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November 14, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-14

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



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An Editorial ...
BENNIE OOSTERBAAN represents the best that is Michigan.
As head football coach for the last 11 years he has compiled
a superb record, and at the same time has represented the highest
ideals of a great University.
We'd hate to see him go.
He has devoted his entire life to the University and has
brought it great prestige first as an All-American end and then
as coach. Because of his concern for the individual he also stands
a cut above most of the men in his profession, who somehow can't
see that there is any more to football than winning games.
Unreasonable pressure to replace Oosterbaan has been
mounting all season and Bennie, being the person he i's, would
put pressure on himself for "letting Michigan down."
We don't believe he has let the University down or that one
comparatively poor season outweighs his past record which
includes a Rose Bowl, possession of two Big Ten Championships
and a tie for another.
For Bennie to retire now would be a loss to the entire.
University community.
We'd sincerely hate to see him go.
-The Senior Editors
Israel Cracks Spy Ring;
Arrests overs1TenArabs
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector (P) - Aninvestigation touched off
by a box of Syrian-made matches has cracked one of the biggest
spy rings ever unearthed in Israel, the Israeli government said
A communique announced the arrest and confessions of more
than 10 Arabs living in Israel who allegedly took orders from Egyp-
tian-Syrian intelligence. More arrests are likely.
The ring operated in Northern Israel and Jerusalem for more
than two years, the communique said, and the spies sold military,
economic and political information to the Arab agents.
Live in Galilee
Most of the 200,000 Arabs living in Israel are concentrated in the
mountainous region of Galilee, in the north.
The beginning of the end of the ring came last Aug. 9 when
Syrian agents made their last visit to Israel, the communique said.
One agent dropped a box of matches of Syrian make which was
found and turned over to police. With that the Israelis opened

U.iP ee For Nuclear Control
GENEVA (I') - The United States got the three-power nuclear
talks moving yesterday by presenting a treaty propiosal calling for
international control of a ban on testing of atomic and hydrogen
The draft contained the first detailed outline of, the kind of
control system the United States insists must be organized to police
any renunciation of nuclear testing. The exact terms were not made
public. The conference proceedings are secret.
But discussion of this draft and of counterproposals by the So-
viet Union took the conference beyond the sterile stage of arguing
over agenda points. A.D'e
There was still disagreement over the agenda, but the two sides

Sources Set Shi~f
For Next Seasor
'M' Backfield Coach To Replace
Oosterbaan; Regents May Act Soo
Daily sports Editor
Chalmers 'Bump' Elliott will replace Bennie G. Ooste
baan as head football coach, reliable sources said last nigh
The Daily learned last night that the Board in Contr
of Intercollegiate Athletics passed a resolution recommenc
ing that Elliott be named head football coach.
Submitted to Regents
It is reported that the resolution will be submitted to ti
Regents at their monthly meeting today. The resolution '
reported reads: "The Board ln-

More Funds,
To Colleges
LANSING (A)- The State of
Michigan now owes more money
than it has cash on hand, an
emergency meeting of state offici-
als called to review the financial
pictures was told yesterday.
State Treasurer Sanford A.
Brown said Michigan now has
$7,700,000 cash on hand but owes
around 12 million dollars to the
three large state universities-the
University, Michigan State Uni-
versity and Wayne State Univer-
It was explained the universities
are able to get along temporarily
without the money owed by the
State by dipping into student fees.
Owe School Aid
Lynn Mv. Bartlett, State Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction,
noted that in addition about 18
million dollars is owed in state
schoo laid. He predicted this will
jump to around 28 million dollars
by the end of next month.
"The legislature just did not,
provide for enough revenue to take
care of the State school aid pay-
ments," he said.
School districts currently have
borrowed more than 35 million,
dollars to meet their obligations
since July 1, Bartlett said.
Will Get Along
Gov. Williams said that despite
the worsening State financial pic--
ture, Michigan will be able to get
along until the next legislaive
Brown said here will be enough
revenues coming in to meet Statef
payrolls and welfare bills.
'U' Graduates
To Get Award
At Ceremony
Three University alumni will
receive the Outstanding Achieve-
ment Award given by the Univer-
sitys' Regents at a special cere-
mnony tomorrow night in Hill
Thomas E. Dewey, New York
City attorney who received a BA
degree in 1923 will receive recogni-
tion for the honor his work has
brought to the University,
Raymond T. Perring. n atrnit

