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November 15, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-15

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PAGE r'i


Mayor, Council Discuss
Urban Renewal Plans

'U' To Host

See Increase
In In. come
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications reported a net
income of $27.776 for the 1957-58
fiscal year and an income of $20,-
404 for the 1956-57 year to the
Board of Regents yesterday.
The report showed improved fi-
nancial standing over the figures
related to the Regents two years
ago. In 1955-56 net income totaled
$15,411 and in 1954-55 57,615 was
The Board's report showed that
the "striking improvement in the
Board's annual net income is pri-
marily attributable to the in-
crease in. income from The Daily,"
which operated at a loss in
Signed by Prof. John Reed of
the law school, chairman of the
Board in Control. the report said
that "The state of health of the
student enterprises under its con-
trol is good."
These enterprises include the
Michiganensian, the Student Di-
rectory, Generation and Gargoyle.
The latter two publications lost
The Board indicated its grate-
fulness to Maurice Rinkel, Audi-
tor for Student Organizations,
who watches over financial oper-
ations and to Kenneth Chatters,
superintendent of printing. '
The Board also commended the
other office and shop employes
who work with the several hun-

joint effort between both federal
and local officials."
Need Outside Support
In explaining this further he in-
dicated there was not enouglh
money available in Ann Arbor to

Seven hundred and thirty seven
high school teachers, debate
coaches and students from secon- BUSINESS SEP
dary schools throughout the state
will attend a University speech
assembly beginning at 9 a.m. to- SMITH
d av. - A -i-

I _

carry out a project of this size
without some sort of outside sup- Prof. N. Edd Miller of the
port. In this case money would speech department will take
be provided by the federal gov- charge of the program. which will
ernment. be devoted to debate. It will con-
Prof. Eldersveld called the situ- sist of a discussion of high school
ation in Ann Arbor critical but debating.
explained that it need not be. "If A demonstration debate by the
the residents would work on it the members of the University de-
problems could be cleared up bate squad will follow.
quickly," he said.
Councilwoman Florence R.
Crane commented that the issue Organization
of urban renewal is mainly an is-
sue of providing adequate hous- Noticesj
ing for those now living in sub- _
standard homes.
It is also concerned with mak- Congregational and Disciples Guild,
ing sure houses now meeting the cider hour, Nov. 15, after game, Guild
standards of the housing code in House. , .
Ann Arbor do not deteriorate. Lutheran Student Assoc., faculty-
Consider Whole City graduate group, Nov. 15. 7:30, Lutheran
Student Center, Forest and Hill. Speak-
"Urban renewal must be exam- . F

-Rn tAmror s
First Carpet Store
207 E. Washington St.

205 N. Main St.
White Paint .......-. .$1.98 Per Gal,
Colors...............$2.48 Per Gal.
117 E. Ann NO 8-6966
) J77

-Daily-David Arnold
.. . on Urban Renewal
Ann Arbor's mayor, Prof. Sam-
uel J. Eldersveld, of the political
science department said Thursday
that many houses in the north
central part of Ann Arbor have
started to deteriorate and become
a source of "potential blight."
This was one of the statements
made by a panel consisting of
Prof. Eldersveld and members of
the Ann Arbor City Council in its
discussion of Urban Renewal at
the First Presbyterian Church.
In starting the discussion, Prof.
Eldersveld commented, "In this

FINISHED WORK-Specialize in
ton blouses. Ironings separately.
pickup and delivery. Siamese
service. Also Siamese cat for
NO 2-9020.


ined in regards to the rest of the
city." Mrs. Crane added. To be
able to do this, she said, the City
Council must have the opinions
and the suggestions of the wholet
Many people in the Ann Arbor
area have complained that they
will not receive enough money for
their homes under the present
urban renewal program. Audience
members said after being paid for
their homes they.will not be able
to purchase new homes for lack'
of money.{

er: r.rarrea
Mich. Christian Fellowship. Nov. 16,
4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Dr. K. Pike,
U. of M. Prof. of Anthro., "Sin, Myth
or Master?"
Newma n Club, membership dance
(Dave Juilliet and his Men of Musie),
Nov. 15, 9-12 p.m., 331 Thompson. Pick
up tickets early - 2 per member.
* * *
Russian Circle, slides of Russia by
Miss Green, Nov. 17, 8 p.m., Lane Hall,
2nd Floor And.

