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October 30, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-30

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Two years later, another amend-
ment, this time submitted by the
Legislature, also failed. Both
mendments would have applied
toal83 counties. In 1942 and,
1944, efforts by constitutional ini-
tiative to secure home rule for
Wayne county alone were struck:
down in statewide referenda.
Amendments Defeated
While the county itself has1
changed its spots, the plan of
county organization has not. Thisl
has left Michigan with a constitu-;
tional form of county government
which is, in substance, the same:
as it was 100 years ago.-
The large county boards are,
representative of townships andt

cities. The administrative officers
are directly elected. Such a picture
contrasts with the spread in theI
cities of small councils and ap-
pointed administrators under'
home home rule.
Allow Home Rule
Seven of the other states now
allow one, some, or all of their,
counties to draft home rule char-
ters. In California where home
rule is available to all 57 coun-k
ties, charters have been framed
and adopted by 10, the opportunity
having been seized by the metro-
politan and urban counties.
As to townships, the tradition
goes back to the territorial period
before Michigan was a state.
First described in the Constitu-
tion of 1850, township govern-

ment was carried over in 1908
largely as it always had been. Be-
cause of the strong attachment of
rural groups, abolition of this local
unit or even radical change is not'
If the Legislature could be
granted discretion in determining
its form of government, this would
permit adaptation for those town-
ships now becoming urbanized.
In a Michigan constitutional.
convention, home rule for cities
and villages will not be at stake
if judged on the record. Delegates
might find technical improve-
ments to make,
The real issue in any re-drafting
on local governments relates to
home rule for the once rural, now
urban county unit.

The University's meteorological
laboratories will hold an open
house from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow
at 5500 and 5060 East Engineering
Meteorological teaching facilities!
and displays of the staff's research
projects will be shown. These pro-
jects are under the University Re-
search Institute and Willow Run
Laboratories, Gerald C. Gill of the
meteorological laboratories said.
There will be demonstrations of
tornado development, cloud forma-
tion ana dissipation, and cloud

To Show

In Making Right Decision
Trained leadership might enable
groups to find the right answer to' Therefore,industrial workers

more problems.
The group, which is headed by aa
leader who allows minority groups
to be heard, arrives at better deci-
sions, L. Richard Hoffman of the
psychology department said.
Speaking at a Society for the
Advancement of Management
meeting last night, he explained
that normally when the majority
of a group would individually ar-
rive at a wrong decision, they will
arrive at this decision as a group.
The group puts a great deal of1
pressure on the individuals to#
conform and this becomes more1
acute when an individual's job is
at stake.

tend to accept decisions and not to
behave independently. This results
in considerable conformity in
many industries, Hoffman de-
w Business is becoming more aware
'of the importance of independent
thinking, he remarked. Evidence
is piling up in many cases that
workers who think for themselves
are more efficient.
Research by social scientists has
revealed that competent men with
the greatest knowledge in the sub-
ject make the best decisions
whether they are the line foreman
or the president of the company.

all I








The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
lity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
tofial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Resents Meeting: Fri., Nov. 14, 1958.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
bands not later than Tues., Nov. 4.
The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship
amounting to $150.22 (interest on the
endowment fund) is available to single
women who are wholly or partially self-
supporting and who do not live in Uni-
versity residence halls or sorority
houses. Single girls with better than,
average scholarship and need will be
considered. Application blanks obtain.
able from the Alumnae Council Office,
Michigan League should be filed by
November 17. 1958.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
Friday, October 31, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003
Angell Hall, Dr. Hazel M. Losh will
spea. on "Astronomy-Then and How."
After the lecture the Student Observa-
tory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall
will be open for inspection and for
telescopic observations of a double star