fan investigation and in Septem-
ber began making arrests.
Offer Salary
One of the accused allegedly
confessed that the Syrians of-
fered him a monthly salary of 150,
Israeli pounds (about $83).
Government and police sources
reported these details:
The spies made contact with'
armed Arab infiltrators who
slipped across the border mainly
Relatives of Spies
Most infiltrators were relatives
of the spies in Israel.
The ring centered at the Arab
village of Marar, in Galilee, where
many of the operatives worked on
farms near the border.
"The arrested men at first at-
tempted to deny everything," the
communique said, "but after
hearing the evidence laid before
them by their interrogators they
all admitted their part in the es-
pionage network."
The spies usually worked in
twos or threes.
Two were brothers of a promin-
ent Galilee family. In January
1957 one brother, a school teach-
er, was contacted in Jerusalem by
a Syrian agent identified as Ach-'
mad Daoud Azia.
Azia told the teacher he would
be contacted by a Syrian agent
who would identify himself by a
password. After contact was made,
the teacher began touring Israel
collecting data on Army installa-
tions and passing it to SyrianE
agents through espionage chan-

nevertheless went ahead with a
Call Board
To Consider
SGC Action
A meeting of the Board in Re-I
view of Student Governmentf
Council has beenscalled for 9 am.
tomorrow to consider SGC's deci-
sion to withdraw recognition from
Sigma Kappa sorority.
The meeting was called both by
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
on behalf of Sigma Kappa and
again by Dean Bacon and Dean
of Men Walter B. Rea for the
administration. .
Sigma Kappa is questioning
whether the Council's action con-
stitutes a violation of regental
policy. The administration, which
has Dreviously declared that the
Council has no jurisdiction in this
area, is renewing this claim.
The first meeting of the ' ard
in Review was called by Miss
Bacon on the question of adminis-
trative policy and practice alone.
The Council's decision to with-
draw recognition from the sorority
was derived after consultation
with the administration.
The first meeting of the Board
in Review followed SGC's decision
finding Sigma Kappa still in viola-
tion of University regulations in
The Board imposed a stay of
action on the Council, until an
administration-Council committee
could discuss the issue.
At the recommendation of the
joint committee, the Board re-
moved the stay of action, allowing
SGC to decide the sorority's status.
Regents Board,
To Meet Here
The University Board of Regents
will discuss the possibility of es-
tablishing an enrollment deposit
for new students at their 11 a.m.
general meeting today.
Preceding the meeting will be
a 10 a.m. conference on invest-

discussion of the problems this
*conference was called to consider.
That in itself represented a de-
gree of progress.
The basic East-West difference
of approach remained.
From the start of this confer-
ence Oct.h31sthe Russian: have
sought to get the British and
Americans to agree first to an im-
mediate and permanent suspen-
sion of nuclear weapon test:. The
United States and Britain hold
that agreement on a control sys-
tem must come first.
Avoid Timing Talks
The Russians are reported to
have suggested that the delegates
skirt this question of timing by
negotiating a test suspension
agreement and a control system
agreement to come into force si-
multaneously. I
A western source said the Rus-
sians claimed this represented a
major Soviet concession, but it
was not so regarded by the Amer-
ican and British delegations.
United States delegate James
J. Wadsworth Introduced the
American plan. The wording of
the conference communique re-
vealed the emphasis which the
draft put on the problem of in-
ternational control.
Erb-e Denies
Ballot Fraud
"To the best of my knowledge
no ballot stuffing took place," Stu-
dent Government Council Elec-
tions Director Richard Erbe, '61,
said yesterday, refuting four
anonymous persons who called The
Daily Wednesday night to report
stuffing incidents.
Only 35 ballots were voided, Erbe
pointed out, the lowest total in
election history.
Erbe said that although he is
"very satisfied with the election
results," he will institute two
changes for next spring's voting.
He will begin a Special- Condi-
tions Committee to distribute bal-
lots at Health Service and to per-
sons ill in the dormitories, Erbe
said, and will move the poll for-
merly at the Natural Science Mu-
seum to the Women's Athletic

