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November 07, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-07

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom





Air Force
Fires Trial
Moon Rocket
Pioneer HI Launched;
Condition Undecided
improved apace probe, Pioneer II,
waited out time, weather and
good fortune yesterday for a pos-
sible launching In the early hours
The third of the Air Force lu-
nar probes, specially equipped to
correct deviations In its trajec-
tory, appeared likely to have a
royal sendoff.
Queen Frederika of (Preece and
rher daughter, Princess Sophia,
were due to arrive by military
plane at nearby Patrick Air Force
Base about 8 p.m. to witness the
launching, expected around 1:15
to 1:22 a.m., EST.
tf plans and schedules mesh
properly the three-stage launching
rocket, more than 88 feet tall, will
hurl its 85-pound payload or
fourth stage literally out of this
Includes Rocket
The ppyload will include-along
with a small terminal rocket-25
pounds of instruments, including
a light-sensing device designed to
relay to earth crude photographic
impressions of the far side of the
If all went well as the payload
coasted on toward space, sometime
early next Sunday afternoon a
radio signal from Hawaii might
touch off the terminal rocket and
send the probe into a lunar orbit.
Attainment of the vicinity of the
moon would represent a major
step beyond the achievement of
Pioneer IL
Fails To Orbit
Launched Oct. 11, the first
Pioneer followed a trajectory
steeper than had been planned,
and therefore failed to attain the
velocity needed to carry it to the
vicinity of the moon,
Pioneer I lost its forward mo-
mentum about 90,850 miles from
the Earth. Falling back, it was de-
stroyed on reentry into the at-
mosphere 27 hours after launch-
The technique of firing a tiny
device from one rotating and or-
biting sphere, the earth, to an-
other a quarter of a million miles
away involves precise calculation.
Rebels Hold
Cuban Plane
HAVANA (P')-A Cuban airliner
which vanished Wednesday is in
rebel hands and all 28 persons
aboard are safe, a qualified source
said yesterday.
It was the third Cuban airliner
to be hijacked in little more than
a fortnight.
The informant said radio mes-
sages from the Cubana Airlines
DC3 reported the aircraft is being
held on a rebel airstrip.
The radio messages said the
rebels promised to turn over all
the 25 passengers, including one
American, to the International
Red Cross as soon as it can be
arranged. No mention was made of
returning the three crewmen.
Cubana Airlines announced last
night it is stopping flights over
rebel territory in Oriente Province.
Flights overseas ahd between
Havana. and Camaguey and San-
tiago in eastern Cuba are being

The American aboard the plane
seized by rebels last night was
identified as Robert M. Montgom-
ery, a Naval airman from the
United States Naval base at Guan-
The hijacking of airliners seems
to be developing as a favorite tac-
tic of the rebels. After nearly two
years of v.iolence and bloodshed
they apparently are no closer to
their goal of toppling the govern-
ment of President Fulgencia
Lanid Supplies
TAIPEI (P)--Nationalist vessels
landed supplies yesterday- at Que-
moy unmolested by Communist
guns capable of raking the entire
50-square-mile island.
It was part of the strange game
the Reds haveolvend since Oct. 25

-Daily-Allan Winder
FAYEZ SAYEGH-Speaking in a jam-packed auditorium with
interetsted listeners, Fayez Sayegh, counselor to the Arab delega-
tion to the UN, explained the relationship between Arab national-
ism and democratic principles.
Sayegh Proclaims
A rab emocratic
"Democracy as a form does not yet fully exist in the Arab world,
but the spirit of democracy is an essential part of Arab nationalisis
Fayez Sayegh, counselor to the Arab States delegation to the
United Nations, described last night the rise of Arab nationalism and
its relations to democratic principles.
Beginning with the first re-awakening of the Arab world in the
nineteenth century, continuing through the inter-war period and
ending with the post-World War II period in which Arab nationalism
has found its greatest fulfillment to date, Sayegh explained the evolu-
tion of Arab feelings on independence and national unity. From