Purchase your Cider "COLD"
on the way to today's game.
(formerly Freeman's)
709 Packard NO 2-3175
"Just two doors from the Blue Front"
Room Phones
Free TV
2805 E. Michigan HU 2-2204

dred members

of the

student country the philosophy of dealing
I with blighted areas is through a

Nov. k6, 7
Speaker: Dr,

* * *
Student Group. meeting.
p.m., Unitarian Church.
Wolcott, Progressive Edu-


(Continued from Page 2)
gram are the works of students Arnold
Schonberg, Wayne Slawson, Bruce Wise,
Robert Ashley. David Bates, and Henry
Onderdonk. Participating on the pro-
gram will be Elizabeth Grotegut, Wal-
lace Berry, Paul Topper, Elnore Cramp-
ton, Elizabeth Lichty, Cynthia Kren,
Shirley Zaft, Bruce Wise, Geraldine
Groce, Mary McCoskey, Clarence Byrd,
Douglas Marsh and Sie linde Onder-
donk. A short discussion will follow
the program which will be open to the
general public without charge.
Student Recital: A piano recital will
be presented by Greta Dinsmore Sun,,
Nov. 16, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A. Angell Hall.
Miss Dinsmore, whose recital is pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, is a student of Benning Dex-
ter. She has included on her program
compositions by Beethoven. Schumann,
J. S. Bach, and Scriabine. Open to the
general public.'
Academic Notices
Applications for fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School
for 1959-60 are now available. Applica-
tions for renewal should also be filed
at this time. Competition closes Feb. 1,
1959. Applications and information may
be obtained in the Graduate School
Offices, Rackham Bldg. Only students
who intend to enroll in the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
for 1959-60 may apply.
School of Music Honors Scholar Pro-
gram: Applications for the Honors
Scholar program of the School of Mu-
sic are now being accepted by the
Honors Council. Applications (and sup-
porting recommendations) must be
filed in the School of Music office no
later than December 1. Explanatory
leaflets and appropriate forms are
available in the School of Music office,
Engineering Mechanics Seminar,
Mon., Nov. 17, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 218 W.
Eng. Bldg. There will be an open dis-
DIAL NO 2-3 i36

cussion on nonlinear elasticity. Coffee
will be served at 3:30 p.m. in the Fac-
ulty Lounge, W. Eng. Bldg. All interest-
ed persons are invited to attend.
Picacemnent INolviceA
Personnel Requests:
Chemical Co. in Wisc. Assistant to the
Personnel Manager. This position is
responsible for providing assistance to
the Personnel Manager in all functions
of the Personnel Dept. as assigned and
to act as a basic training and develop-
ment resource for the company. A
mqre complete statement of the Per-
sonnel Manager's duties can be ob-
tained by contacting the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg-.
Company in Illinois. Training and
Employment Director. College graduate
in Psychology or Social Studies or ad-
vanced degree in Psychology, Personnel
or Bus. Admin. preferred, not required.
Four-five years of industrial experience.
Medium or large size plants-two years
employment experience or two years
training. Age: 25 or over. Labor (Com-
pany) Relations Director. College grad-
uate in Psychology, Social Studies,
Sales, or English. Advanced degree in
Psychology, Personnel, Bus. Admin.,
or Bus. Law preferred, not required.
Experience: four-five years industrial
experience. Medium or large firms.
Contract Negotiation. Will assume
mlanagement responsibility of the fol-
lowing additional areas: Employee
Benefits, Employee Relations and Em-
ployee Activities, Age: 25 or over.
State of Connecticut. Adult Proba-
tion Officer I. In a training progran
and in a prescribed district assists1
Adult Probation Officers of higher
grade in making investigations of allt
cases referred by the Director of Pro-
bation, District Probation Supervisor,
ot by any court in which they are
authorized to serve; does related work
as required. Closing date for filing ap-
plications is Nov. 19, 1958.
Fieldcrest. Mills, Inc., Spray. ,N.C.
Senior Methods Engineer. Establish a
Methods Dept. for company, supervise;
two or more methods engineers, coor-
dinate methods work throughout or-
ganization. Age: 30 to 40. College grad-
unte in inus. or mech. engineerin'.
Experience: Competent in both theory
and application of predetermined time
values(MITM) and five or mnore years
expeence in alication of industrial
engineering principles and practice.
Norge. Division of Borg-Warner Corp.,
Muskegon Heights, Mich. Graduate Ac-
countant. No further information was
Included in their correspondence. Con-

