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October 24, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-10-24

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Why £ie1digau &UBa
Sixty-Ninth Year

"Dear Si-: In Answer To Your Expression of Concern
Of A Couple of Weeks Ago --

iniOns Are Fre

is printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

CTOBER 24, 1958


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Ingredients for Bombings:
Ignorance and Insecurity

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x Fah -

PAGES O HISTORY often repeat the
story of man's insecurity and his methods
compensating for it.
At one time or another, witches, werewolves,
ental patients, Christians, Jews, Catholics,
groes have been the objects on which the
norant and unstable have projected their
irs. A feeling that they would be conquered
a horde different than they, led man to per-
iute his fellows.
According to William C. Menninger, promi-
nt psychiatrist, the reasons for the recent
Lt-semitic outbursts in the South can be
aced to the above factors. In this instance,
be insecure group" is composed of individuals
ho claim membership in or support various
tate" organizations.
Among the more well-known groups, the Ku
Lux Klan, Knights of White Camelia and the
iristian Anti-Jewish party, have been men-
ned prominently in bombings which rocked
;anta and Peoria, Ill. In the Atlanta dyna-
itlng, the culprit phoned the Associated Press
d cknowledged himself as a member of the
lonfederate Underground."
wNOIS OFFICIALS investigating the Peoria
Incident, however, disregard talk of an or-
n1ized plot, blaming the incident on crackpots
Spired by the Atlanta affair.
Five men have been indicted by a grand jury
r "willfully and maliciously injuring and de-
oying a house of worship with explosives."
n Vctlon under Georgia law would mean the
iath penalty for all five men
Evidence strongly points to the indicted--
ide on their homes found a great deal on anti-
mitic propaganda, along with a letter attrib-
in the blast's financial backing to an "angel"
Gated In Virginia or Maryland.
Mar's E"arth
jTHN A HISTORIAN of a few centuries
henc reviews man's first efforts to escape
om the confines of Earth, he will have at his
sposal the relevant facts and events to form
1 judgments. At this period of man's initial
trust Into space, he is at a loss for this his-
~ins perspective and the Insight into his
st He has no precedents for this venture; he
Ill probably ignore some factors that might
'ofoundly alter present plans for space con-
aest. ,
One such vital issue that has received only
using attention concerns contamination. After
ie United States launched its moon rocket,
Loneer I, early this month, a few astronomers
irned that any Earth-delivered object might
mtaminate the moon's surface if it landed
tere. Chemical impurities and microorganisms
'ld take root on the Moon and interfere with
itronomical observation. Authorities both in
e United States and Rusia assured these
:ientsts that all conceivable precautions were
eing taken to retain the purity of the satellites
,d rockets sent aloft (fears were allayed and
se matter was dismissed as a minor prelimi-
It is not science-fiction that within a few
ars or sooner, man will inspect the lunar
irf ace personally. Contamination, however,
ill still plague these voyages into space. It will
ot involve biochemical but political contami-
CUT THE ROPES that restrain man to
the surface of his planet is not equivalent
s cutting the ropes that restrain him politically
ad morally. The Little Rocks, Red Chinas and
ormosas will not pass into obscurity as man
oughs further into outer space. Moreover,
Ostilitles between Russia and the U.S. will
flume extraterrestial dimensions. A battle-
round on Venus or Jupiter may even be more
ilt ble than the battleground on Earth. Inevit-

Civic Theatre's 'Visit'
Not Quite Official
GORE VIDAL'S play "Visit to a Small Planet" is a sort of semi-
significant satire on society, full of sly digs at the twentieth-century
United States way of thinking about things like war and peace. arms
and the man, television and radio, marriage and Sunday dinner.
The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's performance of this play is a sort
of quasi-realization of what can be attained with careful attention to
Vidal's script.
In one short, concise paragraph, the play is all about the arrival
of an outer-dimensional visitor to Earth who is full of telepathic and
telekinetic tricks. Kreton. the time traveler, stirs up the lives of a

