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November 12, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-12

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(Continued from Page 4)
Nov. 12, Lane Hall. Sponsored by Office
of Religious Affairs and Society of
Lecture, auspices of the Michigan
Union. "Socialism and its Prospects for
America." Robert Himmel, Socialist
Workers' Party candidate for Michigan
Secretary of State and past chairman,
Wayne County Young Socialists Club.
Wed., Nov. 12, 8:00 p.m., Third Floor
Conf. Rm., Michigan Union.
Lecture: Mr. James Johnson Sweeney,
Director, Guggenheim Museum, New
York, will speak on "Contemporary
Art." Wed., Nov. 12, 2:00 p.m., Arch,
Aud Open to public.
Lecture: The Italian Club presents P.
Glauco Cambon, Visiting Prof. in Eng-
lish, who will speak in English on
"Contemporary Trends in Italian Lit-
erature." Wed., Nov. 12, 3050 Frieze
Bldg., 8:00 p.m. Admission free to pub-
American Chemical Society Lecture.
Dr. L. F. Audrieth, Prof. of Chemistry,
Univ. of Ill., will speak on "The Nitro-
gen Derivatives of Phosphorous and
Sulfur," Wed.. Nov. 12, 8:00 p.m., Rm.
1300 Chem. Bldg.
Speech Assembly, 4 p.m., Wed., Nov.
12, Rackham Lecture Hall. Prof. Edward
Stasheff, Dept. of Speech, will address
the Speech Assembly on the subject
of "The Cultural Impact of Television."
Lecture: Dr. Russell Meyers, chair-
man, division of Neurosurgery, State
University of Iowa Medical School, will
speak Thurs., Nov. 13, at 8:00 p.m.,
Fifth Floor Amphitheater, Medical Sci-
ence Bldg. Topic: "The Neurologic
Bases of Cerebral Palsy." Meeting co-
sponsored by U-M Medical Center and
the United Cerebral Palsy Association
of Michigan. (Open to the public-no
"Pictures From a Shavian Gallery"
tomorrow night. Margaret Webster will
present an evening of dramatic read-
ings from Bernard Shaw tomorrow, 8:30
p.m. in Hill Aud. as the third member
on the University Platform Attractions
series. Tickets are on sale at the Audi-
torium box office and students are
advised that they will be granted a
special reduced rate in all locations.
Carillon Concert: The last of the fall
aeries of carillon concerts by Sidney
Giles, Assistant University Carillon-
neur Will be played at 7:15 p.m., Thurs.,
Nov. 13, from the belltower. Included
on the program will be compositions
for the carillon by Ferdinand Timmer-
mans, Kamiel Lefevere and Percival
Price, and arrangements for the caril-
lon of compositions by Rimsky-Korsa-
kov, Delibes and Handel.
Academic Notices
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due Fri.,
Nov. 14, for those students whose
standing at midsemester is "D" or "E".
Report cards have been distributed
to all departmental offices. Green cards
are provided for reporting freshmen
and sophomores and White cards for
Juniors and, seniors. The reports for
freshmen and sophomores should be
sent to the Counselors Office for Fresh-
mnen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall;
those for Junios and seniors to the
Counselors Offfce for Juniors and
Stniors, 1213 Angell Hall.
Students not registered in this Col-
lege but Who elected LS&A coursesi
should be reported to the school or
college in which they are registered.
Additional cards may be obtained InI
1210 Angell Hall or 1213 Angell Hall.s
Botanical Seminar: Theodore Beals,
Donald Bianchi and Donald Schwem-f
'in, Dept. of Botany, will speak on1
"Biology of Ragweed Pollen: Its Dis-:
charge and Germination" Wed., Nov.
12, 4:15 p.m. 1139 Nat. S, Refresh-
ments will .he served at 4:00.
boctoral Candidates who expect to re-
ceive degrees in Feb., 1959, must have1
at least three bound copies (the on-o
ginal in a spring binder) of their dis-c
sertations in the office of the Gradu-
ate School by Fri., Dec. 12. The reporti
of the doctoral committee on the final
oral examination must be filed withc
the Recorder of the Graduate Schoolc
together with two copies of the thesis,I
which is ready in all respects for pub-1
lication, not later than Mon., Jan. 12.