--Dave Giltron-Ensian photo
OLD AND NEW-Head Football Coach Bennie Oosterbaan (left)
discusses strategy at a recent game with his protege and reported
successor, Chalmers "Bump" Elliott, present backfield coach.
Elliott was an All-America wingback in 1947 for Michigan's
national championship team.
Approve 'Idea' of Aiding
Minor Sports Activities
The Union Board of Directors last night approved "the concept"
of the Union sponsoring and aiding "minor sports and recreational
organizations," and authorized the establishment of a committee to
investigate the specific problems involved.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea, who is a member of both the Union
board and the Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate Athletics, ex-
plained that organizations such as the Ski Club, The Wolverine Soccer

Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics recommends that
Chalmers W. Elliott assume
the duties of head football
coach as of January 1, 1959,
at a salary of $16,000 a year."
According to the source the
Board has received a resignation
from Oosterbaan. However, when
he was contacted last night he
had no comment to make. It was
supposedly emphasized at the
meeting that he had not resigned
"under pressure."
"No Comment"
None of the members of the

Team and the Michigan Sailingq
Team, although recognized stu-
dent organizations, have no offi-
cial sponsorship.
Dean Rea stated that the major
problem concerning these organi-
zations was that of responsibility
for the groups. These responsi-
bilities include those of singing
contracts and financial liabilities.
With some of these groups fi-
nancial aid is a problem, he said,
"however the actual financial
needs of the organizations arenot
Special problems are involved
with the sports organizations,
Dean Rea continued.
The athletic board, he said, was
reluctant to accept these sports on
a varsity level because they did
not wish to expand their opera-
tions. Some M Club members claim
that increasing the number of
sports increases the "M's" awarded
and dilutes its prestige.

_Tno Discuss
Student Government Council
will take a 10 per cent cut of
profits and expenses of any event
not approved and calendared two
weeks in advance, if a motion
from the Student Activities Com-
mittee passes today.
A second report from the com-
mittee, also scheduled to be heard
at this afternoon's meeting, asks
that the Union and the Wolverine
Club be referred to Joint Judici-
ary Council for a "publicity viola-
These groups received SGC ap-
proval for a pep rally and dance
before the Illinois football game,
according to the report with the
"understanding that the two or-
ganizations would not further
publicize the dance."
The report details the "viola-
tion," listing Daily advertising, il-
legal handbills, posters and a sign
on the Diag as all mentioning the
dance and thus violating the
The final item on today's
agenda is the seating of newly
elected members Ron Bassey, '61,
David Carpenter, '61, Maynard
Goldman, '59, Ron Gregg, '60, and
Al Haber, '60.
Backs Policy
OfK Air Force

Board in Control would comment
on the validity of the resolution.
H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler, Athletic Di-
rector, refused to either confirm
or deny the existence of such a
The resolution, in any form, is
not at present on the agenda of
the Regents meeting. Lyle Nelson,
Director of University Relations,
said that something new could be
put there by 'U' President Hatch-
er today.
It is possible, however, that the
recommendation will be discussed
at the closed portion of the Re-
gents meeting, before the 11 a.m.
session opens to the press.
At last night's meeting no oth-
er candidates were considered for
the head coaching job, and Elliott
was apparently, a unanimous
choice. Many other men had been
rumored as possibilities in the
past few years, but reportedly
none were mentioned last night.
It is understood that Ooster-
baan will remain with the Athletic
Department in a new position,
probably with a salary cut, The
$16,000 in line for Elliott is the
highest starting salary ever of-
fered a head coach at Michigan,
Old Rumor
It has been rumored for the
past five or so years that Ooster-
baan would resign soon. Earlier in
the week he had said that "if and
when such a move is made it will
come through the proper chan-
It was thought that the release
would be made, if it were to be
made this year, at or after the
final game of the season at Ohio
State on November 22.
Reportedly the members of the
Board in Control decided last
night that the resolution wasn't
to be made public as yet. They
were all sworn to secrecy, and the
notes from the meetipg have been
However, some reports of what
was to take place were reported
over Detroit radio stations before
last night's meeting, It is believed
that the Board was uncertain
when the resolution should be re-
leased, an dsince the supposed ac-
tion of the Regents today could
be kept secret, they felt it could
be held up until season's end.
1The fact that the meeting was
held on a Thursday instead of
Friday as usual, and that it was,
prior to the Regents meeting,
aroused suspicion and probably,
prompted many of the radio re-

