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November 12, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-12

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First Day's
SGC Votes
Total 3,000
Erbe Calls Elections
'Free from Graft'
The first day of Student Govern-
ment Council elections brought
more than 3,200 students to the
This is somewhat below the
vote totaled last November, when
3,770 persons cast first day bal-
"Either the voting is as leth-
argic as the campaign was, or the
polling system has had a slowing
effect," Elections Director Rich-
ard Erbe, '61, gave as possible rea-
sons for the smaller turnout.
Graft Free'
Erbe termed the election "more
than 99 per cent graft free. There
was no time when the set-up was
such that corruption could ever
have existed," he said. In last
year's spring elections, ballots
were thrown out in three elections
on the grounds they were "stuffed"
in ballot boxes.
"Everybody's watching every-
body" under this system, Erbe re-
ported. "There'is a definite trade
made, identification card for bal-
lot. The identification card is
punched and given back only after
the voter has cast his ballot," he
"Ballots are numbered in such
a manner that a ballot for any;
given poll can be traced at any
given hour, he added.-
Expects 6,000
Erbe, who expects a total vote
of around 6,000 indicated that he
considered the reduction of pollsj
from 19 to five to be "effective"
in insuring completely legal elec-
Students may vote on the Diag
and Undergraduate Library from
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today. Booths
located at the Slab, the Natural
Science Museum and the Engine
Arch will be open from 8 to 9:30
a.m., from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
and from 3 to 4:30 p.m. ,
Candidate ballots will be tallied
and checked for validity at Count
Night, beginning at 7:30 p.m. to-t
day in the Union ballroom. Al-
though the Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil -has ultimate authority to dis-t
qualify candidates, the SGC Cre-c
dentials Committee will be onu
hand to void any illegal ballots.9

Jordan To Claim Syrian Aggression

-Daily-Harry Strauss
ELECTION DAY-Students stand musing over the slate of candi-
dates for Student Government Council, as yesterday's voting nears
its close. This polling table, at the Slab, closed at 4:30 p.m.
USSR, Poland Seek
N ew Summit Talks
MOSCOW ()-A new call for a Summit Conference was sounded
tonight by the Soviet Union and Poland.
They said its aim would be to solve problems of disarmament and
strengthen world security.
(Moscow Radio announced meanwhile that the Soviet Union told
the United States in a note that the Geneva talks on prevention of
Ssurprise attacks must be linked

AMMAN (R) - Premier Samir
Rifai told a cheering emergency
session of Parliament last night'
Jordan will accuse Syria of an act
of aggression for intercepting King
Hussein's vacation-bound plane.
Thunderous applause greeted his
announcement that the govern-
ment would bring the case before
the UN Security Council and ask
Secretary General Dag Hammar-
skjold to take quick measures for
a debate.
Parliament then unanimously
adopted a resolution giving the
government a free hand to take
any action necessary in the new
The Premier spoke as the coun-
try went on a spree of celebration.
Holiday Called
A national holiday was declared
to celebrate the adventurous young
ng's escape from what he
charged was an attempt to kid-
nap or kill him in a flight over
Syria Monday.
Some officials suggested Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser's United
Arab Republic- of which Syria
is a province-attempted to kid-
nap the pro-Westerr king and
force him to abdicate in favor of
a friendly regime.
There were clear indications
that if this was the plot-and the
U.A.R. denies any such plot-that
it backfired. The young monarch
gained popular support for his
determined stand of independence
from Nasserism.
Diplomatic sources said there
was strong feeling among the
ranks and army officers for taking
some sort of action against Syria.
But with Parliamentary and UNi
action in the mill, cooler heads1
seemed to be prevailing.
Movement Halted
It was learned reliably that
several Bedouin Regiments lastt
night prepared to move to theA
Syrian frontier,, and were calledt
back only through the personal
intervention of Hussein. He tele-
phoned Regimental commanders
and pleaded with them to stay put.
Parliament acted quickly. t
One resolution demanded ai
prompt emergency meeting of thet
Arab League Council in Amman a
to discuss the incident and "bring Ie

home to all Arabs te dreadful-
ness of Syria's act."
Another resolution, adopted by
acclamation at the end of the
three-hour, emotion-charged ses-
sion, authorized the government
to take whatever measures neces-
Soviet broadcasts teamed with
the UAR to deride King Hussein's
version of the incident.
The Russians said Hussein was
hated by his own people and in-
vented the story of the attack to
whip up sympathy.
"This version of King Hussein's
return is considered here an at-
tempt to justify his pitiful postion
at home," the Soviet news agency
Tass said,
In Damascus, the man who
ordered Hussein's plane to land
said he only was carrying out his
regular duties and did not know
the King was aboard.

of a

The motion approved was the majority recommendat
committee set up after SGC found the sorority in via

SGC Votes Ban
O0f Sigma Kappa
Local Chapter Given Until June
To Disaffiliate or Leave Campus
Student Government Council voted last night to with-
draw recognition from Sigma Kappa sorority.
The vote was 11 yes, five no, and one abstention.
The withdrawal would take effect June 15, 1959, leaving
the group disbanded or a local sorority. SGC will establish a
committee to meet with the administration and local Sigma
Kappa to work out the "most equitable method of implemen-
Motion From Committee

t ar university rules Uct i.

