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November 09, 1958 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-09

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Iowa . .. . .*28

' Wisconsin . . 17

Ind'ina . . 6
Michigan State 0

Purdue . . . . 14
Ohio State . . 14

Pittsburgh .
Notre Dame

. 29

Arny . . . . . 14

Auburn . . . . 33

Westminster .
Slippery Rock

Minnesota . 6 Northwestern

13 j


7 Mississippi St. 14

0 0 . .

t - t v

See Page 4

Sitrs ira
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom












* * * * * * * * * * * * State Inst
Ilinis Beat Mi chig in RaGin, 21- Coordinal
N~ P~ ~ E~4i

Le Effor



SGC Candidates Discuss 'U' Problems


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the cot-
cluding article in a series describing
Student Government Council can-
didates statements in pre-election
campaigning. Today's article deals
with a variety of issues candidates
have stressed including discrimina-
tion, alumni relations, parking and
SGC public relations.)
Speaking in housing units, at
open houses or as special guests,
Student Government Council can-
didates are winding up the cam-
paigning for Tuesday and
Wednesday's voting.
A number have been presenting
their views on discrimination and
individual rights.
Brian Higgins, '60, told Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority he under-
stands a clause on the dormitory
applications says the applicant
does not oppose rooming with a
person of a different religion or
He does not feel this is right,
Higgins said; choice of roommates
should be up to the individual.

mote "positive intE
sures" by SGC.
International stuc
denied good housin
bor landlords go!
countries as leaders
ed out.
Wants Alte
Robert A. Haber
plained that his pla
alteration 'of room
ment policy.
"Preferences shou
but only on the sti
tive," Haber said.
"No information,
the student himself
ences in a roomma
pear on the residen
cation form," he sai
Alumni Imp
Sue Rockne, '60,
hellenic open hous
of alumni relation
SGC should concer
As U.S.
East German Co
peared determined
prosecute their Ame
I George S. Milroy a

egration mea- Most of the Council's work
should not be with alumni as
dents who are such, but with students, preparing
g by Ann Ar- them to be an informed alumni
back to their body, Miss Rockne said.
David point- Charles Kozoll, '60, stressed thet
need for student unity, both be-
ration cause today's students will one
, '60, has ex- day be alumni, and especially for
tform includes the good of thecampus now. He
amate assign- said more informal discussions;
are needed.
ld be honored Paul Lichter, '61, also advocat-
udent's initia- ed SGC furtherance of "free dis-
cussion" at Panhel.
either about HeStimulate Thought
or his "prefer- He listed the programs being
te should ap- drawn up by the SGC Forum
ce hall appli- Committee and the recent
d. League-sponsored "Hyde Park --
ortant U of M" as examples of effective
told the Pan- stimulation of student thought.
e development "Hyde Park" was particularly
s is an area effective, according to Lichter be-
rn itself with cause students were able to "ex-
press themselves to all those in-
Parking permits have been criti-
cized by Roger Levy, '60.
Sixty per cent of the money for
driving permits is supposed to be
used for student parking facilities,
SP Levy explained at Lambda Chi
Alpha fraternity, and not enough
n-unsts ap- lots are actually being built.
yesterday a Discussing the area of public
rican prisoner, relations at the Panhellenic open
salesman from See CANDIDATES, Page 5

1'CW tW raJill 11 JUSLL t,11U1 .15. N
Between College Heads, Legislators
Michigan's nine state-supported colleges and universi-
ties are'blueprinting a unified assault on some of higher, edu-
cation's current problems--and it may result in a revolution-
ary combined request for funds from the State Legislature.
In a drafting stage for some time, the program emerged,
after a parley between the State Council of College Presi-
dents, legislators and state officials, held in Dearborn during
the past two days. The nine schools will attempt to submit
a single request for a j oint9

-Daily-Peter An(.erson
PTACEK GOES OVER--from the one-yard line in the second quarter to put Michigan back in
the game-but only for a while. The extra points after this touchdown gave the Wolverines their
short-lived 8-7 lead. Ptacek was Coach Oosterbaan's only potent ground gainer of the afternoon.

