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November 07, 1958 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-07

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Lecture Series Speaker
To Recite from Shaw
Margaret Webster will be the
third presentation of the 1958-59 Eleanor Roosevelt Nor. 18 in con-
University Lecture Series at 8:30 junction with International Week,
p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11 at Hill sponsored by the International
Auditorium, according to Lucille Students' Association.
Upham, business manager.
One of the most outstanding Called Outstanding
figures in American theatre today, Called one of the most out-
Niss Webster will present a dra- standing women in the world to-
matic recital entitled "Pictures day, Mrs. Roosevelt will tell of her
from a Shavian Gallery." experiences in a recent trip to
On her program she will intro- Russia.
iuce some of Shaw's famous gal- Her speech will be especially
lery of extraordinary women, concerned with her study of Rus-
ranging from the Biblican Eve to sian youth and the educational
Eliza Doolittle and from Major problems they are solving. She has
Barbara to St. Joan, the French entitled her talk "Is America Fac-
peasant girl. ing World Leadership?"
Active in Theatre Originally scheduled to appear
Very active in the theatre, Miss at the University Oct. 29, Mrs.
Webster is a noted actress, well- Roosevelt has appeared in Ann
known author and director. Arbor on several previous occa-
Explaining her choice of presen- sions.
tation, she said, "I knew Bernard Plan Actor
Shaw well and directed and acted During the second semester Ed-
in many of his plays. I like to die Dowling, successful performer
bring to my audiences something in vaudeville, musical comedy, and
of his wit and brilliance." drama, will be presented Jan. 16.
The Lecture series will present He will deliver an address "From
Shakespeare to Saroyan."
the disc shop presents On Feb. 20 Sir John Glubb, head
IN PERSON of the British Arab Legion for 15
JOSH W H I TE years, will speak on his experiences
as "A Soldier with the Arabs," ex-
friday, nov. 21.. . 8:30 plaining why he feels the Mideast
at The Armory (4th & Ann St is essential for the survival of the
reserved seats - $2.75 British Empire.
gen. admission - $1.65 Norman Cousins, distinguished
available at writer and editor of the Saturday
THE DISC SHOP Review will speak on the moral,
1210 S. University political and social conditions af-
(open evenings) fecting the problem of human
and also
LIBERTY MUSIC SHOP growth and the individual free
Stat Stret Banchman. His speech will be entitled
State Street Branch "The War Against Man."
TODAY NO 2-2513
*l -u

Give Views
On Election
Four University professors said
yesterday on a radio broadcast
that the Republicans will have to
find some liberal candidates to win
in 1960.
Professor Preston W. Slosson of
the history department, and Pro-
fessors Henry L. Bretton and John
P. White of the political science
department participated in the
broadcast on WUOM, University
radio station. Prof. Bretton served
as moderator for the "Background"
In an interview apart from the
broadcast, Prof. George A. Peek of
the political science department
said, "If the Republicans want to
win in 1960, they will have to do it
with candidates from the Wilkie-
Dewey-Eisenhower wing."
Make Predictions
Prof. White and Prof. Bretton
said that in 1960 Vice-President
Richard M Nixon may be cast as
Senator Robert A. Taft and Nelson
Rockefeller cast as President
Dwight D. Eisenhower-the great
vote getter who is not so popular
with the organization, but is more
popular with the public.
Prof. Slosson said that on the
Democratic sides there will be
about a dozen favorite sons who
were successful in past elections,
and that the new congress will be
largely composed of the Demo-
cratic party, and will be liberal in
its policies.
There may even be an attempt
to revise the Senate rule pertaining
to the filibuster in order to pass
civil rights legislation, he contin-
To Make Attempt
"The Northern and Western
Democrats, who have been elected,
are likely to insist on a successful
attempt to enact civil rights legis-
lation," Prof. White said.
Prof. Peek said that although
there may be a fight on the fili-
buster in the Senate, he doesn't
expect the liberals to win.
Legislative measures which the
various professors foresee include
a financiai assistance to depressed
areas, su~ch as the Upper Penin-
Prof. Peek said, "in the last
Congress, this bill was vetoed by
President Eisenhower, and a num-
ber of Republican congressmen
thought that the veto hurt them
in the election."
To Act on Aid
Prof. Slosson and Prof. White
said that the legislation will act
on federal aid to education and
also labor legislation.
They all agreed that the foreign
aid expenditures will pobably
continue at a fairly high level and
that taxes will remain heavy due
to increased expenditures, All
agreed that the recession issue
affected voting behavior through-
out the country.
Following the program, Prof.
Bretton said, "In order for the
Republican Party to become the
majority party in the United
States, it must generate an appeal
to the independents."
. "I think the election results
should spell out a need for the
local Republican Party in Wash-
tenaw County to find more attrac-
tive and progressive candidates,"
he concluded.

