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October 25, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-25

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Sixt y-Ninth Year

Fellows. This Is Fun. By The Wav, Who Are
The Rest Of The Boys?"

"KWaeD UUpir,;na Are Free
Trutb Will Preval:

Report Shows Need
For Legislative Support
ily Staff Writer
THE PRINCIPAL BENEFIT of the Russell Report is its denmonstra-
tion that state-supported colleges and universities do need more
legislative support, Prof. Algo D. Henderson, director of the University's
Center for the Study of Higher Education, said yesterday.
"The Russell Report is forthright in saying that state schools need
larger legislative appropriations." the professor of higher education
said. He observed that the state legislators appeared to have suspected
state schools of crying "wolf" in regard to their need for more money.

Editorials printed in The Michgan Daily express the indiwidual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

WilliaIs, Bavell Swing
While State Hangs

FIGURES DON-T LIE, but who can guarantee
the honesty of those who figure ... espe-
cially during an election campaign.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, on the trail of his
sixth consecutive term, and challenger Paul
Bagwell, in quest of an upset, have spent most
of the fall on the ropes of the state's economic
The most recent encounter came Thursday
night when the pair squared away in a televi-
sion studio. After the half hour debate ended
and the camera's eye turned to other things,
Gov. Williams accused Bagwell of using false
statements during the debate on Michigan's job
situation and Bagwell declared the governor
as "splitting hairs."
UNDERLYING the dispute is the state's eco-
nomic mess ...,a mounting deficit and an

inadequate tax structure. In the meantime, Re-
publicans charge that the governor, with his
various statements and proposals for new taxes,
has created an "unfavorable business climate"
and industry is shunning the state. The variety.
of figures conveniently offered by either side.
concern how many firms have left, how many
new ones have entered, and who is to blame for
the state's financial mess.
Missing, however, seems to be a real concern
for the state itself. Both sides are so busy
swinging at each other that they've neglected
to do any searching for solutions. Perhaps that's
too much to expect during an election year, but
just once, it would be refreshing. It might shock
the voters so much that they'd even pay atten-
tion to the election.
* Editorial Director

Industry and Gifts

T HEFORD Foundation grant of $569,850
designated for specific University research
projects comes at a most appropriate time.
This recent trend of industry's increased in-
terest in the activities of higher education is
somewhat compensating for the University's
deficit. In the past legislative appropriations
have not been sufficient to finance the ma-
jority of the research projects which the Uni-
versity faculty wants to undertake. The Ford
Foundation grant is, at leastdasbeginning to-
ward fulfillment of these studies.
Each of the studies which the gift helps
Is concerned with areas of public welfare -
low incomes, youth problems, and problems
of the aged. Policies adopted from the con-
clusions of these projects may prove beneficial
to the State. It seems a shame that the Sta
cannot even provide funds in this area to serve.

its own interests as well as those of higher
THE THREE STUDIES are not particularly
concerns of industry, per se; but they are
concerns of the company executives in their
role of citizens. However, this doesn't justify
the necessity of industry to finance the projects.
Industry has its own problem with labor,
management and consumers . .. and the State
has its problem with pttlic welfare. In this
definition of areas, industry has no obligation
to solve welfare problems.
But since the large companies have shown
their interest by promoting funds to higher
educat'ion, the State, as well as the school, owe
them a sincere thanks.
The Ford Foundation grant initially helps
a problem . . . possibly the State will make
the problem only temporary.