order Probe
fPlice Action
WASHINGTON () - Orders
went out yesterday for a Federal
grand jury probe of the Birming-
ham, Ala., police department to
find out whether it has violated
the civil rights of three Negro
Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers
said the grand jury will be con-
vened in Birmingham as soon as
possible. It will concentrate on the
arrest of the ministers on vagrancy
Rogers told a news conference
the grand jury investigation was
ordered after Eugene Connor,
Birmingham's Public Safety Com-
missioner, refused to discuss the
arrests with FBI agents. Connor
also instructed Birmingham police
officeers not to talk, Rogers said.
Connor said in Birmingham that
he will arrest anyone, White or
Negro,uwho attempts to aid an
unlawful boycott of the public
transportation system.
After the Oct. 27 arrest of the
ministers, who had come from
Montgomery, , Ala., Connor pro-
claimed that "outside agitators"
found in Birmingham would see
the inside of the city jail,
Birmingham Negroes have been
demonstrating against a law in-
tended to maintain racial segrega-
tion on the city's buses.
The Attorney General also an-
nounced at his news conference
that the Justice Department is
considering recommending to Cn-
gress the enactment of new civil
rights legislation to cope with the
recent wave of school, church and
synagogue bombings.
Rogers expressed concern over
the increase in the volume of
"hate" mail and what he called
the defiance of court decisions in
segregation cases.
Of Infection

North Mrican War Threat iscussed

Algeria's crisis will erupt into a war with the whole of North
Africa taking arms against the French if an adequate solution is not
found in the next few months, Ahmed Belkhodja, Grad., said last
Speaking at a stormy meeting of the Young Republicans, Belk-
hodja predicted a definite shift of Algerian allegiance toward the
United Arab Republic with possible unification with the Arab nations
in the advent of war.
The Tunisian student called for pressure from the United States
on France to avert the possibility of war.
Losing Ground
The Algerian nationalists are losing more ground with each day,
Belkhodja said, and "Algeria will burst into flames" if a solution is
not found soon.
Belkhodja suggested free elections in Algeria under the watchful
eye of a United Nations-appointed international body as one alterna-
tive to impending crisis.
Commenting on Charles de Gaulle's recent constitutional referen-
dum, he admitted the French government had gained stability from
the Fifth Republic's overwhelming support.
Doubts Stability's Effect
But Belkhodja doubted whether this stability would affect the

'"We have found that a ro
shaped bacterium, salmonella, w
the cause of the food infection i
ness which affected people
South Quadrangle last weekenc
Dr. Morley Beckett, director
Health Service, said yesterday.
He said the bacterium was foul
in the feces of the sick studen
and now all efforts are bent
finding from which food the i
fection came.
The report of which food carri
the bacteria is expected soon,
Since bacteria can be passed 4
to other students by contact, I
Beckett said special precautio
are being taken in South Qua
rangle for preventing seconda
infection and illness.
All lavatory equipment is bei
scrubbed and all residents a
being instructed in strict hygie
in order to prevent a seconda
"Only 13 students remain
Health Service out of the origir.
34, and it is expected these st
dents should be released short



Not on Agenda
WASHINGTON (I' - President When contacted before the
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday meeting Marcus Plant, Faculty
backed up Air Force refusal to Representative to the Big Ten,
hand over to an agency of Con- and John Herrnstein, a student
gress a secret report on the man- representative on the Board, both
agement of its ballistic missile stated that such a resolution
wasn't on the agenda for the
program. evening. Herrnstein and Stan
President Eisenhower said the Noskin, the other student on the

-, , y


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