Th I ree 111
Daily Sports Editor
A great effort by Michigan's
one-man offense was completely
overshadowed by Illinois yesterday
afternoon, 21-8.
Wolverine quarterback Bob Pta-
cek put on a terrific offensive show,
but was unable to outscore the
great Illini end Rich Kreitling.
Kreitlling was the hero of the
day, taking three long passes for
the three Illinois touchdowns. In
two of the cases he simply out-
distanced the Michigan secondary
'to take long heaves from quarter-
back John Easterbrook.
First Pass Vital
The first of these broke the
game open early in the second
quarter as the speedy Illini flanker
got behind 'M' defenders Brad
Myers and Reid Bushong, and took
a long pass from the diminutive
quarterback for an 83-yd. scoring
Moves Team
Later that same period Russ
Martin, taking over at quarterback
for Illinois, moved the team in
from the Michigan 17-yd. line.
A low snap from center on a
punt play, which Myers dropped,
gave the Illini the ball there. Then,
on a play that was executed in
pro-grid fashion, Martin tossed
to Kreitling in the corner of the
end zone, where the lanky end
easily out-reached Fred = Julian,
Michigan's shortest defensive half-
Kreitling's third - and game-
Fe Moslems
Bid for Posts
ALGIERS, Algeria (P) - Only
a handful of Moslems had come
forward s candidates for the
French National Assembly last
night, eve of the deadline for fil-
Fear and apathy was prevalent
among the Moslem population,
despite Premier Ch a r l e s de
Gaulle's promise that at least two-
thirds - 46 - of the 67 Algerian
Deputies in the new French Par-
liament would be Moslems.
Rebels have warned Moslems,
who made up 90 per cent of the
. 'F - m i li . A - - 4... .. .a..._ .

I * ic-I a

Should Be Omitted
mole o r in asseS Higgins told Lambda Chi Al-
pha fraternity he thought ques-
tions on dorm applications about
crooming with a person of oethr
er rce r reigin shuldbe left
4 PesQuestions of this type "stimu-
clinching - touchdown came on from the T-formation, moved the late people into prejudice, where
the first play from scrimmage in team from the Michigan 27-yd. they might not think about it," he
the second half when Easterbrook line to the TD in 15 plays, carrying continued.
ran the identical play that he had the ball 10 times himself. Thomas vd work ti pat
worked for the first marker. Fak- The key play in the series came Stockwell he would work to pro-
ing beautifully, he dropped back on the Illinois 18-yd. line when
with the ball as Kreitling again Ptacek was thrown for a loss, but B ri ish Issue
outran the defense to take the a 15-yd. penalty put the ball on1
' pass for a 60-yd. score. the Illinois one. The M' signal .
Ptacek's Work caller then carried the ball twice,
Michigan's touchdown was solely going over for the score on a
the work of Ptacek. The rugged sneak.
'M' quarterback, running mostly The two-point conversion came NICOSIA, Cyprus ('ny-Britain
on a pass from Ptacek to fullback announced yesterday it will arm
Sisinyak, giving Michigan a mo- its civilians in this Crown Colony
mentary 8-7 advantage, for protection against attacks by
U .S., JS ' E Ptacek continued to shine in the EOKA, the terrorist Greek Cypriot
second half, running then mostly underground..
* lit"from the single wing, as the tail- The anouncement came from
pS pack. This was something entirely Government House as public
new, and Illinois almost folded clamor sounded back in Britain
as the tough "M" senior tirelessly for sterner action.
WASHINGTON (R) The United banged off tackle. The announcement said district
States and Russia split openly security committees throughout
yesterday over the aim of talks Ptacek Carries the island are authorized to issue
opening tomorrow in an effort to Led by Ptacek, who carried for arms to British civilians who ask
guard all nations against the peril another 10 plays in a 13-play for them.
of a nuclear surprise attack. drive, the "M" team raced down The move to arm civilians was
The State Department, in a the field in retaliation to the third first disclosed by Maj. Gen. Ken-
note made public here, told the Illinois touchdown. It looked like neth Darling, Director of Anti-
Russians in polite but firm lan- Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's squad EOKA Operations.
guage that the Geneva talks must might get themselves back into the "If they want arms they can
be limited to work on technical game. have them," he told a news con-
military problems involved in 'However, the breaks weren't ference, 'and we would see thatj
eliminating the surprise element. with them. On the Illini five-yard they can use a revolver and lookE
1 The Soviets, in a note a week line Ptacek called another single after it."
ago, had spoken about definite wing play. But center Jim Dickey EOKA gunmen have killed nine{
moves in the field of disarmament didn't get the signal straight, and British civilians and 12 service-
-which was read here as mean- the center snap led tailback Ptacek men since starting a new offensivef
ing insistence on immediate See ILLINOIS, Page 8 five weeks ago,