Football, Reviews Draw Comment

is not somethin
that it must bea
process of educati
Unfortunately, e
and there can be e
which fosters the b
and violence aroun
harder to teach pe
teach them to tol
to children from t
without aid of a
through example.;
school, there is lit
do, because the hat
deep. Do people wh
believe that sudden
ing to their childre
taught for gener
alone is not enoug
ready shaped by t
end to segrega
bring an end to wa
quency. Education
world's ills. All tha

Education No Cure-All
have said that integration heaven on earth is Education. Education is the
ng that can be hurried, but 20th century's panacea, its magic formula, its
achieved slowly through a true religion,
on. 7n those civilizations which are called less
ducation works two ways, civilized than this one, shamans, medicine men
ducation of hate. It is this and conjurers flourish. "Where such men flour-
burning of crosses on lawns ish," the late anthropologist Clark Wissler
d the next corner. It is no once wrote, "they are called upon whenever the
eople to hate thani it is to course of events goes wrong, sickness. famine,
crate. Hate can be taught love, war, no matter what the nature of the
he moment they are born, trouble may be, and they always proceed in one
classroom but at home way: i.e., recite or demonstrate a formula of
By the time they get to some kind.. . Our great formula for bringing
te a formal education can about the realization of our leading ideals in
red is already ingrained too education."
to plead education as a cure
ly parents will stop teach- EDUCATION is very good and necessary, but
n the hatred that has been it is not an answer to every problem that has
ations? Formal education ever faced mankind. If one of its products is
gh to change attitudes al- the Salk vaccine, another is the atom bomb.
lie community. A college degree for every man on earth will
not decrease the tension over the vital oil of
hat education will bring an the Middle East. Education is needed if only
tion, as it will eventually because there are people who want to learn,
r, an end to juvenile delin- but it is not the final answer and it must be
is the cure for all the viewed in its proper perspective.
it is needed to bring about -JANE McCARTfIY

Tarn isled . .
To the Editor:
JN JUNE of this year I ended
eight years on the Michigan
campus as a student in the Lit.
and Medical Schools. In that
period of time I learned to re-
spect and be proud of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. In what travel-
ing I have done since I began
school in Ann Arbor, I have al-
ways been proud to be able to say
that I went to Michigan. I've
maintained this pride through
many trying situations, including
Michigan's recent 55-24 loss to
Northwestern University.
However, when I picked up the
San Francisco Chronicle and saw
that Bennie Oosterbaan had been
hung in effigy on the Michigan
campus, that pride b e c a m e
smudged, if not permanently tar-
nished. The respect Michigan
commands here on the West Coast
and, in fact, all over the world,
was diminished greatly by this
Bennie Oosterbaan has been one
of football's winningest coaches
with far from the best talent
available. What is more import-
ant, he has done more for Michi-
gan athletics as a player and
coach than any other one man.
There isn't a more sincere man
in the world and it must have
hurt him a lot to have even a
small segment of the school he
loves do such an under-handed
thing. He has many friends
throughout this country, Michi-
gan people _and others, who were
shocked and upset by such a dis-
I realise this was probably the
work of only a few people, none
of whom could know the first
thing about football or Michigan
itself. I hope that the majority of
the Michigan campus maintains
its dignity and its respect for' a
man doing his very best at an
extremely difficult job.
-Tad Stanford
I' Wonten? . .
To the Editor:
WTHAT HAS happened to The
Michigan Daily and Michigan
students since I graduated in
1951? The Michigan Daily reports
on the deliberate give-away to
Northwestern last Saturday as if
Michigan had won. There is no
report of the poor playing and
coaching of the Michigan team.
If this happened in 1951, the
students would burn "Benny" in
reality not in effigy.
I realize that the enrollment of
girls has increased since 1951 but
I did not realize that the enroll-
ment of girls had increased to 100
per cent of the student body.
What Michigan needs is more
action from The Daily and the
student body.
Art Page. . .
To the Editor:
'OUR GENEROUS coverage of
the visual arts on the editorial
pale of last Runday's Daily helps
to keep a much-needed balance in
such matters, of a kind which has
sometimes been notably lacking in
Ann Arbor journalism Your very