Leading Southern moderates also point to a
trend in bigoted thinking which was manifested
in the bombing. Ralph McGill. Editor of the
Atlanta Constitution said of the bombing: "This
is harvest of defiance of the courtsand the
encouragement of citizens to defy the law on
the part of many Southern politicians."
To the politicians who have failed to obey
Supreme Court rulings for over four years, the
Atlanta journalist leveled a point blank charge
of opening the way for all those who wish to
take the law into their own hands.
Thus, to the abundance of charges against
the segregationists. one more was added by a
liberal southerner. The charge called the bomb-
ings a sequel to the action in Arkansas and
FOR FOUR YEARS, legally constituted au-
thority has ignored its duty in many parts
of the South. A large majority of citizens in
more liberalized areas have watched and waited
for acceptable and soothing solution to a touchy
The first vestiges of this new area of dis-
crimination appeared strangely enough, outside
Little Rock Central High School in the fall of
1957. Anti-semitic language and literature pro-
vided a very slight undercurrent to the integra-
tion problem.
Fortunately, the undercurrent was presented
to the public on Sunday, Oct. 12. It provided a
repitition of an old maxim: "just as lawlessness
is indivisible, so is hatred-both are compli-
Both are also malignant forms which easily
undermine any governmental system.

j \
. . .

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mixed-up General, a TV news
commentator named Spelding,
and Spelding's family.
The character of Spelding has
great satirical possibilities, mostly
neglected here.
Spelding's wife is an ordinary
sort of wife, but his daughter has
better things in store for her;
namely Conrad Mayberry, a farm-
er-pacifist who, I suppose, is the
personification of the "message"
Vidal is using this play to get
As Kreton, Jack Rouse is some-
thing of a fop, with none of the
sinister overtones which the role
might well have used. But on the
whole, Rouse is the best-developed
character on the stage, and this is
most fortunate.
Ted Heusel, the mixed-up Gen-
eral, is pretty despondent. He is
not at all the blustering, pom-
pous General that he might per-
haps have been, but a really lost
soul of a General.
The two young lovers, Caroline
Arbogast and Erik Arnesen, are
mildly ridiculous. The parts are
not particularly meaty though,
but then neither is the play. It's
just a light affair, really.
According to reports received,
the Civic Theatre was forced to
advance this production by one
week because of programming
difficulties. This is something of
a pity because what the current
production lacks is mainly style
and timing; and this would most
likely have been corrected with
Generally viewed, this produc-
tion is not entirely satisfactory,
although it's good for an occa-
sional laugh. Rouse is certainly
the star, and Heusel, a bit less
morose, would be excellent sup-
port. The play is hardly earth-
shaking, but it is clever.
-David Kessel


THE 1936 FILM version of Max-
well Anderson's "Winterset" is
little more than a rather tedious
period piece. Adapted from the
verse play which won Anderson a
New York Drama Critic's Award
in 1935, the action of the film
is played out in the shadow of the
Brooklyn Bridge.
Mio Romagna, a vagrant Italian
youth, played by Burgess Mere-
dith, has wandered 3,000 miles
across the country driven by the
sole desire to clear the name of
his socialist father who had been
unjustly executed for murder 16
years before (shades of Sacco-
Vanzetti.) He naturally stumbles
upon the very slum where lives
the Esdras family - an old man,
his lovely daughter Miriamne,
and his son Garth, an original
witness to the murder. Since the
case had been recently reopened,
Trock, the real murderer, starts
prowling around the same neigh-
borhood intent on squelching any
new testimony.
The ending is only one example
of the film's distortion of the play
which ends with the death of
Miriamne. Most notably, the
movie totally lacks the play's sta-
tus as a poetic drama. In the play,
Anderson's verse, sometimes pre-
tentious and incongruous, coming
as it does from the lips of slum
denizens, often achieves power in
expressing the dignity of Esdras,
or the youthful bitterness of Mio.
However, the movie has re-
tained only the melodrama and
(and this is to its credit) the grim
\atmosphere of the thirties.
--Beverly Gingold