To Ponder
Old Problem
Must Raise Money
For State Budgets
Democratic election tide that
flooded Congress also swept Dem-
ocrats into control of 12 state
lawmaking bodies formerly Re-
publican dominated.
The sea of ballots, however,
washed ashore problems as well
as prizes for the new Democratic
state senators and representatives.
The trouble most widely re-
ported was an old familiar head-
ache: money - how to raise state
revenues with least pain to state
Deficits Troublesome
At least six new legislatures
have big state deficits to cotend
with. Others face demands for
costly programs. Nearly all have
some sort of budget worries.
In Michigan, Gov. G. Mennen
Williams said the state is nearly
flat broke.
The Governor called a special
meeting of his administrative
board to consider the problem.
Reapportionment Asked
Among other issues popping up
in one or more state houses were
reapportionment of legislatures-
especially in places where Demo-
crats complained of past gerry-
manders at their expense; at-
tempts to enact or repeal right-
to-work laws; and state prohibi-
tion repeal. In the South, some
of the legislators were looking for
ways to bolster the legal defenses
of segregation.
A survey by the Associated
Press in 33 states which held
elections for legislatures concur-
rently with those for Congress
showed that in two states - Ohio
and California - Democrats.
seized control of both houses of
the legislature from the GOP.
In 10- Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,
Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Is-
land, South Dakota, tah, Wis-
consin and Wyoming-Democrats
took over one house formerly Re-
publican-held; in Michigan' they
achieved a tie in a formerly Re-
publican house. There were no
shifts of control that favored the
Everywhere outside the already
100 per cent democratic state-
houses in the south, the Democrats
scored gains, whether or not these
gave them numerical control.
Fires Callas
NEW YORK (P) - The Metro-
politan Opera yesterday cancelled
its contract with Maria Callas,
the temperamental soprano.
General Manager Rudolf Bing
said the cancellation "was occa-
sioned by Mme. Callas' refusal to
fulfill the terms of her contract."
The tempestuous star has often
been in hot water with her em-
ployers. In 1957, both the Vienna
Opera and the San Francisco
Opera dropped her.
Miss Callas also has been wag-
ing a cold war with the citadel of
opera, La Scala in Milan. She said
last season that she was not re-
turning there.


Right -To -Work Laws


HAS Aims To Foster
Cooperation in World
"The main objective of the International Institute of Adminis-
trative Sciences is to foster cooperation between all peoples through
comparative studies," Paul Schillings, Director General of that organi-
zation, observed last night.
In a lecture sponsored by the Political Science Roundtable and
the Michigan Chapter of the American Society for Public Administra-
tion, Schillings discussed they

, p
Eisenthower a&
To Revelp
Tiest Policydo
WASHINGTON (AP) - President d
Dwight D. Eisenhower has decided co
to issue today a new statement of'c
United States policy on suspension ,
of nuclear weapons testing.h so
Some officials said it shouldti
strengthen this country's position th
in terms of world opinion on the ca
highly controversial issue. Ar
Halt Tests Recently,
The United States and Britain
halted testsna weeknago for a t
period of one year on condition to
that Russia would follow suit. a
They acted even though Moscowco
had rejected their proposal for a c
one-year test ban.
President Eisenhower met with
Secretary of State John Foster to
Dulles, Deputy Defense Secretary po
Donald Quarles and Paul Foster of Ea
the Atomic Energy Commission tu
for an hour late this afternoon. to
To Issue Statement me
Presidential Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty then announced tih
that a statement would be issued axE
at 9 a.m. today. The hour was w
fixed, officials said, to accord with pe
allied interests, presumably mean- W
ing consultation with Britain. Z
The United States-British sus- st
pension was timed with the begin- we
ning of negotiations between the au
two countries and France at '
Geneva on a proposed agreement w
for a permanent prohibition on d
testing enforced by an interna- A
tional inspection system. n
Russia rejected the one-year en
suspension plan immediately be- to
fore the United States and Britain th
put into effect, t

