See Pae 4
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Sixty-Eighit Years of Editorial Freedom
u Xna ncTrn T 31 ~19581- iFIVE CETS
VOL. LXIX, No.39 N RO IC~~AN nIA.V m +
Rescue Men,
Keep Going
For Others
Three Scientists'
Win Nobel Prize
Americans Receive Medical Award
Russia Rejects
Of Atomic
ea pon
Rescued Miners Tell
Of Hunger, Despair
Spurred by the rescue of 12 min-
ers after all hope was lost, tired
teams dug through the rubble of
a wrecked coal mine yesterday
hopeful of finding more survivors.
The rescue squads will keep on
until the last of the 55 still miss-
ing from last Thursday's disaster
are found, dead or alive.
The 12, rescued at dawn, said
they left dead comrades behind
them in their tunnel. But there
was hope that others might have
been as lucky as the 12 in finding
a life-saving pocket in the debris.
The dozen miners told a story
of hunger, thirst, prayer and de-
spair during six days of entomb-
'Just Prayed'
"I just lay there and I prayed,"
said one miner of the days of
darkness deep in the mine.
And then when the click of a
rescue crewman's pick yesterday
told them deliverance was near,
"I hollered, God, how I hollered,"
The ordeal for the 12 began
Thursday night when a massive
shift of the earth - caused by
pressures deep in the mine -
trapped 174 men and killed at
least 26.
Each of the 12 had lost about
10 pounds but doctors said they
were in surprisingly good condi-
Caught by 'Bump'
Hugh Guthro, 31 years old, said
the upheaval of rock and coal -
miners call it a bump - caught
his group two miles from the en-
trance of Cumberland Mine No.
Two and more than 4,000 feet be-
low the surface.
There was dust and darkness
and confusion. Buried up to his
chest, Guthro could hear the
cries of the dying.
"The floor came up and the
ceiling came down," Wilfored
Hunter said.
Money Issues
In Convention
Called Thorny
(EDITOR'S 'NOTE: This is the
ninth in a series of 10 articles writ-
ten by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of
the University's political science de-
partment on the question of calling
a Constitutional Convention. That
issue will appear on the Nov. 4 ballot.)
Mdney issues facing any consti-
tutional convention called in
Michigan for next year will be
thorny. Restrictions on the state's
fiscal capacity have been added
one by one. The total effect has
put the state in the red.
To borrow more than $250,000,
except for emergencies like repell-
ing invasion, the state has to take
drastic steps. No longer enough
to touch most state undertakings,
this sum is named in the Consti-
tution as the maximum for which
the Legislature may pledge the
state's full faith and credit.
Loans of any size, such as the
straits bridge necessitated, have
to be secured on revenue bonds -
that is bonds pledging merely the
revenue of the particular project.
Amendment Needed
The only way td float general
obligation bonds above the set
amount is to pass a separate
As a result, amendments to bor-
row have been frequent: high-
ways, veterans' bonuses for the
two world wars and Korea, hospi-
tals, a loan fund for school dis-
tricts. It would be a lot simpler to
allow the Legislature by statute.
subject to popular referendum, to
authorize the borrowing of neces-
sary funds.
As far as revenues are con-
cerned, about two thirds of the
state's income is earmarked in
advance. The Legislature has little
room to turn in making both ends
meet. The problem has increased
since the 1908 Constitution was,
written because of piecemeal
Motor fuel and vehicle taxes
are, for instance, assigned to
highway use. As to the sales tax,
two out of every three cents goes
into the school aid fund, an ad-
ditional one-half cent is distribut-
ed to counties for division among
other local units by population.
For Work on Problems f1 iIere iIty TAIPEI (M)-Nationalist China
turned from war worries today to
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (M-The 1958 Nobel Prize in Medicine exuberant celebrations of Presi- De
and Physiology was awarded yesterday to three American scientists dent C hi an g K a i - She k's 72nd D
for their work on problems of heredity. birthday.
