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November 16, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-16

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G&S Society To Present 'Patience'

"Patience" will be presented
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
as the fall offering of the Gilbert
and Sullivan Society.
The shows begin at 8 p.m. in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Poet in Love
Bunthorne, the aesthetic poet
and center of attention in the play,
is loved by twenty young maidens'
and oneunappealing old maid,
Lady Jane. Patience, the object
of Bunthorne's love, thinks he is
sort of "silly" However, she tries
desperately to love him, because
he is aesthetic. Love, to her, must
be selfless. Bunthorne's rival for
Patience's love is the poet Gros-
venor. Twenty dragoons vie against
Bunthorne for the love of the
twenty maidens.
Characters are Gershom Morn-
ingstar, Grad., as Bunthorne.
Carla Cargill, '59, Patience; John
A. Vavroch, '59SM, Grosvenor;
and Althea Romaine, '60, Lady'F
Overture Original
An original overture for "Pa-
tience" was written by Robert
Brandzel, '57.
When the group presented Gil-
bert and Sullivan's "Thespis,"
their former music director, Jerry
Bilik, '55, wrote in Sullivan style
the only existing music for that
play. Original scores had been,
lost after the first production in
England in the 1800's.
"Last semester's show, 'Pina-
fore,' really scared us," commented
Ann Polak, '60, publicity manager.
"All the feminine leads were sick
by the day of the show. We of theI
crews called the show, "Tvery
Lady Carried a Basket," since the
substitute actresses had to have
something to hide their cues in."
Lights Go Out
Dturing their history there was
also the play in which all the
lights went out and the orchestra
crawled around in the dark try-
ing to find the socket, which was'
somewhere in the orchestra pit.
Productions of Gilbert and Sul-
livan on campus include the "Mi-
kado," "Pirates of Penzance,"
"Gondoliers," "Trial by Jury,"
"Ruddigore," "Princess Ida," and'
The group tries to do all of the
Gilbert and Sullivan shows, and
Pete Seeger
To Sing Here
Pete Seeger, folk - singer, will
appear Thursday at Hill Audi-I
torium, according to John Good-
rich, '60, Union executive council-1
Seeger is presented by the Union
as part of the Union's Interna-
tional Week program. 'Wickets are
on sale at the main desk of the{
Union all day or in the student
offices from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mon-
day through Thursday.

Union Plans
World's Fair
To Follow Brussels
Theme Throughout Day

-Daily-David Arnold
PATIENCE PRACTICE-The cast of "Patience" rehearse for their
presentation Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the Gilbert and
Sullivan show. The group plans to present "Patience" in Toledo,
Ohio and in Detroit during December.

to repeat the same one every five
years. RCA Victor recordings of
each show are made from WUOM
tapes, a local radio station.
The group plans to present "Pa-
WCBN Starts
Radio Show
WCBN, the residence hall radio
network, introduced a new pro-
gram to its listeners Friday 'Michi-
gan International.' It is being pro-
duced in order to bring to the
campus a greater awareness of its
international students, Marilyn
Damsky, '59, one of the program's
producers said,
The program was presented Fri-
day as a prelude to International
Week, Nov. 17-22 and will con-
tinue for the remainder of the
semester on Fridays from 5:00-
In order to give the University
students a broader view of the dif-
ferent aspects of international life,
the programs will feature inter-
views, panel discussions, music
from different countries, guest
lecturers, and discussions of the
different cultures, habits and prob-
lems of both international and
American students and "their rela-
tions with each other at the Uni-
Mr. William West, Student Ad-
viser for the International Center
and foreign students counsilor,
was the guest lecturer Friday.
The program is sponsored by the
International Coordinating Com-

tience" on Dec. 5 in Toledo, OhioI
and on Dec. 6 in the Rackham
Building in Detroit.
According to Jim Bob Stephen-
son, dramatic director, Gilbert!
and Sullivan tries to keep reserves
in both the singing and dancing1
choruses. "There were not as many
lead parts this year," Stephenson
said, "and therefore many of the
students who would take G&S
parts tried out for MUSKET. Some
had to take a choice in the shows
because of a conflict in perform-
ance dates."
"The more theatre that the com-
munity has, the better it is for
all," he added.
Plan Fortnite
Eliminations for Assembly As-.
sociation's annual Fortnite will be
held at 7 p.m. today and tomor-
row in the Student Activities
Building, according to Grace
Johnston, '59, programs and pa-
trons chairman.-
Independent houses participat-
ing in the contest have been noti-
fled of their scheduled elimination;
time. No costumes or properties;
will be required for the prelimi-
nary competition and judging will
be on the basis of originality and
completeness of the skit.
"Heavenly Daze," the theme of;
the 1958 Fortnite which will be
presented at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 24 in
the Mendelssohn Theatre, will in-
clude skits written and produced,
by the houses, scholarship pre-
sentations and a skit by house-