its Replace GOP in Twelve State
AFL-CIO Demands En

aerely striving to attain inde-
endence of colonial powers, dur-
ng the inter-war period, the Arabs
ssumed the tasks of social organi-
ation at the end of World War II
hich had previously been by-
Class Breakdown
These tasks included breaking
own the feudal hierarchy of
ocial classes which had existed
nder the foreign powers' man-
Ates and through which the
olonial rulers had often carried
ut their policies, Sayegh said.
These principles of equality in
ocial opportunity, of social jus-
ice, of narrowing the gap between
he privileged and non-privileged
asses, became aspirations of
rab nationalism.
The problem of bringing a de-
endent and socially sick society
the state of an independent
nd socially healthy one was
olved in many states by a military
oup d'etat, Sayegh continued.
Attitudes Important
The attitude of the Arab states
award the two main camps in the
ower struggle today, West and
ast, can be explained by the atti-
tdes of these respective groups
'ward the Arab nationalistic
ovement, Sayegh said.
Three factors which add up in
he argument against the West
re that freedom of Arab states
as suppressed and their inde-
endence was dismembered by
Vestern colonialism, and that the
donist movement to set up the
ate of Israel on Arab territory
as carried out under Western
uspices, he noted.
To the extent to which the West
ould infuse the spirit of Western
emocracy into dealings with the
rab world, to that extent Arab
ationalism will veer from its pres-
nt course of neutralism and re-
urn to its former friendship with
he West, eventually joining with
he West, he concluded.

.. .disqualified candidate
-l ne a
As Candidate
Stuart Says
Ken Stuart, '6OBAd., said last
night he has been disqualified as
a candidate in next week's Stu-
dent Government Council elec-
Joint Judiciary Council took
the action on the basis of six f
350 signatures on his petitions,
Stuart said. Hie explained that
another student had obtained the
signatures in question and that a
chance call to one of the signees
by SGC's Credentials Committee
had revealed the illegal circulat-
ing procedure,
Stuart said his name might
have been brought before Joint
Judic because of his "poor record"
with the University. He was fined
$25 a year ago following a frater-
nity pledge prank, he said.
He is "going to try to run" any-
how, Stuart said. He will talk to
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea today
regarding the disqualification, he
Joint Judic President Steve
Simich, '59E, said he has con-
veyed the decision to the Creden-
tials Committee and that it will
be announced officially this after-

structure and functions of the
Sketches Growth
Sketching the growth of the
IIAS, Schillings said the first con-
gress of the Institute was. held in
1910 with representation from
thirty-two countries. The last con-
gress was held in Madrid in 1956
with delegates , from sixty - five
countries and ten international
For fair and impartial member-
ship the Institute has stipulated
three conditions, Schillings told
the audience: 1) The government
of a country may send its own
official delegates. 2) Members may
be derived from political, civil, or
educational spheres within a coun-
try. 3) No country may send more
than thirty-five delegates.
Three Committees
Within the Institute, there are
three permanent committees. The
administrative, science committee
deals with questions of adminis-
trative law and comparative treat-
ment of political science, eco-
nomics, and sociology. The Com-
mittee of Administrative Practices
effects an exchange of officials
and provides surveys under terms
of a contractual agreement with
the UN and UNESCO. The Con-
tract Supervisory Committee pro-
vides technical and administrative
assistance to requesting nations,
he said.
In t'he Congresses held every
three years, delegates are required
to defend their positions by the
presentation of formal reports.
The roundtables, first initiated in
1948, stimulate amity and cooper-
ation through informal discussion,
he claimed. Unlike the Congresses,
the roundtables operate under far
fewer procedural restrictions and
delegates are more apt to speak
their piece.