and cluster. Children welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
Open House, Meteorological Labora-
tories, 5500 and 5060 East Engineering
Bldg., 2-5 p.m. Friday, October 31.
Meteorological teaching facilities, re-
search programs in progress, and the
new weather radar unit will be on dis-
play. Everyone welcome.
'November 1st Closing Hours for Stu-
dent-Sponsored Activities. Notification
is hereby given that student-sponsored.
activities scheduled for Saturday, No-
vember 1st will close at the usual 12
o'clock midnight hour with 12:30 a.m.
late permission granted for women stu-
This announcement is necessary to
correct an error in the published Union-
League Calendar which announces this
night as a 1 o'clock closing night. No
exception to the usual closing hour had
been requested or authorized by S.G.C.
Carillon Concert by Sidney Giles,
Assistant University Carillonneur, will
be heard from the belltower of Burton
Memorial Tower on Thurs., Oct. 30 at
7:15 o'clock. Mr. Giles will play composi-
tions for the carillon by B. J. Frans-
sen of Holland and by Staf Nees of Bel-
gium, in addition to arrangements for
the carillon of compositions by E. Mac-
Dowell, Oscar Rasbach and Joseph
Academic Notices

Engineering Freshman Assembly:
"Psychology of Reading," Dr. Donald
E. P. Smith, Thurs., Oct. 30, 4:00 p.m.,
in Room 317 (multi-purpose room) of
the Undergraduate Library. Interested
upperclassmen and faculty members
welcome to attend.
Applied Mathematics Seminar. Dr.
Roger D. Low will speak on, "A mixed
boundary value problem for an infinite
elastic cone." Thursday, October 30,
1958 at 4:00 p.m. in room 246 West
Engineering. Refreshments will be
served at 3:30 p.m. in room 274 West
All students who expect education
and training allowance under Public
Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Public Law
634 (Orphans' Bill) must get instruc-
tors' signatures at last class meetings
in October on Dean's Monthly Certifica-
tion form and turn the completed form
in to Dean's office by 5:00 p.m. Mon.,
Nov. 3.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Oct.
31, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Prof.
Fred T. Haddock will report on the
Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy.
Sydney Chapman Lecture: "The Na-
tions Unite." Thurs., Oct. 30, 4:00 p.m.
Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies with the Bureau of
Appointments for the 1958-59 school
year. They will not be here to inter-'
view at this time.
Harvey, Illinois -- Speech therapist;
Elementary (2nd grade).
Hazel Park, Michigan - Kindergar-
ten (January 1959).
Lansing, Michigan (North School
Dist.) - Elementary. -
Madison, Wisconsin -- Supervisor of
Vocational Training.;
Napoleon, Ohio - Art.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 35281
Administration Building, NO 3-1511,'
Ext. 489.
State of Michigan, Civil Service Com-
mission. General Clerk C. PerformsE
routine office work requiring accuracy1
of detail, but little independent judg-r
ment and no previously acquired officet
skills. Typist Clerk Ci and Typist Clerkr
A2. Do office work where typing is a
substantial part of the work. Steno-
graphic Aide Cl, Stenographer. Clerk A2
and Stenographer Clerk A. Take andE
transcribe dictation, perform secretariall
duties. File applications until furthers
notice. Hearing Consultant III. FileI
applications before November 19, 1958.1
Has responsibility for the hearing con-r
servation program in a region of ther
state; consults with local communitiest
in the region, in regard to the planningr
and organization of hearing programs;I
etc. More information on the abovec
openings can be obtained by contactingt
the Bureau of Appointments at 3528c
Administration or calling NOrmandyr
3-1511, Ext. 3371.t
Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners
for Chicago Administration Center, U.S.
Army. Competitive examination forI