out for special mention a few of
the dominant tendencies repre-
sented in this exhibition. He
might also, without going out too
far on a limb, have noted some
of the items he particularly liked
and have dropped a provocative
word or two indicating why he
liked them.
In any case, orchids to an edi-
torial director for whom the vis-
ible world exists, and for whom
it exists not merely in terms of
movies and plays and (we hope)
the dance, but also in terms of
painting and sculpture and
graphic art and the crafts.
-Jean Paul Slusser
ReviewI.C .
To the Editor:
"W E HOPE it is temporary" also
-Mr. J. Philip Benkard, that
is! Were you really there in Hill
Auditorium Saturday night, J.
Mozart's 41st may not be
"brushed with brooding introspec-
tion," but does a composer have
to be brooding to be good? The
"Haffner" Symphony is happy,
party music-and surely it needs
no further justification than that,
Why didn't you stay home and
play a funeral dirge on your hi-fi,
And to casually label an entire
concert as "unexciting"- a pro-
gram that contained a number
like Honegger's Fifth, is going too,
too far-even for a Daily review.
The grave, panoramic opening, the
blasting sustained trumpet notes
throughout, the swift tempestuous
finale, ending with an unexpected
quiet tone-all added up to a very
exciting and unusual effect.
How very gracious of the re-
viewer to admit that Beethoven's
Pastoral Symphony contained
"some lovely moments"-as indeed
it did. As well-known and often
played as it is, the number was a
joy to hear again by the Boston
I am sure that Charles Munch
w ill be able to overlook this the
ridiculous review in Sunday's Daily
very easily, but I could not. In a
university atmosphere, the critical
attitude is to be expected, and I
am not one to disapprove of it.
But The Michigan Daily's editorial
page has seen too many farcial
reviews in the past to be a laugh-
ing matter at this point.
-Jane Myers, '60, LSA
To the Editor:
UNNECESSARY confusion on
three aspects of the WUS
Bucket Drive resulted from the
incorrect presentation in The
Daily issues of October 15, 16 and
17, of: 11 The placement of the
buckets 2) The amount collected
in previous years; 3) The name of
the drive chairman.
To correct the misstatements:
11 A bucket was never intended
for the Frieze Building: 2 In
1956, from a two-day bucket drive
for WUS, $662.61 was collected.
In 1957 and 1958, $850.00 and
$652.75, respectively, were allocat-
ed from Campus Chest: 3) Judy
Judy is chairman of WUS, not
Carol Holland Miss Hollnnd is

401o rmty.
To the Editor:
AFTER READING the article on
non-conformity in the October
22 issue of The Daily, a perplexing
question comes to my mind. Isj
this "Bohemianism." (or indi-
vidual taste as it was phrased) or
is it actually conformity? It
seems to me that an amazing
number of "individuals" prefer'
blaek ls'eaters and dungarees to
the widely varied costumes of the
majority of campus co-eds.
Nonconformity, as I see it, doesI
not necessarily involve making a
spectacle of one's self in public,
nor does it involve copying the
mannerisms of other so-called ec-
centrics. Rather, it is something
that comes from within - some-
thing that involves one's own per-
sonal thoughts, sensitivities and
intellect, and is not visible
through dress or facial expression.
This ever enlarging group of
"non-conforming individuals"
seem to i esemble one another in
appearance, enjoy similar activi-
ties, and have common interests,
because "they like them."
I ask you, is this or is this not
-Diane Danches
C . . .
To the Editor:
l WOULD like to know one good
reason for supporting SGC?
Every time I read about it in The
Daily, the article mentions some
blunder that it has pulled. I never
have heard of it being praised by
the students. In fact many that I
have heard talking about it con-
sider it little more than a club
for a select few,
Undoubtedly SGC has done
something worthwhile, but if so,
when? Since it seems to be of no
apparent value, then why should
it continue? Furthermore., since
there seems to be a lack of in-
terest in the organization alto-
gether, it seems to me that it
would be far the wiser if we mere-
ly turned its responsibilities, if
any, over to the administration.
I realize that this leaves a few
people without a job to perform,
but it seems to me that with the
innumerable - organizations on
this campus, that somewhere,
they could find a position where
their services would have, at least,;
a little value! Anyway this group'
appears to have no real signifi-
cance, or if so, it does not know
how to use it properly.
-Kermit Krueger