U Studies
High Schools
In Michigan
The University Bureau of School
Services indicated in a recent sur-
vey that graduates of non-public
high schools in Michigan com-
plete more mathematics and sci-
ence than do graduates of public
According to Bureaut consultant
Fred B. Stevenson, these gradu-
ates complete at least two years
study of mathematics and a ma-
jority finish at least two years of
Nearly 600 Michigan schools
were surveyed by the Bureau.
These schools graduated a total
of 40,000 students last June. Pub-
lic schools included three to six-
year secondary systems, while the
non-public schools were predom-
inently four-year high schools.
/ Necessarily Small
The survey said that "the pro-
portion of all students enrolled
taking a particular course in a
particular semester will necessari-
ly be small."
In a four year high school, Ste-
venson said, "only one-fourth of
all students might be enrolled in
a course, even though it was com-
pulsory for all students in a cer-
tain grade."
The Bureau found general sci-
ence offered by 71.7 per cent of
the schools, but only 9.8 per cent
of the students took this course
each year. Biology, given in 94.7
per cent of the schools, was taken
by one of fivestudents per year.
Big Schools Better
"Opportunities for students to
acquire four units of credit in
mathematics and four units of
credit in science are better in
schools of 500 total enrollment or
more than in smaller schools,"
Stevenson said-,
Plan Program
For Week
The inaugural speaker for this
year's International Week will be
Eleanor Roosevelt discussing the
topic, "Is America Facing World
Leadership?" Robert Arnove, '59,
chairman of the program, an-
nounced last night.
The schedule of events for the
second International Week, Nov.
18 to 23, also includes special
events, conferences, study pro-
grams and the campus world's
fair, he said.
Throughout the week a series
of dinners and discussions with
international students at the
various housing units will be
s p o n s o r e d by Interfraternity
Council, Interhouse Council, Pan-
hellenic Association and Assembly
In conjunction with this, the
Women's League has planned a
special study program for women's
housing units, Arnove said. Each'
unit, he explained, has been as-
signed a country which it will
study and from which five stu-
iat ...ml ha i rta.. A""

Council Asks
For Action
Federation Requests
Complete Overhaul
Of Taft-Hartley Act
CIO, flush with election victories,
demanded yesterday an end to the
statehright-to-work laws which
ban the union shop.
The federation's executive coun-
cil called on Congress to knock
out these union-hated devices bey
taking away the Federal sanction
given 'them in the Taft-Hartley
It pressed, in fact, for an over-
haul of the whole Act, which has
governed labor-management rela-
tions since 1947.
Public Lacks Confidence
And in another reaction to the
Tuesday elections, Sen. Clifford
Case (R-NJ) said the Democrats
were able to increase their hold on
Congress as much as they did be
cause of a drop of public confi-.
dence in the Republican party.
Sen. Case said President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's administration
had not been aggressive enough In
its handling of foreign affairs and
the business recession,
It was disclosed yesterday that
President Eisenhower and Vice-
PIreident Richard M. Nixon held
a private conference at the White
House Wednesday night on the
election results.
Increase Democratic Margin
These results increased the
Democratic margin in the Senate
from 49-47 to 62-34 and the Dem.'
ocratic edge in the House from
235-200 to 281-153 with one race
Details of the President Eisen-
hower-Nixon conference were not
revealed, but it had already be-
come apparent that Nixon Is tak.
ing charge of efforts to get the
GOP back into real contention for
the 1960 Presidential and Con-
gressional races.
Nixon, 45 years old and a top
prospect for the Presidential nomi-
nation, is expected to emphasize
efforts to get young, attractive
candidates on the Republican
tickets for Congress and state
offices. He is known to have been
unhappy with some of the 1958
party choices.
To Seek Labor Vote
The vice-president is also ex-
pected to make a pitch for the
organized labor vote and to con-
tinue his backing for civil rights
laws attractive to.Negro voters,
Southern Democrats resisting
these civil rights measures are
likely to have less influence in th
new Congress, because of the elec-
tion of new Northern and Western
The newcomers will dilute the
Southerners' party strength, but
veterans from the South will con-
tinue to hold the bulk of the
Senate and House committee'
Nine of the 16 regular commIt'
tees in the Senate will be chair.
maned by Southerners, as will 12
of the 19 committees in the House,
President George Meany of the
AFL-CIO told a news conference
that the right-to-work issue in
six states ,notably California a4
Ohio, contributed to the large
turnout of voters Tuesday.
Jordan Lauds
Hussein Tou