Visitor, Confusion Mark Meetin g

bound Nature

ably, the United States or Russia will claim
authority over the Moon, contingent on who
arrives there first.
To initiate a plan for international control
of the Moon would no doubt lie beyond the
power of several United Nations. [Universal
controls are rather immature at this stage of
the game.] Our conflicts and irrationalities will
find expression on each planet we inhabit. The
potentials of such contamination are beyond
any imagination.
In a recent column, Sydney J. Harris suggests
that mankind should forego efforts to conquer
the reaches of outer space until he conquers
the inner recesses of his mind. In other words,
we should solve the problems that plague us as
men rather than astronauts. The painful matter
is, we cannot curtail our satellite projects. Both
the United States and Russia are technologi-
cally mature and equipped to penetrate outer
space. All the elements are there; the subse-
quent events are inevitable. Political maneuvers
or moral exhortations cannot keep Cape Can-
averal silent for long.
NY FORESEEABLE solution to this dilemma
must rest in resolving the political, eco-
nomic and social conflicts already at hand. How
this is to be done, one hesitates to say. The
Security Council sessions and the Geneva
Conferences, at any rate, must operate within
the context of human survival. As mankind
exploits the frontiers of space, the question of
personal security becomes more acute. Old
problems will have to be solved to make way
for the solution of new problems being con-
stantly created.
In the last analysis, we cannot banish con-
tamination. New conflicts will arise to replace
old ones. Human struggles will be transferred
from one location to another, despite the dis-
tance. We are humans. Our nature is our con-
tamination, so to speak.

Vaily Staf Writer
SIR GEORGE Patton, Vice-
Chancellor {of Australia's Mel-
bourne University told Student
Government Council Wednesday
that student government is the
same the world over.
He illustrated this point by
reading a Daily editorial begin-
ning, "The direction taken by the
Student Government C o u n c 11
Board in Review last night, if fol-
lowed to its logical end, can only
lead to the death of SGC as a vital
campus and student organiza-
Then the Australian sat back
to hear the meeting, a meeting
which could also prove a contrib-
uting factor to the demise of SGC.
s *
ALTHOUGH Sir George left
during the midway recess, he was
in the audience at the low point,
a parliamentary tangle which
would have been unbelievable if
so many similar ones hadn't oc-
curred recently.
Considering the report from the
Credentials Committee point by
point, the Council reached the
paragraph calling for vote-dock-
ing in the case of elections rules
not meriting disqualification.
There was a wide difference of
opinion, some members favoring
the plan with a limit of 50 votes

as originally proposed, some
wanting a ceiling of 100, and some
wanting no limit to the number
of first place votes one could be
fined, some opposing the idea al-
It would have been possible to
separate consideration of the
whole plan from consideration of
a detail of it. But David Kessel
apparently wished to avoid con-
sideration of the plan, fearing its
defeat. Thus he maneuvered to
have the group choose between
the limits first.
The final vote proved this ma-
neuvering unnecessary, as the
penalty plan was passed with ease.
AS IF THE penalty-penalty
limit mixup weren't enough, with
amendments, and friendly amend-
ments to these amendments, there
was the additional confusion of
a clause which Richard Taub
rightly felt should first be con-
sidered, one which required SGC
to approve all elections of the cre-
dentials committee.
Getting this approval could be
very awkward he pointed out if
violations turned up during count
night and the committee wished
to levy a fine. This awkwardness
made the vote-penalty plan less
attractive than it would be with
no SGC approval required, he ar-
So Taub tried to delete the ap-

proval requirement at the same
time Kessel was trying to amend
the penalty limit.
Executive President Dan Belin,
who was chairing the meeting in
the absence of President Maynard
Goldman, tried to unknot the pro-
ceedings by having the amend-
ment on limits which was tabled,
come off the table immediately
before the vote,
He was diverted from this ac-
tion by the complaint of Union
President Barry Shapiro that an
amendment could not be tabled
without the motion to which it
pertained being tabled also. Sha-
piro later apologized for having
misunderstood Roberts' Rules of
Order on the subject of tabling
BUT THE DAMAGE was done,
and only by throwing out the
rules entirely could the Council
extricate themselves and adopt
the penalty plan.
And as Scott Chrysler pointed
out in members' time at the end
of the meeting, foolish meetings
like Wednesday's, marked by
questions and motions not care-
fully thought out, could conceiv-
ably tip the scale against SGC
when the Board in Review meets
again on Sigma Kappa.
Sir George says student govern-
ment is the same everywhere; one
hopes this is not the case.