Ann Arbor, despite repeated State
Department protests to the Rus-
Western officials drew this con-'
clusion from a statement on the
German News Agency ADN.
ADN said Milroy violated the
terms of the transit visa granted
him by the East German govern-
ment, which said he must drive
through the satellite nation with-
out stopping.
It was alledged by ADN that
"Milroy stayed in the German
Democratic Republic and, among
other things, took photographs of
military ogjects.
"As in any other country, this
is a punishable offense in the Ger-
man Democratic Republic and
therefore an investigation has been
His father, Claude B. Milroy,
said he was very optimistic about
his son's release. He said he felt
the State Department would have
the matter cleared up shortly. Mil-
roy said he had contacted Sen
Charles E. Potter last Monday, and
was given assurance every effort
would be made to free his son.
Milroy said his son was on a
pleasure trip and had no connec-
tion with the United States gov-
ernment, He added he thought his
son was confused as to the terms
of the visa.

Zeder Heads
Fund Group
James C. Zeder, vice-president
of Chrysler Corp. recently was
named chairman of a fund rais-
ing campaign "on which the fu-
ture of the University's Phoenix
Memorial Project depends."
He will head a committee di-
recting efforts to gather $200,000
to operate the project during the
next five years. The project, de-
voted to research on peaceful
uses of atomic energy, has been
supported for the past decade by
gifts from students, alumni, in-
dustry, and other friends.
Membership of the committee
has not been determined.
Announcing Zeder's appoint-
ment, University President Har-
lan Hatcher praised the industrial
leader's "ability and experience."
"The future of the Phoenix
Project depends upon this under-
taking, c o n t i n u e d President
A University alumni, Zeder
earned his Bachelor of Science
and Master of Engineering de-
grees here. He received his doc-
torate at the University of Day-

operating budget, University
President Harlan Hatcher in-
dicated last night. A com-
bined "top priority" capital
outlay budget would also beN
filed with the State Control-
ler, he added.
Forecast $100 Million
Some Lansing observers fore-
cast an operating request total-
ling over $100 million, along with
a capital outlay budget of $25
President Hatcher said the op-
erating budget figure had not
been discussed at the Dearborn
meeting, and that the capital out-
lay figure had only been men-
tioned briefly.
"This is still in a highly forma-
tive stage," he emphasized. "All
the details will not be worked out
for some months."
Creates Bureau
Basically, he said, the program
entails creation of a research
bureau which will supply the
council of presidents with infor-
mation on various problems in-
cluding swelling enrollments and
space utilization.
The Council will then coordinate
the information in light of the
needs of the state as a whole and
make recommendations accord-
plyPresident Hatcher called the
plan an "alternate approach" to
present procedures which see sep-
Iarate schools wrestling individually
with lawmaketrs over budget prob-
Sees Harmony
He saw the plan as a means by
which the institutions "could per-
haps arrive at a budget harmoni-
ously, instead of fighting individu-
ally in committees and on the
legislative floor" as was true in
last year's session.
Clarence Hilberry, president of
Wayne State University and chair-
man of the Council of Presidents,
pictured the concept of a joint
coordinating office as a way to end
"unwise duplication" in institu-
tional operations.
University Regent Eugene Power
of Ann Arbor pointed out that "we
have reached a point where we
must be concerned with the needs
of the state as a whole rather than
those of individual institutions."
Avoids Many Lobbyists
Another observer declared "the
necessity of having six or eight
educational lobbyists in Lansing,
all heaping recriminations on the
I__;a~n4- - "ril ., - U .,._4, -3 "