career conditional appointment Inspec-
tor, GS-7 thru GS-13. Incumbents of
these positions will perform, supervise
or advise on the inspection of one or
more categories of supplies in compli-
ance with prescribed plans, specifica-
tions, and contract requirements to
assure suitability for the use, purpose
or service intended. Must have had ex-
perience and training of sufficient
length and quality, and must be in
possession of certain personal attributes
to the degree necessary, to establish the
ability to perform the duties above.
Options: Footwear on Leather Products,
Mechanical Equipment, Furniture and
Furnishings, Chemical, Paper Plastics
and Miscellaneous, Subsistence, Tex-
tiles, Clothing and Canvas Fabrication.
The following Interviews will be held
at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg.:
Cali for an appointment if you are
interested. Phone: Normandy 3-1511,
Ext. 3371.
Wednesday, November 5, 1958
Whirlpool Corporation, St. Joseph,
Michigan. Manufacturer of a complete
line of home appliances, including auto-
matic and conventional washers, dryers,
ironers, refrigerators, freezers, air condi-
tioners, electronic, gas, and electric
ranges, dehumidifiers, and vacuum
cleaners. Location of Work-Michigan,,
Ohio, Indiana. Men with Ph.D. in
Physics for Research in the Nuclear
and Physical Sciences. Whirlpool is in-
vestigating many ears of the nuclear
and physical sciences and thus wel-
comes individual with strong research
attitudes. An increasing number of peo-
ple working in the nuclear field will
open up positions of responsibility for
physicists with management abilities.
Thursday, November 6, 1958
Department "of Labor, Washington,
D.C. Location of Work -- Washington,
D.C. The U.S. Department of Labor
fosters, promotes, and advances the wel-
fare of American wage earners through
a many-sided program which is a basic
force in the national economy. Men &
Women with degrees in Economics, Sta-
tistics, Business Administration, Public
Administration, Political Science, So-
cial Sciences, Law, Journalism, and Ac-
counting for Management Intern Pro-
gram, and Economics, Statistics and
Public Policy Work. People entering
under the Management Intern portion
of the Federal Service Entrance Ex-
amination work in such typical staff
assignments as personnel, budgeting
and organization and methods ex-
amining. Many are assigned to line pro-
grams: Employment security, wage and
hour administration, economics and
statistics projects, international labor
affairs and workmen's compensation.
Interns receive intensive orientation
and training during their first few
months with the Department. Most of
the Department's Bureaus employ eco-
nomists at the top levels, and many
high level positions in other lines of
work are filled by economists or sta-
tisticians. The activities generally bear
on wages, prices, manpower, costs, labor
relations, productivity, technological
developments, and similar data.
S. S. Kresge Company, Detroit, Mich-
igan. Location of Work-Main Office--
Detroit, Mich.; District Offices- Chi-

cago, Ill.: New York, N.Y., Pittsburgh,
Pa.; 620 U.S. stores serving 26 states and
the District of Columbia. Retail variety
stores. Employs 35,000. Established in
1899 in Detroit, Michigan. Men with
degrees in Liberal Arts or Business Ad-
ministration for Management Training.
Promotions to executive positions are
entirely from within their organization.
Graduate is placed in a store as Stock-
man for a short period. Successive steps
are taken to Jr. Assist. Manager, As-
sistant Manager, Sr. Assistant Manager,
and Manager, Superintendent, District
Manager, Buyers, Executive in the Ad-
ministrative Department which are by
promotion within.
The U.S. Information Agency, Wash-
ington, D.C. Location of Work-Ten
Weeks of Orientation in Washington
and then Overseas. The purpose of the
information in brief is to submit
evidence to peoples of other nations by'
means of communication techniques
that the objectives and policies of the
U.S. are in harmony with, and will
advance, their legitimate aspirations for
freedom, progress and peace. Please read
the following qualifications carefully.
Men & Women with MA or equivalent
(an undergraduate degree and two
years working experience may be sub-
stituted for MA. Experience in fields
include Journalism, Radio, TV, Public
Relations, Teaching, Motion Pictures,
Libraries and the Arts) in Area and
Language Study, International Rela-
tions, Political Science, Communica-
tions, Techniques and Journalism; Stu-
dents with useful proficiency in speak-
ing a foreign language will have prefer-
ence; Must meet rigid foreign service
physical requirements; Must be willing
to serve anywhere in the world; Be-
cause of the vital importance of per-
sonal contacts with people of all na-
tionalities, candidates must have the
desire and ability to make friends
easily, for Junior Officer Program. The
Agency maintains about 200 informa-
tion offices throughout the world,;
which are serviced by the headquarters
offices in Washington. The media used,
include radio, television, motion pic-
tures, press and publications, bookI
translation and library programs. The
Ager.:;- also cooperates with private
agencies, business firms, professional
groups, educational and cultural so-
cieties, non-profit organizations, and
individual private citizens in carrying
out its purposes. For people not quali-
fled but interested in U.S. Informa-
tion Agency-a panel discussion will be
held Tuesday, November 6, 1958, at 4
p.m. in the Frieze Building, Room 2528.
A representative from the Information
Agency wil be a guest on the panel
which will discuss the opportunities
for employment of language majors
and general liberal arts majors in their
respective fields.
Friday, November 7, 1958
Swift and Company, Chicago, Illinois.
Location of work-Units located in ev-
ery state of the union except Wyom-
ing. Producer of meat and meat prod-
ucts. Swift and Company operates 500
units of the following kinds: Meat
packing plants, Sales units, Dairy and
Poultry and Ice Cream plants, Agricul-
tural Chemical factories, Cottonseed
and Soybean mills, Feed mills, and
Vegetable oil refineries.
1. Men with degree in Economics and
Chemistry Minor for Sales-Adhesives.

