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October 30, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-30

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

OCTOBER 30, 1958



M rrM ""
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Football Card Gambling
Exposure Inevitable



SCANDAL is an ugly word.
- Truth is buried beneath a deluge of exag-
gerations and insuations whenever the slightest
hint of scandal is released to the public. The
football gambling crackdown of the past few
days is the most striking example to come to
the attention of the campus in years.
The supposedly "scandalous" seven have been
accused of everything from fixing football
games to running a $10,000 a week syndicate.
At least five of the seven reportedly handled
few tickets and at a very slight, if any, profit.
Several students handled them only as a favor
to their friends.
PERHAPS the most maligned individual in
- the whole crackdown is first-string full-
back Tony Rio. The football player has been
subjected to the most cutting publicity ever
to befall an athlete in recent years. Various
publications across the nation have ignored
his probably minor role in the ring 'and have
emphasized the sensational investigation re-
They have forgotten he and the others do
not go to court and face the charges until next
month and may conceivably be released -
probably to the disappointment of the news-
Carl Riseman, John Miller, Mike Dodgson
and Durward Collins are suffering the same
fate of adverse publicity but not to such an
extent as Rio. These four also, it would ap-
pear, played a minor role in the .distribution
of the gambling cards.
HOWEVER, no mat'ter how small their role,
these students have violated the law. Law
enforcement agencies cannot ignore an infrac-
tion of the law but the courts can apply the
proper punishment to each individual situa-
The real menace is the ever-extending and
steadily creeping octupus of professional
gambling. With the campus crackdown, only

one tentacle of this octopus has been severed
but the body and brains remain.
SOME STUDENTS contend that the ring
should never have been exposed and no
cooperation should have been given to the Ann
Arbor police. This, if any thinking student
would realize, would leave the job of "cleaning
up" to another law enforcement agency. Every-
thing indicates that some outside law enforce-
ment agency would have stepped in during the
very near future.
The University administration would not
have known anything of their activities and
would have been caught off guard. As it was,
the University knew of the investigation and
was prepared to meet the emergency.
One student, in commenting on the disclo
sures, has even suggested the possibility of
the University having a "talk" with the stu-
dents involved. It is doubtful whether the stu-
dents would have ceased their activities after
such a chat.
Also the University would have put itself
in a very unfavorable position when the large
city dailys discovered the real situation on the
campus. If the truth remained hidden, the
blight of campus gambling would have con-
tinued to spread further. This seems inevi-
table as several of the groups had reportedly
expanded their operations by some 500 cards
during one week. The result would have beAn
an even greater scandal, possibly involving and
smearing the name of the administration.
By SUPPORTING action against the football
card gambling, the University of Michigan
has assured the nation that they are confi-
dent that the great Michigan tradition found-
ed on academics cannot be destroyed by a
few unthinking students.
It is far better for the University to "clean-
up its own backyard" than let some outside
agency do the job.

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Nas ser's Iranian Policy

GAMAL ABPEL NASSER, in continually in-
cluding Iran as a part of his plan for the
ultimate confederation of Arab States, has com-'
pletely overlooked the fact that Iran is not an
Arab state and furthermore wants no part of
the United Arab Republic.
A recent Iranian visitor to the campus. Prof.
Hossein Raffaty Afshar, expressed this view by
declaring that the only things Iran has in
common with its Arab neighbors are its geo-
graphic locations, its religion (predominantly
Islam) and oil, none of which provides a suit-
able basis on which to build a lasting and
successful unity.
Nasser has evidently examined the historical
growth of nationalism in the Western world,
noting that national states were formed from
a group of people living within a definite area
of land. This has become one of Nasser's major
arguments for the justification of his plans for
A SECOND LOOK into history, however,
shows that the groups usually shared a
common cultural background and a common
language, both lacking in the present relation-
ship between Iran and the'Arab nations of the
Middle East.