'The Colonel' Clicks

ALTOUGH the German inva-
sion of France in 1940 has pro-
vided a great deal of shocking, ex-
citing, and romantic material to
authors and dramatists since the
end of World War II, the subject
has hardly been the occasion for
much humor. A refugee in flight
is more often pathetic or heroic
than he is comic, and the writer
who makes him appear the lat-
ter must be careful not to tread
on a great many very sensitive
Apparently the writer of "Me
and the Colonel." - "Jacobow-
sky and the Colonel," as it ap-
peared on Broadway - was care-
ful, and he consequently succeed-

Oosterbaan Draws Additional Support

China Question Remains

AsvocIated Press News Analyst
E COMMUNIQUE marking the close of the
Tulles-Chiang negotiations contains just
t as much real meat as such statements
Ily do-which is very little.
e Nationalists have agreed not to do what
haven't been doing. They aren't going to
on force for reconquest of the mainland.
s said that the United States will help
id Nationalist territory against attack. It
ta any idea of permanent Red control on
tionalist interpretation accompanying
ng's part of this statement reserves the
to act according to circumstances if politi-
iction should produce a real revolt among
communists on the mainland,

Nevertheless, it serves as some assurance to
other allies c( the Unted States that Chiang
will not precipitate a situation which might
drag the United States, and them, into war,
This was one of Dulles' chief objectives, As a
factual matter. Chiang has been under Ameri-
can-imposed wraps all the time.
If the Nationalists are right in their claim
that a mainland counter-revolution is brewing,
the statement may have a dampening effect,
The failure of the Hungarian rebels to get out-
side help in 1956 has dampened such tendencies
in the European satellites.
It is possible that the implacable stand of the
United States will help the reds at home.
People usually bridle against foreign opposition
to the home team, regardless of what they
may think of it,
The Reds have been Using it for propaganda
in their new peoples' mobilization campaign.
For public consumption, Chiang and Dulles

To the Editor:
IT IS WITH SHAME that I read
of the hanging of Bennie Oos-
terbaan in effigy. Those who did
it are new to Michigan and its
Oosterbaan has long ago proven
his ability as a coach. If he has
the material, he will have a great
team. If he doesn't he won't. This
year, because of injuries, he can't
turn out a championship team.
Michigan is in trouble, not be-
cause of Oosterbaan, but because
of the following: 1) Its high en-
trance requirements and academ-
ic standards; 2) Its inadequate
aid to athletes.
Michigan's athletes are the
smartest in the Big Ten because
no other Big Ten school has the
entrance requirements of Michi-
gan. Also any athlete who carries
his grades at Michigan has to be
a better than average student be-
cause the time given to a sport
and the mental distraction of it
are real burdens to a student.
That is why no student should
compete in athletics and be re-
quired to work at a job too.
Contrast Michigan's entrance
requirements with those of the
University of Illinois which allows
any person who holds a high
school graduation certificate to
enter. And at Northwestern two
years ago, a football playing high
school graduate was admitted who
had carried a "D" average
throughout high school. He was
turned down at Michigan. One of

has to be practically destitute be-
fore full aid is granted. For ex-
ample, a boy whose father earned
about $3,100.00 per year, and who
when all deductions, including
heavy medical bills for an ailing
wife, had but $2,200.00 for him-
self and wife and son, was refused
full aid. He wanted to go to Mich-
igan, but couldn't get the money
to add to the grant in aid. That
boy was granted full aid at a Uni-
versity out of the Big Ten.
Other schools in the Big Ten
are getting around the grant in
aid plan. Michigan is adhering
strictly to it and suffering for it.
Unless the alumni of Michigan
help scour the country for out-
standing athletes who can qualify
either for an academic scholar-
ship or for full aid, or who have
well-to-do parents, Michigan will
not get good athletes and will not
have championship teams.
Michigan is rapidly pricing it-
self out of the range of students
who come from families with or-
dinary incomes. That is a bad sign
because Michigan's greatness has
not come from people in the high
income bracket. It is also demand-
ing that each new student show
that he was an exceptional high
school student. That is also bad
because many persons who never
show up with good academic rec-
ords become great men in their
The University of Michigan has
a great heritage in the athletic
history of the United States. No

