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October 29, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-29

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"Don't Throw Bouquets at Me...

Ghemichigall Dail
Sixt}y-Ninth Year

4fl@D UpWnaa Are Free
Trth WIDl Prevail

Puccini Film Lacks
Careful Technique
'Two LOVES HAD I." the movie currently playing at the Campus
theater, is a cinematized biography of the Italian operatic composer.
Giacomo Puccini. Neither actively offensive entirely nor tasteless. It is
nevertheless one of the most trivial and mediocre foreign films that
has come to Ann Arbor in a good long while.
Romantic dramatization is apparently a selective process. more a
matter of emphasis than of accuracy. Those things which are selected
from a man's actual life to go into his screen life are always only those
which seem to add as much as possible to the particular effect the
writer or producer is attempting to achieve. Whoever produced "Two
Loves" appears to have been infatuated with the romantic aspects of

Editorials printed in The Michigaw Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Football Gambling Disclosure

Only a Small Part...
SOMEWHERE, sometime, it was bound to
Football parley betting cards, while not ex-
actly a dime a dozen, are available on prob-
ably every large campus in the country and
also in a good number of offices and factories.
Indications are that the ring discovered in
Ann Arbor was backed by a national syndicate
operating through Detroit and Chicago and
that only a last minute leak prevented police
from getting at least some of the "big boys."
As Vice-President for Student Affairs James
Lewis put it, those who did get caught, seven
University students, were "errand boys for
professional gamblers."
THE WHOLE MESE has a certain historical
sound to it. Two students were convicted
in 1951 for selling football betting cards.
And going back a few more years, some of
the attitudes involved are reminiscent of the
Prohibition era. Just as there were people who
saw nothing wrong with drinking, there are
those who see nothing wrong with betting
money on football games. This apparently
holds true on college campuses, including this
.e, as well as in offices and factories.
Of all those who participate in betting, seven
have been named and will be under trial and
these seven, as the nation knows, happen to
be University students.
It can be argued that this is unfair and that
the University's reputation is being besmirched.
This may be true, especially in that these stu-
dents are only a fraction of those on campus,
or involved in gambling and at least one of
them participated to a very minor degree.
However, a law remains a law and in the
legal mind this fact rises above personal at-
titudes, whether towards gambling in Michigan
or segregation in Little Rock.
ET THIS ONLY serves to underscore the
context of the recent "discovery" that
people on this campus spend money betting
on football. For at least during a few months
of the year "king football" reigns supreme.
The huge amounts of money won and lost bet-
ting on the outcome of games is a cold hard
cash illustration of its popularity.
But there is not necessarily a positive cor-
relation between popularity and virtue.
In football there is a matter of proportion.
It seems only obvious that the emphasis on
football and the outcome of college games,
whether money is riding on it or not, has as-
umed far too large a position in the public
mind when compared to a college or univer-
sity's fundamental purpose of education and
T E ACT that people even really care, let
alone bet, about the outcome of games
arouses valid questions about what institutions
of higher education, are doing on football
teams. The gambling, and the disclosure of a
ring on this campus emphasizes the validity of
the questions, for the money made by national
betting syndicates of professional gamblers and
their "errand boys" is merely a dollars and
cents indication of the importance attached to
This of course makes little difference to
those who are that interested in football, which
Again points out that the willingness of seven
students to participate in handling betting
cards is only an indication of an attitude that
is national.
However, just as universities are measured
accurately, by criteria other than winning foot-
ball teams, this University is properly evalu.-
ated by activities of those other than seven
students who are being charged with involve-
ment in a gambling ring. The fact that this
University can and will withstand the spot-
light of temporarily unfavorable publicity
about something reflecting national attitudes,
Is to its credit.
Editorial Director