.. . sets off celebration

No New Illness Reported
In Food Poisoning Episode
"There have been no new cases of illness due to a food infection
in South Quadrangle since late Sunday night," Dr. Morley Beckett,
director of Health Service, said yesterday.
Although there are now 34 cases in Health Service, these are men
who decided to go to Health Service. because they said they were too
sick for the quadrangle, Dr. Beckett said. Yesterday 18 were in Health
Service infirmary. "Although most'

World News
By The Associated Press
Nations Political Committee yes-
terday approved a resolution call-
ing for a unified, independent
Korea to be set up by holding free
The committee voted 52-9 for
.the United States backed resolu-
tion with 18 abstentions,
The vote came amid new in-
sistence from Red China that all
UN troops be withdrawn from
South Korea and elections be held
under "neutral supervision."
LONDON - The Deputy Com-
mander of allied forces in Europe
carne out yesterday against any
scheme for dise~ngagement of East-
West forces on the continental
British Gen. Sir Richard Gale
said Allied strategy is working,
the Allied nuclear deterrent is de-
terring and the Allied machine is
achieving its object.
He told a luncheon of the For-
eign Press Association member
countries of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO)
"must presume" the probable ex-
istence of a Russian intercon-
tinental ballistic missile.
* , , -
LISBON - Debris was sighted;
floating in the sea yesterday near
where a Portuguese flying boat
disappeared Sunday with 36, in-
cluding six Americans.



Dorr Report
Calvin Sale
Halted byI 'U
The University has halted ten-
tative plans to purchase Calvin
College in Grand. Rapids, Harold
M. Dorr, dean of statewide educa-'
tion, said yesterday.
A lowered level of University
appropriations and criticism by
the Legislative Study Committee
on Higher Education of the state
universities' branch policy were
given by Dean borr as two reasons
for the University's action.
The University has no definite
plans for future purchase of the
College, he said.
Problems Cited
Dean Dorr pointed out that the
University has run into problems
obtaining operating funds for
Dearborn Center. Another branch
would have added to the difficulty
of getting sufficient funds for
general University operation, he
The criticism voiced by the Leg-
islative committee was not speci-
fically directed toward the Univer-
sity's establishment of branches,
but questioned the wisdom of the
practice generally. John Dale Rus-
sell, director of the survey, rec-
ommended that a new state uni-
versity be established at Grand
He indicated that the deed stip-

to disarmament).
Issue Communique
A joint communique was issued
here and in Warsaw after the
windup of Mosco,, talks between
Premier Nikita Khrushchev and
Polish Communist chief Wlady-
slaw Gomulka.
It said: "The delegation of the
Polish Peoples' Republic decidedly
supports the Soviet proposal for
a summit conference to examine
and solve the most pressing prob-
lems of disarmament and to de-
cide on steps to be taken to
strengthen the security of Europe
and the rest of the world."
Wants Stronger Pact
In addition to making a bid for
summit talks, the communique
said it is necessary to strengthen
the Warsaw Pact, the East Euro-
pean alliance set up as a counter-
balance to NATO. Such action is
necessary, the statement said, be-
cause of "delaying and dodging
talks pursued in the first place by
the United States government."
It did not say what steps might
be taken to strengthen the War-
saw lineup.
It declared the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization seeks to turn
Western Europe into a "nuclear
arms arsenal."
"The rapidly advancing mili-
tarization" of West Germany, in
cluding supplying of West German
Armed forces with atomic wea-
pons and rockets, represents a
threat to the peace and security
of Europe, the statement said.