The work bould have strong bearing on the future of cancer While the durable Nationalist
research. One half of the $41,420 prize goes to 33-year-old Dr. Joshua leader spent the day in the seclu-
Lederberg of the University of Wisconsin and the other half to Drs. sion at a rural retreat, his country-
E. L. Tatum, 49, of New York's Rockefeller Institute and George Wells men turned out for rallies up andIT1Q
rt Blast
'U' Students To Debate
At 'Hyde Park' Rally
Ferry WaryI
NARVIK, Norway () -
"March aboard the ferry," criedr
the second lieutenant.
The ranks refused to obey
and the second lieutenant wasr
stripped of rank and tried fors
being drunk and disorderly andc
giving idiotic orders,.
"Not a good example for thet
men in the ranks," the court
commented, noting there wasr
no ferry to march aboard,.
Report Says
State Poor
For Firms
LANSINGP) - A report s y
ing corporation executives viewf
Michigan as a poor site for newf
industry was dumped into the po-s
litical campaign today. .
Democratic leaders denounced itt
as a "smear" by a "phoney Re-t
publican front."
The 11-page, paper-bound docu-
ment gave the results of a survey
of 113 corporation executives to
assess the "attitude of a state gov-
ernor toward industry" as a factor
in plant location. It will sell for
$50 a copy.
Ordered by CABM9
The survey was ordered, and the
report released, by the Citizens
Alliance to Build Michigan, head-
ed by Laurence W. Love, Battle
Creek manufacturer and former
Calhoun County R e p u blic a n
Love described the group, or-
ganized last May, as non parti-
san and said its object was to
find out the facts about Michi-1
gTPs economic ills.
The, report was compiled by
Market Facts, Inc., of Chicago. It
said 40 per cent of 113 executivesr
interviewed rated Michigan worst
among five Great Lakes states on
the question of the governor's at-
titude toward industry."
Other considerations b e i n g
equal, about one-fifth of corpora-
tion leaders said an unfavorable
attitude of a state administration
would be the controlling factor in
a plant location decision, the re-
port said._
Four Others Compared
Offered for comparison with
Michigan were Ohio, Indiana, Il-
linois, and Wisconsin. As to the
'worst state' question, 60 per cent
made no choice. Of those who
did, one singled out Wisconsin
with the rest naming Michigan,
the report showed.
Neil Staebler, Democratic State
Chairman, denounced the Citizens
Alliance as a Republican front
three days after it was formed
and did so again yesterday.
"I would just note in passing
that all of the states covered by
the so-called survey except Mich-
igan have Republican governors,"
Staebler said.
No Real Conclusion
"All this survey proves is that
the heads of 113 corporations
prefer to see Republicans in, of-
fice and this is hardly an as-
tonishing conclusion."
Democratic Gov. G. Mennen
Williams called the report part of
the Republican "smear Michigan
"I think the agents of other
states trying to take business away
from Michigan will be glad to pay
the $50 a copy price," he added.
Announce Sale
Of Directory
The 1958-59 Student Directory
will be on sale at various locations
Beadle, 55, of the California In-
stitute of Technology.
Today's award is the fourth
Nobel Prize for this year. The only
other Nobel Prize remaining to be
awarded, for peace, will be an-
nounced later.
Geneticist Receives Prize
In awarding half of the medical
prize to Lederberg the committee
said it was "for his discoveries
concerning genetic recombination
and the organization of the gene-
tic material of bacteria."
The term genetic recombination
means sexual life in the world of
bacteria. Lederberg discovered that
from the geneticists' viewpoint
"This corresponds exactly to the
normal sexual fertilization in the
higher organisms."
The committee said the other
half of the prize goes to Beadle
and Tatum "for their discovery
that genes act by regulating spe-
cific chemical processes."
Understanding Aided
Prof. Torbiorn Casperson of the
awarding group, an expert on
genetics, said this discovery "of-
fered the first chance to under-
stand the mode of action of the
genes" and is one of the founda-
tions of modern genetics.