2. Men with any degree with an inter-
est in figures for Administrative Train-
ee-Pork Dept.
3. Men with any degree and minor in
Chemistry for Gelatin Sales.
4. Men with any degree for Ice Cream
5. Men with MBA or PhD. or equiva-
lent for Market Analyst in Commercial
Research Department.
6. Men with any degree for Meat Sales.
7. Men with degree in Liberal Arts or
Bus. Ad. for Oil Mill Trainee.
8. Men with any degree for Salesman--
mathematics, for Standards.
9.Men with BA in any field, accurate in
Statistics for Data Processing Division.
10. Men with degree in Mathematics or
Prefer MS. Some of the positions state
that one must be willing to relocate.
Most positions contain on-the-job train-
ing with some class work preceding the
training. Complete information on these
positions is available here in the office.
Detroit Civil Service Commission, De-
troit, Mich. Location of Work: Detroit,
Mich. 1) Men and women with degree
in Economics, Sociology or Statistics
and courses in the other two for Junior
Social Economist. Under supervision,
to assist in the more elementary tech-
nical phases of social and economics
research to gather, tabulate and cor-
relate social and economic data. 2) Men
with degree in Physical Education for
Junior Recreation Instructor. Under
supervision, to organize and direct rec-
reational activities by assisting or tem-
porarily substituting for a recreation
instructor at a large playfield, play
center, or school gymnasium. 3) Men
or women with degree in Physical Edu-
cation for a. Junior Recreation Instruc-
tor b. Recreation Instructor. 4) Men
with degree in Accounting or Business
Administration for Junior Accountant.
Under supervision to assist in the more
elementary technical phases of ac-
counting work as practiced in an of-
fice dealing primarily in large scale
accounting or budgeting. 5) Men or
women with degree in Social Sciences,
Public Administration, Psychology,
Mathematics, or Statistics or Business
Administration for Technical Aid. Un-
der supervision, as part of a training
and orientation period, to perform rou-
tine tasks incident to the administra-
tive activity to which assigned.

- * *
.. .


For the Best Buy
See Letters A-Z
Student Directory



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Group of beautiful wool suits,
tweeds and knit fabrics, boxy fit-
te dstyles, Walking suits and cos-
tume suits.
2 groups of dresses of every kind
(for day and evening wear - - -
were originally $17.95 to $29.95.
$10 and $14.98

Month-End Clearance of
-all Suits, Costume Dresses,
Hats and Sportswear.
Group of wool suits, boxy and
fitted styles, also rayon and acetate
blends. Group of costume dresses
with jackets, better dresses, wool
jerseys, crepes, rayons, acetates,
satin for day and evening wear.
Bridesmaid's and informal wedding
dresses. Sizes 7-15, 10-44, 121/2-
241/2, tall 10-20.
25 and $29.95
At $3.98 and $5
2 groups of hats, girdles, long bras,
costume and zircon set rings, rhine-
stone necklaces and bracelets.
Nylon hose reg. $1.19 and $1.35.
Also Rhinestone Jewelry.
INOW $1.00

-te new
white nylon
tissue tricot
that's cooler t
and more
opaque than any
nylon you've
worn '-ii now.
slip with floral-
embroidered net overlay
flounce and bod ic trim; 32 to
40, short and regular. 6.95
matching half slip; short and
regular sizes s,m,l. 4.95

Skinner white satin, with pointed toes,
unbreakable heels, life-time lifts. Tinted
to match your newest formal or cocktail
dress. Any color*, high or little heels.
* Small Charge

At Our
1111 South Univ.
Group of Jackets, better
skirts, slacks .
Group of Skirts and
Sweaters ..,







:. ' ff ' x

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