* .. Hurts 'U' Reputation
T E CRIMINAL act committed by the seven
University students who are being arraigned
today for taking part in the football parley
card ring is insignificant compared to the
damage that they have done to the reputation
of Michigan.
The University has always prided itself on
being above the majority of the institutions of
higher education throughout the country. In
the area of academics Michigan has estab-
lished a reputation as one of the best in the
nation, and in athletics the Wolverines have
always been "the champions of the West."
However, the fact that seven Michigan stu-
dents have their names tied in with a national
gambling syndicate in every headline and every
radio newscast throughout the state, and prob-
ably the nation, within the next 24 hours will
reach far morepeople and in a much more im-
pressive manner than all of the athletic and
academic traditions of the University.
More important yet is the fact that three
of these students hold important positions in
student affairs. Two are well known athletes-
one a captain of a team - and the third is
a senior member of The Daily staff. This fact
will more than double the public appeal of a
story that will blacken Michigan's name on a
nation-wide level.
IT MATTERS little that the offense they are
charged with is not immoral in any sense. It
Is simply illegal. Many students on the Michi-
gan campus have taken part, not for the il-
licit gains involved, but more from a "fun"
aspect. However, once the students names are
booked on the police records and printed in
the nation's newspapers this is forgotten. They
are now criminals, and the University's repu-
tation is hurt.
Throughout all of the years of Michigan ath-
letic tradition, there has never been any type
of scandal involving an 'M' man. Since such
problems have often faced other institutions,
this has been a great selling point for the
University athletic department. The fact that
Michigan athletes are gentlemen who have al-
ways gone on to earn themselves a good name
after graduation has been proudly proclaimed
by Athletic Director H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler and
all of the other athletic heads.
Crisler's statement yesterday following the
announcement that two athletes were involved
in the scandal reads: "The University of Mich-
igan expects its athletes to remain above all
suspicion, necessarily maltaining even higher
standards of conduct than expected of students
APPARENTLY this was never pointed out
to these students that they had a particular
duty to the name of Michigan. When a student
takes on an important role in athletics or ac-
tivities on the campus of any university he is
accepting the responsibility of upholding the
reputation of that institution. Obviously these
students have failed in this responsibility to
Certainly It isn't "fair" that these students,
although they have done nothing morally
wrong, should bring disgrace to Michigan. How-.
ever, the act has been committed, the students
have been caught, and the United States is
reading and hearing about the "wrongs" of
the University, Somewhere along the line
someone should have thought about the even-
tual consequences of what they were doing.
The only consolation, if there is any, is that
the actions of these seven students will not be
remembered quite as long as the many favor-
able traditions of Michigan. Nevertheless, as
they are batted around the country for the next
few weeks the injury to Michigan will be im-
measurable. It certainly is a shame that the
names of these seven will rate higher publicity
in the nation's newspapers and radio newscasts
than Willie Heston, Bennie Oosterbaan, Tom
Harmon or Ron Kramer ever did.
Sports Editor

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. By John Weicher

The Dilution of Education

< .

THE AVERAGE level of formal
education is going up in this
country, as probably anyone who
has ever stopped to think about it
is aware. People are going to col-
lege now who never would have
enrolled twenty or thirty years
ago; another generation back,
they perhaps would not have gone
to high school. If there is any
merit to extrapolation, it may be
possible to say that the same sort
of people will be going to gradu-
ate school in a few more years.
Looked at in this way, the in-
crease in formal education is a
good thing. More people are able
to get a college education who
could not afford it or were just
below the admissions standards a
few years ago. Thus, the United
States citizenry is better educated,
better able to fulfill its obligations
and responsibilities.
HOWEVER, the same phenom-
enon can be looked at from an-
other standpoint. A century back,
the high schools were a highly
exclusive place, on the order of
the prep schools (which they
largely were) of the present. Only
those with a great deal of money
or intelligence could get in.
Then, more recently, the high
schools were more democratic,
both intellectually and economi-
cally. Anyone who could stay in
academically could c o n t i n u e
through high school without cost.
College was the stumbling block;
the colleges remained expensive,
interested in an intellectual elite.