Cuba Rebels
Release 31
HAVANA (A')-The Rebel High
Command announced last night it
has released 25 passengers and 6
crewmen from two Cubana air-
liners hijacked in the air Oct. 21
and Nov. 5.-
One, presumably the pilot who
resisted the rebels' seizure in
flight Oct. 21, was reported seri-
ously wounded. With him were
-two other crewmen. The 11 pas-
sengers aboard the plane had been
freed previously.
Earlier reports had said the pilot
was shot when he tried to resist
orders to land on a rebel air strip.
The rebels said all 31 persons
were turned over to Red CrossI
representatives in eastern Cuba
and that they arrivedi safely in
Santiago last night.


of the men are back in classes, it
is not unusual to have some sick
for several days," Dr. Beckett
Caused by Food
There is almost no question butf
that the illness was caused by food
served in South Quad. Extensive
tests have fairly well eliminated
the turkey and the egg and ham
salad, he said.
Even though other tests are still
under way, there is evidence from
the 181 questionaires Health Serv-
ice circulated among the sick men,
that most of the more severe cases
ate the coconut cream pie Friday
Although the pie itself was all
eaten, Health Service is checking
frozen egg-whites used in making
the meringue top.
"We believe some sort of bac-
teria is the cause of the trouble,
and usually salmonella, a rod-
shaped bacteria, is the culprit,"'
Dr. Beckett said.
Staff Always Checked
Mentioning the kitchen staff,
the doctor said "the entire staff
takes classes in food handling and
they get complete physical exami-
nations before they are allowed
to work." A constant check is also
maintained in the kitchens'* to
make sure everything is sanitary
and everyone is following kitchen
Only one of the food handlers
is reported sick, and he became ill
at the same time as everyone else.
Two people from West Quad-
rangle became sick at the same
time as residents from South
Quad. It was later discovered these
nen worked at South Quad and
ate Friday dinner there.

West Seks
GENEVA (P)-Western delegates
in two international conferences
sought some indication yesterday
whether Russia ever will accept
international observers on Soviet
soil to enforce possible arms con-
trol agreements.
The West insists this is the
heart of secret negotiations to
obtain a controlled ban on nu-
clear weapon tests and to build
safeguards against surprise at-
In the two negotiations running
concurrently in Geneva's Palais
des Nations, the Russians have
avoided committing themselves.
Instead they have sparred with
the Western side on even the order
of business.
Western sources said if agree-
ment ever is reached on the
agenda of either meeting the
chances for success will become
brighter than they appear at pres-
There was some indication the
Russians were prepared to settle
down to business in the 10-nation
talks on surprise attack problems.
They accepted an official title for
that conference avoiding any ref-
erence to cold war issues.

The minority recommendation
called for recommending that
the Administration withdraw
SGC found Sigma Kappa in
violation of University rules on
Dec. 5, 1956, the motion's preamble
pointed out. In its action of Febru-
ary 13, 1957, SGC allowed the
sorority until this September to
resolve the violation. Then the
sorority was found to be still in
League President Bobbie Maier,
'59, who headed the committee, ex-
plained that the "primary consid-
eration" had been Sigma Kappa,
not Council jurisdiction.
The 1949 ruling not to admit
groups to campus which discrimi-
nate, which Sigma Kappa violated,
is intended to stop discrimination,
she said. {
Bent Over Backwards
SGC "bent over backwards" in
giving Sigma Kappa two years to
alter its policies, David Kessel,
Grad., pointed out. "Some people
do not understand education," he
said, "It is time to be firm."
Al Haber, '60, had proposed de-
ferring action on Sigma Kappa
and setting up a board to handle
discrimination problems.
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Jo Hardee, '60, said the Coun-'
cil has a duty to protect the "in-
tegrity of University rules." The
sorority has been found in viola-
tion, she pointed out.
Says Ambiguous
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent John Gerber, '5, said the
1956 decision first finding Sigma
Kappa in violation was "not a
black and white case."
The sorority has not been i
violation of University rules 'o
the extent that recognition is
merited, Gerber declared.

merited , G e elrd
Reds Seek

t He would vote against with-
drawal. and "pray" the Board in
Review reverses it if passed, he
Executive Vice - President Dan
Belin, '59, said SGC must act with-
out thinking of the Board in Re-
Cites Responsibility
Council members have a re-
sponsibility to the University to
vote for withdrawal and not "con-
done discrimination," he con-
Attached to the motion ap-
proved was a preface quoting the
SGC Plan, the Regents' Bylaws,
University regulations book, and
the minutes of the 1956 meeting
of the SGC Board in Review which
upheld the decision first finding
Sigma Kappa in violation.
Minutes Provide Statement
The Plan refers to SGC's power
"in accordance with. Regental, ad-
ministrative and Joint Judiciary
policies to withdraw recognition
." The 1956 Board in Review
minutes provide a definite tate-
ment of SGC's power, Miss Maier
Preparatory meetings with ad-
ministrators brought forth an
opinion that SOC should act on
the matter, according to Miss
Maier, leaving the question of
jurisdiction up to tle Board in
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon,
who called the Board in Review
after the Oct. 1 decision, said last
night she had not yet decided to
do so again.
The Council debated two and
one half hours last night before
the final roll-call vote. Two of
those opposing the move were Ger-
ber and Haber.
Outlines Educational Body
Haber's planned "educational"
body, as he described it, would in-
clude the University Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs, the 'WC
President, the Panhellenic Presi-
dent, representatives of groups
where there is question of dis-
criminatory practice and repre-
sentatives from those minority
groups against whom the prac-
tices are directed.
No action was taken on Haber's
plan last night as an alternative
to withdrawal - he indicated he
will propose it again.
Gerber had moved the Council
consider the committee's alternate
recommendation, that SGC "firm-
ly and strongly recommend" to
the administration that recogni-
tion of Sigma Kappa be with-
His motion was soundly de-

