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November 15, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-15

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I' Meets Indiana


Oosterbaan s Home


eek Fourth
traight Wm
Sgainst IU
(Continued from Page 1)
ill play for the last time in the
tadium are ends Gary Prahst
nd Walt Johnson, guard Jerry
[arciniak and Al Callahan and
enter Jim Dickey.
Depend on Ptacek
Without Harper's slick running,,
he Wolverines will have to de-4
end a great deal on Bob Ptacek's
ower plays and his passing. As
sual, defense is likely to cause
he Wolverines more trouble.
However, Oosterbaan and his
ides have little idea what to ex-
ect in the way of Hoosier of-
ense this afternoon. In the first
lace. Campbell was the leading
round gainer, and the only one
rho has run well against Big Ten
Besides this, Indiana has shown
lmost no pass offense all year
ong. Thus, without Campbell and
assing Michigan may find a
eam that they can contain. It
as been the fast backs and the
assing that has stung the Wol-
,erines continually.
The experts are picking Michi-
an for a number of reasons. In
he first place, they point out
hat Indiana has won no away
tames this year, and that there
sno reason why they should this
reek. Second, it is certainly time
or the Wolverines to bounce
Show Offense
Michigan has outgained most
4 the teams they have met this
eason, and they have generally
hown a better offense. Defensive
apses - generally on single long
dlays rather than on sustained
efensive ineptness-have spelled
he difference between victory
tnd defeat.
An added factor that most of
he experts did not have to con-
sder earlier in the week is the
new coaching shift. Oosterbaan
a running the team for two more
games, but only two. This means
thtone coach is closing a great
areer, and another is looking for-
ward to what should be another
great one. The boys should be out
here to win for someone.


Bennie Appointed to New Athletic Department Post

-Daily-Peter Anderson
MOMENTS OF GLORY are recalled by Wally Weber (right) with two of his finest proteges,
Tommy Harmon and John Herrnstein, as the trio viewed yesterday's practice. Harmon, now a
popular radio and television sportscaster, is here for the Indiana game and will cover tomorrow's
pro game between Detroit and San Francisco.
Northwestern, Purdue in TV Game;
Rose Bowl Bound Iowa Hosts OSU

(Continued from Page 1)
"The University has put football
In its proper position," Regent.
Eugene Powers said, "and Bennie
has upheld this. It would be tragic
if the University took the position
that coaches must win."
New capacity
Regent Doan stated that he was
"gratified that Bennie can con-;
tinue to operate in an important
capacity in the University."
"If I had any grandsons who'
play football, which I do," com-
mented Regent Roscoe Bonisteel
of Oosterbaan, "I can think of no
other coach I'd rather have them
play under."
p Bonisteel added that "the Re-
gents wish Bump the same type of
luck and support that the tni-
versity has given to Bennie."
President Hatcher praised El-
liott. "In his playing days he had
muchathe same qualities that Ben-
nie had and which have endeared
him to Michigan," he stated.
End of Old Tie
H. O. "Fritz" Crisler, Michigan
Athletic Director, stated: "After
21 years of close association with
Ben in football, it is rather a shock
to realize that his request for a
reassignment of duties will bring
to a close that intimate football
Nips Detroit
DETROIT R) - The Syracuse
Nationals fought off a late rally
by Detroit and handed the Pistons
their second home defeat of the
season, 111-109, in a National Bas-
ketball Assn. game last night.
The Pistons missed three pos-
sible game-winning baskets in the
last 14 seconds of the game.
John Kerr led the Nationals
with 30 points.
The 6'9" Kerr made three deci-
sive baskets in the late stages of
the game after the Pistons had
tied the score 94-94 with 5:25 to
play on two free throws by guard
Gene Shue.

'His new duties in the Athletic
Department," Crisler continued,
"will take advantage of further
service and contributions which
he can give to Michigan as a
laison with alumni, the University
family and secondary schools."
Pleased ivith Elliott
Crisler felt that the selection of
'Elliott was very fortunate. "By
nature and experience he has all
the fine qualities to be a great
coach," the Athletic Director
"He is not only a great player,
but he has proved himself richly
endowed with all of those charac-
teristics that are the embodiment
of a Michigan man. He is possessed

with ambition and industry of the
highestorder. It is a real comfort
to realize that the future of Michi-
gan football is in his hands," Cris-
ler concluded.
Oosterbaan revealed yesterday
Miami Beaten
By Maryland
MIAMI, Fla. (1P)-John Forbes,
190-pound package of dynamite,
led the Maryland Terrapins to a
26-14 victory over the downtrod-
den University of Miami Hurri-
canes before 26,747 football fans'
in the Orange Bowl last night,


for the first time that his decision
had been made beforethe season
started. "As is generally known,"
he said, "I have for the past three
or four years been seriously con-
sidering retiring from the head
coaching position."
Withheld Deelsion
Once the decision was made and
this was to be his last season he
had intended to withhold the
announcement until the Ohio State
game this November 20.
"In view of the recurring ru-
mors, however," he added. "I am
making the statement now. I am
very happy to have further oppor-
tunity to serve the University and
I shall continue to do my very

