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November 13, 1958 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-13

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Sweeney Discusses Contemporary Art

"Most artists are unwilling to
accept the fact that all true art
must go beyond the mirroring of
the physical wcrld about us," the
director of New York City's Gug-
genheim Museum said yesterday. I
In his discussion of "Contem-
porary Art and Interpretation."
James Johnson Sweeney reported
that "this mirroring" is respon-
sible for more difficulties which
obstruct enjoyment of art than
anything else."
"The only art which achieves
respectability is the art of yester-
day or the second hand art of

today which imitates the art of
the past," he declared.
Play is Basis
Speaking under the auspices of
both the Museum of Art and the
School of Art, Sweeney said,
"Play is the basis of any truly
great art expression.
"We are too jealous of our
pseudo dignity to recognize this
play," he continued. "Until we put
this aside, we can't hope to learn
appreciation of what is truly liv-
ing and great in the arts."
Sweeney indicated that as a
child plays at being something in
order to fully enjoy what he is
doing, so should the artist as hel

Tonight and Friday 7:00 and 9:00
The Piocture o
Dorian Grey
Saturday at 7:00 and 9:45
Sunday at 8:00
All This and
Heaven, Too
50 cents

paints and the layman as he ob-
serves art.
"Play and enjoyment can be
just as serious as the longest-
faced denial of them," he said.
"-The artist should respect the
child that is in all of us."
Middle Ages 'Played"
"During the middle ages. life
was full of play," he reported.
"But beginning in the eighteenth
century, ability to play began to
"Consequently, we have had to
learn afresh the importance of
play and playing," Sweeney not-
ed. "Real civilization cannot exist
in its absence."
He indicated that this lack of
play has been evident in poetry,
and that "utilitarian prose and
poetry is characteristic of colon-
ial times in America.
"American painting was born
of a prose expression," Sweeney
said. "It was born for work and
nt for play - a wholly utilitarian
Painters Recognize Import
He said "American painters and
sculpturers have begun to recog-
nize the importance of creative
play. They have made rules- of
new games and are exploiting
these rules.
"It is the area beyond the mir-
ror, which is the playing field of
the game," Sweeney testified.
According to the museum direc-
tor, "There must be a basic re-
gard for order and form, but the
order of painting must never be
obvious to the observer.
"Art should be a personal ex-
pression for each artist, not for
the observer," he added.
DIAL NO 8-6416
A very
--Jesse Zunser,
Cue Magazine

New Status
lBy Eastern
"We started studying the pos-
sibility of becoming a university
about a month ago because of the
Russel Report on higher educa-
tion in Michigan," Eugene B. El-
liott, president of Eastern Michi-
gan College, said Monday.
Elliott explained that the Rus-
sel Report said that it was not
desirable for Eastern to become a
university since Ypsilanti is so'
close to other state universities in
Ann Arbor and Detroit.
High-Level Program
The Report also wanted Eastern
to keep up with its high-level pro-
gram. Elliott feels this is some-
what incongruous since "any
school that aspires to be a uni-
versity should have a high-level
He said Eastern was checking
the matter for itself, but he
wasn't worrying about the possi-
bility too much, as the program
at Eastern would not be affected
if the college were to become a
Two Fields of Thought
There are two fields of thought
about changing the name from
college to university, Elliott not-
ed. One is that a university is an
institution which has an exten-
sive graduate program and gives
doctorates. The other is that a
university is determined by its
organization of several different
and separate schools.
With Eastern the name univer-
sity would show the organization.
"We are definitely not thinking
of going into a doctorate pro-
gram," Elliott said.
Would Require Changes
"This takes a different type of
personnel and is very expensive.
Also, it should not be entered into
until or unless other state schools
are not operating too well," he
At the present time, Eastern
Michigan College offers masters
degrees in education, as well as
BA.'s and B.S.'s in education.
Called "Common Trend"
Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-presi-
dent of the University and dean
of faculties commented that the
changing of the name from col-
lege to university is a "common
trendaround the county," and e
thought "the reason is for recog-
nition of the fact they are of fer-
ing graduate work." He added
that whether or not Eastern were
to become a university would not
affect the University.
Administrative Assistant Rob-
ert N. Cross called the possible
change, "just a name proposition
which adds prestige but could
lead to the broadening of curricu-
lum and course offerings."
Lecture Today
Dr. Russell Meyers, chairman
of the division of neurosurgery at
the State University of Iowa Med-
ical School, will speak on "The
Neurologic Bases of Cerebral Pal-
sy" at 8 p.m. today in the fifth
floor amphitheater of the Medi-
cal Science Building.
Dr. Meyers has been doing re-
search in the controlling of ab-
normal movements caused by
such things as cerebral palsy and
Parkinson's Disease using super-
sonics to create lesions in the

The meeting is co-sponsored by
the Medical Center and the
United Cerebral Association of
Michigan. The lecture is open to
the public without charge.

(Continued from Page 1)
menting funds or dropping the
The investigating sub-commit-
tee made several recommenda-
tions concerning the Project:
1) "The Project should be con-
tinued as an end in itself because
of the many public benefits that
will derive from this work."
2 "A five-year program of re-
search activity and of facilities
expansion should be instituted."
3) "Operating income of the
Project should be increased to ap-
proximately $400,000 per year."
(The Project currently operates
on about $250,000 per year.)
The Development Council has
begun the fund raising drive to
obtain these goals.
What is really being sought are
more unrestricted funds, Sawyer
added, "because there is no way
of foreseeing the varied new and
important areas for faculty re-
search that will be opened up."
From research supported by the
Project's unrestricted funds came
the "bubble chamber" developed
by Prof. Donald A. Glaser of the
physics department, which mea-
sures the effects of high-energy
radiation, such as cosmic rays.