Physical Therapy Meeting, Thurs.,
Nov. 13, 7:15 p.m., Rm. 1603. U. Hosp.,
This is an important meeting for all
juniors and seniors who are expecting
to apply for admission to the profes-
sional Curriculum in Physical Thera-
py starting next June.
401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science. 3217 Angell Hall 3:30-5:00 p.m,
Thurs.. Nov. 13. Max Schoeffler, Dept.
of Psychology, will speak on "The Dutch
Auction-Date and Interpretation." Cof-
fee will be served before the Seminar in
Math Commons Room.
Doctoral Examination for Peter Dow-
ell Randolph, Physics: thesis: "Large
Angle Radiative Electron Scattering at
58 Mev." Wed., Nov. 12, 2038 Randall
Lab., 1:30 p.m. Co-chairmen, J. H. Fre-
geau and G. W. Ford.
Doctoral Examination for Amnuay
Viravan, Business Administration; the-
sis: "Capital Requirements of the Steel
Industry, 1958 to 1970," Wed., Nov. 12,
8th Floor Conf. Rm., Bus. Admin. Bldg.
4:00 p.m. Cpairman, D. R. G. Cowan.'
Doctoral Examination for Noel Howard
deNevers, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"The Constant Volume Heat Capacities
of Gaseous Perfluorocyclobutane and
Propylene," Thurs., Nov. 13, 4219 E.
Eng. Bldg. at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, J. J.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on
the dates indicated, Program arrange-
ments are being made by the Inter-
national Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller.
Mr. Abidin Jusuf Zainal, Teacher,
Indonesian English Institution, Medan;
Chairman, Student Council of the
Academy of Journalism and Publicity,
Medan, Indonesia, Nov. 6-16; Mr. Mi-
chael Cusack, Head, Dept. of Retail
Distribution and Assistant Principal,
School of Commerce and Retail Dis-
tribution, Vocational Education Com-
mittee of Dublin, Ireland, Nov. 9-16;
and Mrs. Marie Catharina Wilhelmina
Rohling-Van Spanje, Delegate member
of the Social Economic Council of the
Netherlands, Netherlands, Nov. 12-20.
The following foreign visitor is pro-
grammed by the Center for Japanese
Studies: Mr. Tatsuo Morito, President
of Hiroshima University, Japan, Nov.
The following visitor is programmed
by the Dept. of Physical Education:
Mr. William G. Helms: Mr. C. F. M.
Pereira, Director of Physical Educa-
tion of Portugal, Portugal, Nov. 11-12.
Placement Notices
Personnel Requests:
The Dow Chemical Company, Mid-
land, Mich. There are openings for col-
lege gradutes in science, engineering,
and business administration. An M.B.A.
degree with undergraduate work in sci-
ence or engineering is especially desir-
able. Sales Trainees and Field Sales-
men. Primary responsibility will be in-
dustrial sales to manufacturers. Upon
completion of the 4-5 month training
program in Midland, assignment will be
to one of their 19 field sales offices
located throughout the U.S.
Central Soya Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.
Following positions are open: 1. Adver-
tising Copywriter; 2. Civil Engineer;
3. Labor Relations Director; 4. Labora-
tory Chemist; 5. Personnel Development
Director; 6, Personnel Director; 7. Poul-
try Specialist; 8. Production-Personnel
Supervisor; 9. Salesmen; 10. Agricul-
tural Pricing Analyst. Various locations,
Toledo Tool Renti and Landscape
Service, Toledo, Ohio, Interested in
hearing from a graduate who is .mn'
terested in starting an office of his or
her own.
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Detroit,
Mich. 1. Traffic Engineers for the real
estate department (2). Requires Civil
oW Traffic Eugineer. Must understand
construction. Age: 23-28. 2. Construc-
tion ngineers. 'Must either be a gradu-
ate or have good background in con-
struction work. Must be familiar with
store layout, electrical circuits, build-
ing construction.
Electric Boat, Division of General
Dynamics Corporation, Groton, Conn-
Opening for a Statistician. Requires a
mathematical statistkian with MA or
MS degree as a minimum educational
requirement to work in Operations Re-
search Group on probalistic problems
in submarine 'weapons control.
Thorough knowledge of probability
theory is essential. Experience in the
application of game theory, predictiona
theory, and Monte Carlo methods and
experience with matrix calculus and-
digital data processing techniques are1
desirable. Also they have several open-r
ings for people with bachelors or ad-r
vanced degrees in physics, applied
mathematics, mathematics, electrical orr
mechanical engineering will be con-
sidered. Other openings for experiencedI
personnel in the field of acoustics. TheI
work will involve designing and direct-a