The Russell Report clearly docu-
ments that this is not the case,
he said.
The recently-completed report
was the product of the Legislative
Study Committee on Higher Edu-
cation. The committee is com-
posed of five senators and five
representatives. A staff headed by
John Dale Russell, Chancellor of
the New Mexico Board of Educa-
tional Finance, prepared the bulky
13-volume report.
Prof. Henderson's major criti-
cism of the completed report was
what he termed "vacillation" on
several important study areas.
"Some of the biggest educational
problems in the State were left
dangling," Prof. Henderson said.
Chief among these was the Uni-
versity's role in State education.
He questioned whether there was
enough recognition in the report
of the University's role as a quali-
ty educational institution and one
of the nation's great universities.
Prof. Henderson pointed out the
University's role as the producer
of prospective college teachers in
the state. If teachers are not pro-
duced higher education will
deteriorate rapidly. A higher per-
centage of graduate students re-
quires more expensive instruction-
al and research facilities, he
The Russell Report at one point
"pays lip service" to the Univer-
sity's role in the state, Prof, Hen-
derson said. But at another point,
he said, the report calls the Uni-
versity's productivity in terms of
money spent per student educat-
ed lower than other state schools.
* * *
newspapers and legislators to in-
terpret the report as they wish,
Prof. Henderson said.
The Russell Report wavered on
other important educational ques-
tions, according to Prof. Hender-
The report no sooner recom-
mends a four-year college at
Grand Rapids than it recommends
that a commission should be set
up to study the problem, he said.
Needed in the report was a
more intensive study of present
or near future need for new col-
leges, Prof. Henderson said. How-
ever, he did agree with the need
for more facilities for upperclass
students and the need for state
action in some form in Grand
Because of the community col-
lege already in Grand Rapids,
Prof. Henderson suggested a new
college might provide only the
junior and senior years.
He criticized the Russell com-
mittee's recommendations on
community colleges for lack of
detail. The report should have
provided factual data which then
could be used as a basis for di-
viding the state into community
college districts.
e * ,
Russell's proposal for a central
state educational agency respon-
sible for the coordination and
state wide planning of higher ed-
ucation. While recognizing the
danger of creating a bureaucracy,
the need exists, he said and there
is "no suitable alternative" to the
plan. It would appear that cur-
rent efforts to provide planning
through ,voluntary cooperation
have not been too successful, Prof.
Henderson said. He cited rivalry
between the University and Michi-
gan State University in establish-
ing a branch at Grand Rapids as
an example of conflict which a
state board might iron out. Ques-
tions such as the establishment
of new community colleges or a
new university could be handled
better by a central board, he said.
Such a board might also be influ-
ential in recommending how
many advanced programs in vari-
ous specialties including nuclear

physics, musicology, and doctoral
programs in educational adminis-
tration are needed in the state, he
pointed out.

.Reds Gain
In Egypt
Associated Press Correspondent
EIRUT-In taking the Aswan
Dam loan from Moscow, Presi-
dent Nasser has made his biggest
step toward the Communist bloc
since his 1955 deal for Czecho-
slovak arms.
The 400 million ruble loan means
Nasser is depending on Soviet aid
for almost all the United Arab Re-
public's future economic develop-
He had already accepted Soviet
loans for industrial development
in both Syria and Egypt and for
the bulk of his modern arms from
Communist countries.
Egyptian and Syrian trade has
been increasingly steered toward
the Communist bloc. Soviet aid for
Aswan means Nasser is depending
on Soviet help for his most ambi-
tious plan to expand Egypt's agri-
cultural potential.
Accepting the Soviet loan repre
sents a change in Nasser's avowec
intention to build the dam witt
Egypt's own resources.
* * *
THE CHANGE In the Nasset
viewpoint undoubtedly 'is due to
deterioration of his relations With
the West,
When the British recently sup-
plied Israel with two submarines,
Nasser made it clear he was going
to give the West a new jolt,
His defense chief and vice presi-
dent, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim
Amer. then went to Prague and
Moscow while observers waited for
the blow to fall. The Moscow loan
announcement looks like the blow.
Nasser also was bitter at the
West for sending troops to Leb-
anon and Jordan in the past sum-
mer and blames the West for
Tunisian President Bourguiba's re-
cent open attacks on the Cairo
Acceptance of the loan indi-
cates Nasser has given up hope of
any serious reconciliation with the
West or any major cooperation in
the economic field.
After the Czech arms deal Nas-
ser preferred to get Western fi-
nancing for the high dam to bal-
ance the Russian influence on the
military side.
« , .
fell through, Nasser tried going it
alone, maintaining neutralty be-
tween West and East. Now it ap-
pears his neutrality no longer
exists in economic matters,
The Moscow announcement does
not necessarily mean the high
dam actually will be built.
The biggest cause of delay has
been not financing but the dif-
ficulty of reaching new agreements
with Sudan on the sharing of Nile
waters. The high dam reservoir
would inundate the Sudanese town
of Wadi Hafa and considerable
Sudanese territory.
Under international law, Egypt
cannot build the dam without
Sudan's consent. So far the Su-
danese have taken a dim vew of
the project. a
If Nasser tries building the dam
against Sudan's will, it will touch
off another major international
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-