tact the Bureau if you are interested Elec., and Mech. Must be male U.S.
and we will contact the company. citizen. Des., Res. and Dev., Produc-
U.S. Rubbber Co., various locations.
Interviews: ..lB.S., M.S. and Ph.D.: Ch.E., Mech., Bus.
The following companies wil be in- Ad., Chemistry, Math., Physics. Must
terviewing at the School of Engineer- be U.S.' citizen. Res. and Dev.. mfg.,
ing on Nov. 17. Pat Eg. rnh Dsrbto.
and 18. Bell Aircraft Corp.. Buffalo- Plant Engr., Branch Distribution,
Niagara Falls area. B.S.: Aero., Elec., Acctg., Sales.
E. Math., E.M., E. Phy s., Mat'ls., and ~ Wagner Electric Corp., Original
eh. M.S.Aeo., E.ePhys.M~ Is.r.ndEquipment Mfg. Sales and Engineering
Mech. M.S.: Aero., FlecE, E.M., Instr., Contacts, Detroit, Mich. B.S. and M.S.
Mat'ls., and Mech. Ph.D.: Aero.. Elec.',nMc.Ms eml ..ctzn
E.M., Instr., and Mech. Must be U.S. in Mech. Must be male U.S. citizen.
citizen. Feb. Grads. Design, Research Sales.
and Development.
Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc.. Mel- The following companies will be in-
rose Park, Ill. B.S.: Elec. and Mech. terviewing at the School of Engineer-
M.S. and Ph.D. in Elec., Instr. and ing on Nov. 18:
Mech. Feb. Grads. Must he U.S. citizen. Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.,
Design, Res. and Development, Sales. Buffalo, N.Y. B.S.: Aero.. Elec.. E.
University of Michigan, Willow Run Math., E.M., E. Phys., Mech., Physics
Laboratories, Ypsilanti, Mich. B.S., M.S. and Mathematics. M.S. and Ph.D.,
and Ph.D.: Elec.. Phys. and Math. Must Aero., Elec., Instr., Mech., Physics and
be U.S. citizen. Res. and Development. Math. Must be U.S. citizen. Res. and
Northrop Aircraft, Inc. Northrop Div., Dev.
Hawthorne, Calif. Northronics Div., Dow Corning Corp., Midland. Mich.
Anaheim and Hawthorne, Calif. Radio B.S.: Ch.E., Elec. and Mech. M.S.: ChE'
Plane Div., Van Nuys, Calif. B.S.: Aero., and Elec. Must be U.S. citizen. Res.
Che., Civil, Elec., E, Math., E. Phys., and Dev., Sales, Production.
Mech., and Met., Math., and Physics. IBM Corp., New York State, Ken-
MS. and Ph.D.: Aero., Ch.E., Civil, tucky, Minn., and Calif. B.S.: Ch.E.,
Elec., Mech., Met., Math. and Physics. Elec., E. Math., E.M., E. Phys., Ind.,
Feb. Grads. Must be U.S. citizen. De- Mat'ls., Mech., Met., and Science. M.S.:
sign, Res. and Dev., Prod., Analytical Aero., Ch.E.. Elec., E.M., Ind.. Instr.,
and Test. Mat'l. Mech. and Met. Design. Res.
Peerless Cement Co., Detroit and and Dev., Prod., Applied Science.
Port Huron, Mich. B.S. in Ch.E., Feb. International Nickel Co., Inc., Hunt-
Grads, for work with Chief Chemist- ington Operations (Alloy Mill) Hunt-
Control. ington, W. Va. B.S.: E. Phys., Ind., Met.
Philco Corporation, Philadelphia and and Physics. M.S.: Met. and Physics.
Lansdale, Pa., San Francisco, Calif. Ph.D.: Met., Res. and Dev., Production.-
B.S.: Ch.E., Elec., E. Math.. E.M., E. The M. W. Kellogg Co., N.Y. and N.J.
Phys., Mech. and Science. M.S. and B.S. and M.S.: Ch.E., Civil, Mech.
Ph.D.: Ch.E., Elec., E.M., Instr., and Constr., Design, Research, Process En-
Mech. Must be U.S. citizen. Design Res. gineering.
and Dev., Production. P.M. only - The Mead Corporation,.
and 18. Procter and Gamble. Engi- Chillicothe, Ohio. B.S.: Ch.E. M.S.:
neering Division, Cincinnati, Ohio. B.S. Ch.E. and Sanitary and Ph.D.: Ch.E.
and M.S.: Ch.E., Civil, Constr., Elec., Must be male U.S. citizen. Res. and
E.M., Mech. and Phys. Plant scale Dev.A
engrg. of process systems; Constr. A.M. only - Owens-Corning Fiber-
Mgnt. Overseas Division: U.S. and glas Corp., Newark and Toledo, Ohio.'
M.S.: ChE., Civil, Constr., Elec.., E. B.S.:-Mech. M.S.: E.M. and Mech. Must
Math., E.M., Ind., Instr., Mech., Science, be male U.S. citizen. Design, Res. and1
and Chem. Ph.D.: Ch.E. Foreign Stu- Dev., Production.
dents pleae note: Overseas opportuni- The Procter & Gamble Co., Research
ties can be arranged only for nationals and Development Div., .Cincinnati,
:>f Belgium, France. England, Morocco, Ohio. B.S. and MS.: Ch.E. and Chem.
Canada, Mexico, Cuba. Venezuela, Phil- Ph.D.: Ch.E. Res. and Dev., Design.
ippines, Indonesia and Peru. Plant management, 16 U.S. locations
Raytheon Manufacturing Co., All di-. and overseas. B.S. and M.S.: Ch.E.,
visions, various locations. B.S.: Aero., Civil, Elec., Ind, and Mech. Production
Elec., E. Math., E. PhU., Mech. and supervision and Plant Engrg.
Met. M.S. and Ph.D.: Aero., Elec., and 19. Sperry Rand Corp. Reming-
Mech. and Met. Must be male U.S. ton Rand UNIVAC. St. Paul, Minn.,
citizen. Des., Res. and Dev., Produc- Philadelphia, Pa., and South Norwalk,
tion. Conn. B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.: Elec. Feb.
Reilly Tar and Chemical Corp., Indi- grads, Must be male U.S. citizen. De-
anapolis, Ind. B.S. and M.S.: Ch E., sign, Res. and Dev.
-..-_Swift and Co., Research Laboratories,
Chicago. 111. B.S.: Ch.E., Elec., E. Phys,,I
G GM NInd. and Mech. M.S.: Ch.E., Elec., Ind.,
GAG.EMENTtInstr. and Mech. Must be male U.S.
M AI w Fv citiren. Des.. Res. and Development.