Iowa's newly crowned Big Ten
Champions meet last year's titlist
Ohio State today to feature a full
schedule of conference action.
The Rose Bowl bound Hawk-
eyes will be seeking revenge for,
last year's defeat when the Buck-
eyes, led by fullback Bob White,




came from behind twice to win,1
17-13. This loss cost Iowa the con-1
ference crown which combined
with this year's title would have
given them three consecutive Big
Ten football championships.
In today's contest the Hawkeyes1
will be out to stop White, who last;
year as an unknown sophomore
ran wild against them, gaining
157 yards in 22 tries. However,
White who was an unanimous
choice in pre-season All American
polls has not been running well in
recent games and may prove an
easy match for the tough Iowa de-
fensive wall. ,
Eye National Rating
Added incentive for the Hawk-
eyes is that with an impressive
win over the Buckeyes they may
move past Louisiana State into the
coveted 'number one spot in the
national rankings.
For Woody Hayes and his squad,
a win over Iowa would provide a,
bright'spot in an otherwise dis-k
appointing season. To win Ohio
State will have to stop the tre-
mendous Iowa offense which is
the nation's best statistic-wise.
In a regionally televised con-
test, Northwestern will try to
bounce back from last week's de-
feat at Wisconsin against the Boil-
ermakers of Purdue who are third
in the Big Ten standings.
Offense Leader
The Wildcats, led by the Big
Ten's total offense leader Dick
Thornton, will be seeking their
fourth conference win after losing
all six contests last year.
Purdue will be lacking the serv-
ices of their star fullback Bob
Jarus who has scored half of its
touchdowns this fall.
Michigan State, rated one of

HE TWILIGHT of the greatest athletic career in Michigan history
is drawing nigh. Today Bennie Oosterbaan will coach his last game
Michigan Stadium, the great structure that he helped to dedicate
a third year All-American 31 years ago. A week from today he will
de his last Wolverine team through the 100th game as head football
ich. Then he will withdraw from the "M" gridiron after 34 seasons
complete dedication to the athletic and academic traditions of the
iversity of Michigan.
Bennie has been a very successful coach. In 11 years at the
chigan helm he has an overall record of 63 victories, 31 defeats and
r ties. He has won twice as many games as he has lost. In these
years he has had only one losing season until this fall; he has
one undefeated year, and two undisputed Big Ten titles plus a
are of another. In his first year as head coach he was named "Coach
the Year."
To go back further yet, Bennie as a student has been heralded
the greatest athlete in Wolverine annals. He was a three-year
[-American as a football end, and has been named to every all-time
-America in this capacity. He also played basketball, and is the
y Michigan cager to ever lead the Big Ten in scoring for a season.
baseball Ray Fisher, who retired just last June after having
ached the "M" diamondmen for 39 seasons, calls Bennie the greatest
tural player he has ever coached.

the Big Ten's best at the start of
the season, will be trying to win
its first conference game against
the winless Minnesota Gophers.
Minnesota will be bolstered by
the return of starting left half-
back Arlie Bomstad, who has not
seen action for four weeks. The
injury-ridden Gophers also hope
to get service from quarterback
Jim Reese and halfback Bob Sol-
At Champaign, the Wisconsin
Badgers-rated fifth in the nation
- will try to hold their second
place position in the Big Ten race
with a win over improving Illinois.
The slow starting Illni have won
three out of their last four con-
tests and will be shooting for an
upset against the powerful Badg-