sity ofR Michigan for which The
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The Old Russian Song

Associated Press News Analyst
NIK ITA KHRUSHCHEV has rejected the
American proposal for a United Nations
economic aid program in the Middle East.
This comes as no surprise. Thesurprise
would have been if he had agreed.
He sang his usual song about Western aid
programs being designed to place a yoke
around the necks of underdeveloped peoples.
That's the Red line of attributing their own
motives to others.
Actually, his statement does a little bit to
clear the atmosphere. Having tried to make
a United Nations project of it. the West is now
free to go ahead with some of the taint of so-
called imperialism removed.
Wbr idligau &ii.

It is interesting that Khrushchev's state-
ment, broad enough to cover all suggestions of
cooperation between East and West for world
improvement, came simultaneously with a new
Russian overture to Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia has been the best example of
how the Kremlin attempts to use its foreign
aid program for political enslavement.
During the post-Stalin courtship, Russia
promnisd Yugoslavia an industrial loan. The
two countries were to share the expense of a
development program.
-UGOSLAVIA spent money on preliminary
work, only to have Russia cut the water off
when Belgrade dissented from Soviet actions
in Hungary. Then work was resumed.
Yugoslavia reasserted her independence of
Soviet political control again last spring, and
the water was cut off agai. Red China abet-
ted the Soviet action by cutting off trade.
Now Russia is renewing her efforts to make
the Middle East believe that aid from her is
safer than from the West.
So an agreement for shipment of wheat to
Yugoslavia, held up since the Hungarian dis-
pute. is renewed.
The effort to rehabilitate Red motives in the
eyes of the world, however, is likely to fall
The Chinese Reds have blocked a trade
agreement with Japan over political differ-
ences, thus keeping alive a reminder of the
Red tactic.
And while the Arabs are not likely to worry
about Israel, others will i'emember how Rus-

Senimore Says . .


Editorial Staff
ditriali Director

City Editor

Associate Editor

LE CANTOR .,.Personnel Director
A.N WiILLOU[GHBY I'..,Associate Editorial Dreor
ATA JORO NSON Asociate City Edtor
LZABETHi ERSKiNE ,Associate Personnel Director
AN JONE .... , . Sports Editor
RL RISEMAN...,...........Assocate Sports Editor
COLEMAN .............. As ociate Sports Editor
IAN .......... . Chief Photographer
flusiness Staff


4 . f

I .
f '

Mr. James Wright wil gIe a read-
;1;, fromn hIs poemis ol Mon., Oct. 27,
4:00 p{m.. Aud. A. This reading is spon-
sored by the Dept. of English and all
interested persons are cordialy invited.
A cademic Notices
Medical College Admimion Test: Can-
didates taking the Medical College Ad-
mission Test on Oct. 28 are requested
to report to Rm. 140 us. Admin, at 8:O0
am. Tues.


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