Nasser's plan is to forge Islam, a religious
belief, into a tool to gain unity and political
power for the Arab sector of the world.
Although Islam is the belief of the majority
of Iranians, the religion has not been national-
ized as it has in Egypt, for example, Prof.
Raffaty emphasized. Iran has maintained a
separation of religion and government and
retained much of its pre-Islamic cultural tradi-
tion, including the ancient Persian languge.
As PROF. RAFFATY pointed out, Iran, thus
far, has held firm against Nasser's public
policies and the political activities of Nasser-
influenced factions seeking to gain control of
federal and local governments.
Conflicts between Iran and Arab lands have
recurred frequently in the course of history, and
if Nasser continues on his present tack, another
conflict seems inevitable. A unity between two
so completely different groups has little chance
for success and the policies and goals of Nasser,
as they stand today, probably will not succeed
where thousands of years of contact between
Iran and Arab lands have failed to unify the
two groups.

Those TalL
PROFOUNDLY subversive and enough. In politics, a
un-American though it is, a things, women believe i
terrible thought sometimes crosses But a lady whose hi
the minds of politicians. This is politician has a spirit
that woman's suffrage has perhaps so disconcertingly clear
not been in every possible circum- make the most bellicose
stance the soundest possible re- tisan look like a consci
form of this eentury. jector. It is in this spirt
No politician would dare utter lie ommntartupn
this heresy without first pulling lic commentary upon
down the blinds and testing the land's running mate,
room for wiretaps. Yet, this corre- win Knight. Knight s
spondent is able to report, from place Knowland as
deep "inside," that such a dan- Knowland seeks to rep:
gerous notion currently is being as governor.
secretly nourished by many friends*"
of Sen. William F. Knowland. MRS. KNOWLAND
Not all these friends want upon Governor Knight's
Knowland to win his desperate spine" has followedl
battle in California-not all of endorsement of an
them are fellow Republicans. Some tough right-wing pa
are only fellow husbands; and no Joseph Kamp. Mr. K
doubt able to pass the severest wishes for Mr. Knom
Democratic loyalty test. Neverthe- about as useful to him
less, these, too, now have a special endorsement from C
sympathy for this large, grave, Faubus of Arkansas w
highly decent and highly correct Gov. Averell Harrima
man whose wife, Helen, calls him York.
"Billy," in a diminutive as wildly Similarly, her presen
inappropr-iate as it is engagingly tion of Knight, who is
fond. tandem with Knowland
* * * after all, a single ti
bring joy only to the
FOR KNOWLAND, who had. Her estimate of Gover
troubles enough anyhow, for the is no different from thi
second time has cause to para- many regular Republica
phrase the epigram that a man point is that a woman
can take care of his enemies if tends to adopt a cand
only the Lord will take care of his bit excessive.
friends. If the enthusiastic assist- The late Sen. Robert
ance of friends sometimes goes Ohio was no pantywais
dangerously far, the help of a fond paign; but his devoted
wife may well go mortally far. A tha, sometimes made1
lady politician defending her own almost a pacifist. It is s
place and party will hit hard that in politics, and e

s in other
n total war.
usband is a
of combat
r-eyed as to
e male par-
Jentious ob-
it that Mrs.
"brisk pub-
Mr. Know-
Gov. Good-
eeks to re-
lace Knight
'S remarks
s "macaroni
her earlier
mphlet by
amp's good
wland were
as a hearty
Cov. Orval
would be to
an of New
t denuncia-
in unhappy
on what is,
cket, could
nor Knight
at of many,
ans. But the
in politics
or that is a
t A. Taft of
t in a cam-
wife, Mar-
him appear
sad but true
specially in