Funds Needed To Continue

PHOENIX DIRECTOR-Director of the Phoenix Project Dean
Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school, inspects a model of
the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory, one of seven laboratories built
during the first ten years of Phoenix Project. The Project is now
seeking $2 million to continue research on peacetime uses of
atomic energy.

'The Way of Zen' Defined by Watts

Zen Buddhism is the "experi-
encing of nature and the concrete
world in its suchness," said Dr.
Alan Watts, in his lecture, en-
titled, "A Religion Without a The-
Dr. Watt, former Anglican
priest, now leading spokesman for
Zen Buddhism in the U.S., and
author of the book, "The Way of
Zen," addressed a more than ca-
pacity audience in Auditorium A
of Angell Hall, on this religion
that "can't be explained."
Social Conditioning
First, explained Dr. Watts, we
must see Zen against the back-
ground of social conditioning.
From the time an individual is
born, he is taught by society what
role he will play. He experiences
and feels the world has his' so-
ciety structures it for him.
In the world which the indi-
vidual experiences are objects
with which he comes to identify
himself, explained Dr. Watts,
Zenism is essentially the ex-
perience of a realization by man
that he is inseparable from the
world. This Satori, as it is called,
is the "sudden feeling that life is
not problematic," or, in other
words, the moment of experience,
even if it be anguish, is suff i-
cient and as it should be s
Crux of Zen
"The crux of Zen," which is a
form of the northern school of
Buddhism, peculiarly a product
of China," is not what we would
recognize as something religious,"
said Dr. Watt. It has no beliefs,
no ethical concern with codes, nor
any real worship, other than cer-
tain traditional rites which are;
regarded rather indifferently.
T nisian Grad
To Give Talk
Ahmed Belkhodja, Grad., from
Tunesia, will speak on "The Fu-
ture of North Africa Rests at9
Tangiers," tonight at the Young1
Republican meetings.c
The meeting, to be held in Rms.
3K-L of the Union will begin ata
7:30 p.m.

Read Daily Classifieds

Rather, it is the "technique of
getting people to give up," he ex-
plained. By this we mean, getting
people to feel the experiences of
the outside world and their right-
ness without consciously thinking
about them.
Must Experience World
In order to have such an ex-
perience of the world, Dr. Watts
explained, onermust give himself
up to the world and not con-
sciously try to have this ex-
perience. Furthermore, he added,
one must not try to think about
not consciously trying to get this
satori, for in so thinking, one is
essentially trying to "get."
Zenism does not have the ex-
pected effect of making one lazy,
he quickly added, but rather the
Satori produces, with a state of
Workers Raise
'58 Class Git
Of Sculpture
The modernistic sculpture pre-
sented to the University by the
class of 1958 will probably be set
up in the Undergraduate Library
by next weekend, Prof. Thomas
McClure of the architecture and
design school, the designer of the
sculpture, said yesterday.
Work began Monday on the in,
stallation of the 1700-lb. slate
slab to form the base of the sta-
tue. The grey, finely ground seven
by three foot stone was placed
over the marble floor of the li-
brary, according to workers who
Five men, three of whom were
marble setters, completed instal-
lation of the base and the extra
plywood panel yesterday. Prof.
McClure will install the statue
himself and estimates that it will
take about a day to erect.
Explaining that he will be out
of town this weekend, he said he
will put the statue into the build-
ing as soon as he finds a con-
venient time when the library is
Since the studio in which the
sculpture is stored is not tall
enough to accommodate the eight
foot structure, Prof. McClure has
"a little more to do on it" before
it is completely ready to be in-

'passiveness, the ability to imme-
diately go into action.
Explains Satori
Once one has had this Satori,
said Dr. Watts, he is immediately
aware that he has always had it.
If, however, one tries to hold onto
it, he added, one loses it. It must
come naturally and without any
conscious attempt to "get" it.
The discipline of Zen begins
once the initial experience has oc-
curred, said Dr. Watts. This con-
sists, of learning how to use the
stream in which one is, and when
it is necessary to go to one side
of it.
As a practical application of
Zen, Dr. Watts explained how this
movement has affected art and
painting in the Far East. Once a
painter has become the master of
the necessary techniques, for ex-
ample, he explained, he is then
taught to give himself up to the
whims of inspiration, letting that
which he feels direct his brush
Application in Fencing
Another practical application
of Zen, explained Dr. Watts, is in
teaching fencing. Before a pros.
pective fencer is allowed to even
take the sword, he is assigned to
various menial tasks around the
fencing school. While he is doing
his duties, the teacher heckles
him with bamboo sticks, hitting
him over the hed, when he is least
expecting it and from an unanti-
cipated direction.
The fencer is supposed to de-
fend himself with whatever hap-
pens to be around but is usually
outwitted by the teacher. He
gradually learns not to anticipate
where or when the blows from the
sticks will come, and in so relax-
ing, he is in a better state of
readiness to reflexively defend
To Lecture
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Euro-
pean composer, author and lec-
turer will speak today on "New
Developments in Instrumental
and Electronic Music."
The lecture, previously an-
nounced for tomorrow, is sched-
uled for 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, An-
gell Hall. The lecture is open to
the public.


TONIGHT at 8:30
in a program from Show's Popular Works
"Pidures From A Shavian Gallery
e Special Rates for Students *
">.'x ~ ....................


U.of M.
Administration Bldg. November 10-14

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