ing diversified programs in sound and
vibration as required by the submarine
noise reduction program.
Mead Johnson and Co., Evansville.
Ind. Senior Cost Accountant in the Fi-
dance Division. Prefer the followilIg
qualifications: 1. At least one. prefer-
ably 2 years good industrial cost ac-
counting. 2. They will forego some ex-
perience for a man with his M.B.A. if
he has a lot of cost background. 3. Age
in the late twenties or very early thir-
The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co.
Cleveland, Ohio. Looking for a high
caliber young Mechanical or Electrical
Engineer. Male; Veteran (preferably,
B.S. Degree in Mechanical or Electrical
Engineering; knowledge of and ability
in structural and machine design, elec-
trical circuitry (power), rotating equip-
ment, controls and their application;
outstanding technical ability; creative
mind; courage of convictions: well
rounded personality. Location will be
in Virginia; some traveling will be re-
The Fluor Corporation, Ltd.. Whittier,
Calif. Research Engineer with an ad-
vanced degree or equivalent experience
in mechanical engineering or applied
physics. The applicant should be in-
terested in both the analytical and ex-
perimental approaches to problems. He
will be called on, to do such things as
conduct literature searches, perform
mathematical analyses, as well as to
set up and perform experiments.
City of Holland, Mich. Building In-
spector. Must have a bachelor's degree
in civil engineering, architecture, city
planning, or related fields; or have at
least five years experience as a build-
ing inspector, contractor, or superin-
tendent of building construction. Will
be responsible for administering the
building and housing- codes, heating
and ventilating codes, zoning and sub-
division ordinances, and other assigned
National-Standard Co., Niles, Mich.
Electrical Engineering Graduate. In-
dustrial experience is not necessary for
this position.
Rossford Ordnance Depot, Toledo,.
Ohio. Professional Librarian to establish
and operate a technical library for the
use of the Ordnance Supply Systems
Field Agency. Briefly, an applicant
could qualify .who has completed a
4-year college course including an aver-
age of 8 semester hours a year in
Library Science. 'In addition, he must
have had 2 years of professional 11-
brary experience including at least one
year in the field of acquisitions or
have completed 1 year in a professional
Library School and had 1 year of ex-
Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich.
Secretary in Personnel Dept. Will work
on the house organ, may work into
office training, will help entertain
wives of new people coming to the
plant, etc. Shorthand helpful, not es-
Children's Home Family Society of
Saginaw, Saginaw, Mich. Caseworkers,
preferably with some experience in
addition to graduate training. Also they
are looking for a Case Supervisor as a
replacement. Position is open in De-
cember. It will require in addition to
completion of graduate training, sub-
stantial experience including super-
visor experience.
Pillsbury Mills, Inc. Opening in their
Marking Research activity. Opening is
for a senior man in their headquarters
in Minneapolis. Responsibilities in-
eude the development of techniques
for evaluating consumer acceptance of
new product Ideas and providing direc-
tion to their research laboratories for
rocedure improvements. The ability
to deal effectively with top marketing
management is essential. Should have
had consumer survey research experi-
ence, including the design of studies
and a baclground of research project
planning. Exposure to motivation re-
search would be desirable.
City of Warren, Mich. Personnel Di-
rector. New position. Excellent oppor-
tunity. Should be good in public rela-
tions, planning and organizing. Man or
Woman with bachelor's degree prefer-.
ably in busness administration or pub-
lic administration aong with at least
2 years experience in municipal or gov-
ernment work, or personnel experience
in busIness.?
It is never too early to look for a
Summer Job! Letters have gone out to
800 Camps, 300 Resorts and 800 Busi-
nesses asking about Summer Jobs. The
replies will be filed according to states.
You may look at the requests at the
first meeting of the Summer Place-
ment Service in Rm. D 528, S.A.B., on
Tues., Dec. 2, 1958, from 1:00 p.m. to
4:45 p.m. The meetings will be held on1
Tues. and Thurs. afternoons from 1:00
p.m. to 4:45 p.m. and Fri. morning from
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Last year some 800 students were
placed through the Summer Placement
Service, and others got ideas on how
to get a job in the summer. There were
over 100 interviews by camps, resorts
and businesses at the Summer Place-
ment Service,
The service is open to all students-_"
Graduates and Undergraduates. Come
in and browse. Read the DOB for news
about jobs and interviews.