Air Force

Moon Shot
Air Force missilemen, their dream
of moon conquest shattered for
now, yesterday attempted to solve
the mystery of why moon rocket
Pioneer II fizzled in flight after a
brilliant launching.
The 52-ton rocket, carrying a
top-shaped moon satellite, roared
off to a beautiful start at 2:30
a.m., but the flight ended less than
45 minutes later when the third
main stage rocket failed to ignite.
Even as scientists studied flight
performance data to pinpoint the
trouble, Army moon probers were
waiting in the wings.
Given Two .hots
Under the program originally
set up by the Defense Department
but subsequently transferred to
the over-all direction of the new
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, the Air Force was
ordered to make three lunar probe
launchings, the Army two.
It is expected that the Army
will get the first of its two chances
to "shoot the moon" about Dee, 5.
The equipment to be used in
sending an instrument - packed
vehicle toward the moon is on
hand or now en route to the Cape
Canaveral launching site, the
Army said.
An Army statement inferred
that if the space agency ordered
an attempt during the first week-
end in December, the Army would
be ready,
Prefer More Listing
However, Army rocketeers have
been reported as preferring to
make further test firings of a mis-
sile weapon which will be used to
hurl the moon vehicle on the first
phase of its flight. This could
mean that the Army might choose
to pass up the December shooting
date and wait for another month
or two..
To fire its lunar probe vehicle,
the Army will use the Jupiter
intermediate range ballistic mis-
sile, with its fuel capacity and
speed increased. The thrust of the
normal Jupiter power plant is
about 250,000 pounds.


agreement on a disarmament in-
spection zone in Eastern Europe.
Say Controls Unnecessary
At Geneva, Soviet officials said
privately yesterday prompt West-
ern detection of the latest Rus-
sian nuclear blasts proved how
little the major powers need an
international control system to
police a test ban.
Existing detection systems in
the United States, Britain and
the Soviet Union are so advanced,
they maintained, that none of the
three atomic powers can fool the
others by sneaking tests.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles told a news conference Fri-;
day he was not discouraged about
disarmament. But his subordin-
ates in the State Department are
divided over whether the Western
Powers are really getting any-
where in their talks with the

ISA Show Features Oriental Rhythms

Mambo, rhumba, samba and
tango rhythms predominated last
night at the International Stu-
dents Association's Oriental Night.
Socializing and dancing to Lat-
in-American music preceded the
floor show, which was keyed to an
Oriental theme.
Michael Bentwich, Grad., of
Israel and Jole Carliner, '62, of
the United States, performed a
set of four Israeli dances.
"Although one might say that
these dances are not properly Ori-
ental, they are Oriental in flavor,"I

legislature, will now be avoided.
President Hatcher said the Uni-
versity Regents had given him World News
unanimous support during a con-
ference to go ahead with develop-
ment of the project. p
It was emphasized that the ac-
tion did not stem from a John
Dale Russell report on higher edu- By The Associated Press
cation issued this summer which SEATTLE - Chiefs of deleg
called for a state agency to operate tions gathering yesterday for
separately from the institutions 18-nation Colombo Plan Mi i
in analyzing budget requests. Hil- tens meeting are being told 1
berry said that the schools will be 650 million people of South i
working thei rown requests under Southeast Asia are undergoa
the present setup.
He ticketed the proposed coordi- their worst year since 1950.
Authoritative sources disclosi
nating office as a "new departure" this said the adverse report or
in MIrichia- politically uncommitted porti
The state of Indiana incorpor- o the world does not attempt
ates a similar plan but only two of the old oe auep
institutions are involved, it was 'point to any single remedy,
pointed out.t y.
NFV ORK-_, *ir * Oi

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