P URELY as a matter of local
patriotism, all University stu-
dents should plan to attend
"White Wilderness," Walt Dis-
ney's latest True-Life Adventure
now showing at the State Theatre.
The film features a fifteen-
minute portrait of a wolverine,
whose interesting appearance and
characteristics will no doubt re-
mind many students of them-
selves and their compatriots. Little
apparently is known of this ani-
mal (aside from his gridiron
prowess), and the film boasts of
being able to tell all about him.
He is worth watching.
In fifteen minutes of fierce
fighting, he scares away many
animals twice his size, capping
the current tenant at the
Cinema Guild, is a motion picture
no discerning film goer can afford
to miss, for the screen translation
of Alan Paton's celebrated novel
concerning racial prejudice on the
Dark Continent, emerges as a mo-
tion picture of great power and
Perhaps the primary reason un-
derlying the film's success can be
attributed to the fact that the
author of the novel assumed the
task of writing the screenplay.
This was fortunate for all con-
cerned because Mr. Paton not only
has the courage to tackle contro-
versial problems but also the abil-
ity to handle them with great elo-
quence. His technique is a fascin-
ating one to watch. In "Cryhthe
Beloved Country" he heightens
the total effect of the film by
underwriting his climatic se-
quences thus leaving a good deal
to the viewers' imagination. This
technique of Mr. Paton's is es-
pecially noticeable in the scene
where Canada Lee, a Negro priest
is confronted by the white father
of the son Mr. Lee's son has bru-
tally murdered
MUCH OF the credit of the
film's success must also be at-
tributed to the sensitive portrayal
drawn by Mr. Lee. Cast as the
priest who in search of his son
watches all that he has built
crumble before him, Mr. Lee elicits
a sympathetic response from his
audience without ever sacrificing
the dignity of his character. As
such his performance is impec-
cable and beyond reproach. t
Lending Mr. Lee able support
are Sidney Poitier and Charles
Carson. Unfortunately the char-
acterization created by Joyce
Carey as Mr. Carson's wife dloes
not emerge as successfully as the
others, but then one must take
into consideration that the part
,Oritten for her was embarrasingly
stereotyped. Fortunately this was
the only poor characterization
drawn by the writer.
True, "Cry the Beloved Coun-
try" will' inevitably be considered
a "message" film. Fortunately,
however, it differs from other mo-
tion pictures of this type in that
it gives its lesson without ever re-
sorting to maudlin techniques. Be-
cause of this, "Cry the Beloved
Country" stands out as an ex-
ample of superior film craftsman-
ship, and as such, is , certainly
worthy of inspection.
-Marc Alan Zagoren

native Women

an election year, it is possible to
he altogether too faithful to intel-
lectual honesty.
MOREOVER, not many men in
the United States of America can
control their wives in a political
campaign any more than a wife
can be controlled at a cocktail
party for a detested boss whose
favor her husband is nevertheless
not anxious to lose once and for
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt raised
her clear,euntroubled voice many
times: to the pain of her distin-
guished husband. But nobody ever
heard of any husbandly effort to,
silence her. Indeed, a powerful
Texan once wrote Old Cactus Jack
Garner, then Vice-President, to
complain of Mrs. Roosevelt's pro-
nouncements. He demanded that
Garner tell FDR to "do something
about it." Garner sent back to
Texas a single sentence: "When
did you last control your own
And, finally, if politicians' wives
are sometimes made to "see rea-
son" there is yet another peril.
This is the formidable and ungag--
gable madame chairman of almost
any political community. These
excellent ladies are sometimes
called "chairladies," though the
sheltered types of male who have
never been whistle-stopping will
hardly credit this. To the chair-
ladies, no Harry S. Truman, no
Richard M. Nixon, would for a
moment deny the palm of the
ultimate in fighting determination.
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