Shoe Repairing
H4 Cleaning
Shoe Shining
119 East Ann Street
(opposite court house)
NO 8-6966 )J32
POTATOES-U.S. No. 1 $3.00-100 lbs.
Bananas- Sc lb. Demarco Produce
NO 2-7747 ,J95
REWEAVING-Burns. tears, moth holes
rewoven. Let us save your clothes.
Weave-Bac Shop. 224 Nickels Arcade,
NO 2-4647. )J3
Shop for
Washington Fish Market
208 E. Washington NO 2-2589
It may not have your name on it,
but you might think that PLATEX
made LIVING BRAS just for YOU
alone. At
The Dillon Shops
On Forest off S. Univ.
and, at 1111 S. Univ.
across frm the Bank
1954 ALMA TRAILER, 29 ft. Exc. cond.
I bdrm; full bath; automatic hot
water; awning with screening. Call
HA 6-9882. )B70
DUO-THERM space heater, barrels, tub-
ing, etc. Good condition, reasonable,
Call NO 5-5145 mornings. )N4
MUST SACRIFICE: bedroom suite,
kitchen table and chairs, end tables
and a studio couch. NO 3-7793. )B67
1955 CREE MOBILE HOME on lot 8,
Orchard Grove. Completely modern.
Twin beds. Aluminum exterior, full
awning over patio. Excellent condi-
tion; immediate possession. Reason-
able. Contact W. A. Earl, 1028 Ad-
ministration Bldg., U of M, ext. 2834,
Best offer Keyboard Service
213 E. Washington, NO 3-3109
ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25;
socks 39c; shorts 69c; military sup-
plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington.


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NO 2-2513



In the toughest city in the world...




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