Now, as more and more people
want to go on to college, greater
pressure for more colleges builds
up. Specifically, more junior or
community colleges are called for,
with the last two years of college
reserved for such institutions as
the University, which are known
for their academic standards.
. . .,
possible to see the development as
one of lowering standards pro-
gressively along the line. There is
a school of thoughlt that holds a
master's degree at present indi-
cates a degree of intellectual at-
tainment similar to that repre-
sented by a bachelor's ten years
ago. Harvard University has spok-
en of declining standards in the
public high schools, with the re-
sult that it takes a larger per-
centage of its entering class each
year from private schools.
A Carnegie Foundation study
has indicated a developing short-
age of college teachers as more
students enroll. It thus suggests
using more teachers without doc-
torates, and expanding the gradu-
ate schools to prepare more teach-
What the consequences of this
ould be is problematical, but it
is at least possible that it would
result in a lowering of college
teaching standards. One mark of
a faculty's attainment, however
inaccurate it sometimes is, is the
number of professors holding
It would be dangerous and per-

haps accomplish nothing to extra-
polate this development. But the
Carnegie study would seem to in-
dicate that the level of education
will continue to decline in the fu-
ture, a fact which is alarming in
THUS THE trend of the last
few decades may be seen as a
shift in emphasis from education
in depth for a few to a broad edu-
cation for many, (and education
in depth for a few over a longer
period of time). This offers a
number of interesting sidelights,
such as the growth of driver train-
ing and home economics classes in
high schools, and the gulf be-
tween European and American
educational practices. But the
central concern becomes simply,j
which is preferable?
It is, of course, altogether like-
ly that neither approach - more
people are getting educated or
educational standards are being
lowered - is completely correct.
There is probably some truth in
both. More people certainly are
better educated than were fifty or
one hundred years ago, while
Harvard and the Council for Ba-
sic Education assert that stand-
ards are gradually being lowered.
There are advantages both to
high standards and "-a better-
educated populace-perhaps some
kind of compromise must be
made. But it will be a comprom-
ise; as knowledge is spreading, it
is being diluted.

Puccini's life; consequently, as
much schmaltz as possible is
squeezed out of the facts and on
to the screen. The resulting story
is sirupy, and uneven,
" e .
"Two Loves Had I" claim that Puc-
cini's operas were "born out of a
passion that haunted him." While
this may or may not be historically
accurate, for the purposes of the
movie it is true; for an hour and
a half, the audience is treated to
an alternation between scenes
from the composer's works and
scenes from the composer's love
life, Nothing but thelatter seems
to have affected the man, and
nothing else is shown which might
possibly have influenced his work.
This sort of plot, unless care-
fully handled, (as it is not) holds
little suspense or dramatic interest
for the viewer. No attention is
given to identification of the par-
ticular talents which distinguished
Puccini from the rest of his con-
temporary composers.
* * *
THE CARELESS vagueness of
"Two Loves Had I" might be justi-
fiable if plot had been subordi-
nated throughout the movie to
quality reproduction of Puccini's
music. Unfortunately, even this is
not true. The scenes from "Manon
Lescaut," "La Boheme," and "Tu-
randot" that appear were filmed
at La Scala and although the
singing is by all appearances very
competent, the sound is poorly
reproduced: it is scratchy, muted
and uneven.
Technically, in fact, this movie
is bad all the way through. The
background music - orchestrated
Puccini, of course-is too loud and
not always particularly appropri-
ate to the scenes which it ac-
companies. The construction of
the film, itself, is rough, almost
amateurish. The picture is jumpy
and awkward transitions seem to
indicate that whatever cutting has
been done has been hurried and
-Jean Willoughby
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily asumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 319 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents Meeting: Fri., Nov. 14, 195.
Conmunications forrconsideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Tues., Nov. 4.
The next "Flu Shot" clinic for stu-
dents, staff and employees will be held
in Room -5 (basement) of the Health
Service Thurs., Oct. 30, only, Hours are
800-11:30 a.m and 1:00-430 p.m. Pro-
ceed directly to basement, fill out
form, pay fee 411.0) and receive in-
ection. It is recommended that each
person receive two injections approxi-
mately 2-3 weeks apart. This clinic will
be open for both first and second shots,
The next Polio Shot clinic for stu-
dents will be held n the same rooms
Thurs., Nov. 20. The hours and pro-
cedures (except for the number of
shots) are the same as above for flu.
Roosevelt Lecture Date Changed. Mrs.
Eleanor Roosevelt will speak in Hill
Auditorium Nov. 13 instead of tonight
as originally announced. Patrons hold-
in, tickets dated Oct. 29 are advised
that they will be honored on Nov. 18.
The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarshi
amounting to 1150.22 (interest on the
endowment fund is available to single
women who are wholly or partially self-
supporting and who do not live in Uni-
versity residence halls or sorority
houses. Single girls with better than

