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November 05, 1958 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-05

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) emocrats Gain Sweeping Overall National V


Indiana, Mar
Republicans i
(Continued from Page 1)
Rep. Robert C. Byrd, making
his first bid for statewide office
defeated Republican incumben
Chapman Revercomb for a six-
year term and former Democrati
Congressman Jennings Randolph
ousted Republican appointee Johr
'D. Hoblitzell, Jr., in the other
Kennedy Easy Winner
Sen. John F. Kennedy (D) wor
reelection by a whopping margin
which should give impetus to hi
chances for the presidential nom-
ination in 1960.
Early returns indicated Ken

U' S tudents
To Confer
The University Admissions Of
fice will sponsor the 30th annua
Principal-Freshmen-Junior Col
lege talks to be held today an
The first general session at 7:3t
p.m. today will include a pane
discussion on "How Can We Bes
Assess Students Aptitudes ant
Proficiencies and Use the Infor
mation to Help the Student," t4
be chaired by Clyde Vroman, di
rector of University Admission
Participating on the panel wil
be Associate Dean of Engineering
College Walter Emmons, Principa
W. Earl Halman of Jackson Higi
School, John E. Milholland of the
Bureau of Psychological Services
Assistant Dean of the Literar
College James H. Robertson, Prin
cipal Nicholas Schreiber of Anr
Arbor High School and Principa
Ross A. Wagner of Birminghair
High School.
Attending the conference wil
be high school principals ant
junior college representative
from different areas in the coun
High school principals an
junior college representatives wil
interview students attending th
University for the first time thi
year tomorrow morning. Follow
ing the interviews will be depart
mental open houses.
Vice-President for Student Af
fair James A..Lewis will speak t
the group on "What Makes fo
Student Success in the Universit
of Michigan," during a luncheo]
A panel discussion on "Hov
Can We Increase the Studen
Probability of Success in the Uni
versity" will follow.
To Give Talk
Authors Harry and Bonar
Overstreet will address the 20t]
annual Parent Education Insti
tute convening at 10 a.m. today it
Rackham Auditorium.
The Overstreets will discus
"Maturing the Husband and Wif
Relationship" to the expecte
audience of 600 persons. The con
ference is being sponsored by th
University Extension Service an
the Michigan Congress of Parent
and Teachers.
j Discussions will be hel

yland Replace SENATE'
S.At 4 a.m. today, the followin
in Senate United States Senate:
John C. Stennis (D) Mississip
Albert Gore (D) Tennessee-i
nedy swamped his Republican op- John F. Kennedy (D) Massac
ponent. Vincent J. Celeste, by a Thomas J. Dodd (D) Connect
wide margin. Stuart Symington (D) Mssou
, But in Nebraska, Republican Robert V. Byrd (D) West Virg
t incumbent Sen. Roman Hruska Jennings Randolph (D) West
- led Democratic challenger Frank Vance Hartke (D) Indigna-l
c Morrison in early returns. Spessard I. Holland (D) Flori
h And a strong Republican tide B. Everett Jordan (D) North
in Arizona carried Sen. Barry Winston L. Prouty (R) Vermo
Goldwater to a second term. Harry Flood Byrd (D) Virgini
r As the vote counting passed the Ralph W. Yarborough (D) Te
halfway mark, it became appar- John 0. Pastore (D) Rhode
ent that Goldwater's margin was William Proxmire (D) Wis
n too much for Democratic Gov. Barry Goldwater (R) Arizon
, Ernest W. McFarland to overcome. Kenneth B. Keating (R) N
s The 64-year-old McFarland
- was unseated by Goldwater in Harrison A. Williams (D) N
1952 when he was Senate ma- J. Glenn Beall (R) Marylan
- jority leader. Mike Mansfield (D) Monta
Symington Victor Dennis Chavez (D) New Mex
In Missouri. Democratic Presi- John J. Williams (R) Delaw
dential hopeful Stuart Symington Roman L. Hruska (R) Nebra
won an easy victory. Symington Howard Cannon (D) Nevada
doubled the total received by Re- William Langer (R) North D
publican Hazel Palmer. Philip Hart (D) Michigan--
Tennessee's Albert Gore, also Frank E. Moss (D) Utah-I
mentioned as Democratic presi- Hugh Scott (R) Pennsylvania
dential timber, won as expected Following are the 4 a.m. tot
over Hobart Atkins, the Republi- California: Goodwin Knight
can candidate.38,4
The only Republican incumbent 384,742
to win easily was Winston R. Minnesota: Eugene McCarthy
l Prouty, of traditionally Republi- 189,000
can Vermont. He defeated Demo- Ohio: Stephen Young (D) 89
crat Frederick J. Lafayette. Washington: Henry Jackson
Beall Wins 183,000
1 Maryland's Republican incum- Wyoming: Frank Barrett (R)
l bent J. Glenn Beall had amore
d difficult time of it, handling Balti-
dmore mayor Thomas D'Alesandro IW 1~ m
the first defeat of his political s 'e ea
career by a narrow margin. S ix t 1erm
- Democrats Mike Mansfield of Unj
s Montana, William Proxmire of
Wisconsin, Dennis Chavez of New (Continued on Page 2)
l Mexico and John Pastore of Rhode-
g Island rolled to easy wins over on
h their Republican opponents. your sixth term. My people and
n oters in Florida returned I were at the polls and more will
e Democrat Spessard I. Holland to be there, I'm sure." It was signed
, the senate by a wide margin. Other by "The King of the Gypsies."
y Democratic Southerners winning Adding machines, coffee and
- easily were Mississippi's John musig the offe mn-
n Stennis, Texas' Ralph Yarborough, music were the order of the morn-
d and Virginia's Harry Byrd. ing at Republican headquarters.
n The 49th state, Alaska, does not Emotions running from cautious
vote until Nov. 25. At that time, optimism to dogged determinism
l favored Democrat E. L. Bartlett showed on Paul D. Bagwell's face
d will oppose Republican R. E. Rob- as he at one point told The Daily
s ertson for a full term. that he would run for re-election
- Republican candidate Mike Step- in 1960 to later in the morning
ovich is favored over Democrat when he waved a finger at the
d Ernest Gruening for the partial assembled reporters and declared,
1 term. "I'm not going to give up."
ByNA MRKLCollege I
y ByNAN ARKE prospective employers about stu-
n IOWA CITY, Ia. - The Un- dents' views and beliefs expressed
versiy gablin crakdow in the classroom.
tt brought quick precautionary ac- It asyeearhvngwhattesi
-tion last week at the State Uni- ma erhvn-wa hysyi
versity of Iowa. class discussions about politics,
As soon as he heard about it, religion and other matters used
Iowa athletic director Paul Brech- against them when they seek Jobs.
er tld he ail Ioan,"I ent According to a committee re-
aeretodueoDail oan,"Ihentport, the move was prompted by
coaches, asking them to take pre- tegetnme flyly
cautions to see that nothing like security inquiries calling for evi-
that ited at "our school." dence "that a university should

