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October 29, 1958 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-29

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'U' Men's Glee Club Activities Start

Hillel Group

Junior Girls Begin Work on Spring Play

wT s I V tW -MW W - -W-- RMw '- - m- : la-lq "w - T =- --.

Combined voices of the Uni-1
versity and Indiana University
Men's Glee Clubs will be heard at
7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Nov. 15 in Hill
Commemorating the 100th an-
niversary of the University Glee
Club, alumni Russell Christopher,
Robert McGrath, Dan Pressley
and Joseph Savirino will be fea-
tured as guest soloists.
Christopher received his Bache-
lors and Masters degrees in mu-
sic from the University. He sang I
in many operas on campus, and
was noted for his performances
while in music school. McGrath,
graduate of 1954, served as presi-
dent of the Glee Club as well as
president of the music school.
While stationed at an army post
in Germany, he organized a quar-
tet which won the top prize over
the whole European Theater of
Operations. He is presently a tenor
soloist in one of the cathedrals in
New York City.
The "Singing Hoosier," under
the direction of George F. Krueg-
er, will appear in a concert here
for the second time with the Uni-
versity Glee Club. Also appearing
on stage will be the "Hoosier
Queens," and the Indiana Univer-
sity Male Quartet.
Prof. Philip A. Duey of the mu-
sic school will direct the Univer-
sity Glee Club. This will be the
seventh combined concert that
they have presented since the
first of such concerts during the
football season in 1952.
Block tickets are on sale at 3519
Administration Building only un-
til Friday.
To Sponsor
how Friday
The Art Committee and the
Special Events Committee of the
League are going to put on a Hal-
loween show at Dunbar Center
Friday afternoon, Suzanne Moag,
'61, said yesterday.
Dunbar Center, Miss Moag, who
ls chairman of the Special Events
Committee, explained, is a com-
munity center where children go
after school to play.
The show will consist of a skit,
which is mostly dancing and sing-
ing, games for the children and
refreshments. It will begin at 3:30
p.m. and last for a couple of hours,
she said.
The Special Events Committee,
which is only two years old, is
made up of 47 freshmen women.
Their purpose is to do things for
which there are no other commit-
tees, Miss Moag explained.
At Thanksgiving, they will put
on a show at the Children's hos-
pital, she added, and at Christmas
they will go to the Ypsilanti State
Hospital and also serve as host-
esses for a tea at the Veterans'
Greek Week
Meet Tonight
A mass meeting for those inter-
ested in petitioning for the Greek
Week Central Committee will be
held at 7:30 pm. tomorrow in Rm.
' 3511 of the Student Activities
Building, according to Michael
Sklar, '60, and Joyce Bushong,
'60, general co-chairman of Greek
"This year the Interfraternity
Council is working in close co-
operation with Pan Hellenic Asso-
ciation," Sklar said. Greek Week

will be sponsored by these two
Positions available are: financial
chairman, secretary, booklet co-
chairmen, publicity co-chairmen,
tickets co-chairmen, IFC Sing co-
chairmen, and special events co-
Co-sponsorship of the activities,
to be held the week of May 16, will
mean a division of the responsi-
bilities, with both groups providing
personnel to organize the events,
Sklar added.
Nursing Students
Vote for Officers
The officers of the freshman
nursing class were elected Mon-
day evening, Barbara Couch,
'60SN. announced.
Molly Marshall is the new pres-
ident: Delores Gustavson, vice-
president; Beverly Bierman, treas-
urer and Janice Fiorello, secre-
Social co-chairmen are Kath-
leen Adams and Joan Carley;
publications chairman, Helen
Holmes; student-faculty represen-
tatives, Susan Van Hoeve and
Cynthia Strom: and publicity
chairman, Susan Malis.
I - - -I

To Present
New members of the University T r s n
Glee Club have been announced
by Prof. Philip A. Duey, director o eti fion
of the club.
First tenors are William Cole.
Grad.; Guy Dlnolfo, '62; Lewis The 11th annual Hillelzapoppin
Elzey. '62E: Paul Heins. '61E: show will be presented at 8 p.m.
Robert Jones, '59: Robert McAl- Saturday, Nov. 8 at the Ann Arbor
len, '62E: Robert Riedel, '62 and High School Auditorium, Terry
Bruce Rottschafer, Grad. Levitetz. '60, publicity co-chair-
Included in the second tenor man, said.
section ar e Daniel Bairr, '61; Rich-
and M u nrde 11 Gard.: Robert Free round-trip transportation
Paulus '61: David Randolf, '62 will be provided by buses leaving
and John Warren, '62F.'from the league at 7:30 p.m.
Baritonesare John Applin, '61; Tickets will go on sale tomorrow
William Brown, '61E: Terry Da- on the Diagat.the LUion and in
vidson, '60: James Frazier, '62SM% the Fishbowl.
and George Sparrow .'60, The campus-wide show Hspon-
New basses are Robert Bumph- sored by the B'nai B'rith Hillel
erey, '62A&D; Wayne Cooke, Foundation, will feature a series
Grad, BAd.: Gordon Elicker, '62E: of six original skits written and
Ted Pendleton. '59SM: Art Plax- acted by an independent group,
ton, '61; Gerry Reed, '60E; Bowen fraternities and sororities.
Schumacher, '62. The groups participating in this
year's contest, for which a travel-
j ing trophy will be awarded, are
Fc edulesAlpha Epsilon Phi, Delta Phi Ep-
silon, Sigma Delta Tau. Phi Epsi-
-Meeting lon Pi and Tau Delta Phi.
IxPoceds from the show will be