his feats with the symbolic kill-
ing of a hawk.
The rest of the film is good,
clean fun, too. Everybody likes to
look at animals, and Disney has
plenty of them on hand, as in
previous films in this series.
This time they come from the
Arctic, a region Disney once be-
fore explored briefly in "Seal Is-
land." (More than seals are fea-
tured in "White Wilderness";% the_
cast of characters ranges from
walrusses to lemmings, with an
assortment of birds in supporting
AS BEFORE, Disney's sense of
humor is dominant; he supple-
ments funny situations with a
clever commentary and skillfully-
chosen music. There are enough
changes of pace into the merely
interesting and unusual to keep
the cute scenes froin cloying, but
it is the humor that carries the
Particularly outstanding are a
polar bear cub falling slowly down
a snow mountain and a baby
walrus scratching his back against
a rock.
The uninitiated viewer is in-
variably compelled to marvel at
the magnificent photography of,
these films. Shots of a rabbit in-
side a hollow log (hiding from the
wolverine), and of the world from
the rabbit's point of view while
the log is rolling down a hill are
among the best in this respect, al-
though by no means the only ex-
amples of pictures that must be
incredibly difficult and time-
consuming to set up.
--John Wecher
to the
Disapproval .. .
To the Editor:
JUST WHERE do your night edi-
tors get off playing detective
and holding up the University to
the notoriety which it will re-
ceive as a result of the current
football card scandal.
A great percentage of the stu-
dents on campus could have done
the same thing your noble seek-
ors-after-justice did, but refrained
from doing so, either because they
didn't think it important enough,
or because they figured it was
none of their business.
Disregarding the fact that your
two representatives betrayed the
confidence of a. fellow Daily
staffer, it remains they could have
handled the situation in a more
discreet manner. As it was
handled, the actions of seven stu-
dents are going to be considered
typical of the whole student body.,
These seven are only a handful
compared to the many who took
part in this venture, but they are
slow to be penalized because of the
actions of friends. Friends?
Considering the showboating
exlibition put on by Daily staff
members in the past, we can only
assume that this current tempest
in a teapot was stirred up for the
sole purpose of putting names like
Huthwaite and Munck in the
spotlight. News enterprise or no
news enterprise, we disapprove.
-Howard Warren, '59
-Bob White, '0
-Chuck Simon, '59
--Fritz Litzenberg, '59
Correction . .
To the Editor:
THE October 14, 1958 issue of
The Michigan Daily carried as
9statement In which I was MIS-
In commenting on the "off the
street parking" discussion which

took place in the City Council
meeting the previous evening, I
stated that it was some of the best
"constructive criticism" I had ever
heard. The Daily quoted me as
saying "destructive criticism."
I would appreciate the correc-
tion of this error in print, in as
much as your quote was the direct
ore "'cf my public statement,
-Russell J. Burna
Integration . .
To the Editor:
j F A WHITE "U" student, in the
process of moving into his resi-
dence hall, fills out a form stating
that he would not like to room
with a Negro: Does the student, or
the residence hall, violate the
"University Rules"?
Has South Quad been recognized
by SGC or the Board of Gover-
Six fraternities and sororities
refuse to accept the non-Jew (by
race or religion) as members. Does
this refusal constitute a discrimi-
It seems that the "University
Rules" passed to eliminate dis-
crimination are applied in a dis-
criminatory fashion - they are
forced upon Sigma Kappa, hardly
upon anybody else.
If at all, and if they can) let.
SGC deal with the problems of
segregation everywhere on cam..
pus, and not bully the group upon
which the council happens to have
a technical legal grip.
Inteton Iais a Pne. tijwn



Facing the Cloud

New York Election Has Experts Guessing

Associated Press News Analyst
IN HIS FIRST message to the world the new
Pope has asked why the resources devoted
to arms should not be used to "increase the
well-being of all citizens, especially of the
The difficulties in the way, he said, must be
overcome "even if by force." Strong words for
an Apostle of Peace.
Oddly enough, his question had been an-
swered by U.S. Secretary of State John, Foster
Dulles only a matter of hours before It was
The Soviet Union, said Secretary Dulles, ve-
toed in the United Nations a United States-
Canadian proposal for international inspection
of the Arctic to avoid its use as a pathway for
surprise attack.
"The Soviet Union can scarcely blame us if
we conclude that it has aggressive dispositions
in this area which it desires to conceal . .. We
have no choice but to continue to cooperate to
build deterrent and defensive forces."
Editorial Stafp
Business Stalf
STEPHEN TOPOL, Business Manager
CARJL HECHT .....Associate Business Manager
RICHARD MARTENS . ..... Advertising Manager
rHOMAS CREED ... ....,.... Finance Manager
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use of aU news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
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of all other matters here are also reserved.