q persons had been elected to the
p1-no change.
no change
husetts-no change.
icut-Democratic gain.
ri-no change.
inia-Democratic gain
Virginia-Democratic gain
Democratic gain
ida--no change
Carolina-no change
nt--no change
a--no change
xas-no change
Island-no change
consin--no change
a-no change
ew York-no change
ew Jersey-Democratic gain
d-no change
na-no change
ico-no change
are-no change
ska-no change
-Democratic gain
Dakota-no change
Democratic gain
Democratic gain
a-no change
als of undecided Senate races.
(R) 309,797; Clair Engle (D)
(D) 258,000; Edward.Thye (R)
5,744; John Bricker (R) 874,074
(1) 324,000; William Lantz (R)
12,702; Gale McGee (D) 10,857

Ohio Elects
(Continued from Page 1)
point challenged the Democratic
Returns from 5.698 of 26.898
precincts gave Brown 345,394,
Knowland 235,658.
DiSalle Wins
Democrat Michael V. DiSalle
was elected Ohio governor, unseat-
ing first-term Republican Gov. C,
William O'Neill. Republican Sen.
John W. Bricker appeared headed
for defeat.
A Democratic sweep of the Ohio
statehouse, now solidly Republi-
can, seemed in the making. Ove
one Republican, Secretary of State
Ted W. Brown, appeared to have a
chance to weather the storm.
DiSalle, former Toledo mayor
and United States Price Adminis-
trator late in the Truman admin-
istration, will be Ohio's first four-
year governor. All state offices
start four-year-instead of two-
year-terms in January.
Lawrence Victor
Democrat David L. Lawrence
was elected governor of Pennsyl-
vania. Republican Hugh Scott took
the lead over Lawrence's running
mate, George M. Leader in a nip
and tuck battle for the United
States Senate.
Lawrence in becoming the Key-
stone State's 102nd governor de-
feated Republican Arthur T. Mc-
Gonigle, Reading. pretzel manu-
facturer making his first try for
public office.
McGonigle conceded defeat an
hour after midnight at a time
when he was trailing Lawrence.
now serving his fourth term as
Pittsburgh's mayor, 'by nearly
120,000 votes.
With 7,598 of the 8,914 precincts
reported this was the vote: Gov-
ernor: Lawrence 1,728,495, Mc-
Gonigle 1,610,284.
Other winning northern Demo-
crats included incumbents Abra-
ham Ribicoff, Connecticut; Foster
Furcolo, Massachusetts; Orville
Freeman, Minnesota; George
Docking, Kansas; and Herschel
Loveless, Iowa.
Ribicoff, after a second term in
the Connecticut race, won over
Fred Zeller, state controller for
the past 14 years.



its Bagwell;


At this point he was trailing
Gov. G. Mennen Williams by 93,000
Around the room a small group
were speculating among them-
selves as to how long he wouldI
hold out. The crowd cheered the
combo entertaining the guests
with "Autumn in New York" as
the returns from Nelson Rocke-
feller's gubernatorial victory were
The adding machine tapes grew
longer. Bagwell circulated among
groups of friends and smiled, but
not as optimistically as earlier in
the evening.