I BERLIN (A) --- Soviet Premier

A communiquea
conference as one"
the study of poss
which might be h
venting surprise att

described the Nikita Khrushchev seems deter-
'of experts for mined to put a squeeze on isolated
ible measures West Berlin in a move apparently
elpful in pre- aimed to force Western recogni-
ack." tion of satellite East Germany.
That was the considered West

('lV10Q~t AT ATTV rrrrY)r r~-rsm

ulations for a portion of the land i erman view last nigt
requiring that it be used for re1- , There was uncertainty as to how
requirn hti eusdfrrl- or when he would go through with
giou purposes might have caused C h l eneS ot er ispan riht eho e ol
the Univgsydifficultyge h aPower Expecteds
tween the University's decision But Western diplomats and
and the fact that Michigan State WASHINGTON (IP)-Southerners will keep their grip on most of -s.e Communist sources said the
has purchased land in the Grand the top positions in the new 86th Congress but their legislative power' The present standing of the But some Democratic Senate Ut Easteratn entrlst o
Rapids area, Dean Dorr said, seems certain to be challenged sharply. House in the 86th is 282 Demo- liberals have shown atber a oeyotusto
In May 1957, the University Legislatoi's from southern states-all Democrats-will have 13 of crats and 153 Republicans. In the restive under what they consider keep open the supply corridors to
Board of Regents authorized the 19 highest seniority positions in the Senate and 15 of the leading 85th it was 235 Democrats and 200 to be Sen. Johnson's minimum their Berlin garrisons.
President Harlan Hatcher to be- 3i h os.Ti saou h.: nepeaino
gin steps toward purchasing Cal- 3 In the House. This about the-- - ---- - Republicans. So, in the House, goals. .This was their interpretation of
in College. same proportion as in recent Con- considerably modified. A small the outside-the-South Democratic They are calling for action on the Soviet Premier's demand Mon-
Although plans were never very gess teghwl eu rm19t
definteunergrduatee facile reso wgroup of Southerners could do the strength will be up from 129 to civil rights, tax reform, increased day for an end to the 13-year,
definite. undergraduate facilities They also will retain 9 of the m nhH176.unemployment compensation ben- Four-Power occupation of Berlin.
and possibly aeica sychool w 16 charmanships of Senate stand- In the tHotuse.tan 7.The Democratic leadership of efits and minimum wage cover- At Helmstedt-the main gate-
in lineif the University had pur- ing committees and 12 of the 19 In the 86th the situation will be the two branches is almost certain age, and other subjects which they way for Allied supply columns
chased the college. in the House, much different. Democrats will to remain unchanged next year. feel the majority leader may slight. traveling by road and rail to Ber-
It is in the committees, which have a five-vote edge on some This means Sen. Lyndon B. Martin Remains lin-traffic moved normaly today.
handle the first vital steps in the Senate committees, three on Johnson (Tex.J will continue as Russian sold On the Republican side, Rep Aiers passed through
c lawmaking process, that conserva- Iothers.In the House their margins majority leader and Sen. Mike Joseph W. Martin Jr. (Mass, un- Allied cars, cnvoys and trains.
tive Southerners often have exer- will soar to 10 or a dozen. Mansfield (Mont.) as his No. 1 oued w cntin as Mm West German border police at
r / E tinrIg csed great influence. helner with Hum gnPer ea, o d1ub-tedywill continue as Minor- Helmstedt said they understood


Joint Action Considered
The alternate action would ha
provided a precedent for joint a
tion with the administration
"areas of mutual concern," Ger
Administration feeling is "d
ferent" now than it was in 19
he said, so the review board me
ing then is no longer relevant.
SGC must follow what it n
feels is the right course of acti
Union President Barry Shapir
'59, said, letting the Board in I
view decide the jurisdictional d
pute if necessary.
Roll Call

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