There will be a campus "World's
Fair" on Sat., Nov. 21, according
to Maurice L. Zilber, '60, Union
executive councilman.
The theme for this Fair. Zilber
said, is "Brussels in Ann Arbor,"
referring to the recently completed
World's Fair, held in Brussels,
Belgium. A replica of the symbol
of the Brussels Fair, the Atomium,
will be on display at the Union
for the Fair.
Given out free at the Fair will
be posters and displays of the
Brussels Fair. These have been
contributed by the United States
Department of State and the Bel-
gium Government.
To Exhibit Photographs
The World's Fair theme will run
throughout the Union building on
Saturday, Zilber said. On the first
floor will be photographs of the
American exhibit at the Brussels
Fair. These have been obtained
from the State Department.
On the second and third floors,
there will be booths representing
various countries from which there'
are students on campus. The
booths will be built by the clubs
formed by students from these
Zilber said that he felt that
these booths would be "very in-
During the afternoon, from 1:30
p.m. to 4:30 p.m., there will be a
continuous showing of m ovie
shorts. "Featured every hour ona
the hour," Zilber continued, "'Out-
look on Brussels,' a film strip pre-
pared and shown by a national
television network, will be shown."
Also, information concerning
the International Monetary Fund
will be distributed to interested
Admission to the Fair will cost
25 cents in the afternoon and 50
cents in the evening. In addition
there will be 50 cents charge for
viewing the varity show in the
"Have Talent"
The theme of the varity show
will be "Have Talent, Have Trav-
eled." Zilber stated that this show
will feature the best "international
talent on campus."
The Fair is organized by the
Union in conjunction with the
associated nationality clubs of the
International Students Associa-
tion, Zilber said.
Proceeds from the Fair will be
used to pay for the publishing of
an International Handbook, simi-
lar to the "M" Handbook. This
booklet, to be published by the
Union, will be written by a joint
committee from the Union and
international students. It will con-
tain information about both Amer-
ican customs and campus customs.

NSA Tours To Hold Just Arrived!
wo Tls on Travel RECORDE
il this are the Festival of Music of the
Travel Conferences will be held and Drama in Amsterdam, the
on the National Student Associa- National Music Festival in Aix-en-E ish Language Inst
tion's tours to Europe at 7:15 p.m. Provence, the Open Air Opera at
Tuesday and Wednesday in the the Baths of Caracalla in Rome, University of Michip
Hussey Room of the League, Shar- the Venice Festival of Arts, the
on Miller, '60Ed, of the University Salzburg Mozart FestIval and the
Services Committee said. Edinburgh National Festival as ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION
: Bernard Pechter, a representa- well as many others. ENGLISH SENTENCE PATTERNS
tive from the national office of There is a Volkswagen tour in ENGL ISH PATTERN PRACT ICES .*.
Educational Travel Incorporated, which a car is put at the disposalCSET
a subsidiary of NSA, will explain of the student for the entire or- COMPLETES *
the details involved in taking a ganized tour, which goes through B at
tour. Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzer-
Students Speak land, France and Belgium. Other
Two University students who tours concentrate on Central Eu-
took part in tours last summer will rope, Northern Europe, Southern
be there to give their impressions, Europe and the Mediterranean. A
Miss Miller said, and slides taken Whirlwind Tour, lasting for 54
during the tours will be shown. days, goes to France, Germany, State Street at North U.
Office hours will be held from Austria and Italy,__ermany,
3 to 5 p.m. daily in the NSA office
on the second floor of the Student
Activities Building for those in-
terested in tours, she added.
Tours Co-ed
NSA tours are low cost tours ar
ranged for co-educational groups
of about 30 college and university
students. Most of them use stu-
dent, one-class ships for passage
to Europe, and have an orienta-
tion program which includes such You'll be fashion-right and ready for a big ever
activities as language classes, art .
history and music talks. you slip into one of our elegant dresses
Once in Europe, tours are ar-
ranged to concentrate on five or
six countries. University students ~We've new white and pastel wools - new
who are familiar with their coun- sapphire blues and black - of course at
try's history, art and customs lead ~wrigglsb e
the programs in the various coun- prices for the coed and working gal's budget.
I tries. Students on the tours also from $17.95
meet European students at social}x.
gatherings arranged by ETI at .
homes and rathskallers, sidewalk Sizes 7-15, 8-20
cafes and mountain chalets.
Free Time Allowed
A good deal of free time is in
cluded in the programs. Most of
the sight-seeing is scheduled for
the morning, and the rest of the
day is left for anything the in-
dividual may care to do. Up to a
week of free time is allowed at the
end of the tour before sailing for RIGHT, is wool Jer-
the United States, during which sey print sheath at
time the student can go anywhere $1h.95.
he chooses. 'Round the clock sheer-
The prices of the tours include wool costume sheath with Wearights pull - on
transportation to and from Europelk gloves $3.95.
all transportation in Europe, lodg jacket that goes to dote
ings and three meals daily, all and dance ... at $29.95 Similar dress of wool
excursions and museum passes and lace, white and pas-
also some theatre and concert tels, Junior sizes.
There are 14 different NSA L
tours for students. The lodgings
provided are in pensions and FEFT, highly roman-
hotels at which Europeans would ON FOREST tic Empire sheath
stay and that are off the beaten with provocative
track for American tourists. The of S.. Corner Back interest.
food is typical of the country. Theatre $29.95.
Varied Length*op. Campus
The tours vary in length from
54 to 81 days. There is a special *
tour of the major European ,Fes-
tivals of Art and Music. Included. -....



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