Ohio State. 38 Purdue.... 23 3Notre Dame .34
A . NrthwPetern 6 1 N. Carolina . 24
Auburn.. . .21
Georgia .. .. 6
Mississippi.. 16
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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
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VOL.I,7YR. N. 6
-1 i -
Delegates To Attend
Religion Conference
Meeting Opens Today To Honor
Students' Interest in Religion
M ichigan,
Vote Recognizes
. I
Representatives from State universities and colleges in 44 states
will participate in the national conference on "Religion and the State'
University" starting here today. -
Sponsored by the University in commemoration of the centennial
of student religious activity here, the conference is the largest ever
held, said DeWitt C. Baldwin, Coordinator of Religious Affairs and
executive director of the centennial commission. The conference will
close at -noon Wednesday. Vice-President for Student Affairs James
'>A. Lewis and Dumont Kenny, pro-
gram chairman of the National
Conference of Christians and Jews,
'U ' Student will give the welcome and state-
ment of purpose talks at the open-
ing meeting at 8 p.m. tonight,
Disa uar S Wornom To Address Grounp
Herman E. Wornom, secretary
of the Religious Education Associ-
Froin uad aton will give the address,"Criti-
cal Issues of Religion and Higher
David B. Rinne, '62A&D, has
been missing since Thursday
morning from his West Quadrangle
residence, according to Jack M.
Hale, resident director of the
Rinne. from Fort Wayne, Ind.
was last seen by his'roommate who
left him in the room at breakfast
Thursday morning and found him
gone when he returned. Little
clothing was missing, Hale said,
and apparently Rinne had been
planning to leave.
Police do not fear foul play,
Hale reported, speculating that
the student may have enlisted in
the armed services. This possibility
will be checked out tomorrow.
No note was found in his room,
police reported. Rinne has not
attended classes since Thursday.
House Group
Talks of Bill
Congressmen are talking of writ-
ing a really stiff anti-influence
It would forbid even senators
and representatives to have any
contact with members of govern-
ment commissions about cases
under consideration.
This is one of the unresolved
problems before the House Legis-
lative Oversight subcommittee,
now approaching the end of its
assigned life. Another is whether
to recommend whether the sub-
committee continue under the
new Congress.
The subcommittee is trying to
wind up by tomorrow what may
be its last big single investigation
- of a welter of rumors and sec-
ondhand stories that former Fed-
eral Communications Commission
chairman George C. McCon-
naughey sought or was offered a
bribe for his vote in the hot con-
test over who was to be assigned
television Channel 4 in Pittsburgh.
The investigators have obtained
no first-hand testimony that
would confirm any of these stories
and are looking into the possi-
bility, as Rep. John Bell Williams
(D-Miss.), described it, that ru-
mors may have been deliberately
manufactured in an attempt to
influence the outcome.
Reds Reveal
School Plan
LONDON OP) - The Soviet
Union yesterday gave details of
its new education plan that will!
send high school students into the
fields and factories.
iuca . ll.
The structure and plan of the
conference will be discussed at
9 a.m. Monday by Prof. Howard
Y. McClusky of the education
school and chairman of the cen-
tennial commission.
A symposium on "Campus Per-
sonnel Services" will follow. Wil-
liam S. Guthrie, executive dean at
Ohio State University will be
chairman; with Robert B. Kamm,
dean of the liberal arts college at
Oklahoma State University; Kath-
ryn L. Hopwood, dean at Hunter
College; and Luther H. Harsh-
barger, chaplain and coordinator
of religiousaffairs at Pennsyl-
vania State University on the
Discuss Education
The teaching of religion will be
discussed at 2 p.m. tomorrow in a
symposium chaired by Prof. Wil-
liam Frankena, chairman of the
University'sephilosophy depart-
ment. The Rev. Father Robert J.
Welch, professor of religion at
State University of Iowa; Prof.
Marvin Fox of the philosophy de-
partment of Ohio State Univer-
sity; and Prof. Charles S. McCoy
of the University of Florida's reli-
gion department will be other
members of the symposium.
Bradford S. Abernethy will be
chairman of a symposium at 7
p.m. tomorrow on "Religious Foun-
dations and Centers." Taking part
in the discussion wil be Max D.
Ticktin, director of the Hillel
Foundation at the University of
Wisconsin; George Garrelts, na-
tional chaplain of the Newman
Clubs, of the University of Min-
nesota: and James R. Hine, direc-
tor of the McKinley Foundaton,
Unversity of Illinois.
Daily Sports Editor
A few feet made the difference
yesterday between a triumph and
a failure for Bennie Oosterbaan
in his final home coaching chore
for Michigan.
A 43-yd. field goal attempt by
Wolverine halfback Darrell Harp-
er was only a few feet of f to the
left of the goal posts, and Michi-
gan lost to Indiana, 8-6.
Fourth Big Ten Loss
It was the fourth Big Te loss,
for the Wolverines this season,
and the first loss to Indiana since
1954. The Michigan squad now
stands 1-4-1 in the Conference
and 2-5-1 overall, doomed to the
worse season since 1936 no matter
what the outcome of next week's
season finale at Ohio State.