eral viewing theaters complete
with microfilms, slides, tape re-
cordings and sound film projec-
EVANSTON, Ill. - Northwest-
ern University's human relations
board recently voted to conduct a
survey among landlords operating
housing for foreign students in
order to get their general opinions
and reactions on integrated hous-
Information will then be turned
over to the Evanston human rela-
tions council. The council is cur-
rently working on a measure to
enforce integrated, non-discrim-


housing for the entire
* * s

NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Yale
University will receive a $120,000
grant from the Carnegie Corpora-
The grant will support the first
of a series of steps to strengthen
and consolidate the school's ef-
forts to recruit and train candi-
dates for the teaching profession.
It will enable Yale to seek out as
many as ten such students, assign
them annually to teaching duties
in different departments at Yale.

o The Big Ten has been making a
h determined effort against this
- sort of thing, he said. What hap-
n pened at Michigan could happen
anywhere, he added, "and I'm
s sure that Michigan has tried as
e hard as any school could."
d* * *
- BERKELEY, Calif. - A move
e was taken last week by a legis-
d lative body representing faculties
s of the University of California in
the northern part of the state to
d ensure "free enquiry" in the class-


throughout the day including a room.
talk at 2 p.m. on "Maturing the Members voted to refuse volun-
Parents Through Parenthood." tary answers to questions from

presented by
Thursday, Nov. 6th, 1958
8:15 P.M. Admission $1.00 Total
Jackson County Bldg. Auditorium - Jackson, Mich.
(Tickets at the Door)

not supply if it aspires to be a
free university."
CAMBRIDGE; Mass. - A pe-
tition calling for the abolition of
the Harvard Student Council has
been circulating in some of the
housing units, The Harvard Crim-
son reported Friday.
The petition reportedly asks the
council to surrender its assets to
a new inter-house committee.
One Harvard student criticized
the present council as "composed
of members . . . whose main ob-
ject is to use Council membership
to push personal political en-
AUSTIN, Texas - The South-
western Rocket Society at the
University of Texas is working to
fire its own missile.
To be shot off Nov. 22 at Fort
Sill, Okla., the society's 13-foot,
two stage rocket is expected to
reach an altitude of 50,000 feet.
Work has begun on the current
missile, the Iwapa R-3, in May.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- A
unique International Communica-
tions Library will be set up with-
in the next four weeks on the Los
Angeles State College campus.
To be separate from the col-
lege's other libraries, it will even-
tually contain thousands of vol-
umes of books, films, records and
visual aids covering some 15 Asian
and Mid-East countries.
It will look quite different from
a regular library, containing sev-


Congregational and Disciples Guild,
freshman discussion, Nov. 5, 7-8 p.m.,
Guild House.
Council of Religious Organizations,
regular meeting, Nov. 5, 3 p.m., SAB.
a *
Graduate Student Coffee Hour, Nov.
5, 4-5:30 p.i., Rackham Bldg., 2nd
floor, W. Lounge. Speaker: Dean Saw-
yer, "Election Results and Nuclear
Test Banning." All graduate students
La Socledad Hispanica, "Tertulia".
Coffee and conversation, Nov. 5, 3-5
p.m., 3050 F. B. Everyone welcome.
* * *
La Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, Nov.
5, 8 p.m., 3050 F.B. Speaker: Topic,
"American Foreign Policy and Latin
America." Refreshments, everyone wel-
Newman Club, Grad. meeting, Nov. 5,
8 p.m., 331 Thompson St. Talk and dis-
cussion by Miss Louise Cuyler, (Music
Dept.( on "Liturgical Music" with re-
corded examples.
SGC Campus Affairs Cons., Commit-
tee meeting, Nov. 6, 4 p.m., 3524 SAB,
All interested persons welcome.
United Christian Federation, weekly
all-campus mid-week worship, Nov. 5,
4:15 p.m., Douglas Memorial Chapel,

State & William. Sponsored by 11 de-
I.S.A., General Assembly meeting,
Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m., Union, 3rd floor.
I.S.A., Nov. 6, 8 p.m, Angell Hall,
Aud. A, Speaker: Dr. Faez Sayegh,
member Arab Delegation to UN, "Arab
Nationalism and Democracy." All are
cordially invited.
Political Issues Club, executive board
and organization meeting, Nov. 5, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rm. KL.
Political Issues Club, discussion,
Nov. 5, 8 p.m., Union Rm. KL. Speak-
er: Prof. Warren Miller (Political Sci-
ence Dept.) "Psychology in the Nation-
al Election." Analysis of 1958 elections
will be followed by general discussion,
questions and answers.
* 9
Russian Circle, business meeting
Election of Pres. and Especial commit-
tees, Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m., 3511 SAB.
* * *
Stamm Foundation of the Evangeli-
cal United Brethren Church, Progrea-
sive Dinner, Nov. 7, 6 p.m. Meet at Lane
Hall. To make reservations, call NO
3-8201 after 7 p.m.
* * *
Women's Senate, regular meeting,
Nov. 5, 4:10 p.m., League. SOC candi-
dates will speak and guests are invit-
ed. Bill West (International Center)
will discuss International Week.


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