He referred to a single area, but in terms
which apply to the whole world.
LONG AGO President Dwight D. Eisenhower
suggested before the United Nations that all
countries renounce war and devote the savings
to world economic and social development.
But that is not the desire of the Soviet
Union. An economically stable world would not
be one in which Communism or any other
quack cure-all could be used as a net in which
to capture the spirit of free men.
Nor would it fit the expansionist aims of in-
ternational Communism, which specifically
hopes by its threats of violence to force other
nations to waste their resources on arms, thus
spending their way into economic chaos upon
which the Reds hope to capitalize.
There are a great many people who believe
that this undercutting campaign will never be
stopped without the use of force which the
Pope envisions as a possibility, whether that
force be applied from within or without.
THE MATERIAL need of the world for a
cease-fire in the cold war seems to pale for
a moment, however, before the pathetic spec-
tacle of one sensitive human being, standing
before all the others in shame.
"Because of the meaning of this award in
the society I live in," Boris Pasternak is turn-
ing his back on the Nobel Prize for literature.
Before the pressure was put on he had said he
was "immensely thankful, touched, proud, as-
tonished, abashed."
But he put some of the thoughts of free men
into the minds of characters in a novel. In or-
der to preserve for himself and other Russian
writers a bare minimum of expression, he must
refuse an award from a committee which is
jubilantly welcomed when it recognizes Rus-
sia Scientss

Daily Staff Writer
IN WHAT has come to be called
The Battle of the Millionaires,
nobody is daring to predict any-
Politicians, poll-takers and an-
alysts alike have thrown up their
hands in despair over New York
State's breathtaking gubernatorial
battle between incumbent Gov.
Averell Harriman and millionaire
philanthropist Nelson A. Rocke-
feller. For what was originally to
be a lopsided Harriman sweep has
turned into a three-ring circus
that has New York in a political
*. *
STATE ISSUES, such as they are
have been almost totally sub-
merged by Rockefeller's dramatic
surge and the peculiar twist the
campaign has taken. More and
more, the election has turned into
a personality contest in which
each candidate is trying to out-
smile, out-handshake and out-
charm the other.
Reasons for this are fairly clear,
for in vital areas there is little
fundamental disagreement be-
tween the two. Both are strong
supporters of more state high-
ways, more educational facilities,
more social welfare. Both are con-
nected in the public mind with the
New Deal and Franklin D. Roose-
velt. And both are so liberal it
Unaccustomed to this type of
campaign, New York voters seem
to be making their decisions almost
at random. Always a fluid state

plete confusion lies in the Sena-
torial race between Democrat
Frank S. Hogan and Republican
State Representative Kenneth B.
Keating. For although Hogan
seems to have the election just
about won, he has become run-
ning-mate Harrison's greatest lia-
Forced down Harriman's throat
by Tammany Hall boss Carmine
de Sapio, Hogan is being pointed
out as living evidence of de Sapio's
control over the governor. And
upstate New York's almost hysteri-
cal fear of Tammany power has
made this a potent factor.
* S *
WITHIN New York City, tradi-
tional Democratic fortress, Ho-
gan's nomination has caused simi-
lar rumblings. It is felt in many
quarters that Harriman's inability
to choose his own running-mate is
at least proof of his weakness in
the party organization. In addi-
tion, de Sapio's high-handed tac-
tics at the nominating convention
have alienated a significant num-
ber of Liberal party members and
Stevenson Democrats.
In any case, the sentiment is
such that a New York Times sur-
vey has predicted a record num-
ber of split ballots, most of them
pairing Rockefeller and Hogan.
Harriman's main advantage in
the race lies in his legitimate claim
to greater experience, plus the
solid support of organized labor.
In addition, he has behind him
the strongest Democratic organi-
zation in years making good pro-
gress in Republican-controlled up-

mammoth Rockefeller Center, to
the philanthropic Rockefeller
Foundation, the name is sheer
Rockefeller's other major asset
is what has been called a "politi-
cal personality," the spontaneous
smile and warm friendliness that
have had him compared to Presi-
dent Eisenhower.
But perhaps the best example of
last-resort determinants is this:
more than a few New Yorkers are
voting for Rockefeller in hopes

that he will win the Republican
presidential nomination in 1960.
This is, in fact, a strong considera-
tion among many liberals, who see
in Rockefeller an alternative to
Vice-President Richard Nixorn, par-
ticularly in view of Nixon's present
difficulties in his home state of
California .
In short, the Battle of the Mil-
lionaires has turned into The Bat-
tle of Imponderables, and it will
have political experts pondering
right up to the end.

Gamblers' Retreat .
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