The OSU contest will be the'
100th game for Oosterbaan as head
coach, and the last that he will
serve-Michigan in that capacity.
He will then move into an assist-
antship to Athletic Director H.
0. "Fritz" Crisler.
Despite the loss, Oosterbaan
was proud of his team in his last
coaching appearance in Michigan
Stadium. "They fought hard," he
said. "I will certainly miss work-
ing with the boys in the future."
Only 2:04 Left
Harper's attempted field goal
from the Indiana 33-yd. line came
with only two minutes and four
seconds remaining in the game.
It was the climaxi of a helter-
skelter drive that was sparked by
quarterback Bob Ptacek's passing
but interrupted by penalties and
the lack of sharp blocking.
The Wolverines were fighting to
overcome the Hoosiers' 8-6 .ad-
vantage and started the drive on
their own 17-yard line. Ptacek
completed key passes to end Gary
Prahst, halfbacks John Batsakes
and Brad Myers and ends John
Halstead and Bob Johnson which
moved the ball to the Indiana 23-
yd. line.
Then the Wolverines were pe-
nalized 15 yards for a personal
foul, which moved the ball back
to the Indiana 38-yd. line. Three
plays netted only five yards, and
set up Harper's goal attempt.
Just Misses
The kick was only slightly off
to the left, and had the small
crowd of 31,000 people to their
feet. Oosterebaan felt that the
attempt was a good call.
"Harper has often kicked field
goals that long in practice, and
he was very close this time," he
said. The crowd cheered the junior
halfback as he left the field after
the attempt.
See JONES, page 8
-Daily-Peter Anderson
PLUNGING FULLBACK-Jim Byers dives for two yards through
the center of Indiana's line in yesterday's muddy battle in the
Michigan Stadium. Byers' run kept Michigan's third quarter drive
alive, which ended on the next play when the Wolverines scored
their only touchdown.
Postponemient of Firing
Shows ICBM Not Ready
WASHINGTON (P) -Another postponement of an Atlas ICBM
test firing today underscored this fact: transoceanic rockets aren't
ready yet to supplant intermediate range missiles like those scheduled
to go to European bases.
At Cape Canaveral, Fla., an Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
test firing was postponed for the second time in three days because of
States rejected yesterday Russia's
proposed five-point treaty for end-
ing nuclear weapons tests.
"The main intent of the Soviet
draft treaty," the, State Depart-
ment declared, "is to conclude an
agreement on a permanent cessa-
tion of nuclear weapons tests with-
out agreement being reached on
a control system necessary to veri-
fy the paper pledge.
Calls 'Pig in Poke'
"In effect the Soviet Union is
asking the United States to buy 'a
pig in a poke'."
The statement asserted the
United States is ready and willing
to make an agreement, in talks
now under way at Geneva on dis-
continuing the testing of nuclear
weapons, if the agreement speci-
fically spells out the details of an
adequate control system.
Nothing New
IThere was nothing essentially
new in the Moscow announcement
yesterday since the plan was origi-
nally introduced at Geneva Oct.
31 and subsequently the text was
made public in New York.
A summary of the five points by
Russia's Tass news agency said
the treaty would commit the three
powers to no more weapons tests
after their agreement was signed.
Talks To iew
Pulse' of '20's
"Pulsebeat of the Twenties," the
culmination of Student Govern-
ment Council's Reading and Dis-
cussion Program, will be held at
7:30 p.m. today at the Union.
Four faculty members will par-
ticipate in the forum, on the
political,fi social, economic and
artistic aspects of the 1920-30
decade, according to program co-
chairman Roger Seasonwein, '61.
Both the two test ban confer-
ences running simultaneously here
have failed to move ahead because
of differing Eastern and Western
interpretations of their primary
Folk Dancers
Dewey Still
In Spotlight
Former New York Governor
Thomas E. Dewey, '23, last night
made a valiant but relatively un-
successful attempt to be an ordi-
nary Michigan alumnus.
Dewey appeared at the Com-
bined Glee Club Concert as one of
three former students receiving
the University's Outstanding
Achievement Award. It was given
in recognition of pis years of "pub-
lic life," including his tenure as
governor and his two-time candi-
dacy for president on the Repub-
lican ticket.
Music School Alumnus
He was still in "public life" last
night, surprising the audience by
trotting obediently on stage when
the Michigan Glee Club was joined
by its own alumni for its final
numbers. Dewey, a graduate of
music school, was a member of
the old Varsity Quartet.
His presence at the concert, in
fact, came as a surprise to most
members of the audience. An-,
rouncement of the name "Thomas
Edmund Dewey" caused a momen-
tary buzz followed by a spontan-
eous burst of thunderous applause.;
Diffident at first, Dewey finally
broke into a grin and threw a'
campaign-style salute to the
Still GovernorI
As the audience filed slowly out,'
Dewey was still the Governor of
New York to many people who
stopped to met him.
"Take care of my state," one
woman urged.
"We've got a pretty good man
running it now," Dewey replied,
referring to newly-elected Gov.
Nelson Rockefeller.