-Daily-David Aruold
JAIL ADDITION--One proposed addition to the County Jail would be built on this lot adjacent
to the jail. The new building would be used for administrative offices, according to Washtenaw
County Sheriff Robert A. Lillie. The other possible plan before the County Board of Supervisors
would be to construct two more stories on top of the present structure.
on o Build Additional Jail Space


The county will build either a
two-story addition or a separate
building with the funds authorized
to build more jail space, Wash-
tenaw County's Sheriff Robert A.
Lillie said yesterday.
The County Board of Supervisors
he said, has the choice of building
a two-story addition on top of
the present building or purchasing
the lot on the corner of Main
and Ann St., building an adminis-
tration building there and con-
verting the present structure into
jail space.
In theory, Sheriff Lillie said, the
whole west end of the jail is given
over to sheriff's quarters as is
required by state law, but we have
to use parts of it for other purposes
Forced Vote
The vote on construction was
forced this fall by a court order
requiring the county to ship sur-
plus prisoners to jails outside the
county. The order was given at
the request of the State Jail In-
spector because of the fact that
the jail has frequently held more
than 20 prisoners above its capa-
The jail's capacity is that of 69
male and six female prisoners. Ac-
cording to the county supervisors
the jail has been averaging more
than 90 prisoners during the
month with peak loads on week-
ends in the neighborhood of 100.
"we rarely are anywhere near
the authorized number," Sheriff
Robert A. Lillie said yesterday.
"We averaged 87 in October, 85
in September, 95 in August and
81 in July."
Houses 110
Sheriff Lillie said that last
weekend the jail housed 110 pris-
oners for various offenses.
"Part of our weekend load," he
explained, "comes from the prac-
tice of county judges allowing cer-
tain prisoners to serve their sen-
tences on weekends."
These are prisoners convicted of
minor offenses who have wives
and families who would be inno-

cently hurt if the sentence was to
be served in one lump, he said.
"The judges sometimes allow them
to serve two days at a time on
the weekend until they have been
confined for the full term of their
Lists Price
If the county were to build the
addition to the top of the present
building it would cost a minimum
of $25,000 per year for the addi-
tional personnel needed, Sheriff
Lillie said, plus requiring an ele-
vator which would cost another.
$60,000 to $80,000.
He pointed out the advantages
of expanding "laterally" enabling
the further expansion of both
administrative and detention sec-
Tunnel Possible.
With the addition built apart
from the present jail and close to
the County Building it would be
possible to construct a tunnel con-
necting the buildings and bringing
heat to the jail. "This would give
us that much more room for cells,"
he said.
It would also eliminate much of

the inconvenience and danger of
transporting persons to court.
The jail construction, whichever
plan is used, will be financed by a
three-fourth mill tax increase on
county property. This tax is above
the 15 mill rate allowed by county
Cost High
The cost of transporting prisoni-
ers out of the county to other
jails would have been ruinously
expensive according to the Super-
visors report.
The basis of their figuring was
on the assumption that the jail
had a surplus of 20 prisoners
which, they say "is conservative."
The yearly cost of maintaining
these prisoners at jails outside
the county would be $21,900 plus
the cost of a minimum of two of-
ficers to transport them. The sal-
aries of the officers plus travel
expenses would be a minimum of
$12,000 per year.
County Administrator Carl
Johnson explained that plans for
the two-story addition are now
complete and preliminary plans
for the separate building are now
being finished.

National Orchestra of Mexico
To Appear in Concert Series


The National Orchestra of Mex-


ico, with Luis Herrera de la Fuente
conducting, will present the fourth
concert in the Choral Union Series
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Audi-
"Sensemaya" by Silvestre Rel-
i vueltas will begin the concert. The
program also includes "Concerto
No. 2 in F minor, Piano and Orch-
estra, Op. 21" by Frederic Chopin.
Jose Kahan is soloist pianist.
The first Latin American group
of it size and stature to visit the
United States, the orchestra will
play "Huapango" by Jose Pable
Moncayo and "Symphony No. 5,
Op. 47" by Dmitri Shostakovich.
Founded by Carlos Chavez as
the Symphony Orchestra of Mex-
ico, the orchestra has performed
250 Latin American debuts and
over 80 world debuts. It is the

ov, Chief Conductor of the USSR
State Symphony Orchestra,
The goal of the orchestra's first
tour in its 30 years of existence
is to make known the music of
Mexican composers to the rest of
the world,
The Mexican government sent
the National Symphony Orchestra
to tle World's Fair at Brussels
for the commemoration of the
Mexican Independence Day, Sept.
15 and 16. They also performed on
a recent European trip,
Luis de la Fuente was appointed
conductor in 1954. He has been
guest conductor in London, Bel-
glum, .Zurich and Paris and also
guest conducted the National Sym-
phony Orchestra of Peru in four
consecutive seasons.
A limited number of tickets are
available for the concert in the
office of the University Musical
Society located in Burton Tower.


You con
- - light

Tonight at 7 and 9:00
Joan Crawford, Walter Huston
Saturday at 7:00 and 9:20
Sunday at 8:00
Ronald Coleman, Basil Rothbone,
Edna Mae Oliver. Elizabeth Allen.


first symphony
conducted by a
Soviet conductor,


Shows at 7 and 9

h MAI,

NO 8-6416

orchestra to be
prominent guest
Konstantin Ivan-

"Truly potent! It fairly quivers with emotion !"-N.Y. Times




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NO 2-3136


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