ram from Bernar Show's
r Works. (
Shavian 6alery"
8:3 UP.M.
.2.50, $2.00, $1.00
.. $1.50, $1.00, 75cI
0 P.M.
(ELT j
S - $1 .00 75c, 50c


Dear Mr. Landers,
Meet me in front of a bucket to give!
Do You Know?
Brenda Roberts........NO 2-5573
John Hallenbeck .,......NO 3-7541
We should all be concerned about
the future because we will have to
spend the rest of our lives there.
SEE the battle of the poets! Gilbert &
Sullivan Society's presentation of
"Patience." )F12
Leave 3:30 $4.00
Jeff Funkhouser, 412 Greene E.Q.
Sat. night for experience that will
stick for years! )F137
7:30 Thursday night
November 13
Thru U.C.F. (University Christian
4:15-4:45 P.M.
At Douglas Memorial Chapel
(Corner of State and William)
The perfect all-year round inex-
pensive Xmas gift. Special Xmas
and student-faculty rates. Hand-
some gift cards sent to recipients.
Phone 2-3061. Student Periodical
Agency. )F130
DICK SCHACHT, BAd '56, will be at
the School of Business Administra-
tion in one of the 2nd floor inter-
viewing rooms on Friday, Nov. 14 to
informally discuss Career Opportuni-
ties in the Proctor & Gamble Adver-
tising Dept. The regular interviews
will be held Nov. 14 and 20 at the Bus.
Ad School. )F125
ARE THOSE GRADES discouraging?
Try the Union Tutorial File for the
best in tutors. ' )F126
by physician on birth control-medi-
cal aid for couples who want chil-
dren but have been unable to have
them. Professional Counsel on mar-
riage problems. Physicians, nurse.
family counselor in charge. Clinic
Hours: Tues. & Thurs.-7:30 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. 122 N. Fourth Ave. Phone
NO 2-9282. )F120
RUSSIA-3 week tour next summer.
Call NO 3-3883 after 6. )F5
HOUSE FOR RENT: Whitmore Lake
East Shore Drive. 2 bedroom Ranch
Home. Automatic oil heat, clothes
washer. Electric stove. Large lot.
Phone Ann Arbor 2-6612 after 5 P.M.
TWO ROOM furnished apartment for
a lady, $50 per month.
SIX ROOM house near law school avail-
able December 8th, $90 per month.
NEAR CAMPUS, 8 rooms, gas heat,
mostly furnished, available now.
Call after 7 .M.-NO 8-6415
Ferris Realtor
)C 105
LIVE IN YPSI. sub. Pay less for mod-
ern unfurn. ground floor apart. Pri-
vate laundry room. $80 or $65 a month.
HU 2-0665. )C103
ROOM TO RENT: Pleasant single or
half of large double room in quiet,
private home. Reasonable. 1803 Hill
St. )C102

TWO ROOM APT. Two girls or Couple.
NO 3-6228 before 6 p.m. NO 2-42712
after 6 P.M. )C99
ROOMMATE WANTED to share apart-
ment. Would prefer someone 21 or
over. 512 W. Hoover, NO 3-6629. )C96
LARGE double room. Two male stu-
dents. Half block from campus. Cook-
ing privileges. 417 E. Liberty. )C94
TWO furnished apartments-reasonable
walking distance to campus. Call NO
3-4402. 524 W. Liberty. )C92
ROOM FOR MALE-Large single room,
carpeted, new bed, near all sports,
across from Wines Field. Linen fur-
nished. Room cleaned weekly. To rent
immediately at $8.50. 402 Benjamin,
NO 2-8372. )C90

In An Exciting Dramatic Prog
Most Popula
itures From A I
General Public ........
a' ~~Students ......
Box Office Open 10 A.M.-5 P.M. Monday thru





Our representative, Mr. Thomas J. McKenna (Michigan '46) will be on the Cam-
pus Thursday, Nov. 13th, to interview applicants for Sales positions with the F. E.
Pomeroy Agency. The F. E. Pomeroy Agency operates throughout the Eastern por-
tion of the State of Michigan, with headquarters in Detroit. For those participants


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