Goldman Charges Decision Violate
Whole Student Government Concej
Student Government Council's withdrawal of recogniti
from Sigma Kappa sorority was reversed yesterday by t
SGC Board in Review.
Over-ruling SGC's decision would be a "direct denial
statements over the past four years by the Vice-President I
Student Affairs and the Deans' offices regarding Stude
Government Council," SGC President Maynard Goldman,'
told the Board immediately before the vote.
It would violate "the whole concept of student gover
ment," he charged.
Three Support Motion
Supporting a motion by Goldman to lift the stay of a
tion on the Council's withdrawal were assistant liters
school Dean James M. Robert-'
technical difficulties. It is true
that the Air Force is preparing for
use of Atlas Missiles. The first
squadron composing a launching
crew is scheduled to become
"operational" next year at Van-
denberg Air Force Base, Calif. A
second squadron is being assigned
to the other Atlas launching site
at Warren AFB, Wyo.
But the Air Force weapon de-
signers are still working at perfec-
tion of the missiles which these
two squadrons will use.
To date, no Atlas missile has
been pushed in test firings to the
full designed range of 5,500 miles.
Approximately half of the Atlas
flight tests so far have been de-
scribed as completely successful.
Some of the others have been
"partially" successful, some fail-
son, Stan Levy, Grad., and
Opposing it, and thus favoring
reversal of SGC, were Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea, Dean of Wo-
nen Deborah Bacon, assistant
medical school Dean Robert G.
Lovell, and music school Dean
Earl V. Moore.
The Board decision may be ap-
pealed to University President
Harlan Hatcher, according to
SGC members.
Starts With Dean Bacon
Debate at the hour and one-
half session at the Student Acti-
vities Building began with Dean
Bacon. In a "repetition of what
we've been saying all along," she
said the letter from Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis to SGC saying that Sigma
Kappa no longer violated Univer-
sity rules represented administra-
tive policy.
Under the SGC Plan, Dean Ba-
con pointed out, the Council is
empowered to recognize and with-
draw recognition from student
oragnizations "in accordance with
administrative policy."
This gives the administration
authority, she said.
SGC Under Misapprehension
"Is it a fair assumption that for
the four years of its -existepce
SGC has been laboring under a
misapprehension?" Dean Robert-
son asked.
"Yes, it is," Dean Moore said,.
Most of SGC's arguments on deri-
vation of power in "the area of
recognition are based on the du-
ties of its predecessor, the Student
Affairs Committee, as set forth in
the "outmoded" University regu-
lations booklet.
Dean Robertson asked if the ad-
ministration weren't the source of
this misapprehension. In 1956, he
pointed out, the Board in Review
sustained an SGC decision in
which SGC had used the regula-
tions book to justify its jurisdic-
Should Not "Second-Guess"
The function of the Board in
Review should not be "second-
guessing the students," Dean Rob-
ertson continued, but merely de-
termining whether they acted
with deliberation and regard for
the evidence.'
"The real issue here istlarger
than Sigma Kappa," he conclud-
ed. "It is whether the administra-
tion has enough faith in the stu-
dents to let them weigh facts
and reach a decision."
Dean Bacon said the letter from
the administration represented a
fact and was a piece of evidence
SGC should have considered but
did not.
Added Wrong, Bacon Says
'When you take a column of
numbers and copy one wrong, you
don't get the right answer," she,
"Do you mean that SGC added
wrong, Dean Bacon?" Dean Rob-
ertson asked.
Levy asked Dean Bacon if the
Glee Clubs Sing
MEA Asks
School Aid
LANSING (A') - The Michigan
Education Association wants Gov
G. Mennen Williams to call a spe
cial session of the Legislature t
provide financial relief for tli
state's public schools.
A resolution to that effect wa
passed last night by the associa
tion's board of directors. It say
a special session should act t
release state aid funds when dui
and for the full amount due.
Some 700 school districts -
about one-third of all the state'
districts - have borrowed abot
35 million dollars since July 1 t
meet current operating expense
The districts pay interest rate
ranging from 1.4 per cent to m<or(
than four per cent, using nex
year's anticipated state aid as se.
Mrs. Charlotte Richards, MEW
president, said:
"School districts which an
least able to support educationa
programs have had to borrow tlh
most money at higher interes
"This mortgage against anti
cipated state aid takes mone
from school districts which shout
be used for school expenses - n
for interest."
World News
By The Associated Press
BUENOS AIRES-Leaders of 6
big labor unions yesterday pos
poned a general strike, markir
another victory for President A
thuro Frondizi's hotly pressed re
But there still was plenty c
labor unrest, politics still was a
a boiling point after this week'
reputed attempt at a palace cou
and the government threatene
martial law.
* * *
increasing in Vatican circles th
Pope John XXIII will call a coi
sistory, perhaps by Christmas,
bolster the thinned and agi
ranks of the College of Cardinal
The sacred college, with
members when at full strengt
now has 17 vacancies. The averag
age of the Cardinals left to be
the administrative burdens of tV
Roman Catholic Church is 73.
Two deaths in the past E
months have cut the United Stat
Cardinals down to two. Brita
has none, neither has Austri
Mexico with 23 million Catholi
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