The research of the two Ameri-
cans was based largely on a red
bread mold called Neurospora
Crassa. Any strain of this mold
can be multiplied a million times
in two days without genetic
change. By disturbing the function
of its genes, researchers have been
able in a short time to figure out
some fundamental chemical mech-
anism of heredity.
Mold Irradiated
Beadle and Tatum bombarded
the bread mold with radiation un-
til they produced organisms which
could not make certain necessary
amino acids.
They then knew they had
changed or destroyed a specific
gene in the cell.
One by one they created new
types of mold cells lacking the
power to make one or another of
the amino acids.
This led them to the idea that
genes might be manipulated in
man to prevent him from growing
harmful cells, such as cancer, or
perhaps make him immune to
many diseases.
Police Arrest
EMC Student
YPSILANTI - State Police last
night arrested David Martin, an
Eastern Michigan college sopho-
more, on charges of illegal occu-
pation-handling football betting
Martin has been under inves-
tigation by Ann Arbor police since
the gambling crack-down came
last Friday. He was arrested at
the request of city police on a
warrant by Municipal Judge
Francis O'Brien.
He will be arraigned today.
I dawn the island.
o 1.e
On the offshore island battle-
front, the hostilities lapsed into
sporadic shelling from Communist
shore batteries.
Light Shelling Reported
A dispatch from shell-pocked
Quemoy reported a light artillery
duel through yesterday which con-
tinued after nightfall.
He said the firing lifted by 9'
p.m., and a lull settled in during
the late evening hours. The Reds
have followed this pattern of light,
intermittent shelling- since they
announced their day-on, day-off
tactics last Saturday.
On Quemoy also, the Nationalist
garrison was called out for a troop
ceremony honoring Chiang's birth-
Face Two Firing Days
The Nationalist garrison on the
Quemoys faced the prospect for
the first time of two odd-numbered
or "shelling days" in a row.
The odd-numbered days are the
ones on which the Communists,
by their own ground rules, are
permitted unlimited shelling of the
offshore islands. On the even-
numbered days, they say in the
half cease-fire announcement last
Saturday ,they would not bomb
beaches, wharves or airstrips.
A spectacular column of rock and Everything from enemies to effigies, sports to the Eisenhower
sand soared heavenward from the doctrine, dating customs to right to work laws will be topics for
desert floor yesterday from a blast declamation at "Hyde Park, U. of M." from 3 to 5:30 p.m. today on
that could mark the end of United the Diagonal.
States atomic tests. The Women's League, in conjunction with the Young Democrats,!
The charge, set off in a tunnel Young Republicans, International Students Association and the Po-
ful undergmesaund wdetonationAmer- litical Issues Club are sponsoring the rally so that "students will be
ica has staged. It had the same able to express their views on any
power as atomic bombs dropped topic, formulate ideas and be
during World War II on Hiro- stimulated to think about prob-
shima and Nagasaki - the equi- lems which affect them," Linda
valent of 20,000 tons of TNT. Green, '59, chairman of the plan-
It came as scientists raced to ning committee said.
complete their test schedule by In case of rain, the rally will
4 p.m. That's the deadline they be moved to Barbour Gym.
set to conform with a ban on Several scheduled speakers gave
weapons tests proposed by Presi- "The Daily" a sneak preview of
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower. their speeches yesterday.
Blast Delayed Rosenbaum To Speak
second blast from a balloon, Arthur Rosenbaum, '60, who will
scheduled for yesterday morning, speak on "Militarism and Foreign
was delayed indefinitelybyrhigh Policy" said "the military exer-
cises an undue influence over
winds. There was a good chance
iwodnobefrdaal. United States foreign policy.
it would not be fired at all. "Using outdated concepts has
The underground explosion forced the United States to adopt
shattered the stillness of the a policy in contradiction to thez
Isurydnly artiallybasic interests of the peoples in-
Its fury, only partially cn- volved and thereby arousing their
rtained by its rock chamber at the hostility," he added.