we have seen our teams defeated,
we have closed ranks and worked
to re-build our teams. It's time
to show the coaching staff and
the team that, win or lose, they
are our coaches and our team.
--Robert M. Crain, '34L
Poor Taste
To the Editor:
N THE LAST few days the in-
consistency of student opinion
has become alarmingly obvious.
The recent minority demonstra-
tion which has attracted so much
attention in the public press is,
we feel, in no way representative
of the majority of student opinion,
It appears to us to be in extremely
poor taste and unrepresentative
of the high standard of sports-
manship which has long been
characteristic of the University of
-"M" Club
.Rep . ..
To the Editor:
UNFORTUNATELY, the article
of October 12 quoting me on
Egypt has incurred the "anger."
"fury," and "disappointment"
with all its degrees of comparison,
of one of your readers in a let-
ter of October 16.
Your reader speaks of "imper-
ialism" of which mention of is
found in my article. When I spoke
of the refusal (of the West) to
co-operate with Egypt. I was

the truth than his analogy be-
tween Russia and Egypt. Stu-
dents of communism may still
agree that the conditions pervad-
ing in Russia before the Russian
Revolution and the dynamic or-
ganizational ability of Lenin made
the psychological acceptance of
socialism an actuality. Such con-
ditions do not exist in Egypt.
The statement that hatred is
being fanned in Egypt simply re-
flects a "failure" on the part of
your reader to understand cul-
tures which are different from
his native culture, the culture in
which he has been brought up.
American basic ideals have al-
ways been appreciated in our
country; but it is my deep belief
that at the root of most of the
misunderstandings between the
West and the Middle East lies
the approach - explicit or im-
plicit - on the part of the West-
ern nations to understand other
cultures only in terms of their
own. Western culture to the West
is the culture; but to the people
in the Middle East it is one of
the world cultures which may not
possess the basic characteristics
of their culture.
It might be relevant to state
here that the Egyptian students
in America are grateful to the fact
that they have been entrusted
with the unofficial mission of
introducing two world cultures to
each other. I always understood
that to live in a foreign country-
and especially in America - does

ed in producing a warm and de.
lightful script that is somewhat
deeper and richer than the ordi-
nary comedy, by virtue perhaps
of its setting in a period that was.
in itself, not really very funny.
The film is the story of Samuel
Jacobowsky, a timid Jewish refu-
gee from Warsaw and Berlin, who
expediently joins forces with a
preposterous Polish count and
with him attempts to escape from
Paris to the coast before the Nazi
occupation. The two men are so-
cially incompatible, yet the ten-
sions and conditions of escape,
break down the somewhat arti-
ficial barriers that exist between
them in polite society; the two
men end up both liking and de-
pending upon each other.
DANNY KAYE, as Jacobowsky,
proves himself to be as fine an
actor as he is a comedian. There
is no opportunity for mugging or
dancing in the movie; the man's
warmth and sensitivity stand on
their own, and appeal directly
and honestly to the audience.
His talents, along with those of
Curt Jurgens, are undoubtedly
responsible for the strange final
effect of the film, Somewhere,
about half way through the
movie, the story of 8. L. Jacobow-
sky began to seem more important
than that of the war. As long as
such men exist, someone seemed
to be saying, humor and human-
ity will reduce hatred and con-
flict to their proper place.
-Joani lloughby
The Daily Official Buetin ita
official publication of The Univer-
aity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
he sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Adminisltration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIIX, No. 33
General Notices
Late Permission: Women students
who attended the Lecture series pro-
gram at H11 Aud. on Tues. night, Oct.


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