MSU Harriers Take Title;
Iowa's Jones Wins First

CHICAGO (A') - Iowa's Charles'
"Deacon" Jones, N.C.A.A. cham-
pion two years ago, finally won
his first Big Ten cross country
title yesterday.
Jones finished some 10 yards
ahead of Michigan State's Craw-
ford Kennedy in 20:18.0, a good
time for unseasonable 70-degree
weather which prevailed during
the four-mile event in Washing-
ton Park.
The team title went to Michi-
gan State, its seventh in nine Big
Ten championship meets. The
Spartans scored 43 points, the
same as when they won last year.
Second in the team standings

was Iowa with 59 points, followed
by Indiana with 64, Illinois with
77 and Minnesota with 103. Wis-
consin and Northwestern compet-
ed but lacked full teams. Ohio
State, Purdue and Michigan failed
to enter.
The leading finishers: 1) Jones,
Iowa; 2) Kennedy, MSU; 3) Jack
Hill, Iowa; 4) James Bowers, Ill;
5) Ronald Long, Ind.; 6) Bill
Abele, Ind.; 7) Harold Harris, Ill.;
8) Bill Reynolds, MSU; 9) John
Brown, Ill.; 10) John Horan, MSU.
11) Dave Lean, MSU; 12) Bob
Lake, MSU; 13) Gene Bontems,
Minn.; 14) Stanley Hedges, Ind.;
15) Bruce Trimble, Iowa.

William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant
Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and
12:00 noon.
Weekday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 A.M.
Novena Devotions: Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M.
Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 P.M.
Classes each evening in Christian Doctrine, Apolo-
getics, Church History, Scholastic Philosophy,
in the Father Richard Center.
120S. State St.
Merril R. Abbey, L. Burlin Main,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship: "Where Suf-
fering Collects Life's Tax," Dr. Merrill R. Ab-
bey speaking.
9:30 A.M. Discussion Group, Nancy Nogler dis-
cusses Drama.
7:00 P.M. Discussion Group. "What do we want
for the future?"
Stteand William Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister.
Services: 9:30 A.M. to 10:20 A.M., 11:00 A.M.
to 12:00 noon. Sermon subject: "Why we are
Christians"-Dr. Fred E. Luchs.
CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30-10:40 and 10:55-12:00.
(crib through 9th grade).
Student Guild 7:00 at Mayflower Room. A dy-
namic new film presents the world's most
pressing issue.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michigan)
Washtenow at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Res. Ph. NO 3-0982; Office Ph. NO 8-7421
10:00 A.M. Morning Service.
7:00 P.M. Evening Service.
1917 Washtenaw at Berkshire
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 Church School. Adult Discussion Group -
Robert Gaines - "Bahai - a New Faith."
I11:00 Service of Worship-"The Good Sense of
Libea lism."-Ellsworth W. Smith.
7:00 Student Group - Professor Fred Wolcott.
"The Education School Approach to Educa-
tion." Transportation furnished.
502 East Huron
Dr. Chester H. Loucks and the Rev. Hugh D,
Pickett, Ministers
Mrs. Gabrielle Bublitz, Assistant Student
9:45 A.M. Student Class, studies in the Book of
Romans. I
11:00 A.M. Worship-Rev. Joseph D. Bans.
6:45 P.M. Roger Williams Guild; Rev, Parker
Burroughs and Rev Norman Keim, National
Secretaries of Student Work, will speak on
"Needed-Creative Churchmen."
Tuesday at 9:00 P.M. Open House. Dr. and Mrs.
Chet Loucks.
306 North Division Street
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon for stu-
dents followed by breakfast and discussions
in Canterbury House.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and sermon.
5:30 P.M. Canterbury Buffet supper.
7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and commentary.

1131 Church St.
Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister
9:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service: "Biblical
Rules for Giving,"
7:00 P.M. Evening Worship Service "The Peron
and Work of Christ. I Christ and the Old
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School.
11:00 A.M. "Mortals and Immortals" is the loe
son sermon.
A free reading room is maintined at $39 South
Main Street. Reading room hours d: Mon1y
11:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tuesday through
Friday 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday
9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Sunday 2:30 P.M.
to 4:30 P.M.
Corner State and Huron Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor
8:45 and 11:00 A.M. "That We May Know the
Lord Jesus Christ."
10:00 A. Sunday School.
5:45 P.M. Student Guild and Youth Groups.
7:00 P.M. Sermon: "Rapture of the Church."
Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting.
W. Stadium at Englewood
Lester F. Allen, Minister
SUNDAYS: 10:00, 11:00 A.M.; 6:30 P.M.
RADIO: Sundays 5:30 P.M. WXYZ 1270
"Herald of Truth."
For transportation to services Diol NO 3-8273.
Friends Center, 1416 Hill St.
10:00 and 11:30 Meeting for worship.
10:00 Sunday school and college discussion.
11:30 Adult discussion.
7:15 P.M. Young Friends.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Luthern Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Schelps, Pastor
Theo. A. Kriefall, Vicar
Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45: Worship Services, with
Holy Communion. "Narrative Eucharist," ex-
plaining the communion lturg.
Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45: Bible Stdy Groups.
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delto, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper and Program. Speaker, The Rev.
William Britton, Pastor to Univ. of Knsas
Lutheran Students, "Jesus Christ-Practicing
at the First Presbyterian Church
1432 Washtenow Avenue, NO 2-3580
Miss Patricia Pickett, Acting Director
Robert Baker, Assistant
Worship at 9:00, 10:30, and 12:00. Dr. Arthur
R. McKay, president of McCormick Theologi-
cal Seminary, preaching.
10:30 A.M. Seminar, "Christian Beliefs."
11:30 A.M. Coffee Hour.
6:00 P.M. Supper Clubs.
7:00 P.M. University Lecture ofthe Church and
flA 0 l. /".d.r . I , n_. a .I -