BETHLEHEM (A) -- Young
King Hussein motored through
the southwestern corner of his
kingdom yesterday to the ac-
claim of thousands.

Teamsters' Discrimination
Question Raised by Judge
WASHINGTON ()P) - The question of whether the, Teamsters
Unio ndiscriminates against members whose dues are paid through
a checkoff by employers was raised yesterday by United States Dis-
trict Judge F. Dickinson Letts.
"I just pose the question," Letts remarked after Martin F. O'Don-
oghue, one of the union's court-appointed monitors, complained that
many Teamsters are disqualified
from running for office under the
checkoff system.
" O'Donoghue said the union con-
l DisputeA as interpretd by
tters President James R. Hoffa



Council Candidates Discuss Jurisdictiona

Student Government Council
candidates have devoted a great
deal of campaign time to the juris-
dictional dispute between SGC
and the administration of recog-
nition of organizations.
"Recognition and withdrawal of
recognition should ultimately rest
on SGC, that is on student leader-
ship," Thomas David, Grad., said.
Writing for The Daily's Sunday
SGC supplement, David explained
that "student leaders, being elect-
ed annually, are apt to reflect the
latest pulse and progress of social
thinking." They are in general
free of outside pressures while the
administration is often influenced
by "vested interests." he decarerrd

framework for making compro- Authority to recognize student lared that "to say students have and other union chiefs, requires
mises when needed, he said, groups "rests with the administra- too much power is foolish." that a member be in continuous
Ron Gregg, '60, told Helen New- tion," David Carpenter, '60, said, "Can Clamp Down" good standing for two years to be
b rry that a joint administration and in this case it is doubtfu He indicated that although "the eligible for office. He said a mem-
-student committee should have that it will ever ge elsewhere." administration is in a position to ber loses his good standing if an
the final say on recognition. He characterized any action on clamp down on SGC or let go, employer is tardy in remitting his
Gregg said at Panhel he pre- recognizing groups as a "puppet because policy is largely unde- union dues.
fered setting up a joint commit- performance,"fined, the power of the Council Letts said the Hoffa interpre-
tee to mere restricting of SGC SGC "would be better off if it should not be cut-off." tation may be contrary to public
powers in the area, because SGC dispensed with these puppet func-
is the only organization which tions and handled only matters Brian Higgins, '60, told Kappa p
effectively represents student opin- that it has the authority to Kappa Gamma sorority members' He added that he wanted op-
ion, handle," he elaborated. that "Sigma Kappa is not a real posing attorneys to discuss the
Irwin Dinn, '61, has stressed Would Accomplish More issue in this election. SGC has matter later in a hearing he is
Irwi Din, 1, as sresed oul Accmplsh ore gone as far as they can with the conducting on a plea of the court-
redefinition" of SGC's powers as Paul Lichter, '61, speaking be- isue, an shuldn have h aondn monio for oe ow-
set forth in the SGC Plan. He fore Tau Delta Phi, said Sigma juisdiction over it in the first e t enforcenthir cleanup de-
told The Daily that if the ad- Kappa was a "good test issue"on place," he maintained. mands.
ministration wishes to make the SGC power. The administration
decisions concerning recognition should have complete jurisdiction "SGC, in this and other matters, O'Donoghue, chairman of the
their own responsibilit", then take overtis merely an opinion body more three-member panel of monitors,
the dower away from SGC. r t1iand nitiPhai than a judiciary body," Higgins 'testified yesterday that Hoffa has

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