end of a tunnel into the side of The Young Democrats and the
the mesa, first made itself known The YouDecrat an the
to observers four and one-half Young Republicans plan to con- -Daily-Peter Anderson
miles away as a violent jolt in the tinue their debate on labor and ROBERT HABEs
earth underfoot. It felt like the d management which they began .on'active citizenship'
first shock of a powerful earth- Wednesday night.
r +4T Dis sLabor
Atomic Ban
Talks To Continue
Regardless of Action
Taken by Either Side
GENEVA, Switzerland (P)-Rus-
sia bluntly rejected last night an
American-British proposal for a
one-year suspension of nuclear
She took this step on the eve of
important three-power talks on
the problem of policing a perman-
ent ban on such ,testing.
Instead, the Soviet Union called
for an "immediate and universal
cessation, for all time, of nuclear
weapons tests"--without regard to
whether the three atomic nations
can reach agreement upon a sys-
tem to prevent cheating.
Accusations by Russians
The Russians accused the Amer-
icans and British of suggesting the
one-year test suspension go into
effect after they had pushed
through a test firing program.
The statement repeated a Soviet
warning earlier' this week, reserv-
ing the right to continue testing
Russian weapons on a bomb-for-
bomb basis with the West.
But the United States countered
in Washington with an announce-
ment that unless the Russians
carry out another nuclear weapons
test, the United States will main-
tain its own ban for one year
qua~, Du ii aczieu 'i'Tbeginning today.
up rolling effect. William Lacey, '61L, head of the Bbt a
Moments later the great plume YR's, said a small minority of British Agree
' of rock, sand and dust rose ma- labor unions are attempting to Western sources here said the
jestically - 500 feet wide - from influence the major political British also will go along on the
By The Associated Press the point on the mesa slope above parties through large monetary United States test ban policy: No
Michigan's Gov. G. Mennen the blast chamber. Simultaneous- contributions. It is necessary for British blasts for a year if the
Williams hit the campaign trail ly great rocks along the four- legislation to be introduced which Ap Russians desist.
hard and heavy yesterday, mile mesa rim started rolling will limit the power of these un- ssenii e Both Britain and the United
He was up with the milkman down its slopes. Dust rose all ions. States said the talks with the Rus-
and wound up the day with a along the rim. "This minority has lost sight of sians will go on whether the Rus-
late night barn dance. Column Lingers the goal of labor unions," he said, By LAE VANDERSLICE sians test nuclear weapons or not.
Paul D. Bagwell, Gov. Williams' The column rose to perhaps "that of the lot of the laborers." A look into the literary college At the United Nation in New
Republican opponent, took things 1,000 feet, looking like a huge Robert Haber, '60, will speak on counseling service is now being York. the Soviet delegation
a bit easy. He limited his cam- fountain of boiling, light tan de- "Active Citizenship." undertaken by a special literary sounded the doom of a small
paigning to a conference on civil bris. It seemed to linger awhile "People in this country do not college committee, nation compromise move promoted
rights at his campaign headquir- before its material started rain- think for themselves. The respon- The committee, composed of by India and Yugoslavia.
ters and a brief guest appearance ing down. sibility of citizens is to form in- five literary college faculty mem- The Russian said they would
on a local television show. Scientists said there was some dependent opinions and to act on bers, and chaired by James H. vote for a proposed no-limit dis-
Bagwells campaign helpers de- slight escape of radioactivity it," he said. Robertson, associate dean of the cintinuance of tests with a control
scribed him as "worn out" from through fissures in therockabove Philip Power, '60, another speak- literary college, will meet today. system if Britain and the United
weeks of touring in out - state the blast chamber. er expressed his hope that "this The committee will discuss the ex- States would join in a pledge to
Michigan and said he was trying. The tunnel was at an eleva- rally will lead to the establish- tent of the counseling responsi- stop tests for all time no matter
to rest before renewing his cam- tion of 6,138 feet, the mesa top meat of a regular and continuing bilities the literary college has to how the talks here result. The con-
paign in the final four days be- at 7,000. institution and tradition of free- the student. dition was rejected by' Britain
fore next Tuesday's election. One scientist estimated that the dom of speech at the University." The committee was set up to and the United States.