LSU,~~~~~e Missip tt ls

'he Pressures.. .
V IS TRULY unfortunate that a man who has done so much for
the name of Michigan sports should leave the head coaching posi-
in with his head bowed. Bennie has been the victim of circumstances.
it circumstances that were aimged to hurt him, or that were in any
y foreseen by any members of the athletic department 11 years
o when he took over the reins. However, since that date these various
ctors have slowly closed in upon him-#nd have shocked him to
e point where he must now bow out.
No, he hasn't been forced out. The decision was his, as it should
in the case of any Michigan coach. But it is inconceivable to think
at it wasn't "forced" in most senses. The pressures of any large1
llege coaching task are great, and the pressures around Michigan
.ve slowly mounted over the past 11 years. The Wolverines have
3wly declined in grid prominence, as Bennie's first years were his
st, and the last few have been disastrous.
This decline has been due entirely to the growing strength of the
g Ten, the various academic and aid standards, and the pressing
-blems of Michigan football recruiting. The declining has not been
Le to Bennie's coaching techniques, which have in actuality improved
er the years and are at present at their best. Howeve,r. it is the
an-lost record which causes the growing pressures-pressures from
umni, students, and even the athletic department budget that
pends on filling Michigan Stadium.
.. Of Loyalty...
HESE PRESSURES HURT. Bennie loves Michigan, and the thing

Bowl-conscious Louisiana State
puts its rating as the number one
team in the nation on the line
when it goes against Mississippi
State tonight.
Powerful LSU led by the run-
ning of Billy Cannon, the passing
of Warren Babb, and the excep-
tional line play of Max Fugler
and company are heavy favorites
over the Maroons. The Tigers post
an 8-0 record and in last week's
game against Duke, their offense.
finally exploded with all its might
and mauled the Blue Devils, 50-18.
Lose Three Straight
Mississippi State meanwhile has
been unable to notch a victory
for three straight weeks.
Third ranked Army takes on
Villanova in a warm-up for their
annual classic with Navy. Although
Villanova has been very impres-
sive in posting a 6-2 mark, it is no
match for the Cadets, who are
second in the nation in total of-
fense, second in passing, and fifth
in defense. There is, however, a
strong possibility of the Middie-
minded Cadets being upset as hap-
pened in their last meeting in
Still fighting to retain their
Southeastern Conference chain-
pionship, fourth ranked Auburn

crown will leave with the victor.
Ranked sixth in the nation,
Oklahoma is undefeated in 69
straight conference contests- Mis-
souri was not considered in the
running until last week when they
came from behind to upset Colora-
do, 33-9. The experts have rated
the Sooners as a two touchdown
Tennessee will play host and
probably patsies to seventh ranked
Mississippi. Ole Miss, beaten only
by LSU, still holds outside hopes'
of taking the SEC crown and
should find little trouble in getting
by the Volunteers.
TCU faces Texas in a South-
western Conference contest. The
Longhorns have a 6-2 record, but
have had a hard time unwinding'
themselves since they whipped;
Oklahoma, 15-14. TCU, the ninth
best team in the nation, has lost
only to Iowa and is presently lead-
ing the Conference.
AFA vs. Wyoming
The high flying Air Force Aca-
demy meets Wyoming in a game
which should not cause the tenth-
rated Falcons much trouble.
Elsewhere in the West the hap-
less Pacific Coast Conference will
try to come one step closer in
determining who will represent it1

at the Rose Bowl. Fighting for the
trip to Pasadena are California,
Oregon State and Washington
The Golden Bears will take on
Washington while Oregon State
meets Stanford and Washington
State faces Dick Bass and his Col-
lege of the Pacific aggregation.
The Ivy League crown may very
well be decided with two of the
three front runners, Cornell and
Dartmoutb, opposing each other
while the third, Princeton, meets
its arch rival Yale.
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