average scholarship and need will be
considered. Application blanks obtain-
able from the Alumnae Council Office,
Mfichvin League should be filed by
No vember 17, 1958.
Joint Meeting, Council Room, 7:30
p.m. Agenda, Student Government
Council, Oct. 29, 1958.
Milnutes -previous meeting,
Officer reports: President - letters:
Exec. Vice-President; Admin. Vice-Pres-
ident: Treasurer.
International Coordinating Commit-
tee report.
Public Relations: Survey results,
speakers' Bureau.
nducation and Student Welfare -
announ:C~eent expanion.
National and International - WUS
Student Activities Committee - date
iange, IHC-Assemby Show, A Ball,
SOC HerySteele Cotnmag er.
Electon - announcement of candi-
m. bers and ConrStiuenm? tune


ONE OF the most sumptuous
lyings-in-state in the history
of Michigan was terminated last
Sunday with the closing of the
thirteenth annual Michigan
Crafts Show at the Detroit Insti-
tute of Art. Moribund royal bodies
are seldom exhibited as finely or
with more attention to dramatic
affect. The recent craft show was,
however, so completely lacking in
drama and content that the ef-
fort and concern of itshwake
seemed even less rewarding or
meaningful than that held for a
more conventional corpse.
The show consisted mainly of
ceramics, with a small collection
of silver jewelry and utensils of
greater or lesser utility, some sev-
eral lengths of Jaded fabric, a few
rugs (which were the one lively
element in the collection), and an
undistinguished clutter of mosaic,
wood and glass objects. All this
was displayed in a setting of som-
ber elegance which at first de-
ceived one into believing that
what was on view was really
worth looking at.
*« .
pieces was by far the largest and
most disappointing part of the
show. Not one of the pieces was
really bad, most were excellent, all
evidenced great skill and techni-
cal know-how. Not one of them,
however, displayed vigor, original-
ity, creativity, individuality or ad-
venture. In concert they added up
to sober, virtuous boredom.
Two general influences were
evident: the Cranbrook and the
Oriental. While both these tradi-
tions are noble ones in the ab-
stract, it is easy to miss their
meanings while reproducing their
characteristics. This, combined
with a fatal in-breeding of ideas,
has resulted in sterility and, even
worse, a complacency and stolid
satisfaction with the safe, the
obvious. The natural and invi.
table accompaniment of such de.
generation has been a resort to
technique and the precious. There
is nothing wrong with technical
virtuosity; indeed, in many areas
and artists, it should be encour-
aged. It is not, however, sufficient
in itself to produce anything more
than a dextrous manipulation of
PRECIOUSNESS is a dangerous
element in any art and often
passes for sophistication. Prime
examples of the precious are the
Cellini salt and other such pom-
pous and exquisite nonsense of
the late Renaissance, Watteau's
lovely vaporings, Marie Antoin-
ette's farm with its silver milk
pails and marble stalls, Oscar
Wilde's posturings and epigrams;
exquisite, often, but unhealthy,
without vigor or guts, Many of
the ceramic pieces fall, unfortu-
tiately into this category, They
are brilliant manipulations, exhi-
bitions of technique without any
other function or purpose. While
such displays are inclined to be
both boring and offensive in any
area, they affront one particular-
ly when applied to objects or
forms that are usually highly
functional and utilitarian: bottles
that cannot be poured, bowls
that are too heavy and clumsy to
be moved, objects that are be-
come inhuman by exaggerated
size or weight.
It is the pious hope that this
recent laying open of fatuity and
sterility will be a shock sufficient
to revive and reinvigorate the
craftsmen of Michigan.
-David Gullaume