Gov. Williams was up before shock broke two million tons of To further copy the real Hyde examine the junior-senior coun- May Cease Anyway
daylight to greet milk truck driv- rock into large chunks, and Park Corners in London, the com- seling program in addition to gen- An American source here sug-
ers before they began their early crushed another five million tons. mittee plans to have the speakers eral counseling responsibilities. gested a one-year suspension
morning rounds. He had break- This, he said, is enough to fill talk from four soap-boxes which Need Answers First might even come into force with-
fast with a group of labor union 140,000 railroad cars. will be placed on the Diag. Dean Robertson said the basic out any specific announcement.
leaders, then toured shopping question of the degree of coun- This could happen if all three
centers in northwett Detroit, ELECTERSseling responsibility must be an- powers beginning today quietly re-
spoke at a luncheon meeting, OFFICE S swered before specific recommen- frained from firing off any more
visited more shopping centers y - dations could be made on either nuclear weapons.
and delivered a 15- minute TV : -jthe overall program or the junior- The informant expressed guarde'd
speech. E < , II senior program. optimism about the prospects for
Today the governor will make FreehIn later meetings, the commit- success in the talks here. He also
six speeches and six other cam- ,p tee will take "a long critical look" voiced the assumption that the
paign stops after attending the iro ble m o Freehat the junior-senior counseling Soviet Union already has accepted
funeral mass for Edward Cardinal program, Dean Robertson said. the basic principle of the need for
Mooney. A plan will be discussed where- international control of a test ban.
Bagwell planned to spend to- The Political Issues Club yesterday discussed the problems of by juniors and seniors would sign The source based that belief on
day in Macomb County, then make free speech in an organized society, led by Prof. Arnold Kaufman of their own election cards, Dean the fact that Russia's participation
a flying trip around the state the philosophy department. Robertson said. The committee in last summer's scientific confer-
tomorrow for final television talks Prof. Kaufman warned "the real danger lies in the fact that pub- will consider both the desirability ence in Geneva.
in several cities. lic relations tends to tell the public what the public wants to hear." and administrative c h a n g e s
More specifically, he cited the necessary for the plan.
growing role of public relations Other Problems Included
firms to a point where "they pick The degree of clerical help that
r ers H an ed in Eithe issues and dictate the candi- should be provided to counselors,
dates' position." the advantages and disadvantages R un
" y ; Experts Used of a central counseling office and ou
9 "Both government and private the criteria for selection of new
industry are using public rela- counselors are some problems that By The Associated Press
tions experts to influence public will also be considered by the HAVANA - The Cuban rebels
opinion. This is particularly seri- committee, Dean Robertson said. radio said last night six columns
ous in the field of government Recommendations of the com- of their troops have spread through
activities, where one agency has mittee will have to be approved by
sole access to the facts and there the Executive committee of the eastern part of Camaguey to wreck
can be no counter - balancing literary college before they be- the presidential elections this
claims as in the private sector," come effective, Dean Robertson weekend.
he said. said, The radio said that with the
American newspapers and other The University Committee on new advances all the rural areas in
information media were criticized Counseling, which has dealt with ne advnc e rual resI
for their failure to report objec- all University counseling, is in the contr Province are under rebel
tively on conditions in foreign final stages of compiling its re- president Batista's government
countries. port, according to Vice-President did no confirm the rebel claims.
A visitor from Poland attribut- for Student Affairs James A. Earlier in the day the rebel high
_ ed part of this to the desire of the Lewis. No release date for the re- command said this began their
American people to receive only port has yet been set, final blow to overthrow Batista
optimistic news, and also to the and obstruct the elections.
remoteness of the situation. The rebel radio warned Cubans
N ~List Future Programs UflS L6t$1UU they risked their lives If they
Included for future programs , # voted.
- are a debate on disarmament, 3 , , - a J r n * * *
Daily Repc
' Uemme :