appear in two combined concerts with Indiana University at 7:15
and 9:15 p.m. Nov. 15 in Hill Auditorium. To celebrate its 100th
year on campus, Glee Club alumni will be featured as guest soloists.
Block tickets are now on sale until Friday at Rm. 3519 Administra-
tion Building.
Varsity Night To Feature
Song, Comedy, Band Music
The University Bands, sponsor- 1
__~~~ d. .. ~trill intrn dn th t d t l~~r

To Explain Plans
There will be a mass tryout
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm.
G of the Michigan Union for all
fraternity members and pledges
interested in working on the In-
terfraternity Council. according to
James Moss.'60E, personnel chair-
man of IFC.
"At this meeting, we will ex-
plain the program and activities
of the Interftaternity Council,"
Moss said.
Women's Hours

ing Varsity Night at 8:30 p.m.r 1kk1i i .kLr .auce e sIuen
Friday in Hill Auditorium, have performers and the Marching Correction Made
added another entertainer to their Band. The band will play as ac-
annual program. companiment to Jacoby, in "Car- The Union-League Calendar
Eddie Gagnier, professional jug- nival Variations" and "Trumpeter's mistakenly announced that Sat-
gler, comedy actor and unicycle Lullaby." urday will be a 1:30 a.m. late per-
artist will appear on the auditor- The German Band and Choir, mission night for women, Rosalie
ium stage. composed primarily of students in Rue, '59, public relations commit-
Featured in the program is Don music school, will play selections tee chairman of the League, an-
Jacoby. trumpet virtuoso. Jacoby directed by John Christie, Grad. nounced.
began his professional career in Student acts include an imper- All student-sponsored activities
New York when he was nine years sonation of Victor Borge, songs scheduled for Saturday must close
old, and has appeared as soloist from "South Pacific" and "Around by midnight and women must re-
and guest artist with many sym- the World" and a monologue from turn to their housing units by the
phony bands and dance bands all "Teahouse of the August Moon." usual closing hour of 12:30 a.m.,
over the country. The C-Farers, a male quartet she said. Women who fail to re-
Masters of Ceremonies John from the music school, will sing turn by this time will be issued
Schubeck, '57, and Robert Trost, "Blue Moon" and Sh-Boom." i late minutes, she emphasized.
Group ivs Rose to Pais

donated to the United Jewish Ap-
peal Fund, Miss Levitetz said. The
goal of this year's show is $2',000.
The central committee for the
show includes Linda Meyerson, '60,
and Allan Nachman, '60, co-chair-
men; Miss Levitetz and Dale Tei-
telbaum, '60, co-chairmen of pub-
licity and Hershey Binder, '61L,
program chairman.
Miriam Barcl , '60, and Robert
Seidemann, '59, are ticket chair-
men and Hal Randelman, '60, will
be in charge of productions. Sce-
nario and transportation will be
arranged by Samuel Rotenberg,
Also included in the central
committee are Al Beidon, '62,
treasurer and Barbara Nagler, '62,
Group Plans
Labor Debate
The annual Young Democrats-
Young Republicans debate will be
held tomorrow night.
The debate will take place at
7:30 p.m. in the Terrace Room of
the Michigan Union. The topic of
the debate will be "Labor and the
Political Process."
Under the rules being used, a
vote will be taken from the audi-
ence at the conclusion of the
debate to determine which side
presented the most convincing ar-


-Daily-Gary McIlvain
PRESENT ROSE-Gina Bachauer, noted pianist, was given a single red rose by members of Sigma
Alpha Iota just prior to her concert at Hill Auditorium Monday evening. Miss Bachauer was made
an honorary member of the professional music fraternity for women at Syracuse University. A red
rose, the fraternity flower, is traditionally given all members before a recital or concert.


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