Reviews, Music Evoke Complaint

A actic of Failure

Associated Press News Analyst
rHE LATEST Russian tack on nuclear testing
only serves to reemphasize that the country's
rhole approach to the subject has been political
,ommunist political-rather than scientific or
For several years she has sought to play on
he worldwide fear of fallout from the tests, and
) the political fears of the smaller nonatomic
She has tried to couple nuclear testing with
ier constant allegations that it is the Western
owers which are making preparations for war,
reparations which she must meet in self-
Russia set the stage for a new act in this farce
ast March 31 by announcing that she, for one,
rould stop polluting the atmosphere.
This led the Allies, against the better judg-
nent of their military experts and some of their
est scientists, to start preparations looking to-

no-testing agreement could be checked against
A political meeting to put the program into
effect was arranged to begin next Friday in
Britain and the United States began rushing
tests on research which was already under way.
Russia, under circumstances suggesting that
the number of tests mean something to her
politically, resumed testing on the grounds that
she had to match the West.
At the same time she adopted the attitude
that, instead of a year's trial ban as suggested
by the Allies, there must first be a complete
ban, with talk about international supervision
to follow.
She suggested that the United Nations take
over the negotiations.
N OW, ON THE EVE of the Geneva meeting,
she has reiterated her stand.
This is the same attitude she has taken all

To the Editor:
W E FELT that the review in the
October 22nd Daily of Sir
John Gielgud's performance of
"The Ages of Man" was sloppy.
completely inadequate, and worst
of all, condescending in the most
ignorant sort of way. Can't we
have an honest review by someone
who has really felt and compre-
hended this man's tremendous
dramatic power. his genius for
vivid interpretation, his extreme-
ly sensitive p r e s e n t a t i o n of
Shakespeare's immense intellect
and comprehensive soul?
--Nancy Jones
-Brenda Porter
To the Editor:
for J. Philip Benkard's review
of the Boston Symphony in which
he termed the concert "unexcit-
ing," "not dramatic." not stirring
and not well programed. I should
like to ask if Mr. Benkard was at
the concert at all, and if so,
In the first place, he has stated
that the Haffner Symphony was
not "brushed with brooding intro-
spection." According to Mozart,

it with richness and feeling. Those
"blatant trumpet noises" which
were, according to Mr. Benkard,
"of little musical effect" were per-
haps the most exciting notes in
the symphony, demonstrating the
intentionally violent character of
the finale which was predicted by
the staccato trumpets in the first
The "heavy-handedness" in the
dane-like movement in Beetho-
ven's Pastoral was obviously the
coming of the storm which had
set a brooding atmosphere on the
country dance. If the beautiful
harmonies, interplay of themes,
and shifts in mood of this sym-
phony are not exciting enough for
your critic, perhaps the movies
would be more to his taste,
Finally, I personally object to
Mr. Benkard's criticism of Charles
Munch. I was seated in a position
where I could see all of his sensi-
tive facial expressions as he felt
every note in every score. Hurling
himself into fury over the storm
scene in Pastoral and fairly danc-
ing in the Haffner, he expressed
with every movement a perfect
interpretation of the music which
he was conducting.
If "one left Hill Auditorium last
night quietly rested, almost asleep
. never stirred" I should strong-

ing their hi-fi speaker on a win-
dow and blasting rock-and-roll
noise into the street.
Take warning, children. I have
heard rumors among the many
irate apartment-dwellers across
the street of buying a B-B gun
and aiming it at a certain hi-fi
speaker . . .
-Bettie Seeman, '39M
'Sport-Whys' . . .
To the Editor:
AM addressing this to you so
that it will be given some recog-
nition and not just crumpled up
and thrown away by the party in
After reading Al Jones' "Sport-
Whys" in the Sunday (26th) Daily
I am assuming that he did not
see the game. His articles have
been rather "out of it" (for lack
of a better term) most of the time,
but this one was just too much.
To state all ofuthebad spots in
his article would take a letter
longer than I care to write now
(about the length of his article, as
there were few - if any - goodj
points init . However, one exam-
ple of this is the opening para-
graph-"It wasn't an impressive
victory, in fact it wasn't even an
impressive game." No, it wasn't an


For Ladies

Gentlemen, or rather Messieurs,
we warn you, the ladies have just
about had it. Last year you took
away their bosoms, waists and
hips and dressed them in sacks.
You put belts where the Lord put
something larger and trapezes
where none should be.
But this year we feel you may
have gone too far. The waistline
is landing roughly six inches
higher than when stabilized two
years ago: and the massive collar
and shoulder lines could encom-
pass a Notre Dame halfback,
padding and all. The skirts are
short. Such, at least, the word


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