterday withheld all
reul+sin Hinnrv'c Onglp-t+ .
Use Whites in Quantity
"Since the frozen egg whites are
used in such quantity, it is diffi-
cult to determine when the bac-
teria got into the whites," the
doctor said, "but we are certain
it was before the whites were put
. , -
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